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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((Probably about 10 blood packs, can't really remember what I said before. I was picturing a leather vest for the big biker since that's what most of the bigger bikers I know wear, this particular vest has a skull with crossed pistons behind it and Outlaws mc above it. If you want it to be a jacket though it that's no problem, plus it'll get your weakness out of the way for the night.))

Apparently the dog has changed it's mind about Ronny and has decided to follow Fletch around while he takes care of pouring the gas around in the house. Except for a little gore in the grass near the front door and beside the house there's nothing too unusual outside of the house since Ronny did his best to get the bodies inside. River does manage to find another gas can in a small shed beside the barn. Nothing much else of interest though as the Sabbat apparently weren't using the shed.

Claire finds nothing in most of the stalls though a few have some rather disgusting looking leftovers in them. Most of the projects apparently were already taken out as the only ones are the ones sitting out in the main room. The one that;s still moving is a little unnerving but it apparently isn't that good since it doesn't do anything but moan and occasionally scream. She does find a nice set of saddlebags for a motorcycle hanging up along the side of one of the stalls. Nothing much else of interest though except for the tools that the Tzimisce was using when she first came in.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Well... now if only I could find the bike," Claire smirks, pulling the saddlebags down from the wall, taking a peak inside to see if there's anything interesting. As she rummages through the bags the twisted experiment's screams and moans start to unnerve her.

Finally she turns and walks over to it, shaking her head as she looks at it. Pressing her shotgun against the experiment she fired, hoping to put the damn thing out of its misery.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((Well, it's probably too big. She was actually going to give it to Fletch, if it'd fit *laughs* But not with a "crest" on the back of it she won't. Still...Trophy. And "pistons" or "pistols"? I can see both and want to make sure.))

"I'll see what I can find," she tells the Gangrel, likely bumping into River on her circuit of the house. If she's got the gas can, she'll pass on Fletch's comment, otherwise, she'll take said can and hike it over to the barn. Regardless, the shotgun blast is going to startle her into hurrying over that way.

"Claire?" She stops in the doorway, letting her gaze sweep around. Her gun isn't exactly at the ready, taking in the situation first.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Standing before the thing she had just shot, saddlebags and sack full of heads at her feet, Claire simply turned her head.

"Just putting a damned thing out of its misery Izzy," she said quietly, before looking back at the experiment to make sure it was dead.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((Ah yeah it probably would be more Fletch's size than Izzy's and it is pistons, basically a skull and crossbones except the bones are motorcycle pistons.))

The saddlebags are empty except for a map, some papers, a small baggy of marijuana, and a spare set of clothes which judging from the size belonged to the biker Claire had taken down. River passed the can along to Izzy just as the gunshot rang out and she quickly disappeared from sight to go check things out, while Izzy took off to check on Claire in her own way.

The project which looked sort of like a half-finished trunk, albeit made from a very unusual material, stopped moaning as soon as Claire shot it, seemingly out of it's misery. However when Claire turned her head to explain to Izzy what was going on, the chest suddenly screamed and a hand shot out from it to grab Claire's leg with a pretty powerful grip. ((Powerful enough to keep you from breaking loose by brute strength, but it's not enough to cause any damage.))

Fletch has just enough gas to finish the house up when he hears the gunshot. The dog also perks up and whines a little at the blast almost as if it's afraid of getting hurt. Fletch notices that the dog has apparently been shot at least once earlier in the night, probably by Claire.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

For a moment, Fletch's vision starts to waver, and he could swear he could hear Alan scream somewhere behind him. "Oh no, you've been out long enough," Fletch grumbles. Instead he steps out on the porch and puts his fist up to the dog's nose, letting him sniff it. "Don't get any ideas now, I'm pretty sure you're the mutt that tried to eat my leg," he grumbles.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Oh for fuck sakes! Fuck off and die you ungrateful bastard or tell me something useful," Claire shouted angrily, jamming her shotgun against it again and firing, pumping and firing.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The dog just sits down and sniffs at Fletch's fist getting drool all over in the process. Looking up at Fletch's face with what almost looks like a big goofy smile he barks in a friendly sounding tone and bats at Fletch's fist with his paw.

