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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Visited someone today, and it brought back a sliver of ugly nostalgia.

I hate the way my old flatmate uses capslock for every single individual capital letter she ever needs to type. I don't know if she even realises that you can just hold shift instead, but she's done it for years. It's an utterly petty little thing and I rarely see her these days anyway, but I really want to just point it out. I don't however, because I know how much she hates any kind of advice, tips or constructive criticism.

So rather I guess I should say. I hate the way that this person is so "insecurely proud" that you can't even say tiny little things like this without offending her. So very glad I no longer have to live with her.


Jan 6, 2009
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when you run into a fast food place needing to take a blazing shit only to realize once you get into that stall the entire toilets either coated in piss or shit, and the brown snakes-a-commin no matter WHAT you do.


Jungle Girl
Sep 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate when salesmen at clothing stores follow you around, even when you say you don't need help, to make sure you don't shoplift just because you're a minority.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Dude, I'm a middle class white girl and they follow me around too. S'not just you. Drives me batshit.


Totaly not actualy a Moderator
Jan 8, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Couple of things I've began to hate recently. Besides the universally hated stuff (i.e. SOPA and shit)

1. Skylanders. Now, I'm glad they reviving Spyro and all... but seriously, can anybody please tell me what the difference is between buying toys to get more playable characters as opposed to JUST FUCKING HAVING THEM IN THE GAME? Imagine Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter having to go by that style. Wanna play as Ken? FUCK YOU GO BUY THE ACTION FIGURE. This is possibly the dumbest marketing tactic ever... and shockingly, it's actually working. People bypass this fact and keep telling me it's the best fucking game. Its reasons like this I can't get into card games, since I need to buy shit to properly play the game - only this is a FRIGGIN VIDEO GAME.

2. My Little Pony. Okay, I am very sure that there are fans on even this forum. Yeah, cool. I like rainbow lizard girls with six tits and dick nipples so I won't judge. I don't really get why so many love it nor why it got so popular. But I'm getting pissed off at how this shit's just infesting everything like a plague and every fucking fanboy loves to shove it in your face. I absolutely LOATHE those who claim this show is MANLY and detest people who don't like it as if something were wrong with THEM. The fanbase of this show is actually more retarded than CoD's. Yeah, I went there. But hey, at least it isn't as batshit crazy as Twilight's fanbase. Speaking of which...


4. Battletoads. I mean... Why do I even have a life bar when everything in the later levels just one-shot kill you anyway?


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate how tied to social media we've become.

And yes, I realize how ironic it is that I'm saying this on a freaking *forum* but bear with me.

Yesterday, my uncle called my mother to ask her if she'd heard about my (second) cousin's husband passing away from...heart aneurism, I think she said. My mother, shocked because she hadn't, told him no and apparently he made mention of it being on Facebook.


I understand that it is a means to instantly get information out there with a click of a mouse or a touch of a button, but really, people, come on! My mother uses the computer for two things, email and to play mahjongg. Yes, she has a FB account but I can count on one hand the number of times that she gets on it probably in a month.

Same thing happened when my cousin (daughter of the same uncle) passed out at concert and had to be rushed to a hospital because of complications with her heart. We didn't find out until a week later and the response that we got was "Oh, it was on [her sister's] facebook!"

Now, granted I realize that if I had a bitching computer or a phone that let me be on the internet 24/7 without leaving the comfort of my blanket fort on my couch, I would probably be using it, and yes, announcing banner (or apparently not-so-banner) events on your status update is fine ("I got a new job!" "I'm pregnant!" "My grandma died :(") to sort of give people an idea of what's going on in your life/why you've dropped off the face of the earth is fine, but *expecting* people to follow you and use *that* as a substitute for picking up the phone or, hell, even sending an email just annoys the freaking piss out of me. That, and given the fact that my cousins (and other people that I've seen) feel the need to update their status with every minute little detail in their lives the very second it happens annoys me, too. I mean, if I wanted to stalk my cousin (which I don't, because it's creepy and wrong), all I'd have to do would be check her facebook page and find out "Gonna hang with my girls at Sherlock's tonight!" Great. Now I know when and where to find her!

This is why I play games and post funny/inspirational pictures on that site, that's it. If I'm planning anything, it's in closed groups that only the people attending will know when and where I'll be.

*sigh* Okay, I'm done. Time to go make things virtually die. It'll make me feel better at any rate.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

It's actually kind of scary how much Twitter and Facebook come up in my college course... and always as a tool to get people to spend gobs of money.

