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A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

"He shows up whenever he can cause grief." Seras said as she drew out a spyglass to try and see better through all the mist. Seras was silent as the Prudence twins discussed their plan. When she was done, Seras gave a thumbs up. "Sounds good!" she said with a smile as Katerina's voice whispered to them from above. 'This is how I became leader, Seras is too straightforward to plot.'

Suddenly, an explosion was heard, followed by a voice. "Welcome to the mist of sugar!" announced a man's cheerful voice, before white fell from the sky, and the whole ship was rained upon by gooey white icing. "And that is my present to you!" he laughed. Just from the sound alone, Prudence would be able to look, and see ever so barely a ship in the distance. Any threads of investigation she sent were blocked by some other threads that acted as a barrier.

As Seras ate the icing, she pointed her finger in the direction of the ship. "That's him!" she said, scooping up some icing off her cheek and eating it.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

The twins didn't respond to Kat's statement. There really wasn't much they could say. It was just a piece of insight into Seras's nature. It was a good thing to know, that much they would admit, but with trouble just a stone's throw away they had more important things to worry about.

And then it rained. Gooey white confection descended from on high, and soon the pirate ship was frosted with a thin layer of icing that clung to just about anything it could find. It was a rather curious thing, one that immediately had Seras all kinds of excited, and as the woman scooped some into her mouth the twins did much the same. But not for the same reasons. Miss demon Pru simply stuck her finger into her mouth and moaned a little sigh of satisfaction as she simply indulged in her senses for the moment, but the more human Prudence kept that finger in her mouth and took a more contemplative look in her eyes. It tasted nice, that much was certain, but there was more to this than simple sugar. This was created via magic, so even if the threads have since been woven a trace of them would still exist within the icing itself. And she analyzed it. If she could get a good look at it she should be able to get a feel for what kind of practitioner she would be facing, more so than the suddenly blocked attempts at using her own magic to investigate the shadow of the ship waiting in the fog.

But beyond the potential for a magical duel Prudence did realize a couple things. First, this man was a flirt. Even if the ship now looked like some giant floating piece of candy sculpture the fact that he was dropping something white and gooey all over a mostly female crew had obvious inclinations. And second, he wasn't out to cause any serious harm. There were any number of things that could have been dropped on the ship, and something as benign as icing wouldn't leave anyone quivering in fear. Humiliating, perhaps, if this was all he needed for victory, but everyone would be able to walk away.

"It looks like Captain Kitten wants to play." As she talked her other half stepped to her side and whipped her finger down the demon's thigh. A slit in the dress opened and seamed itself, and that gave Pru much more mobility for what was going to happen wit the added benefit of showing much more of her leg. "Ready the main cannon, Miss Prudence." A quick salute was given by the human, and a moment later her palm was opened. The frosting that fell on the ship starting floating toward her, and it gathered right in front of her hand as if that was where it was meant to go. "Range to target..." A hasty but accurate guess was given after judging the enemy's position. "Mark!" "Fire when ready!" The rather large ball of frosting that had been gathered was suddenly split in two once Prudence used her other hand to guide that mass to the side, and a moment later her right hand cocked back a fraction of an inch. "Fire one!" A quick push was all she made, and the very next moment her sugary shell went sailing through the air. "Fire two!" The other half of her artillery was loaded just as quickly and fired before the first shot had even landed. The attack itself had three purposes. One, it would test their defenses. The veil they used was blocking her Mind's Eye, so why not see if it could block the physical as well. Second, it would make a mess. Literally. The deck would be suddenly sprayed if her aim was true, and if she was as accurate as she hoped then the second shot should hit their sails and slow them down a bit. And third, it was subterfuge. If the icing did manage to break through the veil then the small amount of magic she wove into it would be carried as well. It would give her a tactical eye over the enemy, if even for a few seconds, and even if it were only that little it would be a boon in what came next.

