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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

So, out of great curiosity, is watch mode only exclusive to Tiki vs. Monster? I do not know how to change CPU 1, only CPU 2, always having a Tiki vs. Monster fight..
Re: Fairy Fighting

So, out of great curiosity, is watch mode only exclusive to Tiki vs. Monster? I do not know how to change CPU 1, only CPU 2, always having a Tiki vs. Monster fight..

Press up or down. And yes, it is only Tiki vs a monster. Never monster v monster.
Re: Fairy Fighting

So, out of great curiosity, is watch mode only exclusive to Tiki vs. Monster? I do not know how to change CPU 1, only CPU 2, always having a Tiki vs. Monster fight..

Monster vs. Monster would just be......weird.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Monster vs Monster is something I hope gets added into the game at some point. Definitely not now, but it would be a nice added bonus(Though I can see where it could get awkward lol). Also I'm not sure if it was mentioned, but I think last update changed Alalune's GO for the parasite she puts in Tiki's womb from the normal GO that had her force unbirth herself with Tiki. There' s a GO for it now, but no cg. Just in case no one saw it or I missed them mention it.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I have other projects going, but I have began some concept art for making Alaulune, Alakune and a child naga as playable against monsters. I hope to approach Eluku with them, and to work with him. No idea if he will work with me.

But if we're going to sit and speculate or talk, then should we come up with ideas for scenes given monsters could do with the more humanoid girls ?

Your call people!
Re: Fairy Fighting

This game is really amazing.
The only thing I miss are some big breasts =P
Re: Fairy Fighting

If we're going to sit and speculate or talk, then should we come up with ideas for scenes given monsters could do with the more humanoid girls ?
Well, when i first fought alau-lune i wondered what would happen if she got hit by the aphrodisiac spores she tosses at you, that could be a good scene...i was thinking several stages of breast expansion if she keeps getting spored and then instant KO as she does her breasts with the tentacles.

Afterwards, the same mechanic could be used for spider girl, the green things she tosses at tiki would do her instead.

...your thoughts?
Re: Fairy Fighting

But if we're going to sit and speculate or talk, then should we come up with ideas for scenes given monsters could do with the more humanoid girls ?

Well if we want to get creative, a neat attack would be using the monster's body against them. Such as:

In a small lamia vs giant lamia, the giant lamia could grab the small lamia's tail and swing her around in the air before slamming her into the ground.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Well if we want to get creative, a neat attack would be using the monster's body against them. Such as:

In a small lamia vs giant lamia, the giant lamia could grab the small lamia's tail and swing her around in the air before slamming her into the ground.

Both good ideas, although Anon anon anon I think is thinking a little limited.

My plans so far have included:
For Alaulune, her human portion if you look at the artwork looks like it has legs or similar. Not sure if it's possible but I was thinking a modification whereby a strong attack or a sexual attack can remove the central body from the main flower bulk. Separated, Alaulune can crawl around (she has vines not legs) but cannot attack. She can also be raped that way much easier. To attack again she has to crawl or jump back to the main flower where she joins up and gets control again. The only flaw with this concept is that the yellow petals in the existing art do not appear to be part of her humanoid part. I would prefer she still look flowerish when I pluck her.

Possibly attacks against her would be inserting her own vines in her vagina, eggplant sucking on her like a lolipop, monsters planting her headfirst in the ground while they rape her. No idea what else.

For Little Naga, I intended that little naga is one of Fluidhunter's daughters. Which means fluidhunter eating her is out (but not other creatures eating her). Possible attacks against Little Naga would consist of 'Norty Naga' (Spanking scene) 'Go back to where you came from' (Fluidhunter shoves the naga into her egglaying tube) and "How wide can you stretch' (take a guess). And it would be funny to see a monster slurp Naga into it's mouth like slurping noodles!

Alakune I haven't had any ideas for yet, and I have no interest in Fallen Fairy (unfortunately for some)
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Re: Fairy Fighting

How about this for the Arachne?:

The Arachne shoots web string at each of Tiki's limbs and then climbs to the top of the screen where she'll control Tiki like a puppet whilst throwing down minions for her to be attacked by in her helpless state. And maybe the AluaLune could be offscreen eating popcorn while watching the show.
Re: Fairy Fighting

@Toyloli, i just read that in one of the older posts
Re: Fairy Fighting

So, another new version is here. Based on google translate and filesize comparison, the only changes are: wolf stage can now be selected and wolf has basic attacks. Oh well, maybe next week..
Re: Fairy Fighting

Damn he fast as hell...gonna be a tough fight.
Re: Fairy Fighting

狼は ありがとう ございます~
(Thank you very much for the wolf~)
Yay he can fight!
*few tries of getting completely frost burned later*
Victory~ That was a very nice challenge. On stage select he is also shown at stage 13 same as F.C. Boss but in battle it says stage 14. Wonder where he will be put. Also was there a poll done for this enemy or was it a surprise? He'll probably be my favorite.

Frostwolf weakness (currently): low block and time a trip kick (down str kick) as he tries to do frost breath or as he's charging toward you. Then go near and start up wk kick barrage. Whether he blocks it or not, it will harm him and let you go back to blocking when it ends. Im sure a grab will make you have to keep him away and time when he gets near. This guy is far more aggressive and speedy to deal with aggressively. fight fire with fire only gets you frozen here.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

Haven't played it yet but they're always more difficult before they get their specials :p
Re: Fairy Fighting

Your screenshot makes him look like he didn't get defeated and instead, just got tired/bored. :p

< Off to go download and be frozen~
Re: Fairy Fighting

Your screenshot makes him look like he didn't get defeated and instead, just got tired/bored. :p

< Off to go download and be frozen~

Can see a meme being made out of this.

Frost Wolf doesn't have a health bar. That's just his interest meter.
Frost Wolf doesn't get defeated. He just lays down and takes a nap.