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Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Ok then. So y'know, I'll probably use two kinds. Faint weak ones that will stop weaker area spells and stop people drawing energy properly. You should be able to pass and shoot through those with any personal energy you have left. And the stronger kind, they're easy to spot, I'll use to block real attacks. Anyone can walk straight through them, so watch out for that, but they'll knock the mana, or anima or whatever, right out of you if you do so." Grace explains. "Oh uh, also magic barriers are pinkish, and physical ones are yellow. Don't try walking through a yellow one unless I say it's ok. Heh." She adds with a small fleeting smile. Having said all she can think of right now, she simply looks to Siphon and waits for the charge.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon allowed the group to chatter amongst themselves, nodding at the barrier ideas. Then, suddenly, he smiled as something came to him.

"You know ... Succubi use magic true. It can be brutishly effective. However ... it's also volatile and a power source. Might be able to recharge off a few of them. That said, another thought comes to me. Grace, is there any chance you can convert your barriers to be reflective? As in toss back whatever magic spells they use back at them instead of them hitting us? Of course, they'll adapt to that and go to melee, but ... we stand a better chance in a brawl then a magic pissing contest."

He had moved slightly as he spoke, seeming to investigate something on the ground that looked like tracks.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Reflective? Uh, yeah I think I can tailor something like that in, if they're using the right kinda spells. Won't work on everything, but I can try it." She responds simply.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

A long pause before Siphon replied.

"Well, assuming they're like the succubi of mythology here, I imagine they would use weakening magics, perhaps some for of destructive blood magic. Of course, they may also very well simply be mindless animals that just all out attack with true demon magic. Regardless, I suspect their magic will consist mostly of damage spells, maybe the occasional magic projectile."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Just don't get too many ideas on how to feed off the succubi, hmm?" Sho elbows Siphon slightly, though there's no malice in her tone. "And they are succubi. If there's any magic they're going to do, if they're thinking like real succubi, they're probably going to charm people. More than likely the guys, but might work on us gals, too." She takes in a breath and lets it out slowly. "So, we ready to do this?"

Ian slips over and lays a hand on Grace's shoulder, giving it a little squeeze. "You'll do fine," he says quietly to her. "You watch our backs, we'll be watchin' yours. Don't worry." He puts his attention on Sho as she asks the question. "As Ah'll evah be, Ah suppose."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan shook his head. "I suppose you won't get any more enthusiasm from me right now..." He scratched his head, sending the enemy fortress a grim look. "That counts as ready, I guess." He wondered whether he should move in dark form, or save it for later. Nobody inside would probably expect him to have this kind of ability... So it was probably a good idea to save it. "I think I should start hating magic."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon glumly nodded, recalling something that had happened a long time ago to a close friend of his during that first war.

Another planet, hundreds of years ago. Let it die Siphon, you know what could happen this time, so do something about it.

Blinking ever so slightly, he nodded.

"Alright. Lets get this over with. Once we're inside, try to find a spot we can 'hide' in for a few minutes while we analyze where we're at. And magic itself isn't something to be afraid of, it's those who use it for dark purposes. However I will agree, there are some elements to magic that should never be touched. That said ... let's go."

When the group was ready and moving, Siphon would take the point on things, moving as stealthily as he could through enemy lines, using anything even in the terrain to mask their approach. In just a few minutes they had reached their goal, and gone under ground. Thankfully, none of the patrols seemed to notice them, although the area they found themselves in appeared to be a Succubus nest, currently devoid of all activity. It seemed their basement entry, with a few pillars for support to hide behind, was more than just a storage facility.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"I never said I'm afraid of it." Jonathan argued. His expression turned into a scowl that refused to leave. "I just get the feeling I'm going to really dislike it in the nearest future." Considering what was inside the fortress, it was a very likely prospect. The darkling quickly decided that he didn't like it. It didn't inspire confidence - in fact, he was convinced that any sane man would be fleeing the damn place as fast as possible. Why did he agree to go along with this plan?

He answered this question as he followed Siphon into the fortress, walking somewhere close to the end of the group. He went because he wanted to play a damn hero. Instead, he saw people die painful, brutal deaths while he was unable to do anything. In fact, he could join those poor bastards quite soon. Jonathan promised himself that if he got out of this alive, he'd never, ever do something this reckless again. Not without getting strong enough to kill multiple demons on his own, at least.

The darkling didn't pay much attention to the interior of the lair, too focused on his own musings. At that moment, he was trying to figure out why exactly he was going inside of the building instead of going insane with shock and terror, like a normal teenager. He had a nagging feeling that the answer was hidden somewhere inside of him, but he couldn't find it even if his life depended on it. Some part of him felt completely numb, as if a veil had been placed on his mind. It irritated him to no end, but at least it was a good distraction.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Great. Cave," Sho mutters just under her breath as they get inside, thankfully without incident. With any luck, this being a roosting place, it'll be spacious enough but any extended period of time beneath the ground and if they're not moving, it becomes obvious to those in the group that the girl does not like being enclosed like this. She's still mostly focused, but she fidgets, seems to be on rather high alert, and there's the constant stir of a breeze around her, evidenced in the ends of her coat and the tips of her hair.