"Time to get things started! Miss Yuri!" Neither Prudence looked back to see if the alp was ready or not. "Assist with propulsion!" It would be up to the recently fed demon to get the boat moving while Prudence kept an eye on all the threads in the air so she could start snipping whatever looked inconvenient, and with that added boost and the icing hopefully weighing Captain Kitten down they should catch the scoundrel in no time. "It's time we caught ourselves a cat. Run him down, Miss Seras!"
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

"Captain Kitten?" the man's voice shouted from afar. Prudence's tone seemed to carry far. "That's a new one! That's certainly a new voice too!" he noticed. "Seras, have you finally admitted you alone are not enough to catch me?" he laughed from his boat as Prudence prepared her two massive cannon balls of icing. Upon her tossing the first, the fog seemed to shift violently as if attacked by a strong wind, before it came splashing into the water. The same for the second, as Prudence would detect strangely powerful magics at work. For a mamono to hold such power is not unheard of, but a man, even a half-human, something was strange about the amount of power used.

"Oh my, you're such a poor shot!" the man's voice laughed. "But I see I have more to deal with than Seras and her merry band of crude women." he announced, seeming to hold a certain respect for Prudence as a foe to consider.

Then, shouted to assist with speeding the boat, Yuri gave a shy salute, and announced softly, "Y-yes captain!" she said, before she used her magics to speed the ship, while the other man's boat turned, and faced them directly.

"I don't think he's fleeing!" Seras replied, keeping the boat straight.

"Why would I? I'm going to rescue those fools you have, and collect a nice reward and be called a hero!" the man shouted back, his boat quickly speeding towards Seras', both boats shifting slightly to the side to align with one another. However, as the boat neared... It seemed as if no one was manning the ship. Prudence wouldn't see a single man on deck as the boat, as large as Seras' mighty ship, seemed to sail itself. Still contained in it's protective bubble of magical threads. It didn't seem like the ultimate protection, so if Prudence wanted to get rough with her magics, she could break the barrier.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Prudence simply smirked at his response. "He's a cocky little cat, isn't he?" But the fact that he employed such strength couldn't be ignored, and the fact that he was maintaining a defensive perimeter around his ship forced her to think seriously. "We may have to abandon the original plan." Without any way to properly gauge her opponent there was no telliing what might happen, especially with the ship seemingly being driven by itself. Hey Kat, mind giving me a heads up if you see anything interesting?

With as much preparation as she could manage at the moment Prudence started working on deconstructing the kitten's magic. And she did so by seemingly reaching out and plucking something from the air. It wouldn't be a readily visibly thing for the normal person to see, but with every pluck the human was quite literally unraveling the enemy's spell. In order to keep a magic fluid and constant there had to be some foundation which kept the energy flowing, and she was reaching for those specific threads. Each one pulled would give her greater access to the construct as a whole, and with each weakened section it would give her a chance to start tearing the defense down bit by bit until the enemy vessel was left completely exposed.

But Prudence was simply going to wait for that to happen. She still had a few threads of her own floating out in the water thanks to that wind, and while most of her concentration went to unmaking the cat's magic a bit grasped the remains of her cannon shots and wormed those threads until they were sitting on the edge of his defense directly beneath the ship. Once an appropriate hole was made she would sneak those stray threads of hers inside, and there she would very carefully search the ship while trying to remain hidden. And if she happened to surprise him then he was going to be in for a special treat.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Prudence unraveled the threads, and doing such was such a simple task. Quickly she took apart the weavings of protection around the ship, and when she did, Prudence would immediately find that there was only half a dozen men on the ship, hiding within the decks. Just as she would discover this, Prudence would hear the feline man's voice again. Only this time, he was behind her... And on Seras' ship. "Looking for me, Darling?" he taunted Prudence, as she'd behold a sight of a man vaguely seen through the fog, just behind the quite brilliant sight of Seras and her beauty. "We've the whole crew captured! Everyone can walk away from this unharmed, as Seras has done in the past... All you need to do my dear, is put on those collars." he said, just as the men from below emerged, holding collars that held qualities that Prudence would be very familiar with. They would seal her magic.

"Come on now, don't fight! This could get bloody!" he warned her.

"Do you mind!?" Seras complained. "You're soaking wet!"

