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Weird Dream Thread

Re: Weird Dream Thread

I think you been playing too much Warframe, Rule. Maybe swap to something less intense, like Payday the Heist or something ','

With that said, interesting (if odd) dream.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

If anyone here is a Buffy fan, I just had a dream last night where James Marsters made a surprise appearance at my birthday party. He appeared out of nowhere on my deck (I don't even have one, but who cares?), and we jumped right into this whole act where I played Buffy and he was Spike. He was all professing his bad boy love for me, but I was being all coy of course. At the end of that, he sang me a Billy Idol-esque rock ballad. We hugged, and all my friends were going wild cheering. Oddly enough, after all that was finished, we played some gambling game together involving whiskey and hummus.

Has to be one of my top 5 coolest dreams ever!
Re: Weird Dream Thread

I just woke up from a dream where I was in a forest where instead of trees there were giant sausages, instead of clouds there were floating pools of blood and the moon was a giant cheese.

In the dream there was a demon child that wanted to kill me, but for some reason I had a magnum in my hand so I just shot him in the face until it's health bar depleted and then he exploded in a mountain sweet rolls. I don't even like sweet rolls, but at that moment I just wanted to eat so I ate all of them, but then I got tired of all of that shit and went to sleep. Then I woke up.

Christ, this was the weirdest dream I've had yet.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Sounds like someone's been watching invader zim...
Re: Weird Dream Thread

I just woke up from a dream where someone in my group of friends liked to write poems and songs about our semi-mundane exploits. He'd give them to me to be read or sung.

About halfway through the song, I realized I was reading gibberish, which in turn made me realize that I was having a dream. I had HEARD that people generally can't read in dreams, but I'd never seen evidence until this morning.

And having realized that it was a dream, I woke up.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Which is unusual, because I *can* read in my dreams. Or at least I think I can. It might be instances of that...y'know the thing that floats around with the whole "1F U C4N R34D 7H15" thing? Maybe my brain's just doing that *laughs*
Re: Weird Dream Thread

I had a dream last week where the Loony Toons crossed with Nightmare on Elm Street, namely Bugs Bunny outfitting Freddy Kruegar.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

A few weeks back I had a dream I was a Jedi/Sith? We'll say I was a force-user, and I was VERY good at mind-tricks.

I was trying to infiltrate a group of Sith (definitely evil) women and in order to do so they ran me through some rigorous tests to see if I was one of them. These test involved thinks like killing helpless people etc, and I managed to fake my whole way through it without committing to horrible of crimes against humanity.

It was all worth it, since the initiation ritual was a big, nasty orgy with a bunch of hot Sith humans and humanoid aliens. There was one point where I was alternating pounding a red Twi'lek and a Nabooin (like, Natalee Portman hot) sith, and I poured them both full.

Anyway, I proceeded to mind-dominate them one by one, until the Mistress of the Sith Temple, a Chiss bitch named Kriella, figured out what I was doing and we had to fight.

Let's just say, I gave her lightsaber blade vaginal penetration to end it, and ruled my new domain, hot sith sluts and all.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Dredging this up because last night's dream fucked me up.

I was getting married. The ceremony was at a huge, ancient church and was, in all regards, very non-traditional. I wore a dark grey suit with a red shirt, and so did most of the male guests. The surviving members of Motörhead were there, and I apparently knew them very well. "What a shame Lemmy couldn't be here," one of them said, looking exactly like Lemmy because I don't know how any other member of Motörhead look like. I gave him a sad smile and a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. Most of the dream was preamble like that, but all throughout there was this feeling of wrongness, of a fleeting sadness that only I could detect.
I don't recognize my dream wife now, but in my dream I knew her very well. She was absolutely beautiful - caramel skin, gorgeous face. I knew she usually had dark hair, but she dyed it blond for the occasion. She and her sister (just as hot, but don't tell me dream wife I said that) wore glittering blue dresses. My heart melted as she came down the aisle.
I think my dream actually skipped the ceremony in a hazy montage, but I very clearly remember the aftermath. As we left the church, we entered a huge garden with many trees, their leaves the golden yellow of fall and slowly tumbling in the wind. I turned towards my wife, and I guess she could see the sadness in my eyes because she hugged me, and I still remember what she whispered softly.

"We both know that crushes don't last." It hit me like a ton of bricks, the missing piece of the puzzle falling into place. Choking back tears, I answered. "But really, what is love but a series of crushes on the same person? When I saw you coming down that aisle... I fell in love with you all over again." We were both crying then, golden leaves raining down around us.

I cried because I loved her. She cried because she didn't love me.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

That's moving... Very moving, makes me think of love and tragedies :(

The most similar I've had was one from years ago, but on a happier note of being with an ideal person I cared deeply about. The only dream I've remembered vividly for months after, although all I can recall now, is the feeling of complete contentment and happiness. One day I hope to be with someone and feel that same way, of being with your soul mate...

Cheers to all the couples, hope your lives are blissful and sweet
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Dredging this up because last night's dream fucked me up.

