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Veangence Advocate(Zenath)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Zeriths Status: HP = 36, PP = 28, EP = 43

She had finally arrived at her destination. The moonlight shone down upon her, the stars twinkling in the night sky above, but she had finally arrived. The hour was late, well past midnight, but Zeriths supernatural heritage ensured that no fatigue bothered her.

She had mostly avoided civilization after her "family" had been killed, her unusual appearance, lustful hunger, and violent tendencies meaning that she rarely received a warm welcome. The few times she had taken to the presence of mortals, usually to feed, she'd heard rumors of demons appearing in the West. So, she had traveled West. For a week and a day, the half-daemon had hiked across the countryside, passing out of Amazonia and into Badaria completely unnoticed. Now, she looked down from the slope of the lone mountain at the town that had supposedly been overrun by demons. The town was as dark as the night sky save for a few fires that burned unchecked through the poor districts, but to her eyes, it was as bright as day.

There, and only there, could the half-Fey hunt her favored prey, the demon-in that had murdered her "family," freely. Looking down, she spotted movement in the dark forest below, a wild beast prowling the night perhaps. Her sexual hunger, her need to devour the souls of her partners, called to her insistently, and she knew that she would have to satisfy it sooner or later, and what better to consume than the soul of a demon?
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

She flexed her fingers gently, hissing to herself. Then she conducted a few less visible exercises, focusing her mind through the techniques to call up her shadows.

It had been a long journey. Sucking out a soul or two would help her relax.

She could remember the slight spice of the demons she'd destroyed oh so long ago. She could also remember the old tales, of how spending too much time around demons made you like them.

The prospect didn't bother her. It might even make her more powerful. All the better for hunting more of their kind.

It was no longer even hatred, really... it just felt like the natural way of things. Predator... and prey.

She stalked towards the town, wriggling slightly to make sure that her shoulderblades and the back of her neck were free of her armour. She didn't need bare skin to unleash her tentacles... but it helped so much...

Preparations made, she sniffed the air, murmuring to herself. "Come out, come out, wherever you are..."
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

Zeriths Status: HP = 36, PP = 28, EP = 43, Grappled

Perception: Failure.
To-hit: Automatic Success.

Slowly descending down the slope of the mountain in search of her first demonic victim, Zerith was caught completely by surprise when her first opponent turned out to be an animal. The surprise was doubled when the beast, a large mountain cat, jumped onto her back, bowling her over and forcing her to the ground with one paw at each side of her head. The creature growls into her ear, and Zerith can feel something rubbing against her backside through her elven armor.
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

She hissed in shock, but recovered fast. "Be careful what you wish for," she muttered to herself angrily.

The Daemonspawn was well aware of the danger. If it decided to kill her, those paws could probably crack her skull open quite comfortably. On the other hand, it didn't feel like killing was on the beast's mind.

Her mind focused sharply. First priority, get away from the creature. Her emerald eyes faded to black, then her body melted away like a shadow, reforming a few feet behind her assailant. Drawing her warscythe, she smiled coldly. "Now we play my way."

(Shadowstalker 2, 10' straight backwards. Attack if possible.)
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

Zeriths Status: HP = 36, PP = 28, EP = 41/43

(Only one action per round, unfortunately.)

Zenith seemed to fade into shadow beneath the beast, her form dissolving before it could get a firm hold. The creature drops to the ground in a low crouch as Zerith materializes behind it and draws her weapon. The beasts spins to face her, and Zerith can get a good glimpse of just how deformed the cat is. Patches of fur can be seen dropping off, and strange blobs of flesh can be seen growing and pulsating in numerous places along its body. However, if it feels any discomfort, from whatever sickness it had, the beast didn't show it.
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

Zerith took a long look at the thing, faintly repulsed. Part of her argued that she should just kill it with her scythe rather than waste energy she might need later.

The rest just really wanted to put the thing out of its misery with minimum fuss and minimum proximity. The idea of a botched attack resulting in getting closer to what looked like almost rotting flesh did not appeal.

Mind made up, she opened her mouth, sharpened teeth flashing. Then twin squirts of black liquid shot from the roof of her mouth, like a cobra spitting venom.

(Piercer 4.)
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

Zeriths Status: HP = 36, PP = 28, EP = 36/43

To-hit: Epic.
Damage: 9 + 7 + 9 + 8 = 33 damage.