"Well, I had to abandon ship you know!" the man defended himself. "Those scary demons were heading for me!"
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

What a tricky little man... This was a thought shared by both Pru and her sister. To suddenly have him appear on their deck like this showed he was rather cunning, especially while Prudence was far more focused on his ship. And to have captured the ship no less! As much as either twin didn't like to admit it they'd been beat-

A darkness started gathering around the succubus, a tenseness that spilled into the air and hung around both demon and human alike, one that started spilling out the moment the men appeared with those collars. They both turned as one, their gaze shifting from the restrictive bands to the drenched captain with the feline ears, and as they both gave him a hard stare the ships finally started gliding past each other.

That all came to an abrupt halt. Prudence raised a fist into the air, her knuckles pointing directly to the sky, and a moment later she simply punched up. Her dainty fist struck open air, but when it came to an abrupt halt the cat captain's ship let out a loud groan. It jerked higher by a foot, but instead of settling back into the water and rocking to a rest it simply hung there, its hull creaking under protest. Even then Prudence pushed her fist higher, some effort obvious on her part, but the enemy ship rose even higher and forced those protests to become even louder. "I commend you, Captain. That was masterful work." Even if she was praising him there was no joy in her voice. "I admit defeat, and since you wish this to end with no bloodshed then you and your men will be allowed to return to your ship unharmed and unmolested." It almost sounded like she was threatening him. "Following your safe return this ship will set sail and give you a wide berth to allow for safe passage."

She let that sink in for a bit, then her fist rose even higher. By now Captain Cat's boat was sitting dangerously high in the water, the entire hull groaning desperately as if it were fighting to hold itself together. "Do these terms sound agreeable?"
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

The man's eyes went wide as he saw the extent of Prudence's power. "Ferocious, I must say. What a foe I face." the man seemed to talk to himself. The men aboard the ship who had the collars screamed for their lives, they called out for their captain. "Captain Alvin! Captain Alvin, Save Us!" they begged.

"Relax, you sods." the man, apparently named Alvin, said to his terrified men. "It was warning not promise that carried in her voice. I won't play my cards, as inferior to my opponent's as they are right now, in such a way that I'd endanger the lives of you, my most loyal and beloved crew." Alvin said with passion, and in such a serene and relaxing tone of voice that seemed to calm the men with Prudence despite the danger they were in. The sway he held over them was powerful. "Hear me, you brute!" he called out to Prudence. "I will gladly part ways with you, but you see I've a bit of a problem with your terms. You see, these poor idiots of the order require rescuing, and I promised a pretty lady that I'd bring them home. May I bring them along as well? I'm sure they're nothing but a bother to you."
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

A nod was given to the good captain as he explained the truth behind her words, but the name-calling was uncalled for. Brute? He was the one that brought out those damned collars! He was the one that was trying to claim her as some goddamned piece of property! And he thought she would just roll over for it?! Annoying cat...

But despite the inner monologue that both twins were echoing off each other Prudence merely squinted her eyes a little as his language. What followed was a request to reclaim the captured Order men and their 'Hero'. "That may be a problem, Captain." But forcing her lowered magic to hold such a massive ship was starting to give her an ache in her arm, so Prudence slowly lowered her fist and allowed Alvin's ship to slowly settle back into the sea. "So let us negotiate."

Once the small crisis was over for the frightened men the human twin shook out her arm a bit to let some feeling flow back into it. "Those men you seek. They tried to ambush and kill me and my companions. And for what, simply existing? I believe some compensation should be given for having to put up with that hassle. So... How much were you to be rewarded for their return?" Once she received his answer she turned toward her First Mate. "Seras, how much would you normally receive as ransom for those men? Would the 'Hero' be worth more?" Of course he would. He was a Hero. He was probably worth more to the Order than all his men combined. It would make what would come next easier. "The soldiers you may have. Those poor souls were simply unfortunate. But the 'Hero'?"

"Your 'Hero' is a fraud. He ordered his men to attack us en masse while he simply held himself back and watched. He didn't lead the charge, he didn't organize his men, and he didn't lift a finger as they were all blown back by a simple gust. He sat at the rear like some coward, and when he was beaten he did nothing but scream obscenities and slander at us. And he's a 'Hero'? Ha. It's a joke. It's INSULTING. Such a weak-minded pig should never have been blessed with such a title." There was a certain venom in the demon's voice as she took over for her other half, and now that the reason was revealed she seemed to relax a little and straightened herself out. "The Order insulted themselves and everything they stood for by anointing such a man. They should be made to pay, one way or another. So I won't be letting him free. At least not for a price." Demon Pru appeared to take a liking to her new role as Pirate Captain. The smirk on her face said as much. "So, Captain, what do you offer for his release?"
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

