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Re: Hate Thread

Saying "destroy" when talking about an animal just makes it worse for me, in these cases it's accurate though. Makes me sick.
Re: Hate Thread

Okay, time to rant about work. This is my first time, please be gentle.

The people in the factory I work in are really NOT big on explaining you things or just plain telling you important stuff. You'd think that they would tell you you have to enter the number of the machine you work on that day when you check in. Noooo. And not only didn't they tell me I'd get free cheese if I work more than three days a week, they just plain didn't give me my cheese!

The company I actually work for isn't much better. First they tell me that you usually don't have to work on weekends, then they turn around and make me work Saturday both this and and next week. 2 out of 3 weeks IS USUAL! And of course I have to work the bottle packaging machine, the fastest and most merciless line in the entire god damn factory.

God damn, this makes me want to cock slap somebody. Or just go and rub my junk over every single god damn jar of cheese that comes my way tomorrow.

EDIT: ALSO! Who the hell buys cheese in CANS? I've never even seen that before starting to work there, and yet I've already packaged literally metric tons of that stuff. No really. Every palette weighs more than half a ton, and I do about three to four palettes in an hour. And yet it's still the most pleasant position in the entire packaging facility because the machine is relatively slow, and the Russian guy I work with when I'm there helps me a bit.

Also also: I only actually get paid for 30 hours a week. Normally I do 8 a day, so half of Friday and the entire Saturday go into my "hours account" which is worth jack squat except for the odd day off. I can have them pay me out those hours, but I'd have to pay more taxes then.
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Re: Hate Thread

Ha, welcome to the wonderful world of factory work. I have so many stories to share. And guess what? It gets worse!
Re: Hate Thread

God damn, this makes me want to cock slap somebody. Or just go and rub my junk over every single god damn jar of cheese that comes my way tomorrow.

I'm suddenly relieved that I don't eat cheese in a jar.

Don't read this if you don't like puns:
Had I been a customer, this would have been a jarring revelation.
Re: Hate Thread

Canned cheese does sound pretty nasty. I mean... there's probably like... cheese juice in there or something. I bet it's all slimy too. Yuck.
Re: Hate Thread

I've seen cheese in a glass jar before, but not in a metal can, that is odd.
Re: Hate Thread

If he means that gross spray cheese in a can I've unfortunately had it, but if he means a can as in a tin can. Well that actually manages to sound worse than the first one I mentioned.
Re: Hate Thread

It makes me think of those large cans of nacho cheese. It's not a pleasant thought...(concession stand cheese)
Re: Hate Thread

Eh, Nacho Cheese in those big ass cans can be alright... sometimes. Though you do have to be eating a tremendous amount of nachos to make those things viable in the end.

And depending on the type, you really don't want to be around when they go bad
Re: Hate Thread

No, what I meant was a stack of small loafs of feta. The can is then filled to the top with brine. I'm currently only packaging feta, in all its different forms.
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Re: Hate Thread

No, what I meant was a stack of small loafs of feta. The can is then filled to the top with brine.

Coming from the west coast and knowing what 'Brine' equals, it's something that should be left to describe the sea and not anywhere near edibles o_O
Re: Hate Thread

A can... or a bucket? I've seen buckets of feta before... hell that's what my father used to buy all the time. Goes great in ceasar salads.
Re: Hate Thread

No, a can - like peaches or pineapple slices or cat food.

And lurker, the brine is probably only used to conserve the cheese. Hell, the for it says it's used to age feta cheeses.
Re: Hate Thread

brine is a traditional preservatice since long ago.
Re: Hate Thread

brine is a traditional preservatice since long ago.

Indeed. Brine has been a preservative for ages, and is still strongly associated with pickles, but also we deal with it a lot on a ship, as it's the run-off we have to pump off ship when making water potable.

And again... if you don't like puns don't look...
Didn't Monty Python make a movie about this? You know, the Life of Brine?
Re: Hate Thread

Lol just had to throw that pic in xD

Hater jokes aside,one thing i hated more than anything was when i worked at mcdonalds, (Not being rasict,but..) black people around here come in, treated us like shit, then ordered everything "hot and fresh" and harass you about it constantly. and the Entire time your taking time to do this for them, treat you like shit.
Shortened down, i hate people hatin on people just doing there job xD


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Re: Hate Thread

There's this egotistical attitude I occasionally run into where people endlessly complain that a site they visit is dying and that the "community" has to ban together and some shit while at the same time outright insulting members of the "community" because they just mean people who read their blogs or validate their unchecked and needy selves. For fucks sake, one guy started bitching because no one responded to some posts he made in a thread. The sooner people learn to stop trying to "save" the damn place since they're just regular users and try having fun again, the sooner I can stop feeling so pissed off at the twats.
Re: Hate Thread

The sooner people learn to stop trying to "save" the damn place since they're just regular users and try having fun again, the sooner I can stop feeling so pissed off at the twats.

Sounds like this game i used to love to play called Dream Of Mirrors Online .-. everyone went around saying how dead it had become and saying new people werent joining anymore. But really people were there the whole time, just all mostly in market place, or out of the main town xD
Re: Hate Thread

I both love and hate emotions, ironically enough. Happiness happens so fast that you don't even realize it at the time. While it lasts its as if there couldn't be a better day, a better hour, or a better minute. It's just kind of timeless.

But once it ends, the happiness is gone just as fast, shriveled and destroyed of its innocence and rendered lifeless. The moment remains, but it will never be quite the same because it's now devoid of the emotion that made it so wonderful. Because looking back on that happy moment is just a memory. Some memories are sweeter than others, but they just don't feel the same as that moment when everything was right. At least not for me.

I guess the only good thing about it is there's always a chance some fleeting moment sneaks up on you and gives you a surprise on another day, so that you can feel like everything is right for a few seconds, minutes, or hours yet again. Until then.
Re: Hate Thread

I have recently learned that I hate it when people ask about my lunch while I'm eating. Yes I'm eating a sandwich, but I did not expect to have to explain it to you. And while I don't terribly mind letting you know what's in it or where I got it or whatnot, I'm trying to eat. Give me five minutes, goddamn.