I was getting married. The ceremony was at a huge, ancient church and was, in all regards, very non-traditional. I wore a dark grey suit with a red shirt, and so did most of the male guests. The surviving members of Motörhead were there, and I apparently knew them very well. "What a shame Lemmy couldn't be here," one of them said, looking exactly like Lemmy because I don't know how any other member of Motörhead look like. I gave him a sad smile and a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. Most of the dream was preamble like that, but all throughout there was this feeling of wrongness, of a fleeting sadness that only I could detect.
I don't recognize my dream wife now, but in my dream I knew her very well. She was absolutely beautiful - caramel skin, gorgeous face. I knew she usually had dark hair, but she dyed it blond for the occasion. She and her sister (just as hot, but don't tell me dream wife I said that) wore glittering blue dresses. My heart melted as she came down the aisle.
I think my dream actually skipped the ceremony in a hazy montage, but I very clearly remember the aftermath. As we left the church, we entered a huge garden with many trees, their leaves the golden yellow of fall and slowly tumbling in the wind. I turned towards my wife, and I guess she could see the sadness in my eyes because she hugged me, and I still remember what she whispered softly.

"We both know that crushes don't last." It hit me like a ton of bricks, the missing piece of the puzzle falling into place. Choking back tears, I answered. "But really, what is love but a series of crushes on the same person? When I saw you coming down that aisle... I fell in love with you all over again." We were both crying then, golden leaves raining down around us.

I cried because I loved her. She cried because she didn't love me.

Hey, at least everyone didn't end up bloody pulp as I had been expecting them to! I've suffered from night-terrors since I was a child, though thankfully I no longer remember them when I wake, not to make light of your experience.

On a less me-centered note, I think alot of people are mistaken in their concept of love and that a relationship just *has* it or doesn't. A loving relationship is something you build with another person, it requires work and maintenance.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Apologies for necro-posting, but I tend to have some really strange dreams, so why not share a few? xD

The latest one I can remember is I was running from Negan, and it seems I was Hurl (from the Jagged Alliance series). At the end I managed to get the knife and cut him instead, but he was like, "Surprise! I don't bleed!" And, yeah, his neck was like cutting through rubber. Weird. :confused:

Earlier in the dream I remember an Alexandrian getting shot/wounded and Eugene tried to get them and drag them to safety, but Negan got mad and was stabbing the Alexandrian repeatedly, even getting Eugene with a few stabs.

I don't know why but it seems I'm always dreaming about The Walking Dead and/or a zombie apocalypse of some kind. :p

And when it's not a zombie apocalypse.. it's some other apocalypse.

I think it would be fun to get one of those REM devices that let your brain know when you're dreaming, so you can control the dream. Has anyone tried anything like that? I've tried to control my dreams in the past but it's usually short lived and it's quite rare that I have any lucid dreams.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

I think the theory was you have to keep trying, and gradually you'll be in control of them. So keep at it, non-zombie dreams are only a concerted effort away! :D

Also, maybe try watching some comedies/romance maybe, or slice of life types. That is, if you don't enjoy your current ones ;)
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Lucid dreaming is a thing, surprisingly easy to learn at that.
Turns out the hard part is staying in control and remembering the dream afterwards.

Dream topics mostly depend on consistent experiences you have while awake, with a fair bit of random thrown in. You can guide your (Non-lucid) dreams by taking an active interest in your waking life and doing things you enjoy, thinking about plans, actually making these plans, and so on. Just really wanting a specific topic also works if you try hard enough.

If nothing else, videogames actually help- If you can consistently find games you enjoy and spend time on, you're going to eventually have dreams in their setting. Only if you truly care and are interested in them though
Re: Weird Dream Thread

I had this weirdest dream, that this became president and the america became cesspool of idiocy. Well more than usual.

Re: Weird Dream Thread

That Trump dream post seems like it belongs in the political thread, unless of course you actually had that dream. :p

As for non-zombie stuff, I also watch Grey's Anatomy, and recently watched the entire Life Unexpected series. I mean, Grey's has been on for YEARS and I've seen them all. You'd think I would occasionally have a dream about doctors or something. I guess I'm more into the zombie apocalypse stuff though, since I also play Project Zomboid.

One of my apocalypse dreams was like a mix between Contra and Aliens, and I'm not really into those much these days (namely because any Alien movie after Aliens is poop).
Aliens was one of my favorite childhood movies though. :D
Re: Weird Dream Thread

I hate school. That shits many years away for me now but I still dream of it. Dream I'm in school, my brain is like 'hah, suck it, already finished this.. oh crap I'm gonna be late to work!' Aaand then I wake up annoyed at my brain.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

School dreams are one of the easiest to get lucid in though

Because you just need to connect "I'm not in school anymore" to "Must be dreaming if I am in school"
Once you have that, you'll know you're dreaming if you're in class
Re: Weird Dream Thread

School dreams are one of the easiest to get lucid in though

Because you just need to connect "I'm not in school anymore" to "Must be dreaming if I am in school"
Once you have that, you'll know you're dreaming if you're in class

My brain just goes through the logic 'Ok can't be in school anymore, where should I be then? Crap!'

Ironically, for me, nightmares are the easiest. I'm being chased by something horrible? Bring it, mwahaha!