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Re: Hate Thread

What exactly are you sacrificing? How does this hinder your riding pleasure?

Because it's useless attire. Let's pretend and all is well "look we made the streets safer" feelgood stupidity. Costs are not an issue, so it's a popular thing to enforce since everyone can get one cheap and easy. Will make the voters happy.

Nobody has the guts to call for important things. Like a first aid kit being mandatory on a bike. It's already the law for normal cars and has saved countless lifes. Instead, people will go for the vest and call it a day.

I'm tired of useless laws being thrown around for a false sense of security. It always starts with small things. More and more personal choices traded away and bloated lawbooks.

My parents got with their drivers-license the approvement to use a trailer with normal cars, as well as the 125ccm motorbike license.

I got to drive a normal car after getting my drivers licence and first aid lessons. I would have had to get a seperate one for trailers (costing me around 500-700 euros together with training lessons and admission fee) had I not gotten that license in the army.

But the biggest crapload is thrown on the young people today. My little sis is forced to take several courses (wich cost a ridicilous amount of money), pay for driving lessons, fees and if she makes it, if even the slightest thing happens in two years, she'll lose the driving license. These are huge costs thrown at the young people of my country.

Meanwhile, many old people are unfit for driving, hindering traffic and causing unnecessary accidents. Nobody is talking about that issue.

I'm just tired of shit like this.
Re: Hate Thread

i hate random brain farts when attempting to solve puzzles in games. Say your playing RE series, the older ones,a nd your feeling great, you feel like you know where you go, then you go through a door, or turn a corner and....blank. You forget what the fuck you were even doing or why your even running this way or picking this up.
Re: Hate Thread

Dude... But what do the safety vests cost you PERSONALLY? The other issues don't matter right now. I wasn't asking what else pissed you off.

What do YOU have to give up for this? Other than sacrificing the coolness. Safety vests make one look like a dork, I'll admit.
Re: Hate Thread

i hate random brain farts when attempting to solve puzzles in games. Say your playing RE series, the older ones,a nd your feeling great, you feel like you know where you go, then you go through a door, or turn a corner and....blank. You forget what the fuck you were even doing or why your even running this way or picking this up.

Along those lines...hate when I'm playing a game that I've played dozens of times before and I forget which direction I'm supposed to be going or how to solve the puzzle that I've done at least five times. Or which conversation tree to follow to get the desired outcome. Blargh.
Re: Hate Thread

Dude... But what do the safety vests cost you PERSONALLY? The other issues don't matter right now. I wasn't asking what else pissed you off.

What do YOU have to give up for this? Other than sacrificing the coolness. Safety vests make one look like a dork, I'll admit.

Alright, I won't dodge the issue anymore, just wanted to rant and vent a bit since my last two weeks including yesterday consisted of working overtime, sleep and neglecting my social life.

Yes, it makes you look like a rolling streetsign. That's about the only issue I have with it. Used this as a starting point for ranting. I know, it's a weak issue, but fuck it, it's called hate thread for a reason. :D
Re: Hate Thread

...Relatedly I hate people who overbear issues in order to use them as simply to vent steam and anger , if only because it's a crime against fashion sence.
Re: Hate Thread

On the matter of motorcycle safety - if my brother hadn't worn his helmet, his face would have been a bloody smear on the road. That is all.
Re: Hate Thread

Alright, I won't dodge the issue anymore, just wanted to rant and vent a bit since my last two weeks including yesterday consisted of working overtime, sleep and neglecting my social life.

Yes, it makes you look like a rolling streetsign. That's about the only issue I have with it. Used this as a starting point for ranting. I know, it's a weak issue, but fuck it, it's called hate thread for a reason. :D

That's all I wanted.

On an unrelated note, I hate my Boyfriend's rabbit.
Re: Hate Thread

el duderino, thanks for explaining yourself, it makes me glad i didn't shut you up. Inuition wins again!

as for chibi, i have a friend who hates rabits, he was bullied by one as a child.
Re: Hate Thread

el duderino, thanks for explaining yourself, it makes me glad i didn't shut you up. Inuition wins again!

as for chibi, i have a friend who hates rabits, he was bullied by one as a child.

This one is an aggressive little witch. I'm hoping getting an OHE will calm her down
Re: Hate Thread


Office of Higher Education?
Office of Health Economics?
Oahu Hiking Enthusiast?
Osthannoversche Eisenbahnen?

None of these make much sense. Enlighten me, please.
Re: Hate Thread

Ovariohysterectomy, better known as spaying.
Re: Hate Thread

I'll make this quick:
I hate DC.
Re: Hate Thread

I have long maintained that to bring in more female readers, superhero comics don't even need to specifically target women as much as they need to not actively offend them.

i like this sentance.
Re: Hate Thread

DC has been catching a lot of shit from feminists lately, it's a little odd. I kinda want to stand up for them, except it's a fairly indefensible position.I just feel bad for them.

However, they released 52 new ongoing series in the last month. If you are going to drop 50 comics because you are upset at 2, that seems a bit extreme. And from what I hear, some of the remaining 50 are even good!
Re: Hate Thread

I hasta be honest, I've not really read the comics much. Even still, the article makes it's point clear, and I do agree that the comics ARE targeting thier demographic, even if it's rather folley...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate falling. Especially on days that I have class and work, because two head injuries narfing suck. I didn't go to class OR work today.