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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

And then this (Negrep)
The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread, not the Whine about feminism thread
...For this post

Which is not at all whining about feminism and is in fact agreeing with it.
I think they're trying to hint towards taking the conversation out of the rep thread. Probably not actually reading it and just assuming anyone that isn't Ranger or Sinful is on an anti feminism rant (unless you got one too?). Feels a tiny bit unfair to instantly get hit with it just for chipping in the first time with a single post, after everyone else had been going on for a three full pages or so, but oh well.

We all know this thread never stays "on topic" for more than two posts at a time, but I guess the discussion probably should be taken elsewhere regardless.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Ironically, there is a Feminism thread, buried deep within the abyss of the forum where only the necromancers dare to venture.
*returns from the bowels of Everything Else*

Lady.... I... so many topics created by Obe

My brain ITCHES because of the SCENT



Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Just because businesses don't want to pay people a living wage, doesn't mean they shouldn't, and it doesn't mean that women should not want to make just as much as a man for doing the exact same work. Instead of cutting costs on the .salaries of men, like you suggest, perhaps they could cut costs on their golden parachutes and other sleezeball tactics.
Yeah, business' spending on luxuries that are basically just ways to compensate for the dick sizes of the higher ups is something that should certainly be cut down in favour of raising the pay wages of female dominant fields. I could totally get down with that. It's better than artificially saying, "You'd better hire this many women, OR ELSE!", when only a limited amount of women spend enough time working in the field to attain that kind of position on top of having a higher academic interest in other fields. If feminists tried to push the pay wage gap down that way, and actually managed to find a way to stop rich people in capitalism from self-perpetuating their money at the expense of the poor and middle-classed coincidentally at the same time, then I would straight up try do a double front-flip into dogeza stunt out of a moving pick-up truck and have my next of kin post it on the internet in a congratulatory fashion.

Too bad the 1% basically have the entire economic situation by it's testicles, what with corporations being soulless welfare devouring hiveminds lacking any ethics or motive in their heads other than profit and gains, reminiscent of some fucked up race out of Warhammer 40k (albeit a hell of a lot more subtle about it), and will probably annihilate any kind of legal opposition with a "any means necessary" mentality.

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I can't rattle to that.

Great song! That reminded me of this too:

*returns from the bowels of Everything Else*

Lady.... I... so many topics created by Obe

My brain ITCHES because of the SCENT

Haha, yep, though I think that thread was created by Pale. But yeah, so many topics... I guess Obe did kind of splooge all over the forum, for better or worse, haha. Probably a little bit of each!


Tentacle God
May 13, 2014
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

It's slightly meta how the reputation insanity/hilarity thread is itself the source of so much reputation insanity/hilarity.


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

That's like missing a venerial disease, she was a snobby pain in the dick, and with no sense of humour to boot, aside from one based in psychological sadism. -Cappy

Well, you're certainly entitled to that opinion... though if history has shown us anything, it is that your opinions are generally wrong (whether your insistence on discussing controversial topics long-since banned, or your hero-worship of Vladimir Putin on the basis of his Wikipedia page, or even your loudly-trumpeted but poorly-informed rants about US politics). She was certainly capable of intellectual snobbery, but for the most part she was a good conversationalist when we got a chance to speak. I don't believe that I'm alone in missing her, as I received an anonymous posrep for this post a few days ago.

Be that as it may, at some point you might leave this board. You may be so fortunate that someone expresses a twinge of sadness at your departure. It is my sincere hope that this well-meaning soul will not have their generous sentiment shat upon by a pig-headed, stubborn, and arrogant twit who lacks the ability to properly spell a word like "venereal."

It takes a special kind of idiot to reward niceties with bile. Have a great day.
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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Indeed! It does take a special kind of idiot to reward niceties with bile, particularly against people who are displaying niceties directly towards you. Why do you think I'm so aghast of Pale? And thanks for pointing out my miss-spelling, as I've said many times before I always appreciate it.

And as for my like of Putin based on his wikipedia page and a few conversations, I said as much in response to criticism that one must always take things with a bit of salt, and of course not knowing the man directly and personally I cannot account for exactly who he is, but that doesn't stop him from being one of the few politicians who doesn't come off as a complete shitlord immediately. Heaven forbid I amalgamate a bunch of information from media to form a possibly flawed opinion! It's not as if one might use such information to form patriotic flawed opinions about their own country's political status, oh not at all! And I've admitted as much recently that I don't know enough intimate information to comment about certain things in American politics, but there's certainly enough confirmed information out there to indeed ascertain that there are some things that are seriously wrong, and haven't been getting better.