"Sorry to say, but what I could offer to you as far as currency simply isn't mine to give, at least not yet." he answered, before shaking his head at the way the demonic Prudence lashed. "It matters not to me if this man is a saint of if he wallows with the pigs in the mud. What matters to me is promises, and I must keep them." he announced. "In that regard, madam, all I can offer you is my word that I will give you half of what I earn from his safe return. And what I was promised was a gold crown." he announced, which was worth half of a middle class house for purchase.

"That's all I'm worth!?" the Hero complained.

"That's all you're worth." Alvin laughed. "Such is the price your dear sister put out for you, who seemed righteously cross with you. She gave me a kiss and asked for me to aid in your return." Alvin announced.

"You bastard!" the hero cursed, not pleased with his own sister's affections for the rogue.

Meanwhile, among the ship's inhabitants, there was an increasing amount of movement, as Prudence began to hear Yuri, and her moaning, increase in volume. "S-so good... So good...!" she moaned.

"Stop! You'll hurt yourself you fool!" the man holding Yuri scolded her.

"Closer to my neck... Squeeze me tighter...!" she demanded, seeming to become increasingly wild.

"C-captain...! She's...! Getting... Stronger!!!" his crewmate announced, while both Prodences would understand... That Yuri goes crazy when her masochistic side is teased. And not a moment later passed, before the ship devolved into chaos as Yuri broke free, along with Seras, before she and Alvin crossed swords right off the bat. "It's over now, Alvin!" Seras announced, despite how the two of them seemed even in their skill with a blade. The whole ship turned into a battlefield in that simple moment. Seras made wide, powerful strikes with a firm defense, while Alvin seemed to move with a feline grace, quick, decisive, and dexterous.

"Get back to the ship, men!" Alvin shouted. All of the playfulness in his voice was gone, he knew how desperate the situation was now. If Prudence returned, their struggle would be over.

"But captain!!!" one of his men screamed out, as if they were afraid he wasn't going to follow.

"You haven't seen the last of me, I assure you! That demon will go nowhere else but to me!" Alvin announced as he ducked underneath a slice by Seras.

"What makes you so sure of that!?" Seras shouted her inquiry, before Alvin stabbed his blade into the deck, and held onto it tight, before picking both his legs up, and slamming his feet against her hard, knocking Seras back against the rails of the ship, nearly falling off.

Ripping his blade back out, Alvin grinned at her. "Because you cannot beat me on your own."

Seras laughed as she rose from where she was kicked. "Seems we both love our crew equally."

"It is a captain's duty to love their crew." Alvin replied with a wink.

And so, Seras and Alvin fought. Alvin was terribly skilled, and too fast for Seras. Meanwhile, his crew fought with skill as well, beating a retreat, stealing the lifeboats in order to make their way back to their ship. If Prudence went to stop Alvin, she'd save Seras likely from Alvin taking her down with him, which seemed to be his intention, given how he was pushing her towards the edge of the boat, eager to dive down with her. The crew themselves seemed to have complete faith in their captain, and retreated as he ordered, eager to flee.

Meanwhile, Katarina arrived at the boat Prudence was on. "... I'll be taking this ship." the ex-captain announced with a cold tone, disregarding the men aboard that went to flee with their other comrades. None of Alvin's men seemed eager to head back to their original boat.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

"Half a crown?" Oh dear. "That hardly seems worth all this trouble." The demon turned toward the Hero and gave him a somewhat wicked smile. "Your sister must be quite the woman to motivate men to do her bidding at such a price."

With that said Prudence sat and thought, and after a few quiet mumbles she had her answer. "It really isn't worth this trouble. I'm certain there are other parties who could offer a much better price. Of course, you could-"

But before Prudence could offer to accept Alvin's fine magical talents to help with her twin problem as payment a rather familiar moan started to echo through the air. It rose and strengthened, the men that held the women starting to panic, but with Yuri's masochism suddenly coming to life there was just no stopping it.