The creature, caught completely by surprise by Zeriths unorthodox attack, doesn't even try to move aside. The mutated cat yowls in pain as the spray catches it in the face, the strange substance having formed into needles on its flight toward the creature. It claws at its face, blood flowing freely from numerous wounds, and its movements only making it worse. What's more, the creature seems to have been blinded by her spray, leaving it vulnerable, and its attempt to get the needles in its face free give her a perfect opportunity to strike once more.
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Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

((Yay, first epic! ^^))

She eyed the beast coldly. There was no sympathy in her heart for it. A tiny shred of pity, perhaps, but no sympathy.

She tightened her grip on the scythe slightly, and then stepped forward, the curved blade whining through the air, aiming to put the creature out of its misery. "Just die already and stop wasting my time."
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

Zeriths Status: HP = 36, PP = 28, EP = 36/43

To-hit/Damage: Autohit/kill (I'm lazy.)

The cat doesn't even try to avoid Zeriths sweep of her scythe, the blinded creature being unable to see the attack coming. Her blade takes the beasts head clean off, and the creature falls to the ground, dead. A glowing red stone flops out from its headless corpse, falling out of its corpse where Zerith had cut it.
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

She frowns, then slings the scythe over her shoulder, picking up the curious object. She could feel the hint of unnatural power in the little object, and she inspects it a little more closely.

Most likely it was worthless. But she slipped it into a pouch on her belt anyway, just in case.

Paying the corpse no further heed, and trying to pay better attention to her surroundings, she begins once again heading towards the town.
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

Zeriths Status: HP = 36, PP = 28, EP = 36/43

(Gains 2 exp and 1x darkheart.)

Picking up the stone and putting it into her pouch, Zerith gets back to her journey toward Artmirst. Despite having been attacked practically as soon as she spotted the town, Zerith doesn't run into anything else as she gets to the road leading into town, and then crosses over the massive bridge. She was on the Western edge of the town, having just crossed the only large bridge over the river that ran next to the town. Large houses and small shops lined the streets around her, and she could see the docks far down the road to her right. She could go there, or proceed deeper into town going forward, or go through the town along the river by going left.
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

The moon was high, the night young, and she was hungry...

She knew that demons were stronger at night, but so was she. And where they were strong, they would be more likely to be out and about... and more bold on the attack.

She'd have to find somewhere safe to sleep later, but for now, she paused, drawing out her scythe and testing the blade. Satisfied, she slung it across her back as she advanced, heading deeper into the town, considering it a fair guess that there would be more, stronger demons there. She strung her bow, holding an arrow ready but not drawing it yet.

The possibility of being defeated in a fight did not occur to her. Why should it? She had not yet lost, or even come close to losing. Not when the very night itself fought by her side against creatures of darkness.

She flicked a tongue over her sharpened teeth, and stalked through the streets, like some hunter goddess...
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

Zeriths Status: HP = 36, PP = 28, EP = 36/43

Perception: Success.

As she proceeds down the street deeper into town, Zeriths hears something within one of the shops sitting abandoned along the side of the road. She can't be sure, but it sounds like someone is moaning and muttering to themselves, and she can also make out what seems like rapid strenuous movements.
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

Her eyes narrow slightly, then she carefully puts the bow away, flipping the scythe into her hands. Then she advances to the door, straining her senses, both natural and magical to try and identify whatever was on the other side of that door. She ponders walking through the door using her powers, but concludes that it would probably be a waste of energy. So she tries to open it quietly, ready to ambush any demons beyond...
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

Zeriths Status: HP = 36, PP = 28, EP = 36/43

When she walked into the shop, Zerith found herself staring down at a woman lying on the ground. She was completely naked, with strange marks on her skin, and, oddest of all, she had a large, nine inch long cock! She was moaning in pleasure as she apparently masturbated, her right hand stroking her cock, while her left played with one of her large breasts. She didn't seem to be a demon, at least not anymore than the cat had been, but she was clearly the perfect opportunity for Zerith to feed.
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

You have got to be kidding.

She stared at the figure, nestling in the shadows even though it probably wasn't necessary, the woman evidently... distracted. Part of her really wanted to feel that enormous member... but she fought that down. Distractions, she couldn't afford distractions. Besides, she could smell the innate wrongness around the woman, the same scent that had been around the cat. Like hell would she let herself be voluntarily penetrated by that.