Oh, and oh yes! Somebody else also misses her presence. Well that's all fine and well for everyone who's managed to engage on her without being immediately judged and dismissed in arrogance, maybe it's Avatar99 with his bizarre fixation, he always did see things biased in her favour, then again I don't even know if he frequents around here any more. I may act arrogant on the internet, but at least I have the benefit of knowing that I'm not a generalizing, image-pushing, judgmental, truly down-to-the-core-arrogant, ever-whiny bitch. Even if I was, I would still be better in terms of being able to actually admit wrong-doing and humble myself, even if it's just in the name of keeping the peace. It's one thing to be bad, it's another to be irredeemably bad, Hope.

And thanks for revealing your true nature, you implied that there were no hard feelings on our differences of opinion, but if you immediately use them in an attempt to put me down because you can't be arsed to think of something ACTUALLY insulting or creative when I offend you with something completely unrelated, I think that's pretty indicative of how you really feel. And I absolutely will have a great day, because I'm not a depressed fucknugget with nothing better to do than passive-aggressively whine all day about "things not being as good as they used to be around here" and imply that it is literally everybody else's fault but my own, and then go on to sign every single post I make manually with a single letter in spite of the actual signature function built into the forum, like a completely oblivious twat. I would tell you to have a nice day, but when I'm passive aggressive I prefer to be original. So cheers.
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H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

but at least I have the benefit of knowing that I'm not a generalizing, image-pushing, judgmental, truly down-to-the-core-arrogant, ever-whiny bitch.
You sure about that? Some of your opinions on things are pretty generalizing, image pushing and judgmental. Not to mention the past little while you've been bitching and whining rather arrogantly. That is what it comes across.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Bitching perhaps, whining no. When you're concerned about the state of society as a whole, that's concern for the well-being of the earth and it's inhabitants. When you're just whinging because you don't think the populace of a forum image-board isn't as engaging as it used to be, and frankly don't stop, there's a big difference.

And I was engaging in a topic that anybody could have happily disengaged from, but allow me to entertain your assertions. I can understand how I was coming off as judgmental, but how was I generalizing or image-pushing? I was very specific in labeling the people I was talking about as extremists and progressivists, I did not downplay feminism as a whole and when I asked for and received answers as to how it was important I very much agreed with and complimented those things without exception. However, not one person has answered why certain issues remain unaddressed and even get downplayed as misogyny out of hand. The majority of people don't seem to mind others getting marginalized so long as they aren't a minority or group with a history of getting marginalized in the past. That it happened to be the topic most concerning me lately is certainly true, but please tell me how I was unfair or generalizing when pointing out the double-standards I saw.

And as for the arrogance, yes, I come across as extremely arrogant, and with a purpose, I like being overblown and exaggerated on the internet because I feel like I can't express myself nearly as much as I should in reality, but if somebody tries to make peace with me or disengage, or just plain asks me to leave them be, I will do so. I don't look down on people the way that Pale did and probably does, I don't consider you a lesser person just for disagreeing with me, like you most probably do to me. Pale was disparaging even of the people who she liked, and who liked her, and truly thought herself beyond reproach. I am not like that, and never will be like that, because that attitude isn't simply arrogant, it's Poison. Incubus outright banned people for petty shit in the shoutbox, constantly acted arrogant as I do, albeit in a drastically different fashion, and we rubbed sides constantly, but in my own way I actually really liked Incubus in spite of all his nonsense, with P there is no redeeming factor no matter how hard or where I look.
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Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Cappy, you can say whatever you want about me. I got heated because you bashed one of my friends, who wasn't even available to defend herself.

I freely admit that she's got her faults and flaws, like the rest of us. I still think it's indecent to go after someone who can't fight back (and your statements about her are not criticism, but attacks). It smacks of malice and cowardice. When someone goes after my friends, that's crossing the line for me. That brings out the fight in me--online AND in real life.

Now quit your bitching.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well this escalated rather quickly... I'd really like to pick a side and start tearing into somebody, but I don't think I managed to interact with the individual in question. I'd say it's in poor form to insult someone behind their back, but I'm pretty sure Cappy's done it to her face a number of times anyway and you guys are just re-hashing an old argument. Besides they've both already won, Pale found someplace else they'd rather spend their time and Cappy is rid of them.

On to more pressing business:


Well, we're a step above unintelligible drivel so that's a plus and I can actually tell that you disagree with me this time so I'd like to know what points you dispute. I'm going to assume this is just a blanket "I disagree with everything" deal and would really like to hear the logic behind it, should you have managed to form an opposing argument feel free to send it to me in a PM.

