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Bondage Corner

Re: Bondage Corner

the easiest way is to simply substitute the old spring with a lighter one its odd but its the most straight-forward way I IS ENGINEER BOW TO MY OVERSIMPLIFIED DIFFICULT SOLUTIONS!!!!!:D
Re: Bondage Corner

So Patrick came over tonight. Tied me up in a simple shinju, tying my hands with it as well.

I highly recommend this.
Re: Bondage Corner

shinju's and Karadas are always more fun with a crotch-rope in my opinion:p
Re: Bondage Corner

Never tried a shinju with a crotch rope (or any other shinju for that matter), but I would imagine it might get in the way if you're going to escalate beyond just rope-play, anyone actually tried using a crotch-rope while having actual intercourse?
Re: Bondage Corner

Never tried a shinju with a crotch rope (or any other shinju for that matter), but I would imagine it might get in the way if you're going to escalate beyond just rope-play, anyone actually tried using a crotch-rope while having actual intercourse?

A lot of bondage, at least for me, is more on the psychological impact of being restrained rather than actual penetration. Besides, you braid that crotch rope, and it'll get you "excited."
Re: Bondage Corner

Never tried a shinju with a crotch rope (or any other shinju for that matter), but I would imagine it might get in the way if you're going to escalate beyond just rope-play, anyone actually tried using a crotch-rope while having actual intercourse?

Haven't tried it, but I'll suggest that to Patrick when I see him Thursday night.
Re: Bondage Corner

Hah, sorry, I missed the whole "tried using a crotch-rope while having actual intercourse?" part. Most of my bondage is self (not including tying someone else) so the crotch rope is a good way for stimulation. The nature of my relationships normally don't allow me to be the sub :(
Re: Bondage Corner

i have and unless you've got quality lube its not worth it unless your using very fine silk its a simple fact people 2 words in fact Rope Burns theres was blood i was happy and sad at the same time but according to the light of my life the clit stim was somethin else:p
Re: Bondage Corner

Glad I only got cuddles last night because of my tooth pain then.
Re: Bondage Corner

:( I can't think of too many things that hurt worse than a sore tooth...
Re: Bondage Corner

yeah, abscessed tooth x.x worst tooth pain there is.
Re: Bondage Corner

i can top it fell down a short cliff while i was hunting once and free fell about 14 feet after i woke up i had to reset both of my dislocated shoulders and one of my knees after id have to guess about 40 minutes of swelling and the only way to reset a shoulder if both are out is by trying to get your weight on the joint and press with your body im a tough guy and i screamed bloody murder for all three
Re: Bondage Corner

That sounds painful:eek:

Here I am, the master of understatement!
Re: Bondage Corner


In other news: I have meet a second person in this little bo-dunk town that is interested in bondage and wants me to teach her. Her and her girlfriend are coming over tomorrow evening for a session. I think I need to start charging! ^_^
Re: Bondage Corner

three girls practicing bondage, well that just leaves one question: will you all be baking cookies afterwards, man i love cookies.
Re: Bondage Corner

Don't let them overpower and rape you. I would hate to see you get kidnapped and used over and over again like that.

I mean, I'd probably like to see it, I just wouldn't want it to happen to you.
Re: Bondage Corner

im not gonna lie toxic the only thing i got from that statement was a whirlwind of mixed signals
Re: Bondage Corner

Well there's always those kidnap bondage stories, by the end, the person is somewhat corrupted, but the turn off is that I think down the line where the person will end up either being dead or brainwashed or kidnapped for life. I really don't like those at all and would hate to see that befall our poor gatorbait.

Everything leading up to that point though? That's just apples and biscuits my dear. :) (Thats not a real saying :()