All hell broke loose. Yuri broke free of her bonds, and that signaled Seras's freedom in turn. She immediately pounced on the man that had flirted and frustrated her for so long, and he met this challenge head on. His orders were given to his crew, and they set out to escape, but Prudence wasn't concerned about them. She was concerned with the image of Alvin suddenly showing a ferocity that was pushing Seras to her limit. And the woman couldn't match it. She was being forced to a rail, nearly set to join the cat overboard, and there was no telling what would happen once they hit the water. There were any number of mamono waiting in the water, ones that would gladly accept either a man or a woman as its prey. Seras could be lost to her, dragged into the inky depths of the ocean where Prudence would never be able to see her once again.

That couldn't happen. She prepared herself, both of her selves, to launch over to her ship, and just before she did Katerina landed and claimed Alvin's ship as her own. Pru gave her mentor a quick salute in acknowledgment, and a moment later she was rocketing over, the demon carrying the human while the human summoned a gust of wind to carry them at nearly breakneck speed. The human was quickly thrown to the side, and as she rolled to a stop the demon turned and pounced. She threw her body between Seras and Alvin, doing everything she could to grab the cat man's attention, and she started turning his blade away with nothing more than her own body to give her first mate some space to breath. "THIS IS MY SHIP! MY CREW! MY MATE! DON'T THINK YOU CAN TAKE HER FROM ME!"
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Stepping between Alvin and Seras, Prudence stopped Alvin's assault, and of course, proceeded to shout at him. Rather than respond by attacking her, he merely put his hand on his hip and grinned at her. "I like you. But then again, I favor all predictable people. I'm very happy that you are honest with your actions." he stated. Meanwhile, his men were successful in their retreat, and were making it off of the ship, onto the lifeboats. Once it was clear that they were successfully escaping, with several wounded and outright unconscious women on board Seras' ship, Alvin rose his blade. He still had a buy a little more time, lest the demoness give chase.

"What chance have I, against a woman who can lift a ship?" Alvin asked, taking a combative stance with his blade, his eyes watching not Prudence, but her magical threads. "I will fight anyway, because I personally believe that surrendering is poor sportsmanship."
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

With Alvin simply standing there and smirking as if in triumph Pru simply let him. And in a sense he was triumphant. He was securing escape for his men by ensuring the monsters' attention was focused solely on him. And despite how angry they were both sides of Prudence could accept this. It showed strength of character, something the men of this age were sorely lacking if the Hero was any sign. In fact she was actually starting to like him despite that entire mess with the collars. "Prudence, see to the injured." The human didn't even nod her head before rushing off to check the crewwomen. If anyone looked critical she would use her magic to help stabilize them.

While this may have looked like quite the boon for Alvin the fact that the demon remained behind and still looked ready to pounce meant he was far from safe. She was still determined to gain his help, one way or another, and so far it looked like she would need to use force. And her body started to change as a result. As tight as the dress was the man would clearly see her muscles tightening to near perfection, and her wings started to take on a harder, more robust look. "Ready?" And that was all the warning he received. Pru rushed him, her fists tightened and lashing out, but instead of trying to strike his body she was trying to crush his blade. A couple quick punches were made to knock the sword aside, and following that she rotated her body. Her wings followed, their smooth edges moving to bash him like a club, and as she completed her turn the tail that had whipped behind her tried to ensnare a leg and trip the men to send him crashing to the deck. And if all this was successful that tail would stay looped around an ankle and start lifting him up, Pru herself watching him carefully to make sure he didn't try anything funny like cutting into her tail. If he tried it she was simply going to drop him.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

As the human prudence went to attend to the women that had been hurt in the fighting, Alvin didn't seem to even glance at her as she went. He fixed his eyes on his new opponent, the demonic prudence. When she announced herself, Alvin chuckled at how she gave that early warning. When she rushed at him, Alvin immediately went on a full retreat. He made a leap back to avoid the combo she planned to exact upon him, and began climbing up the ropes that connected to the mast leading up to the bird's nest, except opposite the way a sailor would climb to get up there. He moved with quick feline grace, as if his legs and arms were quite compact and strong, while his body was as light as a feather.

