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Re: Hate Thread

I hate cobblestone stairs for not carrying a current, thus making my descending stairs look awkward.
EDIT: I also hate the fact that blocks don't stay attached to sticky pistons that are deactivated and then are themselves moved by a sticky piston. I guess lifting a block two times is just too much to ask.
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who spit their gum onto the grass.... I was hurrying my way to class so I took a bit of a grassy shortcut... I had to scrape tons of dead fauna off my shoe, along with the hardened gum when I finally noticed...

Or people who spit it into the sidewalk as I just... Em... Discovered... -_-
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Re: Hate Thread

That... Pure liquid HATRED!!!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I have to go to work tomorrow. I mean it's a federal holiday for pete's sake.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I have to go to work tomorrow. I mean it's a federal holiday for pete's sake.

I just got off work myself because of labour day. There are plenty of places that gotta work through labour day... usually places that have to serve people.
Re: Hate Thread

That... Pure liquid HATRED!!!

LOL I remember this SC2 caster called day9 talk about this game... serious lulz. I'm like the worst athlete ever... my highest distance is -.5 WTF man XD
Re: Hate Thread

I hate idiot drivers. I was pulling into the doctor's parking lot and a chick smashed into my back bumper. I can't drive my car. Now she's avoiding my calls, the police's calls, AND the insurance company's calls... I can't even get a fucking rental car until she answers the insurance! Walking over a mile to work=not fun and a very upset Luppi.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my broken A/C

I hate my non existent A/C... it's just a glorified fan that blows lukewarm air QQ
and it's 103 degrees atm ...

any time I'm outside for more than 5 minutes, I look like I just got out of the shower.. except... that it's sweat i'm covered in... not water

another thing I hate is idiots that abuse alcohol and give anyone who drinks a bit a bad rep. They're always all over the news, drunk driver hits oncoming car, drunk teen gets preggers, drunk husband beats wife, etc. IMO it's the same with drugs, and by drugs I mean the pharmaceutical type... Advil might be designed to take away your headaches, but there's always some idiot overdosing for some dumb reason. Ritalin might be used to treat ADHD, but once out on the black market, dumbshit students usem to do all-nighters. And yet, through the centuries, alcohol's the one that's been the most abused, from its users, and from critics.

I'm probably just really annoyed atm, because I also had really bad impressions of anyone who drank alcohol when I was younger, and now that I look back, I feel like an idiot. Thinking about it, it's like saying guns are evil. Guns don't pull their own triggers and kill people... People USE guns to kill other people.
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Re: Hate Thread

One of my dogs has decided to be an asshole. If we leave him out for the night, he shits all over the floor. If we put him in a box he barks incessantly. He is barking now. Why you gotta be an asshole, dog?
Re: Hate Thread

One of my dogs has decided to be an asshole. If we leave him out for the night, he shits all over the floor. If we put him in a box he barks incessantly. He is barking now. Why you gotta be an asshole, dog?

you need to achieve domincance and establish the place as your territory, so your solution should be to piss everywhere.
Re: Hate Thread

Tried that. Parents got upset, family won't sit on the couch anymore. Dog's still an asshole.
Re: Hate Thread

Well on the bright side, now it's YOUR couch.
Re: Hate Thread

Punch him in the snout to establish superiority!

You'll Probably just get bit in the cock though.
Re: Hate Thread

Tried that. Parents got upset, family won't sit on the couch anymore. Dog's still an asshole.

Working on an art piece where I needed to know if there's any kind of music dogs like and I found this:

maybe it could help?

Re: Hate Thread

Friend sent me a link to Youtube today.
I hated it.
It wasn't Rickroll, since I like that song.
It was a Miku song...
This is the .

P.S. I am serious, I hate Miku.
Re: Hate Thread

Meh, suit yourself... I like Miku. And I LOVE THIS SONG!