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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek let out a deep sigh as he leveled the gun at the body of it's former owner, firing the strange weapon. Once the body was finally gone, he turned onto the device itself, his fingers quickly finding the notches on it. Fingertips pressing into the spots, the ghoul raised the gun to his face and spoke the passcode, "Crevak Nebrhen". The phrase felt weird, but somehow he managed to pronounce it clearly. Once that was done, he immediately ran like Hell, tossing the soon-to-explode weapon away as he did his best to move as quickly as physically possible. He was kinda curious what was about to happen, but knew better than to stop and check. He valued his skin higher than this particular bit of knowledge.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

As he ran, the ghoul could feel a charge building in the air. Then, suddenly a discharge of energy behind him that made surprisingly very little noise washed over the area, sending him stumbling away.

When it died down, if he looked back he would see that everything in the chamber he'd vacated had been vaporized, leaving nothing but the rock walls, roofing and cold hard ground. Everything else was just gone, like it had never existed.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

((Not really sure there's anything for Alec to do/say, he's just waiting on Henry to administer the antidote.))

"Welcome to Jurassic Park..."

Abby looks around at the various rooms and the creatures contained within them.

"So... why 'shoe'?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek stared at the empty room for a bit before shaking his head, picking himself up. The shockwave was hardly pleasant, but not very dangerous either. Deciding to leave the matter entirely behind him, he set out towards the power yard where he was supposed to meet Ashley. Now that the evidence was gone, all he had to do was focus on his next task. The thought of Cabal operating so close to one of Sanctuary's important facilities was enough to set him on edge. After everything he went through, he was close to murderous fury, holding it back only by focusing it into a driving force. Hell would freeze over before he left even one of those bastards alive on his turf.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

In short order, Henry had extracted the proper amount of antidote and injected it into Melissa, stepping back quietly after he did.

"She'll probably sleep for a bit, most people do with this stuff. Then again, I really didn't expect her to wake up prior. Credit to how tough she is."

About then the medical lab door opened, and when Alec looked up all he could think of was that the must be a mountain or something nearby, because the new occupant was a rather large Yeti. To add to his surprise, said Yeti paused when he saw them around the woman, and then in a quiet tone, he spoke.

"Am I ... interrupting at a bad time?"

Miranda seemed slightly puzzled by the Jurassic Park reference, as if she didn't know what it meant, but seemed to shrug it off quickly. She paused before replying to Abby.

"Actually, I'm not sure why Helen named it that. I always assumed it was because the area is shaped like a big horseshoe, but I may be wrong."

It wouldn't take Przemek long to be nearing his intended destination, however as he closed in he noticed a few things out of place. For one, Ashley's motor-bike was tilted to one side on the ground, something she'd never done that he could remember. She loved that bike and always took care of it, so to see it like that on the ground instead of properly parked up was not a good sign. Then there was the matter the ground, mostly dirt, looked like it had seen a small scuffle not long ago.

The real kicker though was when he rounded the corner, senses likely working overtime by now. There, on the ground was a small amount of blood, the scent from it telling him it was Ashley's. The most insane part of it though wasn't that there was no prone body, but rather the lack of a body, and the very unmistakable sight of the kind of clothing she would wear laying on the ground, torn apart. A closer inspection revealed that said clothing also had her scent all over it, which meant ....

Taking a moment to process, he would suddenly realize this meant someone, or something had attacked her, probably catching her off guard, which he knew was damn hard to manage. Whatever had attacked her had drawn some blood, but more importantly it seemed to have stripped her of all her clothing, and then taken her somewhere. Which meant she likely was in very real danger.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

At this point, Przemek really wanted nothing more but to be pointed towards the nearest target so he could let himself go feral and start killing. Ghouls were not team players by any stretch of imagination, but sometimes they learned how to work in a pack if the situation called for it - in other words, if things were FUBAR. A sapient ghoul was slightly easier to convince, and while he usually didn't stick around in anyone's company or tried to socialize much, he had a basic, instinctual understanding of loyalty and what it meant. Of course, considering what kind of abnormal he was, loyalty basically translated to not killing "packmates" when they wanted their share of the meat they've helped kill... Unless something was stupid enough to threaten the pack. When that happened, all bets were off. He scanned the area one more time, senses sharpening to their limits, fingers turning to talons on a reflex. Przemek focused on locating a trail as he pulled his cellphone out once again, calling the Sanctuary. Regardless of the answer he'd recieve, the ghoul was going to do something he referred to as "total retaliation". Whatever else the day would bring, a lot of people would not live to see the end of it.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The phone rang only three times before he got an answer, probably from one of the more helpful people there in terms of quick thinking.

"Zimmerman here, what's up?"

The voice belonged to Will, the only "normal" person in the whole Sanctuary, if you took into consideration Ashley was human but the daughter of two abnormals.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek let out an impatient growl as he waited. Thankfully, this time he would probably conclude his business without developing an urge to kill the person on the other end of the conversation - Zimmerman thought fast and talked fast, making him a good choice for dealing with the ghoul when he was feeling a little homicidal. "Ashley has been attacked." He spoke without wasting time on unnecessary words, though his voice was filled with cold fury. "Possibly kidnapped. I've seen enough today to know there's heavy Cabal activity somewhere around here." The ghoul's tone was confident as he thought back to the incidents he went through earlier. "I can start tracking them right now, and I've still got one of Henry's toys. Get someone to join me, now... It's time for a hunt."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"I'll get some folks out there quickly. Big guy just got back and he's still pretty mad. Ten minutes."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"WAIT!" Przemek yelled quickly, his rage disappearing for a moment. Instead, a flash of panic hit him before he managed to compose himself and return to his previous mood. "I can't go anywhere near that guy, damn it! Just... Make sure he keeps his distance, ok?" The ghoul hated working with the yeti due to his crippling fear of that particular abnormal. It took him ages to get used to the scent alone. "Try to include someone I can deal with in the team, will you?" He added dryly.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Will was silent for a moment before he answered again.

