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Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

(I've streamlined the process of ranged hit chances. If you have any questions, just ask. Your -17 modifier is a combo of range and recoil)

1: 45 + 25 - 17 = 53 // 9 + 25 = 34 ... success
2: 7 + 32 - 17 = 22 // 12 + 25 = 37 ... failure
3: 10 + 43 - 17 = 36 // 1 + 25 = 26 ... success
4: 2 + 31 - 17 = 16 // 15 + 25 = 40 ... failure
5: 33 + 42 - 17 = 58 // 6 + 25 = 31 ... success
6: 28 + 22 - 17 = 33 // 14 + 25 = 39 ... failure

Damage Rolls (Revolvo S3000 - 2d6)

1: 4 + 5 = 9
2: 1 + 5 = 6
3: 2 + 5 = 7

Total: 22

Bea empties the revolver into the man. At this close range, she manages to hit half her shots, seriously injuring him. He'd just gotten all the way up when the bullets smash into him, knocking him down once more.

The Infected took 22 damage, leaving it 18 HP. Bea skip two shots next round in order to reload.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Dammit all, she sucked. Bea could see she had trouble actually hitting this thing, but the few times she did proved enough to put it back on the ground. She started reaching for one of those reloads, but she stopped. Given how wonderfully she managed to control her aim she really didn't want to waste two thirds of her ammo on one single creature. What if she needed her gun for one of those backwards-looking humans she saw in the subway? That's what made her tuck the firearm safely under her belt while she took hold of her pointy stick. Time to see how well that thing works.

Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Hit Chance

7+43 = 50 vs 38 = 13+25 HIT

Pierce Damage (Massive Splinter d12)

(4+22)/4 = 7

Bea jabs the splinter right through the man, causing him to groan in pain, but not killing him, despite sticking right through his chest. He now has 11 HP.

Grapple Attempt

4+40 = 44 vs 54 = 11+43 MISS

The zombie like man tries to grab Bea in rage, but in his wounded state, he can't get close enough, Bea can just backpedal away.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea's opening thrust found its mark right where she intended, but apparently the inhuman human considered it nothing more than a nuisance as it swung to wrap its arms around her. Thankfully all she needed to do was take a few steps back to keep herself free. The splinter really didn't do much. She needed to find something better to use, but in the meantime maybe a throat jab would prove more useful.

(Emergency tracheotomy.)
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Hit Chance

1+43 = 44 vs 32 = 6+25 HIT

Pierce Damage (Massive Splinter d12)

(8+22)/4 = 8

The shot lands on target, but the mans anatomy has been changed slightly, and he can continue on, though not very well.

The infected now has 3 HP.

Grapple Attempt

5+40 = 45 vs 50 = 7+43

The zombie tries to grab Bea, but fails. Its attempts are almost comical.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

How the hell is this thing still moving? Whatever, the thing looked nearly dead, anyway. Just finish it off.

(One more stab.)
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Hit Chance

12+43 = 55 vs 32 = 7+25 HIT

Pierce Damage (Massive Splinter d12)

(5+22)/4 = 7

Bea thrusts the splinter one last time, catching the man at an angle and stabbing diagonally through him. The monster lets out one last cry, and slumps forward, dead.

Unfortunately, this massive blow lodges the splinter into the man so far Bea cannot remove it, and even if she could somehow dislodge it, the splinter would break from the stress.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

With the zombie-ish human releasing its final death knell Bea squeaked a bit as she backed away to avoid being caught by its flailing arms before it finally fell to the ground one last time. She stood there for a second or two simply looking over the dead body. She just killed a man. He may have been some weird thing that was more beast than human, but he was still a man.

No, he wasn't. This thought was echoing through her mind before she could even begin to wonder why her apparent murder was so easy to commit. If that thing was still human it would have asked for help instead of trying to run up and grab her. It wouldn't have kept on pressing with a hole in its chest and neck. Something happened to that man, and whatever it was made him a monster. If she hadn't acted it may have done the same to him.