For those who don't know, Facebook makes millions of dollars by selling all your information (likes, dislikes, demographical info, etc. etc.) to companies. Facebook is free to sign up for because you are their product.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Hate Thread

For those who don't know, Facebook makes millions of dollars by selling all your information (likes, dislikes, demographical info, etc. etc.) to companies. Facebook is free to sign up for because you are their product.
Well... technically, the person who does the selling is yourself. Said companies pay facebook to host aps on the site; then all you need to do is laod the ap, and facebook brings up a little confirmation screen "this ap requires access to all of your personal information so it can post your high score for friends to see".

It's a small difference, but it is possible to have a FB account without giving away your details, just as long as you don't use FB for anything besides the basic functions.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Well... technically, the person who does the selling is yourself. Said companies pay facebook to host aps on the site; then all you need to do is laod the ap, and facebook brings up a little confirmation screen "this ap requires access to all of your personal information so it can post your high score for friends to see".
Pretty small technichality... but that's you giving the information to Facebook, who then sells it. Companies also pay facebook for advertising space tailored to your likes or dislikes.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate how some people feel that game developers cannot still make mistakes and have unforeseen delays, and even overcompensate nerfs and so on. I'm skipping a week on checking the TrendyNet Forums as a result of the current patch shitstorm. I admit some of the posts are relevant, but considering people the day before were threatening about 48 hours ago to QUIT THE GAME because they delayed the release of the new content by ONE DAY, I'm just getting tired of all the end-game elitest assholes that don't realize that maybe thier 1000s of damage was nerfed for reasons, add in Trendy's slight habit of having to tweak after major updates anyway means that this'll usually be able to simmer in a few weeks anyway. -,-
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Totaly not actualy a Moderator
Jan 8, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

^ On that note, I hate how game developers make the SAME mistakes over and over again.

Going on about patching, why the fuck do they release games that are buggy as fuck only to patch it up like two seconds after the full game was released? Let beta testers try it and see if anything's wrong, because that's their fucking job. If there's a major problem, fix it before you release it. Maybe there might be occasional errors that slip by, which is fine. But if you release a game and two hours after we have to sit for like five fucking hours just for a patch update because apparently the game was broken, then that's bullshit and you should feel bad.

Also, there's the dilemma of elongating games the cheap way. EXPANDING OVERWORLDS AND FORCING US TO DO FETCH QUESTS 10000 TIMES DOES NOT MAKE IT LONGER. Many of the RPG games suffer from this and that also includes the highly acclaimed Skyrim. And I think trying to make a game last for a decade is by the far worst goal to have as a game developer, because people really should not invest so much time into playing video games. If a game surpasses 50 hours, I'm pretty sure majority of that gameplay time is spent on grinding like a mindless fuck instead of actually having meaningful content - you know, like different levels! Make it short, challenging and fun. Make it memorable by having frustrating obstacles that tests our reflexes and mind, don't force us to do the same re-skinned quest over and over and over and OVER AND OVER AGAIN LIKE IN EVERY FUCKING RPG GAME EVER MADE.


And... this one goes to Capcom specifically. Please, PLEASE stop re-releasing your games ten million times. This is even stupider than releasing a broken game, only to patch it. It was funny and exciting the first time you released Street Fighter 2 Arcade Puppy Fast Fuck Edition, seeing as how we got to play new characters and the gameplay was enhanced - because back in the old days, we couldn't patch our games. But now it's just getting ridiculous with shit like Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom being released almost three months after the first game. (And fuck Megaman, shut up about him not being the game already - he'd just be another cheap-ass character anyway!)


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Dunno too much about the patching shit, I usually wait a week or two to pick up any title I want to play for the online multi. Releasing games buggy is just the way big companies do buisness now, when everyone buys a game based on it's title you don't have to worry about the quality of your product.

And as for elongated games... when I pay 60 dollars for a video game it better last more than 20 hours or I'm going to be very unhappy. And even that's cutting it too short for me. I do understand the hate for games that recycle quests and make things take longer than they should, but the answer to that is more effort and longer developement time, not cutting out sections of the game that could be made good with some work.

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

And as for elongated games... when I pay 60 dollars for a video game it better last more than 20 hours or I'm going to be very unhappy. And even that's cutting it too short for me. I do understand the hate for games that recycle quests and make things take longer than they should, but the answer to that is more effort and longer developement time, not cutting out sections of the game that could be made good with some work.
I agree. My family doesn't have a lot of money to spend on video games, so if we do get them, they have to last long. If one video game gives me 8 hours of fun, and another video games gives me 20 hours of fun, I'll pick the one with 20 hours.

