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Exploration CYOA


Demon Girl Master
Apr 5, 2010
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Re: Exploration CYOA

C, having a light without needing a torch would be more beneficial at the moment, plus we never know if the pendent does more than just that.


Jun 18, 2009
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Re: Exploration CYOA

Firstly: May I suggest, you can split up voting! It can be helpful, especially when more options become available.
Vote 1)
a) Politely Refuse
b) Rudely Refuse
c) Accept

Vote 2)
a) Go to next dungeon room.
b) Leave Dungeon.

This way you don't end up with a 6 way vote where no one quite agrees, but instead two votes that have more overlap and agreement. This also lets player-created votes be for specific tasks.
Vote 1) Try to communicate with the spirit.
Vote 2) Take a rest at the dungeon's entrance to recover stress (and milk).

(not my actual votes, but samples of how players can come up with unique approaches.)

As for my actual votes...
First off... I vote she stops being so greedy. That money sign just makes me cringe. I admit, we may all be thinking "what's in it for me?" but to resort so blatantly to saying "gimme cash" makes me want to slap her more than wanting to help her.

As for votes: I suggest we try to get the spirit someplace we can talk to it. Is there anyplace nearby like a trapped air bubble? We may not be able to breathe there (stale air most likely), but if we can breathe in our air-device, and just talk there, it could work... if not try to get him to follow us out to talk or something.

Alternately, writing seems like it should work, yeah...

Vote: Don't give him the gem until we learn why he wants it and can question him about it some.

Continue exploring dungeon after dealing with him.


Demon Girl Master
Apr 5, 2010
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Re: Exploration CYOA

I'm going with, try and communicate with the spirit and learn why it wants the gem. to communicate either do writing or try and get him to follow us to a place where we can talk with him.


Oct 5, 2009
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Re: Exploration CYOA

Let's go with C. What's the worst that could happen?


Jun 14, 2009
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Re: Exploration CYOA

In case any of you were wondering, I haven't abandoned this, I've just been sick the past couple of days and I'm going out of town for the weekend. I'm going to try to get out a new vote before I leave, though, hopefully tonight or tomorrow morning.


Jun 14, 2009
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Re: Exploration CYOA

She cocked her head, thinking for a moment, curious to know why the spirit seemed to want the gem. She had decided that the gem didn't hold enough worth for her to keep and sell, and the luminescent creature in front of her seemed to have a truly deep-set desire. The way its face had lit up when it had sensed the gem on her person was almost like a child presented with candy, but that wasn't quite it. From its deep expression of desire for something long-lost, she could tell that the gem truly had a value to it that couldn't be expressed in terms of money. Besides her desire to give the spirit what it wanted, she was sure that an amulet with a bright dweomer of light such as that would come in very handy, eliminating her need for torches but especially if she ever needed to go to another dungeon such as this, with large underwater portions.

She held up a finger, gesturing for the spirit to wait a moment, and swam around, back up the passage to where the glowing algae started to grow along the tunnel walls again. Gathering some of the slimy muck onto her hands, she quickly kicked back to the room with the spirit, who hovered there, watching her curiously. She had to be quick; the algae was already losing its color in the presence of the radiant ghost; she moved to the cave side and traced a big letter Y over it with the slime in her hands, followed by a question mark. After shaking her hands free from the remaining algae, she dug into her belongings and fished out the little chest with the gem, waving it over the place where she had drawn on the rock around them.

Seth chuckled. "Why do I want the gem?" it guessed, and she nodded her head enthusiastically, her eyes crinkling in a smile. Its ghostly visage furrowed, then relaxed as it brought its shoulders up in a shrug. "I suppose there's no harm in telling you. Actually... you might be able to help me with something. The gem you carry was given to me by someone... very special to me," it murmured with a wistful smile. "She met me after I was imprisoned down here, and you know the worst part of being imprisoned underwater is that there is nobody to converse with," it said with a solemn nod. She nodded in sympathy - she was a solitary person herself, but she could certainly understand how spending the centuries in one place with no company could be stressful. "She, however, is a Nayat."

