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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

2 big things that women's rights have done in the west is the opening of combat arms to women by 2016 (supposedly, I'm not holding my breath) in the USA. Canada has also removed all taxes from feminine hygiene products (tampons and the like). Hopefully something to be done about Birth Control (for the various health benefits atop the obvious). Canadian military has paternity leave now, to allow men to stay at home with their newborn children and the woman in the relationship can return to work. And there has been bigger pushes to prevent rape, sexual assault, and so forth across the board.

The biggest shame though, is that it's almost entirely focused on women being the victim. While I'm sure statistics show that women are more often the victims by a landslide margin, part of this is the stigma put forth on men for being victims. We should be holding society accountable, because honestly, the reaction I see to a lot of male victims in any situation is disgusting. Whether its domestic abuse, sexual violence, or just physical violence, men are expected to just take it if its from a woman half the time. They're ignored, ridiculed. And it really has to stop.

This particular problem though comes from men as much as it does women.


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2013
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Wow.. Lotta tense stuff here.

All I'm going to say for now is,
Everyone should be treated fairly, and equally. If women get no tax on hygienic products so should men, if blacks get discounts for being black, so should other colors, and so on, and so forth.

This ideology that group's of people should be treated differently is the reason for these misunderstandings.

Of course there are exceptions to the above, such as handicapped people, or the elderly.

As far as whether someone should be able to ask for a paternity test, I believe they should have that right, whether it is a man, or a woman asking.

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

If women get no tax on hygienic products so should men, if blacks get discounts for being black, so should other colors, and so on, and so forth.
Equality is all well and good, but AFAIK, men don't need or wear tampons, pads and the like for biological reasons. :p It's not like we are talking about soap.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

The opening of arms and taxation relief for hygiene products are actually impressively important sounding issues, normally I honestly only hear about ineffectual whining about literal non-issues like that scientist's shirt causing a ruckus, but if some good is still to be done then certainly feminism is doing some good and is still important in at least a few specific instances even in the western world. I am still critical of the idea that Feminism honestly advocates the rights of both women AND men, because there are men's rights in cases that are seriously lacking in updates both in legal instances and on a cultural basis in order to adjust to society's mostly positive changes in the area of gender progression and equity. Even naming yourself as an advocate of men's rights without saying anything else at all is pretty much a surefire way to be labeled a misogynist, and I'm not saying that without having witnessed evidence of it first hand. Hell, even the word Egalitarian has been branded misogynist at times.

As for the rape prevention and sexual assault relief stuff it's also been a great thing for the people whom it's genuinely helped aside from the problem you broached about the lack of male attention (in spite of drugs and group restraint often being involved) but on top of that there's another element to it that makes it a double-edged sword. False claims of rape are basically being made out to be way less common than they actually are, men nowadays have to be so wary of women who happen to be immature or malicious enough to use victimized attitudes to their advantage. There's such a massive emphasis on a supposed rape culture when the extremely vast majority of men obviously know rape is wrong and would never consider it even against their most hated enemy, and in fact get emotionally charged just thinking about the idea of it in disgust(Which in turn actually helps to perpetuate the problem of having to prove your innocence when accused), false rape claims have basically become endemic, because the ease of which you can basically ruin somebody's life if you happen to hate them even if they're completely innocent. Even when you aren't charged your social life could be marred permanently just from the accusation, especially if the guilty party accusing you isn't visibly externally crazed, or good at emotional manipulation.

If men could do it I have no doubt that they would be guilty of abusing the power just as badly, but as you mentioned in society men being acknowledged when they've suffered from sexual abuse, especially from a woman, tend to get dismissed out of hand, so it's only ever a problem from the perspective of the male unfortunately, which propagates a lot of actual misogyny where it could have honestly been avoided with the proper psychological help. So that in turn causes advocates of male rights who have genuine reason to be fighting for them to marred in an extremely negative light, to the point that simple peaceful discussions on issues not even related to the female gender get censored by borderline violent protesters who don't even know anything about the groups that they're targeting, aside from that they identify as "MRAs".


