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A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Katerina stared at the twin figures of Prudence with wide eyes. Shock was her only expression, and her only thought. Her mind drew a maddening number of conclusions to explain the sight of the human in front of her, who looked like the Prudence she knew. Succubus magic devours humanity, and corrupts it. It spreads endlessly, without any way for you to escape it. The magic that flows into your soul as the curse takes place, is the very life force of Persephone, the Goddess of Hell. To think of Persephone, is like thinking of the pitch black depths of space. Endless, indescribable, and most of all, terrifying. An empty heart, that constantly lusts to be filled. The very essence that demons draw flow out of their hearts, to reach Persephone, and fill the void that is her heart. A process that can only end with the total eclipse of the universe.

But... Here stood before her, a being that managed to survive in this empty space, without being suffocated by it's power. Is she some kind of god? To reject Persephone's existence to such an extent as to preserve her own, and even break free of her power entirely!

A tear rolled down Katerina's cheek. One of absolute fear. There was no explaining what Prudence just did. Prudence was even more terrifying than Persephone herself. If she wanted, could she blink Katerina out of existence? What if her power filled that void which existed in everyone's hearts? If Prudence had that kind of power... Hell would cease to exist.

Katerina shook her head, crawling backwards, away from Prudence with wide eyes. "It's not possible...!" she breathed quickly, her voice trembling, "What are you...!? You're a threat to all demon kind! Y-you're mere touch could turn a succubus to ash!!!" Katerina raved at Prudence with mad paranoia. She didn't understand, she couldn't. Prudence was a being far beyond understanding. It was all she could bear, the crushing fear that drove her mad, without fainting.


Chapter 2: Bane of Darkness

"Don't be silly!" laughed a cheerful voice.

Everyone's attention drawn to the voice, a girl bearing very similar features to Yuri sat on her legs, with her hands in her lap, smiling pleasantly with a pair of fangs sticking out from the corners of her mouth. A black, four foot long tail flicked playfully behind her as she looked at the three girls in the room.

"Prudence and I actually were suffering a similar condition. All I did was give her my human soul, while drawing all the succubus magic to my body, as much as I could, to sustain my own existence. Since she was ripped in half, piecing her soul together with mine allowed her soul to complete itself, and attain it's own body again! Of course, if Prudence wasn't so powerful, it wouldn't have worked, as most souls can only use enough energy to keep their body functioning and together. For her to completely reform like that is a miracle!" she giggled.

"I'm happy though. I didn't really like being a guy anyway," she announced with content.

A second after she finished, Katerina fell onto her back with a thud, laying flat on the floor as she let out a sigh. "Don't split anymore Prudence... Or else I am seriously going to die of a heart attack..." Katerina groaned.
Re: Bane of Darkness (Prudence)

"What? No... I... I wouldn't...!" Kat's words were cutting into Prudence, and she nearly collapsed within her demonic half's arms as she watched her love inch away. This...this wasn't right. They knew each other for years. Decades. Kat watched after her, guided her, protected her even when she was too stubborn to ask for any help. If anyone should know Prudence inside and out it would be Katerina, so why was she so scared?! Pru didn't have any strength. The fact that both halves had been torn apart was proof enough! If she had any strength she wouldn't have rejected her own self like that, and even if she did have some power she would NEVER turn it against Katerina!

But none of that stopped Kat from being terrified, and that it turned threw the human Prudence into a panic. Her very presence was being rejected by the only being she cared about, and that feeling of intense loneliness returned. She didn't know what to do, part of her wanting to curl up and die while another urged her to simply run through the door and never look back.

That need to escape kept growing stronger by the second, and the only thing keeping her down was her other half holding onto her as if her life depended on it. It was only when Yuri explained what she did and made Katerina fall to her back and relax that Prudence was finally able to reign in her emotions enough to keep herself from doing something drastic. "Don't scare me like that!" But in this emotional state she couldn't quite keep everything in check. Before she knew it the human was already up and pouncing Kat's prone form, and her hands were grabbing the redhead by the shoulders and shaking her with every point she was trying to make. "I'm not strong! I'm just a pathetic little fool who can't even keep herself together!" By this point her emotions were starting to exhaust themselves, and Prudence could feel herself getting more and more tired with every little tug. Her body nearly collapsed, and as she felt what little strength she had left fading she simply clung to her sister while her body threatened to break down into a teary-eyed mess. "Don't ever do that again"

Meanwhile the demonic Pru was too busy trying to filter out the rampaging emotions flowing into her from her other half to realize she was being the more level-headed of the pair. This didn't mean she didn't feel her own pain at suddenly being abandoned by her sister, but something within her told her that this was some knee-jerk reaction to something that everyone else would see as a miracle. Two souls generally don't ever inhabit the same body, and when one gets thrown out it never manages to create a body of its own. Somehow she knew this was all some gigantic misunderstanding that would hopefully get fixed in the end.

But holding onto a frantic woman and having her thoughts intrude on your own can be quite tiring. Pru looked like she was getting ready to lay back down and simply fall asleep so she could wake in the morning and think with a clearer head, but that stopped when she finally turned toward Yuri and gave her a more thorough look. The timid little girl sat there with her tail playfully waving through the air, her eyes glowing softly while her fangs poked through the contented grin she gave. All in all Yuri just looked more...fun. "Love the new look. It suits you." Pru crawled the short distance to reach her new sister. "But..." Her hands then rose to cup Yuri's cheeks, her thumbs running along the girl's cheekbones to emphasize what she was going to say. "I miss the blue. It made you look innocent. And vulnerable..."