Now that she had rationalized her actions Bea offered a small prayer to the corpse that was once human before she turned around to retrieve her bags. If she didn't want to end up like him she needed to get moving. This did leave her with a bit of a problem, however. She had twelve shots for her revolver before she was out of ammo, and then she would be practically defenseless. She needed at least another stick to defend herself if that happened, so she kept her eye out for anything she could use in close quarters combat.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

With the construction of these houses the way they were, it was easy to find another such splinter like the one used to kill the infected man. However Bea now knew that they wouldn't last more then one enemy.

However, there was also alot of junk around. Not just debris, but thing left in people's yards. This wasn't exactly a neighborhood wear upkeep of one's lawn was a high concern. Just within the three nearest yards on either side, Bea spied a lawn mower, a box of sports equipment, and atleast three barbecue grills. All of these might have something she could use, if luck was on her side.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Splinter splinters, everywhere, and not a one to..." Well, she couldn't quite think of a proper end to that, but whatever. Bea never though she was a poet, anyway. It summed up the situation, anyway. She had her pick of pointy sticks to use, but judging how the last one worked it would probably either get stuck or break after a couple stabs. She was going to need something better.

Thankfully this part of town held a couple possibilities. There was a treasure trove of junk in each yard. She just had to find the right pile to sift through. From the looks of things she had her pick of lawnmower parts, sports equipment, or possibly even some grilling tools. She wondered where she should look, but then she realized she could just check them all and see what she found. Having a few spare weapons handy wouldn't hurt. Of course she still had to start somewhere, so she decided to check the lawn with the lawnmower.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The lawnmower was busted. Not just from today's events, but from something else. In the high grass next to it was a tool kit, all power tools. None of them would turn on, for some reason.

The lawnmower itself had its blades removed, they were sitting on the otherside of the mower from the toolkit. It looked dangerously sharp, but there was no easy way for Bea to swing it as a weapon, or even move it, without serious chance of cutting her hands. No handle, just a hole in the middle for a drive shaft or something. Bea would have to look elsewhere for a decent weapon.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Busted lawnmower, busted tools, and craptacular blades. I can't even get a good hold to use them to throw at something. Well that was a bust. Time to examine the sports equipment! Someone had to have at least a bat, right? Here's hoping for aluminum.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea's thoughts were dead on. There was a bat, a metal one, deep within the box. She had to pile out useless equipment to get to it, however, something which took a few minutes as whoever had packed the box really jammed everything in. There were tangled jumpropes, a smashed hula hoop, and other such annoying things preventing her for getting at the bat. She made quite a rukus with all the metal objects hitting eachother, as the leaping creature that was on the roof earlier heard. He'd been away durring the fight with the zombie, luckily, or he would have hear Bea Earlier

Order Roll

Bea 7+32 = 39
Leaper 12+30 = 42

Grapple Attempt

8+55 = 63 vs 55 = 14+43

The thing leaps from a roof top, just as Bea is pulling the bat from the box. It hits her dead center, pinning her beneath it while she still clutches the bat.

(It looks like a human that walks on all fours and bends at wierd places)
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Stupid...lousy...box...full of...junk!" This was especially annoying. Whoever jammed all this crap into this thing was an idiot, and why they would literally bury a nice metal bat at the bottom was completely lost on her. For the first half minute or so she had been calmly taking things out and placing them on the ground, but when that bat showed no sign of coming loose her frustration started getting the best of her. Soon enough she was tossing things into the driveway while ripping knotted jumpropes and other annoyances that were just getting in the way. "Just gimme that bat, dammit!"

When she finally got a good grip on the thing and felt it begin to shift Bea let out a cry of triumph while she put everything she had into yanking that thing free. With a loud pop and the clatter of numerous things suddenly scattering all over the place the woman laughed at finally getting a proper weapon. That laugh turned into a surprised squeal when she felt something crash into her and force her to the ground once again.