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2013
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Equality is all well and good, but AFAIK, men don't need or wear tampons, pads and the like for biological reasons. :p It's not like we are talking about soap.
Ok-ok I will accept that, but how about no tax on razors for men, I mean men have to usually shave their face every day to work in society, most women don't, so I'd really appreciate that break.

I'm only about 70% kiddin about the razors.
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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Ok-ok I will accept that, but how about no tax on razors for men, I mean men have to usually shave their face every day to work in society, most women don't, so I'd really appreciate that break.

I'm only about 70% joking..
Yeah... But then you'd also have to allow for no taxation on razors for women, who in the case of body hair will probably end up (usually) having to inevitably use more. I mean, I'm all for less taxation in general in the name of all hygienic products in general, sounds like a great way to discourage disease and disreputable uncleanly behaviour in the name of saving costs. But women do tend to have a higher need, not just want, for hygienic products related to the simple biological troubles of being a women that men simply don't have an equivalent for.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

2 big things that women's rights have done in the west is the opening of combat arms to women by 2016 (supposedly, I'm not holding my breath) in the USA.
While I can respect the desire to serve one's country in a combat capacity, and the offense that it caused, I really never saw the exclusion of women to be an entirely sexist decision.

Men and women are built differently, there's no denying it, if you take the average male and the average female then put them through basic the male will preform better. I realize this is an unfair comparison, as basic training is suited towards the male physique, but it is designed to get a military the traits it wants from it's soldiers.

Purely because of the increased bone density and muscle mass, it makes sense to have males serve as combat infantry. Where as females have a lower center of gravity, a smaller frame, and heightened senses (I know smell is one, and believe hearing is as well, not positive though) they are better suited to other roles such as scouts. Remember I'm not talking in absolutes here, but the average male and female, there will of course be exceptions and outliers.

That said, I'm all for women serving in the military and being included in combat roles. Hell, I won't be happy until we are TRULY equal and women have to sign up for selective service the same as men in the US.

Yeah... But then you'd also have to allow for no taxation on razors for women, who in the case of body hair will probably end up (usually) having to inevitably use more. I mean, I'm all for less taxation in general in the name of all hygienic products in general, sounds like a great way to discourage disease and disreputable uncleanly behaviour in the name of saving costs. But women do tend to have a higher need, not just want, for hygienic products related to the simple biological troubles of being a women that men simply don't have an equivalent for.
Agreed, I'll take having to shave my face using over-priced razors than having to deal with all the plumbing women have any day.
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Jul 18, 2015
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Men and women are built differently, there's no denying it, if you take the average male and the average female then put them through basic the male will preform better. I realize this is an unfair comparison, as basic training is suited towards the male physique, but it is designed to get a military the traits it wants from it's soldiers.
Yes it is obvious, men and women are built differently cause we aren't an asexual species, but it annoys me that you use this + mix it up with this average male and female talk as an arguement to be suited less or more for basic military training.

I mean it's called training for a reason, cause you actually have to train to get better, it's not helping you in the least from where you started, but how much time you put into your training and thus it matters little if you are a man or a woman in the military service as long as you are trained well.

And yes, there happen to be men with a lithe build and women with bulky builds diversity is a fascinating thing, thus beginning their training at a different level, but as I said since it's called training it doesn't matter where you come from it just matters that you train...:p
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I haven't paid attention to this thread, but I'm fairly sure a woman with military training could probably outdo me in arm wrestling, but more importantly, gun use.

You don't need to be massively strong anymore for war these days, guns don't care what's between your legs when you pull the trigger. It does help though. Being strong means carrying more stuff and not being burdened as easily when you're running

That said, everyone should be allowed to do the best they can for their country should they choose to do so.
Though why anyone would these days is a mystery to me


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Yes it is obvious, men and women are built differently cause we aren't an asexual species, but it annoys me that you use this + mix it up with this average male and female talk as an arguement to be suited less or more for basic military training.

I mean it's called training for a reason, cause you actually have to train to get better, it's not helping you in the least from where you started, but how much time you put into your training and thus it matters little if you are a man or a woman in the military service as long as you are trained well.