There was an obvious undertone to Pru's words, but if Yuri was expecting the demon to act she would be disappointed. Pru was just exhausted. Her body tore itself up something fierce when Prudence somehow managed to splinter away, and it took Katerina's seed as well as the essence she'd absorbed from Yuri to repair the damage she suffered. It left her feeling tired physically and mentally. Maybe that was why she was so calm. She just didn't have the emotional strength to care right now. It seemed so absurd, but seeing her other half desperately trying to shake some sense into Kat only managed to make her smile before a yawn escaped. Any other time she knew she would be rolling on the floor laughing at how Kat was being 'attacked' by a human, but all she wanted to do right now was find the nearest bed and crawl under the covers. Maybe she'd feel more like herself in the morning.
Re: Bane of Darkness (Prudence)

Eyes wide, Katerina gasped when the human Prudence pounced upon her, and began shaking her terribly. Putting her hands to Prudence's arms that were shaking her, Katerina tried to stabilize herself, and the emotional, human girl in front of her. "Prudence! Stop shaking me!" Katerina shouted. "I apologize for jumping to conclusions, but I implore you to compose yourself for a moment!" she insisted, trying to grip Prudence back, and hold her still in her hands.

Her own hands reaching for Prudence's shoulders, Katerina tried to get the blond human on an eye to eye level with herself. "Listen to me, if what Yuri said is true, then this is the reason behind why Jezebel was hunting you. As a powerful demon, having such a thing as human essence within your soul, meant that you might sympathize with the humans! For someone close to a demon's lord's strength at the time, I can see how dangerous this truly was. But now that you're here... Like this..." her eyes glanced over Pru's human shape, "There's no doubt that you will be shunned by the demon community. And since humans are highly distrustful of demons, they will shun you as well."

Katerina's hands reached out, and held the human Prudence in an embrace, "But first, we need to compose ourselves. Then we can think of what to do next. Alright?" she asks, looking to the other two, the demonic Prudence, and the Alp, Yuri.

Blushing, Yuri smiled at the demonic Prudence as her cheek was touched, and her figure examined. Laughing nervously at the comment of her now lacking vulnerability, Yuri embraced the hands on her cheeks, with the palms of her own hands, "Thank you..." she said sincerely to Prudence.

Looking to Katerina as she was addressed, Yuri nodded, "I can lay out some futons for all of us to sleep together. But... There is one problem, regarding..." her head lowered, eyes glancing at the human Prudence, "... Food," she gestured quietly at her. "Until we can find our own food sources, we may have to rely on you..."
Re: Bane of Darkness (Prudence)

With Katerina reaching out and taking Prudence by her shoulders the blond immediately started to calm down. The frantic look in her golden eyes started to soften when she heard the apology, but it was quickly replaced with a look of concern. If this was truly why Jezebel had branded Prudence a heretic then her secret may not have been as secret as she thought. But...but that couldn't be right. In all those years she lived as a succubus no other demon had dared thought that Pru was nothing more than one of their own. The shell she crafted to hide her soul was strong enough to fool anyone. Even Kat didn't suspect a thing, and she had more than enough experience both feeding and feeding upon Pru to practically know her inside and out. Was Jezebel truly that frightening?

The embrace from her sister broke Prudence out of her little cloud of worry. Feeling those arms hold her gently yet firmly and listening to her mentor call for composure calmed her nerves and brought her back from her emotional wreck. "I know... I'm sorry... I'm just tired and a little scared. I haven't really been all alone for the longest of times, and suddenly not feeling her-" Prudence motions to her twin. "-just put me on edge." Her entire body relaxed, and she simply melted into Kat's arms and laid her head against the woman's chest.

With everything starting to turn back to normal Prudence simply sat still and listened. She could hear Yuri speaking in one ear while Kat's heart beat in her other, and it was all so peaceful that she nearly fell asleep right there, but one word caused her to snap awake. "Food." Her head picked as soon as it was mentioned, and the human picked herself up as she listened to the truth of the matter. She immediately blushed when she realized she was the only viable sustenance for a group of three demons, and the sudden realization that she could be the focus of demonic orgy made that blush all the brighter. It wasn't like she was against it, her time as a succubus gave her a certain appreciation for the more carnal pleasures, but three demons at once? That would be...well...

"Making her blush, you naughty little thing." The demonic Pru could feel her other half starting to squirm. As tired as she was Pru was starting to feel a little more playful herself, and she grinned mischievously while pulling Yuri closer. "Even if we're apart our souls are still intertwined, and I can tell you just made her wet herself." "Hey!" The human kept turning brighter shades of red, and she tried to look around nervously in an attempt to avoid having her gaze caught by anyone else. "But she's not ready for that just yet. We all need a rest, so let's get those futons out."
Re: Bane of Darkness (Prudence)

Yuri nodded pleasantly, "Alright!" she agreed without hesitation as she stood, and stepped softly away. Only a few second later, returning with a very large bunch of futons. Once she reached everyone, her only choice was to let all of the futons fall to the floor. In total, there were three that Yuri brought. "Sorry to say... But this is as many as I have. I have a third, because Katerina only ever brought one guest at a time... So..." Yuri shifted awkwardly, "One of us... Will have to share... Although," she giggled, "I guess who's going to share is obvious!"

With that announcement, Yuri knelt down to her knees, and suddenly took the blond Prudence's hand, "This Prudence will sleep in my futon!" she announced.

"That wasn't obvious!" Katerina shouted angrily. Folding her arms she let out a sigh. "Really, Yuri, you should know better." she said scoldingly.
"Clearly, Prudence belongs to me, so both of them shall sleep with me." she said matter-of-factly.