She nodded, her eyes widening in surprise. Nayats were rare creatures, shaped like stunningly beautiful women, but with strange hues of flesh that ranged from shimmering blues to bright flashy greens to deep dark indigos, mimicking the colors of the water in all its forms. She had met one once, and the most lasting impressions that she'd taken were the strange color of her skin and the strange fins that extended elegantly from her body in various places. And, of course, the bewitching beauty that they were famous for. They were known for their ability to live out of water for extended periods of time, even though they were aquatic creatures and seemed to require the proximity of water to live healthily.

"Her name was Evym. She was the most charming creature I can remember meeting, and she seemed to take no greater joy than in spending hours conversing with me about anything and everything under the waves. She would tell me tales of the places she'd been, and in turn I would tell her tales of the things I remember from my life." It had that wistful smile of memories remembered on its phantom visage, and she could tell that it was truly fond of its companion Nayat. "One of our points of contention was the timelessness of things - or lack thereof. You see, when you live as long as something like me, you know that nothing lasts, not truly. Even I am not eternal; I will disappear from this world and be forgotten by any who might have lived in it. When I think that way, I wonder if there is any reason to make a difference in the world, since any changes one might make will just be ground to nothingness by the wheel of time. The gem was her way of telling me that things last long enough that making a difference in someone's life is meaningful... and as a simple reminder that she cared for me when she wasn't in my company."

The spirit paused for a moment, its ephemeral brow furrowing in consternation. "She has been gone for quite some time now... I fear something happened to her. She wasn't particularly old or infirm... she just stopped visiting me. It was about that time I lost the gem..." Its lips twisted. "Please," it implored, "I would very much like to have it again."

She smiled happily and extended the jewel toward the glowing spirit, happy to be returning something so dear to it to its possession. She also readily accepted the amulet it placed around her neck, her vision seeming to sharpen to an almost painful clarity, as if the touch of it against her was augmenting her sight somehow.

"I know you will probably not return this way again," Seth said sadly, now that it sensed that she had no reason to stay any longer - after all, it wasn't like she could hold a conversation with it. "But if you find any information on what might have happened to Evym, I... would very much appreciate the knowledge."

She nodded, her eyes becoming serious. She felt for the spirit's plight; Evym might have been the only friend Seth had had for centuries. She would certainly put the effort forth to return here if she ever came across any information about her. She stayed a little while longer, keeping the spirit company, then bade it farewell with a wave of her hand and swam back toward her eventual goal.

When she returned to the passage she had foregone before, she stared into the water, her vision able to make out the several shapes as jellyfish, swimming languidly through the small cavern. They glowed with their own slight bioluminescence, as everything in this cavern seemed to. She would have to get past them if she wanted to find out what was on the other side of the cavern, the darkness of which her eyes could not pierce. It seemed she had two courses of action. First, she was confident that the jellyfish would not seek her out. The way they gathered food was typically to wait until it brushed against their stingers, then reel it in. If she could swim to the other side without hitting any of them, she would have no problem with them. But with her clothes weighing her down like this, she wasn't sure if she was agile enough to avoid them if they made any sudden or unexpected movements. Her second option was to simply eliminate them with her sword or with the sharp tines on her grappling hook. The downside to that was that if she got aggressive, the others surely would too. There were only three of them, and that route had the advantage of preventing any problems when she returned this way.

A: Attempt to sneak past.
B: Attempt to kill the jellyfish so we don't have to deal with them again.
C: Return to town.

Stress: 1
Breasts: 10%
Amulet of Light, Grappling Hook, Breath Mask (equipped), Short Sword, Spare Clothes x1


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Exploration CYOA

Well it's not like they're sex monsters trying to rape us, but we can still get a GO by drowning or death by stinging. Which we face more or less from both options A and B, but B gives us the opportunity to clear the obstacle from us for future visits, So i pick B.


Jun 18, 2009
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Re: Exploration CYOA

Unless the area is painfully narrow, it's unlikely the jellyfish will ever bother us. I vote A) Just swim around them. If there's room.

Or if there's no room for that, B) Use the grappling hook to pull them closer one at a time and battle them. It should be fairly easy to tie off our grappling hook and use it to pull them into position so we can slay them each in turn.


Grim Reaper
Oct 7, 2010
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Re: Exploration CYOA

There ought to be no reason the Jellyfish will be aggressive without provocation. So have her attempt to avoid them, (A) but if they try and attack, back off and use Kathy's idea of battle-tactics.