And yes, there happen to be men with a lithe build and women with bulky builds diversity is a fascinating thing, thus beginning their training at a different level, but as I said since it's called training it doesn't matter where you come from it just matters that you train...:p
What? No.

The reason I state that men and women are different is because people seem to forget or even be threatened by, that even though we should be treated equally in rights and the value of our lives/opinions, our capabilities are not in fact equal.

Using the averages is a way to define the parameters of my statement and thus prevent people from saying "well an obese man can't out-perform a woman" or some other drivel.

And where you start from definitely matters, because it certainly has an effect of where you end up. Basic isn't a program that you enroll in and take until you're ready. It has a definitive end. And there are standards you must meet to pass. See the obese man statement I made previously if you still need clarification on this.

If you like I can waste alot of time coming up with some convoluted situation to get my point across in a way that doesn't scream "Boys are better than girls :p " , but I hoped this would be read for it's totality instead of getting bogged down by details.


Tentacle God
May 13, 2014
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well, yes, fewer women will pass certain atheltic requirements than men.

However, that's not what it's about: the point, with regards to combat service, was that even women passing these requirements were for some antiquated reason denied to fight in contacts.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

My main stance on women in combat arms has always been that as long as the exam requirements are the same, I won't debate on the other details.

Women would have to work harder for it, granted, but so do lithe framed men already. The point is to provide a uniform standard of soldier that can be relied upon to go the same distance and carry the same burden as each of his/her squadmates, and that's what's important. And if a woman can meet those requirements, you'd need an incredibly solid reason to deny someone that dedicated.

I don't know what the actual policy regarding this is in any country at present, since I've heard enough conflicting things to lose track of which belonged to where. But that's my take on it.


The Reputation... 8th October 2015 10:06 The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread, not the Whine about feminism thread
Oops. Shouldn't have chipped in. Did everyone get one of these? I just want to note that I don't see how this post is "whining about feminism" in any way. Not that it's any more a rep post either (except perhaps now?), but I'd just hate to have my views misinterpreted. Best take the hint and get out of the thread though.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Some strange individual is periodically going into my reps and calling me fat.


This does not Compute.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

8th October 2015 05:51 You're specifically saying you're using crap methodology to defeat good arguments... lol

Crap methodology? I don't understand how being as specific as possible to limit mis-interpretation/ intentional skewing of my words is crap methodology. Is this the consensus? Do the rest of you feel that my logic is somehow flawed?

As far as good arguments? Basically what I had heard so far was: "No they should, training has no limits and can turn any person into a super soldier". Which is just not the situation in question at all.

I am glad I got this rep however, because it allows me to post other points I completely forgot previously and the other threads made me think about.

Logistics in relation to feminine hygiene, and these are questions I find myself wondering about now: How is this taken care of, does the military just give you what they've got and send you on your way? do you have a choice between brands? What priority do these items carry in relation to other supplies (I suppose pads could be used as make-shift bandages when needed)? What about birth control pills (I know that discontinuing use can have side-effects when a woman has been on them long enough, and that they aren't JUST taken as a contraceptive but also as a hormone regulator)?

And that last question segways into another concern, I realize not all women suffer the same symptoms, or to the same severity but how does a commander deal with troops that become varying degrees of emotionally unstable at certain times? I mean, obviously if you're in direct combat you just stow it and keep shooting, but if you're say occupying an area that's not on the front lines, how do they make exceptions for their soldiers that have to deal with this (In high-school, girls were just allowed to leave class)? Do you just write down your cycle on a schedule so they can make sure you're off at that time? Or do they just say, too bad you're a soldier go do your job?

These are issues that I believe were relevant to making the decision in question. And to having women in the military in general. They also happen to be questions I'd really like to know the answers to.

And no squid, I think someone's just on a neg-rep trip. But perhaps we should create a thread for discussing feminism?