"Katerina, that's selfish!" Yuri pouted.

"That's what it means to be a demon." she told Yuri with a grin.
Re: Bane of Darkness (Prudence)

With Yuri taking Prudence by her hand the human could only turn and stare at the new demon, her blush dying down a bit as embarrassment gave way to surprise. She really didn't expect the girl to assert herself like that, but she didn't have time to dwell on that when Kat quite clearly shouted at the alp. Prudence turned with a shocked look on her face, and when Kat explained how she clearly should have both Prudence and Pru all to herself the human didn't know what to say. She never would have guessed two demons would be arguing over which one would get to take her to their bed, and without any idea how to calm everyone down she turned to her twin with a look that practically begged for help.

The demon Pru simply smiled to herself. She never would have guessed her human half would have been so popular, and watching her two sisters fight simply for the right to lay with her both amused her and made her somewhat proud. "It seems we have a dilemma! Two contenders have appeared to claim Prudence for the night: one who claims her heart, and one who saved her very soul. So who has the rightful claim? Hm..." Pru put her finger to her mouth in mock contemplation, and after a satisfactory pause she smiled and acted like she came to a decision. "With two such fine demons vying for control I can only think of one solution." Another pause. "Contest." With that word out in the air Pru half expected to see Katerina's eyes brighten. The woman did enjoy a good game.

Sure that she now had everyone's attention the demon rose from her seat and walked over to her destroyed dress and ripped off a solid strip. "Hey!" "Oh hush, you can fix it." With Prudence looking a little angered over her favorite dress being town apart like that she simply glowered as Pru stepped closer until the demon disappeared behind her back. "What are you-" "Eyes front." Before the human could object the torn cloth was wrapped around her eyes and tied off. "Sisters, I propose a contest befitting our lascivious nature! Whoever gets the lovely Miss Prudence to cum the hardest will be declared winner and will lay claim to her for the night!"

"Hey! I didn't agree to this!" As much as Prudence was protesting it would be quite clear she wasn't exactly refusing. She had yet to reach for the blindfold. Pru saw that immediately and continued as if nothing had been said. "Now, some ground rules. One, no feeding. She's still a little weak, and she still needs time to let her soul recover. That doesn't mean she wouldn't mind a little fun!" The human turned red once again, partly from anger but mostly from arousal. "Two, no magic and no speaking. This is to be a test of skill, so no shortcuts. Three, no full body contact. You may kiss, lick, tongue, suck, grope, finger, fondle her all you want, but I don't want to see anything happen below the contestants' waist. It would just be too much a temptation to start feeding. Anyone who breaks any of these rules will be instantly disqualified, and I get to fuck them right then and there." A lecherous grin spread across her face, and it looked like she was nearly daring someone to break one of those rules. "Agreed?"

Once Pru received both Kat and Yuri's approval of the rules she spread her twin's legs open and displayed the human's quite aroused sex to them both. "Now, before we begin I need to know. Would you prefer cock or no cock?" Prudence dropped all pretenses of objection and simply waited for an answer, her mouth already starting to whisper the incantation for the futa spell yet holding off to see whether the two demons wanted her to finish or not.
Re: Bane of Darkness (Prudence)

Folding her arms confidently under her bosom, Katerina smirked confidently. Prudence's innocence wasn't limited to her human form, it seemed. The girl had little clue that energy could be drained just from physical contact, so long as the victim was releasing their spirit energy. Even if only a little, she'd dine on the human soul in front of her, and there was little doubt in her mind that Yuri stood absolutely no chance against her skills. She had been given complete control of the situation, and no one knew it...

Until Yuri was suddenly past her in an instant. Katerina's curly hair flourished in the wind created from Yuri passing right by her quickly, and actually landing into the human Prudence's lap. "Cock!" the fresh devil cheered. Her hands resting on Prudence's shoulders to steady herself, Yuri was all too well in the right position for penetration. All the human prudence needed was one extra accessory. This was all to Katerina's anger, of course.

"How dare you!?" she exclaimed harshly, frowning at Yuri angrily at her sudden bold behavior. Puffing her chest out with an intake of breath, Katerina motioned forward to regulate Yuri's behavior, positioning herself behind her, and wrapping her arms around the girl tightly to lift her up... But never actually lifted her up.

Instead, Katerina stayed, and Yuri let out a squeak, her eyes wide. "As punishment, it is I who you'll be sleeping with!" she announced loudly.

"My butt!" Yuri squealed, "This is a fresh body! It hurts more than usual!" she cried.

"It is you who shall be fed upon tonight, you naughty girl," Katerina announced, her magical presence pulsing, as the two Prudence's could clearly see Yuri's energy pumping into Katerina's body from the location of penetration. If not by her moans, then by her aura being absorbed into Kat, it would be obvious she loved having Katerina's firm length inside of her back entrance, the masochistic cries from the pain loving girl clear, and loud as Katerina's firm length slid back and forth, pumping her anal ring gracefully.

"I feel so weak, you're taking so much..." Yuri moaned, quickly slumping back into Katerina's embrace.

"That's because you love it in the ass, my dear Yuri~" Katerina giggled.
Re: Bane of Darkness (Prudence)

With a body suddenly leaping into her lap and the grand exclamation for cock Prudence nearly fumbled her spell. She didn't think Yuri could surprise her any further, but finding the girl straddling her pelvis and practically demanding to be impaled right then and there was a shock. Her spell was fumbled, the little bits of energy she gathered dimply dissolving into the air only a moment before Kat nearly bellowed at the alp and approached the young demon from behind. Prudence could feel the small girl shifting slightly as Kat grabbed her, and the small squeak followed by the sudden squeezing from those hands on the human's shoulders was more than enough to tell her what her sister had just done.

