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Demon Girl Master
Aug 5, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

it's super windy here, October is makin sure to tell us it's October n calling us a bitch

I've started listening to an anime/J-Pop/J-Rock radio station on SHOUTcast that allows users to request songs (with the restrictions at the bottom of my post in bold)

the only times I really have to listen to it are when I'm in the car n thus I don't have the ability to request songs often (not that I want to request songs)

every morning, someone requests a lot of songs n doesn't let the radio choose songs randomly n I have to listen to their choice of music
I'd rather let the radio choose songs as users are a lot more likely to lean towards the anime music
I am, of course, fine with anime music, but I want some variety

The following rules are in effect:

No song may be requested more than once every 150 requests.
No user may request more than 1 song(s) for every 10 total user requests when the queue is larger than 5 songs.
Only 1 song(s) from any album may be requested at once.
There are currently 5 of 10 maximum requests in the queue.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Amazon and the postal service right now. I should've had Pokemon Y this morning, and yet the post has come and gone and there's no sign of the game. I have not been this angry in quite some time. I may just buy it off the eshop and give away the physical copy once it does finally arrive.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Parent's truck has gotten lifted, and sis had her charger chords lifted from her car...

Goddamn I hate the criminal undergrowth.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Best of luck in getting them back, lurker. Here's hoping the cops can get things resolved quick.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Amazon and the postal service right now. I should've had Pokemon Y this morning, and yet the post has come and gone and there's no sign of the game. I have not been this angry in quite some time. I may just buy it off the eshop and give away the physical copy once it does finally arrive.
The postal service and delivery companies are forced to take on hundreds of new guys as temp workers leading up to Christmas, and so by nature it is unfortunately the time of the year that it's efficiency and reliability hits it's lowest.

I started as a temp for one of the larger delivery companies in September, with the idea being that you've hopefully learned the ropes well enough by the time the peak season hits. So the newbies are already on the roads.

Incidentally, leaning back to my own Hate Thread rants of last month, how clearly marked is your house address? And does it use numbers or a name? Because if your area happens to be one of the countless postcodes that a new guy is being trained on, I can tell you there is nothing more certain to delay your mail than having a house that is difficult to identify from the roadside. These guys don't get paid by the hour, so if they can't find the address, 90% of the time they will skip it, and leave it for the experienced delivery guy to handle the next day.

That's just one possible reason your mail might have been late out of a dozen other fuckups that could potentially be at fault, but I thought I'd mention it.

I really want to have some way to properly rant at the UK public and the postal industry in general about how dysfunctional and outdated our system is. Even the simple things like the colour of your house sign can have a huge impact on a new delivery driver. Having brown calligraphic text set on a brown plaque should be banned and a criminal offence. As should black cast iron house numbers set on a black door. ¬_¬


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

My parent's house (which is where I have all my shit delivered to because I don't trust anyone in the building I'm renting my apartment in) is literally on the (heavily used) main street going straight through the village, clearly numbered, and my address was in full on the order. I've not had any delayed orders from Amazon before, in fact most of the time they've arrived before the due date. I was angry mostly because I've been eagerly awaiting this game since it was announced and the order email was sent out to me Thursday evening saying it had been dispatched. So unless there was a colossal fuck up somewhere down the line it should've arrived on Saturday.

Though in the end I bought it off the eshop, and now I'm most likely either going to sell the physical copy for a bit less than I bought it for or do a give away on tumblr for it.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Parent's truck has gotten lifted, and sis had her charger chords lifted from her car...

Goddamn I hate the criminal undergrowth.
Le Update: Truck's found. Was located a little ways out of town, but disturbingly pointed like it was headed back in...

Soyeah, the damage rundown, least what we figured at this state of night...