And I must say, excellent post Alias, I really like the descriptive, wide use of words. Glad to see your illness hasn't impaired your writing ability!

*Flings a muffin over.*


Nov 16, 2008
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Re: Exploration CYOA

So the spirit fell in love with a mermaid, did he? And she gave him the gem as a memento... :p


Well, getting rid of the jellyfish now, while our heroine is fresh, does sound like a good idea. But, unless she decides to make a return visit to this dungeon, she'll only pass through this room once more. And if she does revisit this dungeon, I daresay new jellyfish will have wandered into the area.

So my vote is A - carefully make her way past the jellyfish, not bothering them.


Oct 5, 2009
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Re: Exploration CYOA

May as well go with A. Always smarter to avoid combat when you can.


Jun 14, 2009
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Re: Exploration CYOA

The adventurer decided to attempt to swim past the jellyfish, hoping they wouldn't notice her and that she would be agile enough to avoid being caught by their tentacles if they moved in an unexpected direction. She began to slowly swim forward, careful to disturb the water as little as possible so as not to agitate the creatures. She was confident that she could sneak past them, but was somewhat worried about her heavy clothes hampering her movements. If by chance one of them switched directions suddenly, she wasn't sure if she could get out of the way in time, the way she was struggling with the drag.

Still, it was better than trying to fight with this kind of handicap, so she continued to move forward, very cautiously, but with the skill of a weathered adventurer. She ended up making it to the other side without incident; the jellyfish were too slow-moving to have caused her issue.

She ended up in a long tunnel that was fairly well-lit by algae, but seemed to stretch on for some time. Bubbles spouting from her face when she breathed and streaming behind her as she moved forward, she swam, sensing that she was close to what she sought. Eventually she came to a wide opening, shaped like a half-sphere, with the other side cut off by a shimmering blue wall of interlocked scales. The individual scales were massive, the smallest at least three-quarters her size, but she could tell they would be almost as valuable as dragonscales, if not more so.

The abrupt wall of the passage was a gigantic sea-serpent, buried into the earth, its size unimaginable. Even with all her experience, she couldn't even guess at the size of the creature, for their scales tended to diminish in size the closer they got to the head, and she had no reference point. She had never heard of a wurm with scales quite this large, and because of that, she was confident that it had been sleeping for quite some time, and would remain asleep even if she took one of the scales. It was just a shame that she couldn't manage carrying more than just one back with her, and she was worried about the jellyfish in that tunnel; the scale would hamper her movement even more than her sodden clothes were already.

As she pried a scale off the enormous creature, she pondered this development, wondering how she'd deal with the jellyfish on the way back.

A: Leave the scale at the entrance to the slightly wider tunnel and combat them. [Note that if you attack one, they most likely ALL will attack you; they can sense such disturbances in the water such as thrashing, dying companions.]
---A1: Attempt to "hook" one of them with our grappling tines and drag it closer for a kill. Possibly buys us some time before the other two reach us.
---A2: Attempt to "assassinate" one of them by slowly sneaking up on it and piercing its core with our sword, hopefully killing it before it alerts the others with its death throes.
---A3: Other; post your ideas of combat here.
B: Attempt to move through the tunnel with scale in hands.
---B1: Sneak through, attracting as little attention as possible.
---B2: Use the scale as a shield (it's more than big enough, after all) and bull-rush our way through. Hopefully we can make it out of the water before they catch us, or perhaps we could take refuge in Seth's cavern.
C: Other actions. Post your ideas.

Stress: 1
Breasts: 15%
Amulet of Light, Grappling Hook, Breath Mask (equipped), Short Sword, Spare Clothes x1
Shimmering Azure Wurmscale


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Exploration CYOA

B1 - I have confidence in our sneak ability and the passivity of the jellies.


Nov 16, 2008
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Re: Exploration CYOA

Mmmm... I like B1 best. Take it slow, stay along a wall with the scale between her and the jellyfish, keeping her protected on two sides.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Exploration CYOA

B2. Any creature- underwater specially- usually rushes away from bigger items, such as bum-rushing humans, as it startles them and makes them think it's a predator.

Also, cause Leeroy Jenkins was so successful.