For a few seconds Prudence had a front row seat for the plundering of Yuri's ass. Even with the blindfold still on she could feel the girl rocking through those hands that still clung to her, and with every pant and moan Prudence could feel the sheer pleasure the newly born demon felt as her hot breath washed over her. She couldn't help but focus on those cries of ecstasy, her mind starting to draw a picture as Yuri pulled away and fell into Katerina's embrace. She could nearly see their spirits merging as Kat continued to pump into the girl's behind, Yuri's starting to splinter each time a pulse of pleasure shot through her while Kat's simply reached out and pulled those pieces into herself.

Prudence was so preoccupied with the coupling right in front of her that she didn't notice Pru's arms wrapping around her until she felt a hand starting to slide along her inner thigh. Her hips rolled upwards at that moment, and once she did both Kat and Yuri would find the human's glistening excitement on full display. For a few seconds Prudence was mercilessly teased like this, her arousal growing until she could barely stand it. But before she could take matters into her own hands she found herself being lifted and placed into a futon. She was then carefully tucked inside, her body hidden from view as her other half pulled away. "You need to get some rest." She soon felt her demonic side leaning closer as Pru whispered so only Prudence could hear. "Yuri's going to be famished, and she's going to need you tomorrow morning."

With that said and done Pru left her gentle half for the evening, the blindfold still in place knowing that even without her sight Prudence could still see the lewd act taking place only a couple feet away. And she knew that even if the woman was told to rest she was far too wound up to just sit there to simply watch and do nothing. She could already see the futon starting to shift slightly as Prudence no doubt started using her fingers to find some release. Might as well give her a show! With that in mind she started crawling forward, her bust swaying slightly to and fro while her tail swung through the air. She approached the coupled demons, her face practically hovering over Yuri's form as she turned to Kat and asked in the most pitiful voice she could muster, "Sister, would you be willing to share?" Pru's tail rose behind her, the tip fattening once again to form a cock as it stopped just short of Yuri's mouth.
Re: Bane of Darkness (Prudence)

Turning back to the scene of Katerina and Yuri, the newly transformed demon was held on top of the elder demon, who's hips thrusted upwards in a lewd motion, sliding the length that stood erect from her crotch, into the moaning demon's anal ring, slick and glistening just from her anal juices alone. "Please..." Yuri moaned, her body nearly limp on top of Katerina, "I can't move anymore... Katerina, stop thrusting so hard at least...!" she cried.

Katerina's only response was a giggle, after Prudence made her longing request. "You're not done just with this. You've still plenty of energy, it's just your love for abuse that prevents your body from moving." she stated, giving Prudence her answer by gripping Yuri's cheeks in her hand, and gently holding the girl's mouth open. A trail of saliva wets Katerina's fingers after her lips are parted, much to her amusement as she laughs. "Are you that hungry for Pru's tail? At least don't bite it~" she giggled.
Re: Bane of Darkness (Prudence)

So enticing... Yuri caught and helpless, so enamored by the length plundering her masochistic ass that she lay paralyzed in utter bliss. With Kat holding her mouth open and her desire quite clear as the girl's saliva practically began to coat the redhead's fingers Pru could feel herself wanting to simply stuff that tail of hers right into Yuri's waiting mouth. To feel those lips wrap around her engorged length. To feel her tongue lick and caress her from tip to stem. To feel the girl's throat give in as her tail-cock was forced further and further down until Yuri was practically gagging. But she didn't. Instead she kept her tail hovering just past those waiting lips, the tip going so far as to dip inside only slightly before Pru pulled back. If Yuri craned her neck forward and managed to catch her prize the so be it. Pru would just need to pull back a little further. If Yuri's tongue popped out to worry Pru's head then that would be perfectly fine. That would serve to tease the girl only further, and Pru was nothing if not the eternal tease.

But she was also a hungry demon, and watching that tiny well-developed body bounce after each of Kat's steady and strong thrusts only made that hunger grow. And with Yuri on full display Pru's attention immediately focused on her younger sister's unattended flower. "Oh you poor thing..." A pair of hands brushed against Yuri's thighs before they gently eased them farther apart. "Forced to sit here all alone while your friends get all the attention..." Pru's mouth hovered over Yuri's lips, the succubus speaking directly to the converted alp's sex while her fingers started to trace up and down the girl's slit. "Well you just let your big sister Pru take care of that little problem!" A tongue replaced those wandering fingers, and soon enough Pru was teasing Yuri even further by licking licking all across her folds as she simply enjoyed the taste.

But she wasn't going to sit and tease the girl forever. Pru tongue started to delve into Yuri's cleft, savoring the taste of her honey as she gathered as much as she could and swallowed. This was such a treat, and with every mouth full her tongue dove deeper and deeper. Yuri would probably notice it pressing farther than any normal tongue would, but Pru kept diving. She explored every inch of Yuri's pussy, remembering each and every sensitive spot that made the girl either moan or shiver until she had reached as far as she could. She could probably press even farther, a demon's cervix would readily open at even the slightest touch, but something else caught her attention. As she explored she could feel Katerina's length plumbing into Yuri, Pru's tongue laying still for a few moments just to enjoy that feeling as that motion pressed against that thin layer of flesh.