Rather than strike from where he was, Alvin turned back, and grinned at Prudence, remaining where he was above her, as if trying to taunt her into chasing him.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

The retreat was unexpected, and once Alvin started climbing Pru simply watched him ascend for a second. His movements were fluid. Light. Graceful. Much like the cat that he resembled with those ears. He obviously had some mamono ancestry in him, and he was making full use of it.

But if he though Pru would simply move at his pace he would be mistaken. She offered him a smirk in return for his grin. She crouched immediately after, her wings opening and rising behind her, and with one swift motion she propelled herself into the air. Her entire body went into this leap, her legs and arms curling as tightly as they could before straightening out, and her wings beat down to help kick herself into the air. And help it did. She rose yards before she caught the net he was climbing, and as soon as she landed she coiled herself to leap again.

Bounding as she was the demon looked like she was hunting the man, each powerful leap allowing her to tail him quite easily. And all the while she kept smirking, her own little taunt to show that she wouldn't be so easily overcome.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Bounding after him, Alvin jumped from the net of rope, his hands reaching out, and taking hold of the mast, using his arms to swing himself to another net, before bounding off of that, and to the back of the ship, where he landed soundly. There, he remained, watching Prudence, and leaving himself immobile, an opening that Prudence would be able to see as a chance to catch him. Yet, as if this was obvious, still he remained there, smiling up at Prudence as if daring her to capitalize on him.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

She watched him, every leap bringing her up that first net hot on his heels, and once Alvin took to the mast the demon simply jumped on top and ran along its length. But she stopped once he started climbing back down, and a moment later he took his own leap to land at the back of the ship. And there he stopped. Pru watched as he straightened himself and smiled up at his pursuer, and there he stood just begging her to catch him.

She wouldn't disappoint. She gave him that same cocky smile from on high, and a moment later she leapt into the air and started descending. Her path would have her landing right before him, just enough room to crouch and rise and nearly press her body against his before standing tall. And in mid flight she knew she had him. He could try running, dashing off to one side to avoid her landing and rush around, but no matter what she would be there. Her wings were straightened out and guiding her even through free fall, and if he started moving all she needed to do was tilt them just right and send her rushing over to catch him once again. He wouldn't be able to escape, not while she was in the air.

But what about his magic? one might say. Couldn't he just blow her out of the sky like he did those sugarballs that were fired at his ship? He probably could. It wouldn't take much to blow her off course. A strong wind would catch and throw her, and she'd end up falling into the sea and finding out just who could be waiting for her down there. That was probably why the more human Prudence was keeping a hand ready. Even as she was helping her crew recover from their injuries she kept a metaphorical eye on what her sister was doing, and the very moment he tried to summon his threads she would cut them all before they could form. If he was as good as he showed he would probably get some past her, but then again any magics that formed should be horribly reduced. His monster gust would probably turn into a light breeze, and that would simply leave him open for what would come once Pru landed.

If Pru did catch the good captain by surprise then she would beat her wings at the last second. The resounding thud that would have been her landing would turn into a light tap, and the sudden gust she put up would be enough to keep him off balance enough for her wings to nearly wrap around him. She would trap him right there, her body completely relaxed while she straightened out, and should he be a good boy she would smooth out her dress before bringing a finger up and lightly placing it against his head. "Caught you~" She wouldn't make any move to truly capture him, but with her wings spread as they were any attempt to flee would be greeted by those wings surging around the pair of them and forcing him to be bound tightly against the demon's body. Either way she would simply grin in triumph, and she would wait to see what he said.

If all went according to plan...
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

No matter what careful preparation or calculative observation she made, Prudence saw Alvin do nothing but stand there and grin. Not ceasing to disappoint as she chased after the still captain, he didn't seem to feel any sense of unease no matter how close she came. If anything, he became more confident as she drew nearer to catching him. This made absolutely no sense, because in close quarters a succubus would always win against even the greatest of men, if not by magical charm then by sheer difference in power. Not a single thread would stir from Alvin, only his arms would raise, welcoming Prudence with a wide gesture.

It all went according to plan. Mostly.

With a light tap she did land, and as her wings folded around him, his welcoming arms embraced the sides of her body. A moment too late did Prudence become aware of a faint sound, the voice of Seras, that she had just barely heard before her landing. "Got him," she said with a plain tone, not one easily heard by the demon's ear, her sense of sound disturbed by rippling winds during her flight. In each other's embrace, a machine fired, quickly followed by an apology from Seras, before a net suddenly wrapped and captured the captain and the demon, dragging them to the ground with Alvin on top.