Lila, I don't know what to say... I guess someone's in third grade and really REALLY likes you.
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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

This negrepper, who apparently has given up on me for some reason or another, seems to be mentally handicapped. While I do think that the post in question being brought up could have been broached better,
Women are in fact equally skilled to men, just in different fields, sometimes drastically so. Testosterone happens to benefit the fields of sports and fighting, something men happen to generate naturally without using steroids, supplements, and growth hormones. It also benefits other stuff I won't get into. Estrogen happens to benefit fields such as emotional sympathy and support, multiple goal orientated activities that require multi-tasking and division of focus, and adjusting to emotional maturity more rapidly due to a higher influx of emotional spikes and lows. All of this can be observed by artificially using either of these chemicals in either genders. And other things I'm sure.
the way you put it almost implied that men actually were objectively better, where-as they just happen to have an early on advantage in fields where that kind of physicality is included.

However, this negrepper implied that you "specifically said you used crap methodology to defeat good arguments." .... Projecting much, negrepper? Or would you like to elaborate how exactly that's the case? I especially find it amusing that he used the word "Specifically" even though the only way his assertion could be remotely true is if you had done it indirectly or unintentionally. Sorry, whoever you are, you're either being over-emotional, or you're clearly mentally handicapped. Soz.
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Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You ignored XSI's point about Capitalist Business' essentially stunting the effect of the law and simply making it worse for everyone, if you disagree with it you could have at least replied to it somewhat.

Well, XSI also ignored the point of my post, so there's that. I was quickly addressing the pay gap point just because I was only using that as an example to show that feminists support laws (such as minimum wage increase) that would benefit both men and women. He disagreed about pay gap, which wasn't really the point of my post, so I didn't want to spend much time arguing about it.

Anyway, in XSI's post, he mentioned that businesses would be "compensating for a pay gap that doesn't exist." As I pointed out in my post, there are statistics to show that it does exist. Therefore, no, I didn't ignore his point because seems like if the gap really does exist, then we would want to eliminate it, no? As I also stated in my original post, one of the policies feminists are advocating to address the pay gap is a minimum wage increase to 10 or 12 dollars. Doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, if you are in a job that would make minimum wage, businesses would pay you the same thing. Men in those jobs couldn't possibly make less. They'd be getting a raise too, assuming they didn't already have it.

Secondly, just because businesses don't want to pay people a living wage, doesn't mean they shouldn't, and it doesn't mean that women should not want to make just as much as a man for doing the exact same work. Instead of cutting costs on the salaries of men, like you suggest, perhaps they could cut costs on their golden parachutes and other sleezeball tactics. If you ever look at the inside of a bank, it's kind of astonishing how much all the furniture and decor in one costs. Imagine if they actually gave some of that money to their workers instead. I care more about ordinary people than I do about shareholders.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You ignored XSI's point about Capitalist Business' essentially stunting the effect of the law and simply making it worse for everyone, if you disagree with it you could have at least replied to it somewhat.
Yeah, but that's alright you know. It's not a big deal. I know I missed a whole lot of stuff I could have replied to as well, but I don't have anything really meaningful to say about those so I didn't. I can completely understand if there would not be anything really done with a response to that

Secondly, just because businesses don't want to pay people a living wage, doesn't mean they shouldn't, and it doesn't mean that women should not want to make just as much as a man for doing the exact same work. Instead of cutting costs on the salaries of men, like you suggest, perhaps they could cut costs on their golden parachutes and other sleezeball tactics. If you ever look at the inside of a bank, it's kind of astonishing how much all the furniture and decor in one costs. Imagine if they actually gave some of that money to their workers instead. I care more about ordinary people than I do about shareholders.
Please this, this needs to be done

Some strange individual is periodically going into my reps and calling me fat.


This does not Compute.
And then this (Negrep)
The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread, not the Whine about feminism thread
...For this post

Which is not at all whining about feminism and is in fact agreeing with it.

I think the rep system is being used to troll people right around now. I do think this fits under hilarity/insanity then


Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I kind of find mine hilarious. In a.... pour ketchup in a bowl of Frosted Cornflakes sort of way.

Edit: Wow, look at me talking about food....

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Ironically, there is a Feminism thread, buried deep within the abyss of the forum where only the necromancers dare to venture.
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