Then a rather wicked thought flashed across her mind. Her tongue pulled back, and once Kat had pressed herself as far inside the alp as she could grow Pru pressed in herself. But the tip of her tongue pressed down, Kat's length no doubt feeling an added pressure as Pru licked her through Yuri. When she had pushed her tongue as far as it would go she returned to worrying Yuri's sensitive flesh on her way out. And that's how things would continue, Pru focusing on Katerina while she thrust in then pouring all her effort onto Yuri as she pulled out. She was so focused on this that he ignored her tail, Yuri now free to suck it into her mouth and lavish whatever attention she felt her sister deserved.
Re: Bane of Darkness (Prudence)

Yuri, watching Pru's tail, stared at the red haired demoness as she decided to tease her. Thighs already fairly apart, Yuri's legs gave no resistance against Prudence's fingers. More curiosity than desire seemed to be present on Yuri's expression. However, Prudence's fingers along her thighs, and her lower half was enough teasing to bring about the expression she desired.

"Slow and steady doesn't win the race, Pru," Katerina announced as she observed from over Yuri's shoulder.

"She's just as mean as you are!" Yuri whined as Prudence continued to tease at the girl's skin and nethers.

"Perhaps it's true she got most of her sadistic side from me~" Kat giggled.

Both girls went silent as Prudence ceased her teasing, and began to use her tongue. Yuri's whines not only in tune with Katerina's thrusts anymore, but the slithering of Prudence's tongue as well as it began to slip into her body. "Quit... Quit poking that spot!" Yuri whined as Prudence casually made her way about her insides, tickling various places to see Yuri's reaction. "I'm serious! Stop tickling me in there!" she whined once more, visibly tortured by Prudence's playful tongue as it explored her deeper and deeper.

Yuri's eyes bulged as she felt a sudden pressure from Prudence's tongue, while Katerina let out a delighted squeal, "Pru, you little devil!" she announced happily.

But Yuri seemed more tortured by the fact. "I... I can't take it anymore..." she whined, before clenching, and releasing a torrent of cum along Pru's tongue, her vaginal walls tightening around her oral organ, as well as her anal ring tightening around Kat's cock. Letting out a delighted growl, Katerina returned the pleasure in kind, with a wealthy dose of her ejaculate, straight into the deep reaches of Yuri's ass. Against Pru's tongue, the bulging became more present as thick semen began to fill Yuri's rectal tunnel.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Katerina smirked at Prudence, "You really piss me off sometimes, Pru," she stated with no sign of such irritation on her face. "You'd be fine with teasing through an entire feeding, taking small bites of your prey. It's much more enjoyable to swallow your victim whole~" she laughed, while Yuri went limp on top of her, a pathetic look of bliss on her face.
Re: Bane of Darkness (Prudence)

The moment Pru felt Yuri clenching her invasive tongue Pru switched gears. All her efforts focused on pleasuring the girl, Yuri's most sensitive spot continually rubbed. She was determined to drag Yuri's orgasm out for as long as she could. It was only when the girl was finally starting to wind down when she started to remove herself, and with her tongue covered in the alp's release she made sure to drag the entire length of it against Yuri's jewel just before the little masochist finally passed out.

Pru let her tongue hang out of her mouth for a bit, Yuri's release nearly dripping to the floor as she proudly presented it for her sister's inspection. Before a drop was lost she pulled that long muscle back into her mouth, a moan of delight escaping her the whole time even while Kat 'admonished' her. "You can blame her." Pru motioned to her other self still seen shifting under her cover. "She can't help it, she's always been a bit of a tease. It's just part of who she is." Prudence gasped on cue, one hand clearly playing with one of her tits while the other was molesting the treasure between her legs. "But teasing someone is so much fun. Making someone squirm at your slightest touch, hearing them beg for more over and over until you finally give them what they want and cause that last little bit of resistance to fall..."

All this time the demonic twin seemed to be squirming herself. Her hips shifted ever so slightly, her breathing became a little deeper and more ragged, and she quite visibly tried to contain herself as she started staring at her other half. For a few seconds she seemed to teeter on the edge, her attention refusing to leave Prudence as the human continued to pleasure herself, but the moment the blond arched her back and started gripping herself tightly the demon squealed and did the exact same thing. Her hand came and practically mashed her own tit, and her other hand flew to her nethers so she could furiously pump her fingers inside herself. She kept leaning back farther and farther, her body spraying her climax past her fingers while the tail still hovering near Yuri erupted and started to coat the limp girl with long sticky ropes.

For a few seconds the two halves simply hovered as they were, each mirroring the other as they rode out mutual orgasm that only ended when the redheaded Pru finally fell back onto an unoccupied futon. They both panted in unison until the demon turned and let out a single laugh. "I never thought you could send THAT over our link!" "Neither did I!" The human was smiling as well, but after a few more moments she finally surrendered to her exhaustion and fell fast asleep. The demon was a bit more lively, the small meal she received from Yuri helping to restore her strength as she properly pulled herself on top of her bed but didn't bother to pull open the covers. The night was warm enough to sleep in the nude out in the open, and she wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste. But she didn't go to sleep just yet. She simply laid there, her tail coiling around her leg while she was content to sit and let her mind wander for a few more minutes.
Re: Bane of Darkness (Prudence)

A conversation of their eating habits. From an outside perspective, it might be easy to mistake what they were saying for something else. However, their preferences seemed to match their outside appearances quite well. The supple body of Prudence matched her tender ways and the robust body of Katerina enjoyed consuming everything quickly. And to make her point, Katerina bounced her breasts lewdly as Prudence went on about her passion for teasing.

Watching the scene of the human and demon sisters go about learning how strong their connection is, Katerina slouched on her own bed, before laying down herself when the scene calmed down, right next to Yuri. With everyone peacefully quiet, the group found their respite in the land of dreams...