Shuffled along in the middle of the pack, Ian's attention is more behind them than in front, keeping an eye on Grace and Ellisia, provided the original "marching order" is kept. He's grateful they get in without incident, but once they're in the nest, he gets a little antsy, studying the room to see just about how many of the things could be here and keeping an ear out, definitely not wanting them to come in. He didn't know if these succubi were different than traditional ones, but either way, it could be very, very bad if they showed up.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Falling in step, the others stick to the planed fomation, Ellisia watching over everyone and the suroundings from the back. Grace scurrying along just infront of her room mate, and Harrel sticking to the center of the group, mostly seeming to be watching his feet for any tripping roots as he moved, though one could imagine he was seeing more than just his eyes showed him.

Getting inside without incident, Ellisia immediately starts looking for the next appropriate heading, naturally looking for input from Harrel. Grace holds off on the barrier for now unless instructed otherwise, since there was no horde chasing them quite yet.

((Ps, Siphon, feel free to have Harrel point the group in the direction of their goal in your posts, or any other things like that. I can't really do it myself.))


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Emily remained just behind the three at the front as they entered the succubus nest, keeping herself quiet during their 'break in' and now while they were waiting for Siphons next move.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon slightly nodded his head to Jonathan.

"Fair enough."

Perhaps sensing Sho's uneasiness, Siphon gently laid a hand on her shoulder, just a reassuring touch. He was however scanning their surroundings, frowning slightly as he noticed the nests. He couldn't recall ever having seen something like this before, which made him wonder what in the hell this was all about.

Harrel's senses soon would detect a faint 'trail' from both their quarry and his victim. It seemed to lead somewhere in front of them, and then suddenly, sharply upwards. However, there didn't seem to be a stairwell in front of them. However, if anyone was capable of detecting energy in the air, there would be a sense of something in front of them, some form of energy that shot upwards into the unknown.

Siphon would also speak.

"You have anything Harrel? Distinct lack of blood, and with no prints to track by, this is a shot in the dark for me."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Yeah, I got something. Our villain passed through here. Think he had the kidnapee with him too. Except, it seems like they went straight through the ceiling there." The sixth sensed young man answers, peering at the ceiling ponderingly.

"No blood is a good thing." Grace adds. "So is there like a hidden way up there or something?"

((Thought of having Grace pointing out the other part, but I dunno if your talking magical energy or something else.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

((Yeah it'd be a form of magical energy. Sorry about that.))

Siphon nodded his head in reply to Grace.

"Yes, no blood is a VERY good thing in her case. Though if his was on the floor I wouldn't shed a tear. Has to be something here, unless the bloody bastard can levitate too ... I wonder ..."

He moved towards the spot Harrell had pointed out for a closer look.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Oh hey... actually, I can tell something's odd about that spot too. The energy there is all drawing in and rising up too. Mana, Anima or whatever. It's going up." Grace adds quickly before Siphon reached it.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon paused at the cusp of the point Grace had pointed out, an unreadable expression crossing his face.

"Hmm ... going up which means ... could be some form of energy elevator of sorts. Of course ... it could also be a trap. Damn ... would be faster than finding a stairwell though. I wonder if there's a way we could test this without risking a person..."

Another pause as he sighed.

"Alright, Harrell you said that the trail they left behind goes directly through this energy field leading up?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Slight as it is, Sho settles into Siphon's touch, grateful for the contact. It seems to put her a little more at ease, but she's still definitely on edge, especially, well, succubi nest... She chuckles a little. "Too bad Isabella isn't with is. She might be able to sketch us a decoy." Her lips twist into a slight, wry smile.

"Could always nab somethin' from outside," Ian offers. "Or somethin' lahge from around here and toss it in. Might draw some unwanted attention, though. Or announce ta whoevah's up there that we're comin'."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan had been fidgeting for a while. While others had been discussing the possibility of using a decoy, he had been thinking back to his behaviour earlier and the discussion that took place. It was probably a bad idea to get sidetracked like that, but he felt humiliated and frankly, he refused to accept that. Half-listening to the discussion, he came up with a solution for the decoy problem... One he didn't like. He had a feeling that others wouldn't like it too. But was there a better idea? The darkling doubted this. After a few rounds of internal conflict, he finally spoke up. "Actually... Might be a bad idea to go outside or touch these things. I could test that... It doesn't matter if I get cut or splattered. Unlike you guys, I don't bleed from such things."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Yup, right up there." Harrel replies, doing his best to point it out, certainly seeming to overlap the area Grace had indicated. As Jonathan speaks up to volunteer, Harrel turns his head with a small look of surprise at the bold offer, though says nothing. Grace however steps forward from behind the darkling, with an expression of concern, but quickly replaced with the determined look she'd had every time she'd talked about pushing further, along with a bit of appreciation. She snatches an item from the supply bag Ian was carrying, and putting her other hand on his shoulder proffers the item to Jonathan. A sausage roll. "This goes first. If the sausage seems ok, then you can chase after it. It it bursts into flames, you stay with us. Yeah?"


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan sighed. He had to admit he hoped that someone would speak up. The idea was a sound one, and he certainly didn't think of the possibility of burning. "Fine. Altough if I get my hands on it, I'm not giving it back." He certainly wouldn't mind some extra calories. "Not without a bite or two, at least." The darkling glanced towards the area pointed out by Harrel. "Anyway... How do we send it up? I don't suppose anybody here knows how to work with... Whatever the Hell we have here? Not that we really seem to have something..." He shrugged. One of these days, he'd get around to finding a way to sense whatever those guys were talking about. Maybe then he wouldn't feel stupid about not seeing things. Altough on second thought, seeing things didn't sound like such a good idea.