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Re: Hate Thread

Well I'm not the one paying the bills, so that's a nope..

Either way, I said it because this is the hate thread, and though I find it halarious, I DO hate having to resort to eating such things..

If any of you were forced to eat something strange when money was low, you should be able to sympathize with me..

I mean.. Just a few days ago I was eating quick-grits that had dead weevils in them..

I poured some molasses in it and it tasted just fine, even thought it still smelled bad..

Oh but shit, I'll probably get neg-repped for eating THAT too.. .. Y'know if I had a choice, I'd eat something better.. It's not like
I fucking ENJOY it.. ... Ugh..
Re: Hate Thread

My Ex, may the miserable lying bitch burn in the 9th circle of hell reserved for traitors for all of eternity
Re: Hate Thread

My Ex, may the miserable lying bitch burn in the 9th circle of hell reserved for traitors for all of eternity

There is no burning in the 9th circle. It's terribly cold, actually. It is, however, reserved for traitors.
Re: Hate Thread

O thats right, I forgot its a frozen wasteland and the offenders are entombed in Ice. My Dante's is getting a little rusty, still. its a fitting end.
Re: Hate Thread

Well I'm not the one paying the bills, so that's a nope..

Either way, I said it because this is the hate thread, and though I find it halarious, I DO hate having to resort to eating such things..

If any of you were forced to eat something strange when money was low, you should be able to sympathize with me..

I mean.. Just a few days ago I was eating quick-grits that had dead weevils in them..

I poured some molasses in it and it tasted just fine, even thought it still smelled bad..

Oh but shit, I'll probably get neg-repped for eating THAT too.. .. Y'know if I had a choice, I'd eat something better.. It's not like
I fucking ENJOY it.. ... Ugh..

There are things that are cheap and can still get you the nutrients you need. Until then though, why don't you pick up a multivitamin or something so you don't get sick and malnourished? Hell, I'll even mail you a bottle.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who drive the exact same speed as the car next to them... which means that there's no passing, and everyone behind them is stuck going the exact same speed.

Sometimes I wish my VW had a rocket launcher. Or flight capability. Maybe both.
Re: Hate Thread

YESSSSSSS Give out your address StiffSponge. We won't do anything nasty, we just want to help. ;)
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who drive the exact same speed as the car next to them... which means that there's no passing, and everyone behind them is stuck going the exact same speed.

Sometimes I wish my VW had a rocket launcher. Or flight capability. Maybe both.

Haha. When I was little, I used to imagine that if I just pulled back on the steering wheel, the car would go soaring into the air. I still do sometimes. ^_^ I'm not a fan of people that drive next to each other either...
Re: Hate Thread

Well I'm not the one paying the bills, so that's a nope..

Either way, I said it because this is the hate thread, and though I find it halarious, I DO hate having to resort to eating such things..

If any of you were forced to eat something strange when money was low, you should be able to sympathize with me..

I mean.. Just a few days ago I was eating quick-grits that had dead weevils in them..

I poured some molasses in it and it tasted just fine, even thought it still smelled bad..

Oh but shit, I'll probably get neg-repped for eating THAT too.. .. Y'know if I had a choice, I'd eat something better.. It's not like
I fucking ENJOY it.. ... Ugh..

Dude... There are healthier, less disgusting things to be had just as cheap. Going to immigrant shops is always a good bet, I remember last time I was in Florida I found this store where they sold canned curry, and it cost a dollar for three cans. It was a special offer of course, but still... Go searching a bit, and the next time you have access to money, buy things that can keep you going should you run out. Personally, I have a good array of spices and sauces, (that cost a bit to acquire I'll admit) a five kilo bag of really cheap rice, and fish oil capsules. Beans are also cheap where I live, and they're my backup source for protein, combined with cheap canned ham. (They call it ham anyways...) Not very adventurous, but you can live for a while on this stuff...

TLDR: You don't have to eat shit even though you don't have a lot of money... Plan ahead, buy bulk when you can... And prioritize.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm not the one who buys things in this house, I just eat whatever they buy..

Speaking of which, the poor-spell ended yesterday and I filled my tummy with mashed taters, baked chicken, liver and onions, and peas..

So you can all stop hawking on me for "eating like a bitch" now, kay?

It just gets like that once every few months and we struggle a bit, but they always pull through.. I'll be fine, I'm not starving or malnourished, lol (Quite the opposite).. Sorry if I made it sound like that..

But.. For the record..

Canned wet dog food.. ...... ....

.... ........ ... Don't kick it till you try it.. ... With BBQ sauce...

Neg rep: We don't give a shit what you eat, it's the fact that you're whining about it.

Screw you.. ... N-no Really, honestly... Just... Screw you...
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Re: Hate Thread

"Hi I'm looking for tablets."
Me: we have this one here for $399.
"Do you have anything less expensive?"
Me: no, this is all I have.
Dude's eyes roll down to the product DIRECTLY BELOW THE TABLET that has a wooden iPad mockup to showcase a speaker dock.
"What about this one for $129?"
Me: that would be a speaker, sir. Not a tablet.
Dude starts leaving, then points at another product with another wooden mockup of an iPad.
"What about this one?"
Me: /ragequit

Looking forward to that IT internship I hopefully have lined up for this summer...
Re: Hate Thread

The joys of customer service. I've felt your pain Alias.

@Sponge: ...dog food upgrades to full course meal?...perhaps not splurging will allow for better meals throughout
Re: Hate Thread

More on sponge's topic:
50-lb bag of rice at the Asian grocery store. Soy sauce. Grand total: $30. Fed me for three months when I was living on my own and making minimum wage. You don't have to resort to dog food just because you don't have money, and if your family is making you eat that shit, you need to get your ass emancipated like WHOAH.
Re: Hate Thread

I've had friends who enjoy the taste of dog treats. Well, I had one friend who liked it and would trick others into trying it by telling them it was cookies or something. But the reaction was never negative until they found out what it was...
Re: Hate Thread

Hate something? Let out your anger here. For example:

I hate Zac Efron.

Yeah, nice smile. Smug little bastard. He knows he's better than all of us just because he's in a lot of mainstream movies and stuff. That smile just says it all. He's all like

"I'm not saying it, but my smile totally is: I'M BETTER THAN YOU."

And I'm like

Fuck you, Zac Efron.

And his name? What, is he too good for a K now? Zac? It's like sac with a Z. What a freaking jerk.

God I hate Zack Efron.

Big mouth idiot.


^ gotta agree with this. I watched 17 again,and I wanted too smash in his face!
Re: Hate Thread

I've had friends who enjoy the taste of dog treats. Well, I had one friend who liked it and would trick others into trying it by telling them it was cookies or something. But the reaction was never negative until they found out what it was...

Well, for me it would be more the fact that what's put into the dog treats isn't fit for human consumption, hell if the shit the put into some food marketed to people isn't, now think about what they put in dog treats that nobody gives a damn about what they're made of.
Re: Hate Thread

Prime reason never to go to Taco Bell - the beef they use is Grade D - same stuff they use in dog food.
Re: Hate Thread

Prime reason never to go to Taco Bell - the beef they use is Grade D - same stuff they use in dog food.

i c wut u did thar

Also: I wonder what the cost jump would be if they used Grade C instead of D.
Re: Hate Thread

Considering the massive quantaties they must go through even a 10% increase would be a substantial amount of money.
Re: Hate Thread

You know what I hate? Drama. Especially drama over little shit that doesn't matter.