Chapter 3: The Hero Never Wins

Awakening the next morning around the same time, both Prudences would find their senses picking up on the scent of fresh tea and scones being prepared. The sound of clattering dishes followed, before a rather exhausted looking Yuri came out into the living room, with bags under her eyes. "Please wake up soon, Miss Prudence..." she pouted softly, "I really need your blessing right now..." she begged the sleeping human inside of the futon.

Sitting down in the middle of the room, Yuri sighed and sipped at her tea, glancing at Katerina, who still yet snored quite loudly, breasts rising and falling with her nipples pointing to the sky.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

There were certain perks to being a demon. The first is a rather malleable body. The soul from which a demon is born can mold itself, add a little muscle in one place, take some fat away from another, and with it being composed of pure spiritual power it can heal even the oldest of wounds that would have left an otherwise perfect body marred. She had already done this once, her rebirth fixing a few flaws that her only her most vane side could never accept. The human who had just been reborn no more than a few hours earlier had reformed her body from another spiritual mass, so those corrections still remained. For all intents and purposes she was perfect, at least to herself.

But there were other perks, some that one wouldn't think about until they were gone. A demon can hold full control over their form, and even those that don't manage to at least keep their self-image intact. They can rouse themselves from slumber in an instant. They held a clarity of mind that was nearly unrivaled. Twisted, perhaps, but clear nonetheless. Boons that not many think of but all enjoy to some degree or another.

And Yuri would soon learn that the now human Prudence held those boons no more. The moment the short girl begged for the blessing she needed Prudence began to stir. Her eyes opened to only half-slits that made everything appear as a blur, and her still somewhat half-asleep mind couldn't seem to focus on any specific thing. Her body rose on its own at having been unintentionally awakened, and she let out a confused "Hmm?" as she looked all around. Her hair was a complete mess, the human curse that is bedhead striking her fully now that she was no longer immune, and it made for quite the sight as she finally noticed the body sitting so near.

Her body wanted to rest a little more, and it could do so much more easily held in the arms of another. With that possibility so close at hand Prudence let out a sleepy little smile before she toppled over and dropped her full weight on top of the alp. Once she landed she cuddled herself closer to the demon, her body humming contentedly as she made herself comfortable. "Mmm! Blessing..." If left undisturbed she would probably fall back asleep once again.

No more than a couple feet away another demon was stifling a grin as she feigned ignorance of the whole situation and tried to look the part of a still sleeping innocent. Thankfully her head was turned away, so she could let that grin form while she waited to see what would happen next. The tease... She said it last night. Prudence had always been a bit of a tease, even long before she had become a succubus. But that didn't mean it was always intentional, and with her body pressed so close to a hungry demon it would be sweet and innocent torture to poor Yuri. I wonder how much she can take?
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Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Katerina secretly giggled nearby as the demon Prudence would find the succubus moved her bed closer to her. Also pretending to be asleep, she turned to cast her gaze at Prudence next to her, "You don't know Yuri too well~" she giggled, as if she knew what the demoness was thinking.

With Prudence on top of Yuri, the black haired girl suddenly flushed and made a yelp as she found herself. Her arms going around Prudence, Yuri flushed deeply and nervously writhed underneath the human. "P-Prudence!" she cried out softly, legs twitching as Prudence's own leg was caught between Yuri's. "I-I am supposed to pleasure you, not the... Ahn!" she squeaked again as her sensitive crotch was rubbed by Prudence leg, all by Yuri's own accidental doing. A fact she was not seemingly aware of. And as Prudence lay on top of her, a lewd, almost disgustingly happy grin appeared on Yuri's face as drool ran down from her mouth. "You're so heavy on top of me... Oh, you're teasing my clit...! It's harder to breath like this~!" she whispered happily. She seemed to be in bliss.

Katerina laughed at Prudence's thought of her ability to tease. "Yuri is easily satisfied. And because she's masochistic, she loves to be tortured. Teasing her is only just giving her what she wants anyway~" she laughed some more, while Yuri continued to writhe in bliss under Prudence.

"This pathetic boy shall be your pillow~" Yuri giggled happily.
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Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

"I see..." As Pru watched Yuri starting to twitch and whine with an almost mad little grin on her face she found herself a bit confused. "I guess I still have a bit to learn... Hmm~!" Dropping all pretense aside she quickly sat up and turned straight to Katerina, her hands in her lap and her arms pressing against her chest so she could enhance her features and properly present herself. "I hope you'll teach me well, Mistress~!"

Elsewhere the more human Prudence was oblivious to all that was happening around her. Her still groggy mind was simply basking in the warmth of the body beneath her, and she was quite enjoying the small movements it was making as she laid against it. Even when it started squeaking and complaining it did nothing to rouse her from her sleep. All she did was smile and wrap herself even tighter around her pillow.

But a moment later something changed. The slight twitching beneath her was getting stronger, more rhythmic. Prudence could tell that her pillow was now sliding itself against her body. A pair of legs parted allowing her thigh to slide down and nestle between them, and in turn she found her own hips slightly straddling her partner's thigh before the writhing started to continue. It forced her leg to press against Yuri's slick folds, a trail of arousal getting left wherever they touched. It forced Yuri's thigh saw between her own legs, the human's jewel getting teased in turn as a pleasant heat started to spread from her core. It forced her chest to duel with the alp's, her nipples digging into pliant flesh while a pair dug into hers before the twin sets flicked past each other. It forced her body to respond, her hips starting to shift back and forth on their own to heighten the arousal that was starting to spread.