"No, it is I who caught you." he announced, before taking advantage of the confusion and sneaking a kiss on Prudence. It was with a smile and a laughing tone that he made that announcement. It wasn't more than a joke given the reality of the situation. Still, despite that reality, Alvin named himself the victor of their little struggle.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

He wasn't moving. Even as Pru fell to the deck and landed with only that faint tap of feet on wood Alvin still refused to do nothing more than smile and open his arms. It looked like he was welcoming her, and once she landed he did. It was a surprising gesture, one she didn't expect in the least, so it was no surprise that she was ill prepared for what came next.

The faint voice of Seras didn't give much warning, but hearing the sudden firing off in her blind spot had Pru suddenly flinching in an odd way. She wrapped her wings around Alvin and held him close, and by the time it was all said and done she simply looked confused and flustered while she seemed to be trying to protect her prisoner within her embrace. The man's proclamation only added to that confusion, and the kiss that followed surprisingly made the demon blush as Alvin laid on top of her.

It took a couple moments to let everything sink in, and once Pru finally realized the situation she was in she simply smiled and started to relax. "It seems you are right. I wasn't expecting Seras to catch us both within a net, but it looked like you did. You turned my own crew's trap against me. Well done! So, my good captain, what shall you do with your prisoner?" Though he spoke in jest she wondered just how far he would take this.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Alvin chuckled, seeming a little surprised himself that Prudence would play into the playful attitude he had going. "Well, I could do a number of things... I'm sure you'll sell for a most high ransom, yet you might know some valuable secrets as well. So..." he hummed as one of his hands tickled along her ribs. "Torture could be in order, of the ticklish kind," he chuckled. "Or... If the mood takes me..." he lowered himself down, one hand on her waist and the other behind her neck, lifting her head as he lightly sniffed at her hair, before a pleased hum followed as he was happy with her smell. "Perhaps I could keep you for my own personal enjoyment. Oh~ I am feeling evil indeed!" Alvin laughed, though he could go on no more as a clearly jealous Seras was pulling on the ropes, freeing them.

"Don't worry, Prudence, I'm here to free you." she said simply, happily pulling Alvin off of her and holding him captive herself as the cat eared man pursed his lips with disappointment of having his play time with Prudence ended as it was. "Sorry about the net." she apologized for accidentally catching Alvin as well as Prudence.

"No one's upset." Alvin replied, seeming very eager to toy with the well known fact that Seras liked him by showing affection for Prudence.

This ended as Seras was pulling on his feline ear, causing him to grimace. "I'm sure she was quite bothered by having her lips stolen by your like." Seras said firmly.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Though she soured a moment or two when it came to the mention of ransom the light touch on her ribs caused her to squirm in very pleasant ways, and once Alvin pulled himself closer and sniffed at her hair Pru couldn't help but hum in amusement. "Oh, to be caught by such a wicked, wicked man who preys on helpless demons..." She leaned back dramatically to fall limp in his arms as if she were about to faint. "Oh woe unto me~!" Of course this only served to enhance her body even more, but woe nonetheless.

But just when our fair demon's plight looked hopeless a shining beacon stepped forth, and from the depths of despair a ray of light shone down, the angel Seras appearing in one fell swoop and lifting the demon from the evil captain's dastardly clutches. With the net lifted away and freedom in sight Pru rose to her feet and stretched a bit. At the mention of the net the demon's expression went a little blank as she looked the thing. "You shall be forgiven..." The smirk that followed said something else entirely. Once you've been appropriately 'punished'.

Following that Pru simply watched Alvin and Seras flirt with each other while her other half still saw to the crew's needs, but the human finished quickly and started making her over. "I hate to interrupt, but I feel it's time to be frank. Captain, though Seras may have chased you I have my own reasons for seeking you out. And now that you're here I'd like your counsel. So..." Once Prudence finally arrived the demon raised her hand and allowed her twin to step in closely, the both of them nearly leaning against the other. "When you look at the two of us what do you see?" And if he failed to mention why the twins looked so damned similar... "Look closer..."