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ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Hmm. McMMO's woodcutter skill doesn't gain EXP by cutting trees, probably intentionally given that we've got that tree-cutting mod on. Is the lumberjack (or w/e it's called) Job also disabled?
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

From what I heard and recall, yes, Timber conflicts with jobs and mcMMO so that neither gain XP, I don't recall if woodcutting still gave money though.
Regardless, Timber can cut down trees in an instant so any chance of double drops you'd get with mcMMO pales in comparison.
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I joined. Wanted to burn down Oni's house with lava, but WRATH is not my cup of tea. Also it's not nice.


This server is nice though. I wish I found food though. I did find an apple.

Yeah, see, the problem there then would be if you did that shit I'd hunt you down whenever you're on. And now that you've said you wanted to do that you'll be the first person that springs to mind should anything happen to my home or belongings.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Yeah, see, the problem there then would be if you did that shit I'd hunt you down whenever you're on. And now that you've said you wanted to do that you'll be the first person that springs to mind should anything happen to my home or belongings.

Brb, getting minecraft and destroying your house.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Brb, getting minecraft and destroying your house.

See, I intentionally missed out saying that if there was proof that Lila didn't do it then I'd not seek vengeance on her. Way to spoil something that could've been golden.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

See folks, THIS is why we can't have nice things.

Unrelated though: My quarry is pretty much in the stone lair now, so if anyone wants gratuitous amounts of stone or w/e for a megaproject, let me know. I'll also begin planning out a commerce center somewhere, once I figure out a good site.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I'm all for nice things, what I'm not down for though is people wrecking my shit. I said a day or so ago ingame that if I catch anyone destroying any of my stuff I'd hunt them down and butcher them. That goes for everyone. However, I know all of you won't do that because none of you are like that.

Anywho, realised I forgot to mention how you gain access to my tekkit server. What you do is go , look at the section on the left titled 'Launcher' and download whichever one takes your fancy. Once you've downloaded and booted it up go into options, select 'always use recommended build' or some shit and then change memory allocation to 2gb. I don't know if the second part actually helps but it's what I did when I couldn't get access to my own server. Once you've done that just put a message here or PM me and I'll send you the IP. I would post it here but it's for my personal computer and I don't fancy lurkers coming in and shitting all over the place.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Had some suspicious people on the server. Within 15 minutes or so, they had full iron armor and diamond tools, so it's possible they stole them. When I asked how they got the server, they said they found it on a list in march, when the server was down. I've banned them, but everyone should check their chests, just in case.

Edit: Just checked their chest, they also had 10 glowstone, so it's highly likely they stole it from somewhere. Their house is at 280x, -56z if people want to burn it and/or loot the chests.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

According to what Au and me got out of em, they 'mined' the iron for tools/armor for four people... in around 30 minutes worth of on-server time while they were also punching each other to death. Not to mention Au caught em trying to yoink from her food store. So ya, Rule, Oni at the very least ya probably should check your ingot/ore storages, as you're the closest to the spawnpoints.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Just did a quick test, and the chest locking isn't working. I'm going to look around for another one.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Balls, check lock isn't working? I know it works on furnaces and doors at least. And yeah, I'll check my stuff before going to work.

EDIT: Nope, nothing was stolen. What were the names of these asshats? We saw some person pop in with their name starting with x or z or something like that yesterday. Didn't stay around for too long though.
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

The X or Z person you speak of is Lila. The four people who are now banned are:

koolboy916 (or something, don't remember the numbers exactly)

If you see these people again, though it's highly unlikely, you have permission to kill and grief them. Their permissions have all been revoked too, so even if they did somehow come back, they wouldn't be able to do anything.

Also, if anyone here knows these people and are willing to vouch for them, they will be unbanned on a probationary period.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

So THAT'S where my sheep and my wheat have gone. Nothing out of my chests, though.

EDIT: Also, to unlock your locked doors, aim at them and type /lock while nothing is in your hands.
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Okay, the old locking plugin had some flaws in it allowing people to open locked chests. I've put a new one on, so people will need to relock their chests and doors and such.

To get help on this, use /sc or /securechests. I don't know exactly how to lock chests, if you aim at them and type /lock or if /lock locks all chests you've placed... Should work for furnaces, dispensers, potion tables, doors, trapdoors, levers and even buttons, I think. Additional info would be great!
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

The X or Z person you speak of is Lila. The four people who are now banned are:

koolboy916 (or something, don't remember the numbers exactly)

If you see these people again, though it's highly unlikely, you have permission to kill and grief them. Their permissions have all been revoked too, so even if they did somehow come back, they wouldn't be able to do anything.

Also, if anyone here knows these people and are willing to vouch for them, they will be unbanned on a probationary period.

We thought it was, we were just not 100% sure.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Double post, but bluh.

Maiko, any chance you could link the no creeper explosion mod you use as I think I'm going to need it for my server as well.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Here you go:
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Awesome, thanks.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

And Runecraft is now installed. There's been a lot of new runes since the last time we used it, so feel free to explore with random block placement! Or, you know, go look up the new runes online. That works too.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I have a bit of a problem, I'm quite retarded when it comes to shit like this and I can't work out how to alter the properties. Any chance you could help me?