Eventually the human woke with a moan, and once she did she found Yuri beneath her undulating in complete bliss. The little alp looked completely lost within her own world. Just having Prudence near seemed to be enough to make the girl happy, and it made the human smile in delight knowing her presence was all that was needed. She adjusted her position so her full weight was resting against Yuri, and once that was done her lips lowered to Yuri's drooling mouth and gave her a long sensuous kiss that would only end if Yuri chose to pull away.

With nothing better to do Prudence's hands started to explore her lover's body, her palms gliding up and down her sides, massaging what bit of Yuri's tits were available, smoothing over that perfect ass and encouraging the girl to wrap her leg around her. She kept this up for quite a while, the mutual teasing starting to really get to her, but eventually it happened. Her mound slid farther while she was lifting Yuri's leg, and she soon felt her pussy flirting with Yuri's folds. It caused her to moan into the girl's mouth, and a moment later she pulled away and stopped, her golden eyes catching the brilliant rubies looking up at her. She just sat there staring, searching for the answer to the unasked question hovering in the air. All she needed was a slight nod, a faint whisper, anything that said it would be fine before she lifted that leg fully into the air and slid even closer. It would break that wonderful contact they were sharing, but it would be worth it to grind her sex against Yuri's. She just needed that sign.
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Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

At first, while watching the scene, Katerina only glanced at Prudence, the more appealing one, in her opinion. But when she saw the demoness striking such a pose, her eyes switched back to fix on her with a sudden and amused grin. Chuckling, it seemed Katerina was very taken by the way Prudence held herself. "I had no idea you could look so adorable~" she cooed, flicking her tail over to give one of her presented breasts a jiggle. "Let me tell you a little something~" She announced, before gliding behind Prudence, and wrapping her arms around the front of her body, arms going over her shoulders, and wrists covering Prudence's breasts, while directing both of their front's to the scene before them.

Wrapped in her world of ignorant, masochistic bliss, Yuri had no clue that the sleeping woman had awoke, and was slowly approaching her with her own face. Feeling an increase of pressure, Yuri was further lost in the comfortable feeling of finding it difficult to breathe. Indeed, something she was comfortable with. But when Prudence touched her with her lips, Yuri's eyes snapped open with a confused moan. Feeling soft hands smooth along the sides of her body, the skin of her small breasts, and the rounds of her rear end, Yuri was quite confused towards her partner. Even when she felt Prudence's and her own nethers touch, she flushed, but still was bewildered by none other than a human, who was apparently taking the lead over a demon!

The realization of what this human Prudence was wanting to do, and going to do, filled Yuri's mind with thought. Looking down at where they were in contact, Yuri was confused as to how something such as that would work between two girls. Instinct told her to grind as Prudence did, but it seemed quite an awkward task. And even not considering that fact... Yuri couldn't help but continue to be reminded that she was in the submissive position. As a demon, a natural predator of souls, her assumed 'prey' was well in control of the situation, and giving her nourishment, like a bunny walking into an alligator's mouth, the alligator in question having it's limbs bound in ropes tied by the small bunny. Thinking of it that way, Yuri couldn't help but feel very pathetic as a demon...

... Pathetic!

That one thought suddenly flipped Yuri's mind upside down. The position she was in, a demon under the care of a human taking advantage of her, made Yuri's face go red, swimming with flustered blood. Most obvious of all, her lips were locked in a rather embarrassing wide grin. Anything more perverted than the expression she was making would be quite a sight to see.

And such was Prudence's answer: a big, wide, goofy, excited grin.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

At Katerina's comment about her adorableness Pru grinned and answered in a somewhat conceited tone, "There's a reason they call me the Ecchi Machine." But beyond did she did little more. When Kat glided behind her she only turned her eyes to watch, and when those arms rose over her shoulders and covered her bare breasts Pru let out a low hum before her mentor turned the both of them toward the scene playing out before them.

She watched her other half start to stir, the human becoming aroused even in her sleep before she woke and found the alp writhing beneath her. She watched as Prudence started showering her affection on her lover, and she watched the confusion spread over Yuri's face as Prudence kept pressing both their bodies together. But that confused look continued to stand out, and Pru was wondering why Yuri would be so hesitant. Isn't this what she needed? As a demon her spiritual reserves needed to be filled, and finding a human so willing to give a demon what they needed was a rarity in itself. So why couldn't she...

Then it suddenly changed. Yuri's look of hesitation melted into one of the most perverted grins anyone had ever seen. Whatever doubts showed in her face simply evaporated in an instant, and she accepted everything that was happening to her. Something had to have changed. Or maybe she realized something. Either way Pru couldn't understand what just happened, and she wondered if this was what Katerina was trying to show her. But curiosity was starting to get the better of her, and she couldn't stop herself from asking Kat about this turn before Kat would continue on her own. "What just happened?"

Elsewhere Prudence found her answer, and it nearly made her beam in excitement. She didn't hesitate in the least when she started grinding her mound against the alp beneath her. She started slowly, her velvety lips sliding and caressing Yuri's sex, each motion designed to tease her clit against Yuri's folds as the same was done in reverse. She could feel her own arousal starting to smear across her lover, and she could feel the demon's nectar smothering her own sex in return. It made everything deliciously slick, and she continued to grind, the mixture of their juices coating every inch they shared.

It was only when they were both thoroughly soaked that the human finally changed tactics, and she shifted her hips just enough for this next pass. She practically crept forward, her eyes locking onto Yuri as she anticipated what would come next, and once it hit she threw her head back and let out a low moan. Her clit had finally contacted Yuri's jewel, and once they did a wonderful shiver shot up and down her spine. There was always something delightfully naughty about two women mashing their clits together, and it always drove her excitement through the roof.