When she finally realized what was on top of her she turned almost bleach white. This was almost the same thing that tore apart that cop in the subway, and now it was sitting on her. Bea's worst fear was starting to come true, and that kicked in an adrenaline rush that had her rolling her body in an effort to get her arm free. All she needed was a little space to swing.

(Question: Will an attack while grappled break the grapple if it connects, or do you need to actually break the free? And did she get jumped on from the front or back?

Action: Try to sweep the arms with the bat to allow an escape.)
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

(If you do more then 10 damage, I'll make it break the grapple, and it hit her front)

Hit Attempt (grapple v grapple)

19+38 = 57 v 69 = 14+55

(Damn, this is going to be a hard one for you, its got a +17 advantage on you. I almost feel bad not doing another stealth roll)

Bea swings the bat, but the creature leaps into the air over it, then slaming back down into her. The ground is soft, so there isn't much pain, fortunately.

Submission Hold

5+55 = 60 vs 54 = 16+38

The leaper does not like having to work this hard. It presses in close to Bea and holds her down. Its breath stinks, like rotten fruit and fish mixed together.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

How the hell did it do that?! If she had even thought it was coming Bea would have rolled away or at least tried to swing at it again as that thing was coming back down, but who in their right mind would think that monster would do that? It just hopped up and landed right back on her, and then it decided to get uncomfortably close with breath that smelled like leftovers hidden in the back of the fridge for way too long. She really didn't like being pinned down like this, so she tried everything she could to break free. Arching her back, rolling her shoulder, maybe even a headbutt if it got any closer.

(Try to escape.)
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Escape Hold

16+38 = 54 vs 73 = 18+55

Bea's efforts to escape only got the leaper excited. It watched in silent mockery as she tried to free herself, even drooling on her face a bit.

Clothes Rip

2+55 = 57 vs 55 = 17+38

The monster slowly removes Bea's clothing, leaving her in her underwear. It takes special care to draw Bea's attention from her struggles, waving peices of her clothing in her face as it removes them, slowly caressing each newly exposed area of her body.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"H...hey!" Why the hell was it trying to tease her?! The slight puddle of drool on her face was one thing, but slowly ripping her clothes in pieces and waving those tatters in her face? This thing must be sicker than she thought, and if it was planning what she thought it was planning than she needed to get away from it now!

(Bea needs a free arm!)
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

(Man, now I know not to unleash the leaper on lvl 1s)

Escape Hold

5+38 = 43 vs 66 = 11+55

Bea can't even move. As much as the creature is enjoying her struggles, it stops to keep her in check any time she's in danger of breaking out of the hold.


16+55-5 = 66 vs 40 = 2+38

The monster seems to like Bea's panties, he keeps them on, and instead uses his knee to push them away from her pussy. He looks her in the eye long and hard, and then suddenly thrusts in, causing Bea to involuntarily scream and arch her back.


(14 + 15 + 9 + 5 + 40 = 83)/2-19 = 23
(9 + 1 + 11 + 5 + 22 = 48)/2 = 24

The sudden sensation isn't all pain, Bea takes 2 HP damage and 23 pleasure, leaving her at 36 HP and 106 untill orgasm. The leaper is 126 from orgasm.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea's scream was short and high. It sounded more like a loud yelp, but she couldn't help but let something out once she felt the intrusion. This was wrong. This whole thing just felt wrong. The last time she saw this kind of thing it was ripping a man to shreds. It shouldn't be pulling her panties to one side so it can stick its cock in her! What made it even worse was that slight twinge of excitement sneaking behind the pain and fear of the sudden violation. She could feel it pressing against her walls, its girth and her unwillingness causing her to feel slightly stretched in an oddly enticing way.

No, don't think of that. This thing is raping you. You can't let that happen! Bea did her best to fight past the pleasurable little pulse she felt so she could focus on escape. She did not want to become this thing's plaything!

(Struggle some more.)