The blast from Claire's shotgun separates the hand from the chest and after a few seconds it releases it's grip on Claire's leg. Another hand reaches out from the chest while it continues screaming but Claire manages to jump away from it just in time. As she backs away from it she notices that the screams die off for the most part and the more quiet moans come back.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Alright, fuck it. Let's burn that fucking thing. Right down to boiling little pustules," Claire snarls, grasping the saddle bags and tossing aside the pot and clothing, then nabbing her sack of heads.

"Come on Izzy, hold this," she says, thrusting the saddlebags at the other kindred and grabbing her by the arm and pulling her from the barn.

(Don't know when Cop will be back, she had more important issues at the moment, so just moving Izzy for her. Hope she don't mind)
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((That's fine. And hey...gas can. And thanks for the clarification, Ronny.))

Seems she's content with Claire's response, but definitely lets out another yelp as the...whatever the fuck that thing is grabs hold of Claire. Of course, once she's loose, she's got no problems letting Claire escort her out, slinging the bags over her shoulder as best she's able.

"Fletch finished with the house," she states. "Sent me here with this so we could get the whole thing. You want me to call him to finish this up or should we just splash the place with it and let the fire take its course?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Gas across the ground, across some of the walls, and that thing... its a barn, should go up easily enough. Give me the can and I'll do it. Just watch my heads," Claire said, setting her sack of trophy's down by Izzy's feet, and gently prying the gas can from her hands.

"Might need a lighter or something afterwords," she called back before heading into the barn to empty the contents of the can across the walls, and over the chest like experiment.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Heh." Fletch chuckles as he pulls his own paw back and wipes it off his overall. "Guess there's really no need for that since you've been made into a ghoul. Tell you what. How about we hit a gas station or some 24/7 store, get you some meat and work out a deal, hm?" As some more gun shots ring through the night, Fletch frowns and growls towards the barn. "First we find out why Claire's going on a shooting frenzy in there, though." He walks towards the second building, but sees Izzy standing there with a sack of... something. "Hey, what's going on in there?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The chest has completely quieted down now that no one else is in the barn, and the can holds just enough gas to take care of the barn. As Izzy's standing there she probably notices that Raven has disappeared from her side for once, of course it only seems odd because she so used to him being right beside her since she had become one of the kindred. The dog seems completely happy to follow Fletch around wherever he may go.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

She almost asks Claire if she means "Watch my back" but then she remembered what the other Kindred said before she left to come ransack the barn. "Uh, can do." She'll surrender the tank to the other woman.

And, of course, she doesn't expect him to follow her everywhere, especially not on mundane little things like these, but she'll still glance around to see if she can't see him. That likely enables her to spot Fletch and the dog as they come up. A sack of something and motorcycle saddlebags over her shoulder. And a leather vest tucked into the crook of her elbow that he might recognize, maybe.

"Claire's dousing the barn. How are we going to light this stuff up once we get it? Just going to toss a lit...something in and hope for the best or what? And you got a lighter on you, Fletch? Matches? I didn't smoke before. Never had them.

((Although, if biker boy had weed in his bag, stands to reason he might have a lighter, too? Maybe? Just thinking.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Tossing the can into the barn, Claire emerged and walked back up to Izzy and Fletch.

"Alright. Just need a torch, lighter, flare, basically anything that's going to set off the gas before the fumes go. Who's got what now, there's a trunk straight out of the Evil Dead that I want to put back into the Dead Dead That Don't Get Back Up... Ever," she said, clasping her hands and looking between the two.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Wasn't somebody going to make Molotovs? I could swear..." Fletch grumbles and shakes his head. "Fucking Malk. Either way, Don't have anything on me, either. Or do..." He pats down the pockets of his overall. "Nope."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"We were going to until our fearless leader decided they'd be a bad idea. How'd you start the house fire then?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch turns and takes a good look at the definitely not burning house before turning back. "I didn't." For a moment, he has to fight a grin. "Hey, if we can't set it on fire, at least they'll still have that stench in there for months."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"So the plan was to burn down the house and barn... how exactly?" Claire asked, then sighed and turned to head back into the barn to find two pieces of metal.

Should she find any, she moves back outside to strike them against one another, hoping to make a spark that will catch the fumes of the gasoline to set the barn ablaze.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Claire, we probaly don't want to be this close to the fire when it lights. What say we make a spark elsewhere and toss something in? Either that, or we can check the house." She pauses. "Or, if special effects are to be believed, I could always just shoot my pistol. Isn't that supposed to make things go boom, too?"