"OK, I'll get Henry and see if Mikki and some of the others will come. Give me ten minutes. Be advised, Magnus has already left for Tibet, apparently they're meeting Tesla."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek nearly let out a sigh of relief. "You mean the walking ball of spiky pain?" He sometimes met Mikki in the corridor, though usually she seemed to keep her distance, and not because she was a walking collection of nature's finest blades. Typical herbivore behaviour near a predator, he guessed. "She'll do. I'm waiting at the old power yard, the place where Ashley was supposed to meet up with me. I'll work on finding the trail, so just tell people what happened and make sure they're packing heat. Our friends will probably prepare a warm welcome."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Alec is initially unsure how to react to the big guy, but given the circumstances he quickly puts the pieces together.

"Um... no, I... I think we were done here."

"So, what's next?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Copy that, good luck and happy hunting."

With that Will hung up, leaving the ghoul to find a trail that was surprisingly easy to trace. As he followed it, he noticed it took him closer to the place Ashley had mentioned might be a Cabal facility.

Overlooking it now he could tell it was guarded, but surprisingly by only a handful of exterior guards packing M16's.

The yeti, for lack of anything better to call him, nodded.

"I see. I'll make certain she is tended to then if you'd care to have Henry show you around?"

Mikki couldn't be sure how long she and Sally had been reading, but their quiet time was suddenly cut off when Sally 'spoke'.

"Mikki, I think Will wants to talk with you, he's behind you."

Sure enough Will was standing there, and when he spoke, she could tell something was up.

"You have a second? Something big has come up."

As Miranda led Abby back to a different floor she smiled.

"Have you ever met a mermaid before Abby?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki had been sitting with her back to the tank wall, engrossed in her own book and turning pages for Sally whenever needed. She looked up to spot Will standing over them, and broke into a wide grin. Will always understood her, he was a nice guy.

"Good to ssee yoo, 'ill. 'Hat do yoo need?" She asked him, putting a bookmark on her page and closing her book.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Will was silent for a moment before he spoke.

"Przemek just called. He and Ashley were supposed to meet up just outside the old power yard, but he got there and found signs that the Cabal may have taken her by surprise to the facility nearby that could be a mini base for them. It's likely she's in enemy hands, and Przemek has requested backup. You up to helping out?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki's smile faded, and she looked worried. "Asshley's in trouble? Okay, I'll 'elp. 'Hat do you 'ant me to do?" She asked eagerly, putting the book down and standing up.

Sorry Sally, Will needs my help. We'll read more later.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Uh, sure. Okay."

"Mermaids too? Aren't there ANY mythical creatures out there that actually ARE just mythical? And no, can't say that I have."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek watched the enemy position from a distance, memorizing the number, composition, weaponry and patrol routes. The low number of guards was suspicious - either they've sent the majority of their forces out, which was unwise, set up traps around the perimeter and hid the remaining guards somewhere, which was dangerous for anyone who tried to inflitrate, or were just that careless and overconfident, which was plain stupid. On the other hand, a big force outside the building would have ended up drawing attention, so maybe they just couldn't deploy more to avoid raising suspicions... But then again, anyone sane would have some doubts about the whole setup the moment he saw the place, so that probably wasn't it. Perhaps the base was understaffed?
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The big guy nodded once to him, then moved to check on the notes Henry had taken regarding Melissa's condition.

In the meantime, Henry led Alec down one of the halls to his lab, which was filled with computers and other various tech.

"I'll be just a moment, need to cycle one of the stunners before it overcharges."

Miranda chuckled before replying "Unicorns. Least as far as I know. Anyway, we're about to ... oh, Will is here." Hi Will!"

Will thought for a moment before he replied to Mikki.

"There's a tunnel that leads about half a block from where Przemek should be waiting for you. You should be able to follow that and meet up with him without drawing attention to yourself. From there it's mostly his call on how to proceed, he's got better intel by now than I will."

He stopped when Miranda spoke, and turned to them.

"Hey Miranda, and uh ... Abby right?"

As Przemek watched further, he saw two large trucks come into the place. At first he thought they were supply trucks, but two armed men came out and met the driver, exchanged a few words, then one reached into his pocket and pulled out a radio, mouthing a few words. Within a minute, several more people, unarmed, came out from the building carrying crates of something. They began loading it into the truck as more boxes and the like were brought out. The ghoul might get the impression that this facility, whatever it was, was closing down and soon. He saw no sign of Ashley, though the scent he had told him she was still in the area, which meant she had to be somewhere inside of the place. However, if they were clearing out, he had to wonder how long she might still be here, and then another though came to him. She was Helen's daughter, and Helen had pissed off the Cabal. Might they clear out and leave her there to die in a self destruct, or could they have already killed her and were hoping to provoke an attack so they could take a few more out?
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