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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

(In other words you won't catch yourself with so many enemies and conflicts if you just take it easy and step back every once in a while to relax, being nice is a lot more worth-while than being "right", so don't let your ego overshadow your heart...)

Is that what you mean? Because your aggressive tone sure doesn't say that...

Either way I'll shut up now for my own sake, your right about me encouraging them, that's textbook trolling.. From now on if I have a conflict I'll keep it in PMs, not on the threads, thanks for the tip.. Speaking of which, maybe PM me in detail where I went wrong otherwize, because I honestly don't see what I did wrong that wasn't first done to me..
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I don't know. I just looked for a cheesey link for the situation, which is right, but also embarassing when adults read it.

I am a victim of.... playing the victim. People expect everyone to realize that any and all attacks are just emotional. If people could just deck each other over the internet, people wouldn't be all "Lulz, get over it, welcome to the internet."
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

That's pretty much the exact opposite of what I said. All you're doing when you're "nice" is making a mess for others to clean up. It's like those carbon credits. You claim to be doing something good for humanity, but all you did was shift the work onto somebody else. I guess that's why I don't agree with you, Sponge. You're acting like a hippie who buys carbon credits. But you're right. It's better to just bury this thing before either of us gets any more aggressive (Likely me).

Also, there seems to be some sort of "class division" in the forums these days. What the hell are these elite members? This isn't a case of "veteran member bullying a lurker". It's a case of "Person with half a brain slapping some sense into an idiot."
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

There seems to be a misunderstanding about people being called mods.

i give them the title of librarian for a reason. their job is to organise the area and keep it clean (which is why there are no global moderators), they have enough power to carry out their responsibilities. My selection process is an interesting one, i poll for candidates and then i interview them. as anyone who's been part of these interviews by now knows, i dont tell you i'm interviewing you, i just start asking questions about what makes a person a good mod. then depending on the answers i just make them mods.

toxic didn't even know i was even looking for a new librarian until after i gave him his custom user title. Same with pheonix and same with dark.

Also, elite members. Excuse me i have to leave the room so that when i laugh the sheer volume wont damage my computer.

The only power people have here is how many fans they've managed to accumulate during their stay. There are no hidden sections or private groups, you are all equal in power, even the librarians have no more political power than an average member. So be funny, make friends and contribute to our forum and people will listen to what you have to say.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


I'm offended that you'd ever think it was me.

Also, God damn it Slicer, you leave me alone!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

wasn't him dark.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


I'm offended that you'd ever think it was me.

What? No, I'm asking if the person who repped was telling me and sponge to fuck off, or me and you to fuck off.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

What? No, I'm asking if the person who repped was telling me and sponge to fuck off, or me and you to fuck off.

I got the same rep so, I assume oni was talking about you and me..

3 neg reps and 1 positive rep (from what appears to be a troll) from this same thread.. But it was as I expected, such a subject only brings out the more unreasonable traits in my/others personality.. I'm gonna avoid this thread from now on.

Miscellaneous forum topics remind me way too much of alcohol...
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well... Now that thats settled...

Back to normal things... Like this...

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I got the same rep so, I assume oni was talking about you and me..

3 neg reps and 1 positive rep (from what appears to be a troll) from this same thread.. But it was as I expected, such a subject only brings out the more unreasonable traits in my/others personality.. I'm gonna avoid this thread from now on.

Miscellaneous forum topics remind me way too much of alcohol...

And why the shitting fuck did you jump to the conclusion that it was me that -rep'd you and Toxic?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I was quite certain oni liked me.

... right?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

What? No, I'm asking if the person who repped was telling me and sponge to fuck off, or me and you to fuck off.

Ohh, okay. I read it wrong, my bad.

Still offended though.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

And why the shitting fuck did you jump to the conclusion that it was me that -rep'd you and Toxic?

It's because he's afraid of you.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

It's common knowledge that oni has never neg repped anyone.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

He has no need to. If he has a problem he just comes out and saOH I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE. I think.

@MBS: Batman with pink lipstick is going to haunt my nightmares now. o.o
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