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Re: Hate Thread

The word tyrant implies negative connotations, though some of the alternative definitions supplied by the dictionary don't point it out directly, it is still a negative term implying abuse.

Truth be told, I figure all politicians of any kind will be corrupt to a degree, unless there is a deterring factor stopping him from doing so. All the same there's no evidence supporting that Caesar was explicitly abusing his power any more than is completely average for somebody at that seat of power.
Re: Hate Thread

Being a Tyrant is by its very definition the abuse of power, which i suppose has negative concoctions, but it is possible for a tyrant to seize power and then be a benevolent dictator who is genuinely interested in improving the life of the common man, im not even debating whether Caesar was 'Good' or 'Evil', as such words are too broad to describe a human being and his personality and conduct are irrelevant to my arguement regardless.

Chibi thinks i'm saying that Caesar was a cruel son of a bitch; i'm not. I didn't know the man nor did i live in roman times to decide for myself.

It would be as if the President of the United States disbanded the judicial and legislative branches so that he could be the only one making every decision, even if his goal was to improve every aspect of our lives and to make the country run better, he would have still had to undermine the core fundamentals of the American representative democracy in order to do so, seizing power from other elected officials.

It is essentially what Caesar did, and why i call him a 'Tyrant'.
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Re: Hate Thread

Just to be honest: Dictator was a good title in Roma society... It was the guy who was taking the lead because the Republic was in danger. Otherwise, being a "Tyrant" was not a good thing. The difference is only political.

Yeah, Jules César was named Dictator by Senate and when he screwed up too much, stealing rich people to give to poors - why he was very populair - then, he was named by the same dudes Tyrant. The problem is that as a very populair Tyrant, the only way they had to make him fall was to murder him.

And yeah: I'd rather prefer a Tyrant like J.C. than an Obama, a Queen or a Hollande...

Next, about your description: don't forget that after Jules César a lot of people have been called "caesar" and these weren't as nice as César - who was a soldier at first and ever made stuff for people of his kind - but were Emperors - tyrants so.

But - I don't remember well the books I've read - it seems to me you can't call him Tyrant: for some political reasons, he could not be a Tyrant as if he was then the things he gave to some politicians and senators would be destroyed and these ones would have never lost them. But he was a Dictator for sure at 100% as it was an honourable title and wore it.
Re: Hate Thread

Synonyms: caesar, dictator, führer (or fuehrer), oppressor, pharaoh, strongman, tyrannizer, despot

Führer merely means guide. The stigma comes from Hitler obviously, but there is nothing in that word in and of itself that's tyrannical. Pharaohs weren't by definition any of those thing other than the first half of 1. I won't go into dictator since Minerve already did. Also, the word "tyrannizer" having the root word in it is just plain sloppy. I'm disappointed in Merriam-Webster if they think those are true synonyms.
Re: Hate Thread

Führer merely means guide. The stigma comes from Hitler obviously, but there is nothing in that word in and of itself that's tyrannical. Pharaohs weren't by definition any of those thing other than the first half of 1. I won't go into dictator since Minerve already did. Also, the word "tyrannizer" having the root word in it is just plain sloppy. I'm disappointed in Merriam-Webster if they think those are true synonyms.

Anyway: "real" dictionaries are far better than internet's shit.
Re: Hate Thread

Ugh. I HATE this entire mess with my car. I got a new old one (same as my old old one, but in black) because a repair would probably cost almost as much, and that ate up almost all the money I saved up during the six months I've been working now.
As it turned out, there were no winter tires on the car, the kilometer counter isn't working, the ventilation is making one hell of a racket (the seller told us about THAT) and part of the steering mechanism is slowly crumbling apart, causing a squeaking sound every time I steer. I've gone from more than a thousand bucks in savings to damn near broke within two weeks, and all because of that asshole that rammed my car and ran. And I just know they're not going to catch the bastard.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my emotions getting in the way of things. I always have to fight back when someone insults me, or my lifestyle. I admit I have a few flaws, so even though I know them, I STILL have to defend myself. I should just keep quiet when someone calls me a bint or whatever. It shouldn't let me get myself banned by popular vote.

I get too emotional...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my emotions getting in the way of things. I always have to fight back when someone insults me, or my lifestyle. I admit I have a few flaws, so even though I know them, I STILL have to defend myself. I should just keep quiet when someone calls me a bint or whatever. It shouldn't let me get myself banned by popular vote.

I get too emotional...

However it is your goddamn right to fight back if someone really dares "insult" you. As long as no harm's done, your lifestyle is your own responsibility. You're a grown robot after all.

Also I HATE people that criticize you just for not behaving equally to the norm.
A stick up the ass can't replace a spine!
Re: Hate Thread

While people may have the right to fight back, it will not always solve the problem, holding out to have the last word might gain slight satisfaction from smugness but the price you pay is often your own happiness as well as everyone else's.
Re: Hate Thread

While people may have the right to fight back, it will not always solve the problem, holding out to have the last word might gain slight satisfaction from smugness but the price you pay is often your own happiness as well as everyone else's.

Which of course also depends on what you fight back like.
Being criticized is one thing, however insults are something else. I too get insulted time and again, I am mostly able to "brush it off" too. However if you get criticized / insulted over and over again, it is either because you are really at fault OR it is always the same people that do it. People you can't choose to hang around, like family members or work colleagues.

Especially then it is - from my experience - better to set clear boundaries and suffer unhappiness for a short while, which however is better than the road block you may encounter at some point if you just keep gulping it down. It's the little things that stack. For instance, that's partially why my parents got separated.

Also insult doesn't have to follow up on insult, of course.
However this is as you might have guessed an entirely subjective matter and your experiences probably differ from my own.
Re: Hate Thread

Which of course also depends on what you fight back like.
Being criticized is one thing, however insults are something else. I too get insulted time and again, I am mostly able to "brush it off" too. However if you get criticized / insulted over and over again, it is either because you are really at fault OR it is always the same people that do it. People you can't choose to hang around, like family members or work colleagues.

Especially then it is - from my experience - better to set clear boundaries and suffer unhappiness for a short while, which however is better than the road block you may encounter at some point if you just keep gulping it down. It's the little things that stack. For instance, that's partially why my parents got separated.

Also insult doesn't have to follow up on insult, of course.
However this is as you might have guessed an entirely subjective matter and your experiences probably differ from my own.

Laughing at your enemies insults is the best way to piss them off and hurt no one at the same time!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate rap, I hate it's lameness, it's lack of originality, heck I hate mainstream overall. My only solace in his heartless media fad age, is movie soundtracks.
Re: Hate Thread

> Mainstream
> Expecting any of it to be above sub par quality

You need to dig deeper to find actual good music.
Re: Hate Thread

My beanie babies are all worth one penny each.

My childhood officially hates me, and I hate it too.