* Front window's suffered even more damage then it used to have, big huge spiderwebs on the passenger side of the window (possibly caused by something hitting it from the inside. Possibly perp's head, teehee.)
* Passenger side window's utterly destroyed, possibly as it was being stranded by...
* Driver's back tire was utterly flat to the rims, and having to drive it on that to a mutual friend's place certainly didn't do it any favors.
* Possibly missing the set of good-quality jumper cables dad had in there, but they left everything else it seems in there, from the four foot level we had for ages to two bins of tiedowns
* Keyhole for the driving column looks almost obliterated but still intact for the key to start it
* Seems like it's headlight alignment is off, so no idea if there's any damage under the hood till sunrise
* Possible issues relating to if it's set in four-wheel or two-wheel drive currently, so may have the gearshift locked up

On the other hand...
* Half a tank of gas in the back tank (front tank was still locked but they found the spare keyset, and both were nearly empty before)
* About three gas tanks, two propane tanks, a bigass container of antifreeze, a huge camp burner of some kind, a fishing net, gardening shovel, and relatively undamaged nailgun were all in the bed of the rig, more then likely other stolen goods. It's leading the cops (and us) to believe it's either a meth lab restock, or a burgler who took the car for an easier loading device, got it f'd up in the wheel, and then used another vehicle to carry what parts of the load he could carry
* We actually managed to find it, title and all

So yeah, a few days of crazyness ahead...


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Glad to hear the truck showed back up at least, even if it is in less than pristine condition. That's what insurance is for, after all. Good luck to you and your fam with that, Lurker.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Glad to hear the truck showed back up at least, even if it is in less than pristine condition. That's what insurance is for, after all. Good luck to you and your fam with that, Lurker.
Alas, Accident Insurance was removed from the policy when we essentially payed it off.

Yeah, karma's a bitch.


Jungle Girl
Jul 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate YouTube now because they are trying to secretly make you create an account for Google+ and think people are flat out stupid or something. I hope another website pops up at some point that's as good as YouTube without the need to constantly ask to sign up for something that I obviously don't want to sign up for at all. I also hate MEGA and how they're are doing the most unfriendly thing forcing you to download Google chrome just to get larger files from there website and basically stopped using it all together. I've tried doing everything on Firefox but the box just never disappears so I've given up and said screw it. I'm slowly hating Google.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

My parent's house (which is where I have all my shit delivered to because I don't trust anyone in the building I'm renting my apartment in) is literally on the (heavily used) main street going straight through the village, clearly numbered, and my address was in full on the order. I've not had any delayed orders from Amazon before, in fact most of the time they've arrived before the due date. I was angry mostly because I've been eagerly awaiting this game since it was announced and the order email was sent out to me Thursday evening saying it had been dispatched. So unless there was a colossal fuck up somewhere down the line it should've arrived on Saturday.

Though in the end I bought it off the eshop, and now I'm most likely either going to sell the physical copy for a bit less than I bought it for or do a give away on tumblr for it.
Ah, well it's not that then. At least you have the game now I guess.

Though like I said, just because the mail has always arrived before, doesn't prevent a newbie driver not being able to find a certain place. You'll have to excuse me for hyjacking your hate post a bit. It's just a new personal ranting topic of mine, so I've been taking the chance to mention this kinda stuff when it comes up. I've heard the same "The mail normally arrives fine" line from people I've had to deliver to and needed to make phonecalls to find.

Same goes for places that might seem obvious to a local, but aren't always for a driver coming from a depot 15 miles away, who lives 15 miles on the other side of the depot. I don't care how big and fancy "Toft Hall" is, how well the locals know it, or how many sports cars you have. You put the damned road name and post code on or you don't get your mail! :mad:


On the off chance that any of you are farmers, would you please put a bloody sign down the end of your muddy as shit mile long dirt track. There are a lot of farms where I live, and I'm fed up of driving down these mud slides just to ask "Excuse me is this Hall farm?" and getting sent back to the first farm I tried, but couldn't find anyone to ask.

Yes. Rant. Again. Stupid old fecking country and stupid old fecking patchwork services and systems. The horrific inefficiency genuinely drives me nuts. Burn it all down I say. Build a postal system that fires cargo down tubes.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Sometimes it's also just lazy asshats in the postal service too. My brother is still waiting for a package he was supposed to receive in July, and he lives in a subdivision of just PMQs just off a military base. So clear road signs, and house numbers. It does indeed happen both ways.