Whatever control the woman had simply vanished, and she started bucking against the demon underneath her. It heightened her senses, her spirit finally recognizing the threads of Yuri's soul weaving around her and sucking away at the human's essence like a babe suckling her mother's teat. She could feel her growing excitement making her soul shiver, and it only increased the pleasurable sensations she felt as bits of pieces of her existence were dissolving into Yuri's being. Just having her soul eaten was nearly orgasmic in itself, and she quickly found herself rushing toward that heavenly peak that would send her spiraling into climax. But she forced herself to fight it. She forced herself to hover on the brink, her mind and body starting to tear itself apart when neither could find any relief. "Yuri..." She still needed something else, one more thing that would make this perfect. "Please... Come with me...!"
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Looking back at Prudence as she cast such a question to her, Katerina winked her red eye at her fellow demonic sister, "Fetishes, my dear Pru," she announced to her. Directing them both back to the scene, she pointed out Yuri, and most importantly, her lewd expression. "Every true succubus knows how to apply to fetishes. While there are some who like a tease, you may lose prey if they are not taken by such tactics," she advised her younger demoness. "In this case... Don't you think that, as a demon, being on the receiving end, with a human especially, is -pathetic-?" she asked Prudence, putting emphasis on the last word. "Of course, being someone who thrives on being pathetic, this is more than enough to put poor little Yuri in a hypnosis."

Underneath the enthusiastic human, Yuri looked perfectly happy with whatever intent was behind her beaming expression. And even during the act Yuri did nothing to endure Prudence's teasing, and instead thrived on it. Laying with her hands curled over her breasts, she whined with each curl of Prudence's hips, each time her sensitive little nub was stimulated. Though when Prudence suddenly stopped, leaning forward over Yuri and looking down at her for an expression of realization, the cute face of Yuri only cocked to the side in confusion. She didn't seem to want Prudence to stop, but then again, her eyes fixed on her was enough to make her swirl.

When the contact was made, and the pressure of both of their points pushing on each other occurred, Yuri let out a shocked gasp. All hesitation gone, Yuri shamefully allowed Prudence's excitement to run wild, letting her thrust her hips so that their sensitive points ground against each other. Staring up at the ceiling, Yuri's eyes were wide as she became enthralled over the sensation of absorbing Prudence's human soul. More than Prudence, Yuri looked to be driven completely mad by the pleasure. "I can't wait any longer!" she cried, "I love being a demon!" Yuri cheered with a slight laugh, heavily hinting at her newfound madness. Not a moment after, Yuri let out a cry, her threads seeking out Prudence's soul like a predator's jaw as she climaxed. Her threads sinking into Prudence's essence, only to the magical eye, they visibly glowed as Yuri sucked the power from Prudence's soul.

"Yet another addition to our club of raving mad sex addicts~" Katerina giggled, hugging the demonic Prudence closely against her bosom.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Surrender to a human is pathetic? She's always heard as much from the other demons, and Kat had drilled that into her head on numerous occasions. A succubus is a sexual beast, a predator far superior to any lowly human and was honor bound to stay in complete control over the poor pitiful prey that would suffer the most exquisite of delights. This was the most basic fact of Hell itself...but Pru never truly believed it. Maybe it was because half of her soul had always remained human, or maybe it was because her human side had sacrificed itself to save her. So it wasn't much of a surprise to see Pru hesitate at the point Katerina was making. But she didn't question it. This was just something for her to think over as she watched her other half giver herself to Yuri, her gentle dominance proving enough to feed the young alp's fetish.

Prudence herself couldn't give a damn about what Kat and Pru were doing. She was too lost in the sensations coursing through her as well as the look of pure bliss covering Yuri from head to toe. She was lost to her body struggling to contain itself while what felt like a million different hands kept pushing her closer and closer to her brink. She was lost to the invisible threads that pierced her very being as Yuri sucked on her soul, the spiritual pleasure so intense she knew she would most likely collapse if she weren't so intent on grinding their two clits together.

But she was still waiting for one more thing, and as soon as Yuri screamed it finally hit her. The girl's climax caused the demon soul to open wide, and with Prudence writhing on top of it those jaws clamped around its prey. The human could feel herself being pierced as Yuri bit into her, the moment her soul was attacked she could no longer hold herself back. She exploded over Yuri, her body seizing as it sprayed her release all over the girl beneath her, her spirit shattering into a million different pieces as pieces of it were torn away and swallowed by the lustful hunger bound within the small demon. Prudence's orgasm was a force of nature, her body unable to move as her mouth hung open in a silent scream that was a pitch beyond anything it could ever make.

At the same time Katerina would feel Pru tense within her arms, and the demon she held would suddenly start spraying her own nectar onto the roll beneath her as she was forced to experience another orgasm that was not quite her own. The two halves were once again mirroring each other, both human and demon frozen in complete ecstasy until Prudence could feel her climax starting to wind down. Her hips quickly found the will to start shifting on their own, and as she started grinding her clit against Yuri a second release struck her and caused both twins to moan in complete and utter satisfaction.

Prudence continued to grind herself against her lover, and it stretched out her orgasm to what felt like hours, but eventually her body finally collapsed. She was finally spent, and she came crashing down on top of Yuri and started smothering the poor girl with her weight once again. Pru eventually started to relax in Kat's arms, her chest heaving in excitement while her other half looked like she was ready to pass out. "Heh, some addict I've been. I've had a more active sex life in the last two days then I've had in the last couple of months!"