Hell, Anno 1404 has an achievement for spending 500 hours playing it.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

To be fair to developers I'd also like to mention that even with standardized consoles there are still a large number of variables in how the game is accessed and played.

Case in point, Battlefield 3's MAV glitch where you can ride the thing to places you couldn't access otherwise. I can't fault the developers on this because it's something I never would have even thought of.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

To be fair to developers I'd also like to mention that even with standardized consoles there are still a large number of variables in how the game is accessed and played.

Case in point, Battlefield 3's MAV glitch where you can ride the thing to places you couldn't access otherwise. I can't fault the developers on this because it's something I never would have even thought of.
Those kinds of things usually aren't the reason people get mad, though. It's glitches that should have easily been found before they sent the game out, such as connecting to multiplayer or major balance issues. Minor balance issues and something like dancing to be invincible people don't mind getting a patch soon after launch for, especially when it's not huge and takes only a minute if not less.

Of course, yeah, you also get people who complain that there are patches at all, so =/


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Of course, yeah, you also get people who complain that there are patches at all, so =/
That's kinda how I feel DD's community is degenerating to.

Make class beyond Squire viable (One of the first major updates nerfed squire to hell, though later he got brought back up a little because the devs realized they went a bit too heavy handed): RAGE
Create first holiday content, second holiday content, and then the first hero pack which actually included more then reskins: RAGE
Focus major DLC content on PC and limiting what content comes on consoles for various reasons: RAGE
Slight debuffs on damage ramps that the community manager wasn't informed of when he wrote the patch notes: RAGE
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate how no matter what goes wrong at my work 90% of all problems get blamed on me. Its so bad I laugh now every time something goes wrong because I know my boss will blame me. I have been reprimanded three times for jobs I don't even do. Then when I say Um I haven't done that job, Or I have never done that job. My boss looks at me like hes a deer in head lights and simply says. "Oh well keep up the good work... Oh and don't talk so much."


Totaly not actualy a Moderator
Jan 8, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

That's kinda how I feel DD's community is degenerating to.

Make class beyond Squire viable (One of the first major updates nerfed squire to hell, though later he got brought back up a little because the devs realized they went a bit too heavy handed): RAGE
Create first holiday content, second holiday content, and then the first hero pack which actually included more then reskins: RAGE
Focus major DLC content on PC and limiting what content comes on consoles for various reasons: RAGE
Slight debuffs on damage ramps that the community manager wasn't informed of when he wrote the patch notes: RAGE
Wait, they nerfed the Squire?

They didn't have to nerf the squire himself! Just make enemies more resistent to physical damage so that the other classes could actually use their shit more efficiently. Enforce teamwork, not overcentralizing on a cheap-ass class by making his attacks neutral to everything in the game! I actually remember playing with a pal who hated how I kept telling everybody to just use the squire because it was easier to use - apparently he wanted more diversity and wanted everybody to use a different class. If you want diversity, then FUCK just play another class so you can't stop hogging up EXP with your overpowered nonsensical towers and weapons.

In all honesty I think the Squire should really lack turret towers, leaving those exclusive for the other classes.


Jan 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Wait, they nerfed the Squire?

They didn't have to nerf the squire himself! Just make enemies more resistent to physical damage so that the other classes could actually use their shit more efficiently. Enforce teamwork, not overcentralizing on a cheap-ass class by making his attacks neutral to everything in the game! I actually remember playing with a pal who hated how I kept telling everybody to just use the squire because it was easier to use - apparently he wanted more diversity and wanted everybody to use a different class. If you want diversity, then FUCK just play another class so you can't stop hogging up EXP with your overpowered nonsensical towers and weapons.

In all honesty I think the Squire should really lack turret towers, leaving those exclusive for the other classes.
While i do agree with most of that, i think any Class should have some kind of towers. im slowly finding that out attempting to play my barbarians and everyone else who joins me is the same damn barbarian. Ffffuuuu we cant just melee them all, we be needin towers too guys.

is anyone else having fucking problems with trendy all of a sudden? i was playing for hours last night, now all of a suddden its unstable as fuck. Keeps kicking me out of my own games when i try to host them and play them. Is anyone else getting this?
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Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Usually when I disconnect from Trendy, it's due to my own personal internet hicking up or Steam Disconnecting, more often both. problems with trendy usually aren't as common.

As for the Squire Nerf, that was like the first-second patch into the game. As is, as well as the buff he got shortly after, he got further HP buff in nightmare last patch. Apprentice tower damage ramp was lowered 15% this patch too, thus why all the rage THIS patch and why I'm hitting my head against the headboard a lot. ESPECIALLY considering all the ire for a ONE DAY delay >,<