Or you could just continue hitting me with neg-reps and I'll be forced to assume that you are unable to convey why you disagree with me.


Jul 18, 2015
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Does anyone still know what this was all about? I kinda got lost myself...:p

...I mean, is this still about this french equality law??


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Does anyone still know what this was all about? I kinda got lost myself...:p

...I mean, is this still about this french equality law??
No, it was about an app I posted about in another thread. You should pay more attention.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I think someone clicked the wrong thing. I have a red rep for this post but the comment with it is "+rep awesome recommendations"

Not that I care but...mixed messages? *chuckles*


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

False. Stop trying to whitewash ancient christian violence, the crusaders were as or more violent than the muslims they fought and enacted looting and massacres as regularly as any other conquering army.
Negative, of course

For http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?p=753064#post753064

Well, yeah, looting and massacres if the population resisted was a normal thing for ALL armies at the time. I know, it doesn't make it better that it was everywhere and everyone did it. But at least the crusaders did not say 'convert or die' like the muslims did after their jihads. The crusades did not leave any more slaughter than a normal conquering army at the time(The official, organised ones anyway). This was in fact so different that the Sunni muslims around Jerusalem willingly provided some crusades with supplies because Jerusalem was held by Shia muslims. Something that doesn't usually happen when an army invades to conquer stuff

Here's a nice picture to illustrate how many happened as well

It is a well-known fact that muslims very frequently attempted to conquer Europe, and they did in fact get up to France and Vienna(Austria) before they were pushed back. The damage they did to the local population by slaughtering all who refused to convert(Or who didn't manage to hide) in Spain needed a full on inquisition to revert. And even then the inquisition was not as awful as it's often portrayed (They introduced 'innocent until proven guilty', a novelty at the time. Even if their proof and 'interogation' were as fucked up as anywhere else at the time)

In the times, if you had to choose, you would definitely want to be conquered by the christians rather than the muslims. Sure, it sucks to be conquered, but there is one very clear choice here on who is worse


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well, that's because the white christian male is the big bad of this era. It doesn't matter what they've actually DONE in comparison to other religions at the time, it matters that they're at the top of the pyramid so they've got a target on their back. This leads to facts being taken out of context and twisted to further the opposing agenda.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't join up with any of the nut-jobs out there that practice any radical religion. But when the choice is between 1:Convert or we'll bug you incessantly and act like we're superior, or 2:Convert or we'll kill you. The choice of who to have as neighbors becomes pretty clear.


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

XSI, I feel we've reached a research gap again. As someone who's done formal research on this for one of my degrees and been invited to a conference on the subject, let me clarify a few things.

The early Muslim conquests were very much not a "join or die" effort. If anything, it was more of a tax revolt brought on by a century of plague and poor Byzantine tax policy following the culmination of the Roman-Persia rivalry, that the Muslims then took advantage of. Now, in the news today you do hear a lot about the jizya tax, or rather, ISIS' interpretation of it. Like everything ISIS does though, their interpretation is pants on head retarded. The fact of the matter is back in the day the Muslim tax policy was actually rather reasonable and a massive step up from what it was under the Byzantines. To some it may have been high, but it was a flat tax. While flat taxes have massive problems, that's mostly in a modern context, and in a not screwing over the poor context. For the elites of conquered areas it was pretty much an epic gift. I mean, for comparison, in some provinces, specifically the holy land, the Byzantines had been running a greater than 100% tax rates. How is that possible? Short answer: It's complicated. Slightly longer answer: Forced loans and some other techniques.

These factors combined to make it that more often than not in the early years cities would quite happily surrender, and famously the Patriarch of Alexandria met the Muslim armies and made a declaration of friendship and personally presented the key to the city (the equivalent gesture at least). By contrast, when the Byzantines tried to retake land, the "kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out" was by far the norm rather than the exception. There are quite a few sources that say most of the general population didn't care one way or another, until the Byzantines tried to "liberate" areas with no concern for collateral damage.

As a final note, the Crusades also had more to do with Alexios I freaking out about military losses than any real response to specific events. The Byzantine-Muslim conflicts had been going on for ~450 years at that point, with the tide going back and forth after the initial period. Yeah, Manzikert was when the Byzantines lost Anatolia for good probably, the point of no return, but that was in 1071. Alexios didn't even take the throne for another decade, and it was even longer before the first Crusade happened.

When I'm less busy I'm happy to dig up my old papers on the subject, which of course have well referenced sources.
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