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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I thought distributing loli games was a-okay so long as it was done privately?

its a simple thing oni, there are some things that are against the rules here and i have to stop them.

then there are some places i can't check like PMs.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

So in other words, don't go around boasting about distributing the games if they're against the forums rules? Because I thought that would have been obvious to all but the most idiotic of people.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

A cop can't just pull you over and look inside your body for drugs, and even if they did think you had some inside of you, it might even require going to the hospital just to check for those drugs. But standing outside of a police station and screaming to the masses "HEY EVERYONE! I'M HANDING OUT FREE CRACK THAT I HAVE STORED IN MY ORIFICES!" is probably gonna get you arrested.

Like I said, I've described this before, but it was just initially perceived as me going "ROBBLE ROBBLE, I'M LOCKING THE SHINOBI GIRL THREAD CUZ I DON'T LIKE YOU!"
Re: What made you feel giddy today?


Re: What made you feel giddy today?

A cop can't just pull you over and look inside your body for drugs, and even if they did think you had some inside of you, it might even require going to the hospital just to check for those drugs. But standing outside of a police station and screaming to the masses "HEY EVERYONE! I'M HANDING OUT FREE CRACK THAT I HAVE STORED IN MY ORIFICES!" is probably gonna get you arrested.

Like I said, I've described this before, but it was just initially perceived as me going "ROBBLE ROBBLE, I'M LOCKING THE SHINOBI GIRL THREAD CUZ I DON'T LIKE YOU!"

You should have been more clear.. And frankly, you COULD have been.. But sadly, you really did hate me, and were too distracted by rabbling to properly and slowly explain to me the order of things, regardless how "idiotic" I am in your strange/warped standards..

But don't worry, I forgive you, and it won't happen again..

Judging by the negreps I got (Though my rep somehow is unmoved),
I scared a lot of people saying what I did..

Of course this is my first time encountering such a situation, so I only acted naturally..
But I think I've got the hang of it, so no worries.. Let's move on.
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Mongrelfolk rogue with a disguise kit. I love the racial skill of voice imitation too.

I get to play her tomorrow. >:3
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Driving along the road in my sis's car, following a guy who I swear was forgetting he'd need a flux capacitor, only to see his car literally nosedive as we neared a gas station. Sis and me cracked up when we saw the reason, aka a police car refueling.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?


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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

So, my favorite author is having an event next March that will be a "Mardi Gras themed prom" to celebrate the release of one of the books in her series and I'm planning on going. Granted, this is in Tennessee, but hey, I've traveled just as far before. But, since it's a prom, I need a dress. Went to the bridal shop I hit before, found one I liked, didn't fit. Tried another one on and meh. On a whim, decided to hit one of the local department stores to check prom clearance. Found a f'ing gorgeous blue dress, tried it on and it fit like a glove! No alterations are going to be needed, and if I lose weight, bonus, but so far, so good. And this was a 180 dollar dress and I got it for 40!!!!!

Excuse me while I girl out and do a happy dance.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

What made me feel giddy today... Lol i saw Obeliskos's avatar, and the whole HUEHUEHUE reminded me of Komiyan III, a character from dot hack: legend of the twilight. He has a really funny laugh that sounds exactly how i imagine "HUEHUEHUE" would sound, and it put me in a randomly happy mood and made me start laughing xD
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Yay! Copper that's great. Knock em dead in that dress. :D
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

What made me feel giddy today... Lol i saw Obeliskos's avatar, and the whole HUEHUEHUE reminded me of Komiyan III, a character from dot hack: legend of the twilight. He has a really funny laugh that sounds exactly how i imagine "HUEHUEHUE" would sound, and it put me in a randomly happy mood and made me start laughing xD

I'm honestly trying to remember that one. Then again, I more *read* LoT than watched the anime. One of these days, I'm going to have to get all of those and have me a trippy afternoon. *ponders* Was he Piros in the game? I think that's the one you're talking about. The big super hero guy?
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Nice find Copp. You go girl.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I'm honestly trying to remember that one. Then again, I more *read* LoT than watched the anime. One of these days, I'm going to have to get all of those and have me a trippy afternoon. *ponders* Was he Piros in the game? I think that's the one you're talking about. The big super hero guy?

Oh no, Komiyan III was in the anime. I don't think he made an appearance in the games, but then again, i only ever got to play the first dot hack game D: There so rare to find even a few years ago...
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Okay, yeah. I don't remember him in the manga and definitely not Piros (though there is a Piros the...2nd? 3rd? In the GU series) Guess they're coming out with a new anime series, too. Slight throwback to the original series of games as far as style goes, but looks like a few new things have been added.

So much .hack, so little coherent timeline...

Also, thankee, Sin!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Found an old playstation game over at Vintage Stock called Return Fire. Currently reliving nostalgia and glorious orchestra music (ex. Ride of the Valkyrie when using a helicopter). As well as a skull with an army hat that laughs at you when you die. I missed this game so much.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Couple of things, actually. Was at my younger cousin's birthday party (she's turning, like, 4 or 5. I don't keep track.) and she runs up to the mother of one of the other little girls there and goes "Can boys marry boys?" The look on this girl's face was priceless. Of course, from around the table, we heard sputters, choked back laughter, "Over in New York", and "Not in this state." Eventually the girl just gets out "Yes, they can." And my cousin gets this satisfied look on her face (which is amusing on a 4 year old) and goes "That's what I told Mari" and dashes off again.

And then, later on, I'm having a conversation with one of my random game friends from Facebook and he's telling me about a fanfic he's reading and another fic that got him into it. "There's some lemon elements in it. If you know what that means." "Been a while since I've heard the term, but yeah." "Still feel up to reading it?" *looks at folder filled with M-rated and slash fiction* "Well, since you probably see worse on night-time TV..." Just definitely made me cackle.