She knew that her Fey blood wouldn't leave her alone afterwards, but she had to focus. Just drain as quickly and efficiently as possible, then get back to the hunt.

With that in mind, she wriggles slightly, ensuring that her shoulders are free of armour. Then she pounces, her mind focusing snake-like on pinning her victim down.

Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

Zeriths Status: HP = 36, PP = 28, EP = 36/43, Grappling

To-hit: Automatic Success.

The woman on the floor continues on masturbating as Zerith disrobes, completely oblivious to the stealthy Fey womans presence. She easily pins her victim down, the startled woman only uttering a surprised cry and going still as she finds Zerith literally on top of her. This close up, Zerith could sense the corruption coming off of the mutated woman all the more intensely, the scent and aura not so much repulsive, as they are alien to her.
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

For a moment, the scaled huntress considered her options. Up close, she could inspect the woman more closely, her keen senses picking over the sense of corruption. The same sensation she'd picked up from the cat, the same she got from the strange object she'd pulled from its carcass.

She growls softly, leaning down and biting dominantly at the woman's neck, tasting and sniffing at her, trying to get more of a grasp of this new feeling. She'd heard old stories about things changing around demons, and if this was a sign of it, she ought to try and get a definite impression of what it felt like.

In lots of ways.

She wriggles again, and then curses her Fey blood. Things would be so much simpler without that freaking need. Her original plan to just get in and get out fast was beginning to dissolve as the twisted part of her soul pointed out that there was a weakling, twisted but nonetheless attractive woman, trapped underneath her and clearly very much in the mood for... 'fun'.

And if a swarm of demons walk in on you?

She hesitates, then snorts. The night was hers, not theirs. She'd had a long journey. She'd earned some downtime.

And while she might've preferred fighting one of their succubi, that could've been hard, given how much she'd walked. Mind not necessarily in full gear.

Then a thought occurred to her. Maybe the human could serve as more than just a boost. "All right, freak. I need information, and I want it now. Where's the nearest demon hideout? Tell me, and I won't drain every scrap of life force you have."

To make the point, she reaches down, clawed hand batting away the woman's and stroking the thick member, trying to generate enough pleasure to make it obvious that she was indeed capable of following up on her threat.
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

Zeriths Status: HP = 36, PP = 28, EP = 43, Grappling

Enemy Pleasure: 3 + 8 + 5 = 16 Pleasure. Drains 8 HP and 8 EP.

The woman moans and closes her eyes as Zerith begins stroking her member, and the half-Fey can feel portions of the womans soul flowing into her through the pleasure Zerith was giving her. From the way things were going, Zerith thought that her prospects for getting anything useful out of the corrupted woman were slim. From the copious amount of precum coating the tip of her mutant cock, and the way she thrusts her hips forward into each of Zeriths strokes, she seemed like she was already on the verge of cumming. Also, from her lack of verbal response to Zeriths threat and from the bits of her soul that Zerith was devouring, it seemed that the womans mind was so warped and broken that she was no longer capable of much thought.

Something that was interesting, however, was the way that her soul seemed to regenerate itself as Zerith pleasured her. It grew back nearly as fast as she could take it from her, in fact. Unfortunately, she didn't regain her life force nearly as swiftly, so Zerith could likely drain her dry in short order, if she so chose.
Re: Veangence Advocate(Zenath)

Just look at her. Such an eager little fucktoy, you're killing her and she doesn't even care. Why shouldn't you make the most of this?

She pauses in her attentions, trying to focus. No. Stop it. You just want to screw this thing because you're tired and haven't had a good lay in weeks. Is this mindless little runt going to be a good lay?


I don't think so. She's barely self-aware any more.

...and that matters why?

It matters because this is too fucking easy, and what's more, she smells like the damned cat. Kill her and be done with it.

She could be useful. Look at her, regenerating herself. Could be a useful source of energy to keep around.

Just kill. And I mean kill, not suck. This is humiliating.

Her libido finally bulled into order, she eyes the woman one last time, then reaches out to try and snap her neck. "I'm doing you a favour, human."

She has no expectation of any resistance from the warped creature, mind already fast-forwarding to the best way to slice the woman open to see if there is another of the curious stones inside.