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Re: Hate Thread

Ouch... Dice love me.... and hate everyone else. A few months ago when I was GMing my last D&D adventure 3 of the 5 players made critical fails on the same round and lost their weapons to a forest fire...

Conversely, in another system I use, there's a rule that you always have at least a 5% chance to hit, no matter what the power differential is. More often than not I make that 5% :)
Re: Hate Thread

I think my best dice story is when I nearly killed half a lvl 1 party facing kobolds before the end of the first round. Good times.
Re: Hate Thread

Aha, there was another one by my bed waiting for me. They are trying to kill me.

I don't actually have any really good dice stories. In fact usually when I roll it's just for the hell of it and actually just make up the outcome on my own. You just have to roll the dice once in a while to mess with the players heads.
Re: Hate Thread

I typically use a website for online based, because I can keep a log as "proof", but I do break out the real ones for "big" rolls, or if we're trying to decide on the plausibility of something and want a coin toss.

Then there's the ongoing bet in one game that if I get defeated should I just die or be captured. If it ever happens, I roll a d4. Even numbers mean capture, odd numbers mean die.
Re: Hate Thread

Apparently there are a lot of people that want me to beat the fuck out of them right now. My bro with his shitfit over nothing, my step-dad with the anger and the door slamming, the neighbor playing 'Friday' loud as fuck, the construction crew tearing up the road, and a few other things. All before 7:30 AM.

Also, to hell with Carmen Ortiz. Oh, wait, she's a lawyer, she's already going there.
Re: Hate Thread

Just to elaborate, at the moment I'm in my early twenties, my older brother in his late thirties. Today he threatened me very seriously over a bag of potato chips. He's a fucking worthless cunt, who lives irresponsibly and tries to shove off me as an example of why people shouldn't point fingers at him when he:

1: Uses up all of the petrol in my father's car, because he's run out of petrol in his own, despite having asked my father for petrol money the day before.

2: Cannot support his own smoking habit, despite having his own job, and still consistently pesters my father to buy cigarettes

3: Uses up all of MY razors, which I keep in my own room, despite his very specific rules of "Keep out of MY room, or I'll moer you." This has ruined my ability to go out well-groomed more than once.

4: Flips out whenever he's challenged, and goes back to, "Well I'll give you a hiding.", probably his only reliable good trait is his ability to keep athletic and fit, in spite of his smoking problem, so it's not an empty threat.

5: On a summer's day his stupid, fat, annoying, bald, pip probably reflects more light onto the sea than a fucking lighthouse.

I hate my brother's attitude and lifestyle, and I wish he would fucking grow up already. I'm more than ten years younger than him, and he's pestering ME to go and become self-reliant while he can barely go a week without asking my father for my money than I do in a month. He's pissing me off, and making me seriously consider getting back into self-defence training for the strict purpose of being able to live comfortably in my own living space.
Re: Hate Thread

Today for the first time ever I overslept my alarm x.x
Re: Hate Thread

Today, I managed to fuck up fishsticks and mashed potatoes.

I hate my inability to cook. I hate having to do things I'm bad at.
Re: Hate Thread

Spilled my drink all over my car. Hope that squirrel I frantically dodged to avoid is happy.
Re: Hate Thread

3: Uses up all of MY razors, which I keep in my own room, despite his very specific rules of "Keep out of MY room, or I'll moer you." This has ruined my ability to go out well-groomed more than once.

You're from Africa, right? Just get some AID's blood on your razors, that'll teach him
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how easy it is to fall asleep when I don't want to and how hard it is to fall asleep when I do.

Laying in the dark staring at the ceiling for hours sucks, especially when I know each second that ticks away is just less energy I'll have when I need it in the morning. Bleh.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how easy it is to fall asleep when I don't want to and how hard it is to fall asleep when I do.

Laying in the dark staring at the ceiling for hours sucks, especially when I know each second that ticks away is just less energy I'll have when I need it in the morning. Bleh.

I'm with you there. It doesn't make it any easier working reversed (nights) either.
Re: Hate Thread

Somebody's shoveling snow. At 7 am. On a Sunday.

If I wasn't up already, I'd be even more pissed at the racket they're causing.

EDIT: Aaaand our heating has stopped working. Fun.
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Re: Hate Thread

The assholes that live above me. Or more specifically, their dog. The piece of shit was running around and barking pretty much all day yesterday until about 3am. And now the shitting thing started back up 9:30am today with no end in sight.
Re: Hate Thread

Eh, some people have places to be on Sunday, though I'm so glad I'm not one of them anymore x.x Personally my cut off for getting mad at people is 8 am, but back when I was drug to church every weekend that was at 8 :\
Re: Hate Thread

My cut off for getting mad at people is never.
Re: Hate Thread

Having to wait on Hawken support tickets to try and figure out why I can't access the game. It makes me sad as I am unsure what else I can do on my end, and all I know is they has yet to figure out on thier end :S
Re: Hate Thread

My cut off for getting mad at people is never.

Eh, should have quoted, but I was more referring to the other post. I hate yapping dogs all the time too, heh.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate having to apologize to my friends* for embarrassing them by behaving like an immature little fuck.

So basically, I hate myself.

edit: as it seems, "former"
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate the fact that people can just kinda breed all they want.

Fucking retarded parents.