And that package was supposed to be my birthday present.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Was it coming through UPS by chance Sin? Because they tried to screw me over last year with a game I ordered from Amazon until I called them and sorted it out. I actually ended up just going down to the UPS shipping place to pick it up to ensure they didn't fuck it up yet again. Something about they had my address put into it wrong or something is what they claimed.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I'm honestly not sure. Gonna have to check with my brother.


Oct 20, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

We actually get a lot of that in Australia. After observing these people pull up in a truck, not bother to knock on the door and just place a slip in the letterbox, it tends to be contractors who just don't feel like doing their jobs.

Note: After calling the center and driving to the depot I had to wait another hour and a half for the same driver to arrive and hand over the package, so I know it was genuinely on the truck.


Re: Hate Thread

Le Update: Truck's found. Was located a little ways out of town, but disturbingly pointed like it was headed back in...

Soyeah, the damage rundown, least what we figured at this state of night...

* Front window's suffered even more damage then it used to have, big huge spiderwebs on the passenger side of the window (possibly caused by something hitting it from the inside. Possibly perp's head, teehee.)
* Passenger side window's utterly destroyed, possibly as it was being stranded by...
* Driver's back tire was utterly flat to the rims, and having to drive it on that to a mutual friend's place certainly didn't do it any favors.
* Possibly missing the set of good-quality jumper cables dad had in there, but they left everything else it seems in there, from the four foot level we had for ages to two bins of tiedowns
* Keyhole for the driving column looks almost obliterated but still intact for the key to start it
* Seems like it's headlight alignment is off, so no idea if there's any damage under the hood till sunrise
* Possible issues relating to if it's set in four-wheel or two-wheel drive currently, so may have the gearshift locked up

On the other hand...
* Half a tank of gas in the back tank (front tank was still locked but they found the spare keyset, and both were nearly empty before)
* About three gas tanks, two propane tanks, a bigass container of antifreeze, a huge camp burner of some kind, a fishing net, gardening shovel, and relatively undamaged nailgun were all in the bed of the rig, more then likely other stolen goods. It's leading the cops (and us) to believe it's either a meth lab restock, or a burgler who took the car for an easier loading device, got it f'd up in the wheel, and then used another vehicle to carry what parts of the load he could carry
* We actually managed to find it, title and all

So yeah, a few days of crazyness ahead...
Wow seems like a scene in Breaking Bad :O

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

We actually get a lot of that in Australia. After observing these people pull up in a truck, not bother to knock on the door and just place a slip in the letterbox, it tends to be contractors who just don't feel like doing their jobs.

Note: After calling the center and driving to the depot I had to wait another hour and a half for the same driver to arrive and hand over the package, so I know it was genuinely on the truck.
Weird. From the way my job works, I can't think of a reason they would do that, but there's certainly ways for the delivery drivers to be ass hats too. Perhaps the system is different for them.

If it worked the same for them as in my job, they would only end up having to come back again the next day increasing their hours, and have pointlessly drove out to make a visit for no pay. Since pay is entirely per package delivered, not by the hour.

In my personal experience of the industry, the most common lazy driver stunts that I know of include...
>Deliberately leaving any package that isn't nearing it's deadline behind at the depot. Which although technically within their rights for purposes of improving efficiency or dealing with severe workloads, I know at least some abuse it just to get shorter days when they want them.
>"Optimistic" apraisals of a 'safe place' spot to leave a package at when people are out, often meaning the front door in full view of the street. Or otherwise taking unreasonable gambles about the weather and packages left round the back.
>Marking off bothersome packages as "no answer" without actually attempting a visit or leaving a card, so to let packages build up a day or two for certain streets before visiting.

Problem is, having done this job for about three months now, I'm not sure it's possible to actually earn more than minimum wage without cheating in some places. It's all a big capitalist mess of patch work systems and escaping liability. So far myself, I've been working for well under the equivalent of a an hourly based minimum wage more days than not. I'll be getting out of this nonsense the first chance I get. >_>