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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

I think the "straw" is being put into Tiki's urethra. meaning Alarune is drinking her pee. the red "fruit" on the other hand is definitely pulling Tiki's eggs from her. at least thats what it looks like to me when I got this animation.
Re: Fairy Fighting

It would be better, if this game improve its definition and its Game Over CG..
Well since the game is still on development until its process finish, maybe Eluku just do that on later months or years...
I really like his artwork which its"Cute,Moe and more Loli like Tiki.The really I hate is some of his drawings that contains blood and gore with sexual reference "Guro".. His previous artwork is pretty drawn well and very detailed while his just working on Expandbee and The Loli with a Big plant..
Re: Fairy Fighting

So who's purposely posting hate rep points against me face me if you're not a coward.

Fun Fact: Complaining about getting neg rep makes you look like a child and nets you *gasp* More neg rep! Do us all a favor and post on topic rather than worrying about your e-peen.

(Also note, twas not me to gifted you neg rep the first time, I just hate people bitching about neg rep)

Now for something on topic so I'm not a hypocrite...

I'm not sure what she's drinking out of, from the pic it looks like her urethra, but the fruit goes into her pussy. Since I'm not into waste stuffs, I just like to think it's vaginal fluids. However I hope he adds an ending pic to it soon.

And the spider's full SP move is awesome! Plus Tiki's orgasm meter is awesome, I'm hoping she adds a bit more webbing with each climax, like she is slowly capturing her prey... and that thought makes me horn... happy... yes...
Re: Fairy Fighting

I guess we are all gonna have to wait to see what it is in the artwork if Eluku ever gets around to do it.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Have not really kept up with the game for a while. What's the status on the giant fairy crusher? Is it scraped or what?
Re: Fairy Fighting

I think Eluku once upon a time said that it would be added as another character rather than a fight mechanic to the F.C stage. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just calling back on memory.
Re: Fairy Fighting

been looking at that tentacle spider thing, any idea how that is exactly gonna work? Just like those flowing things Fallen Fairy through at you, or could it be the escapeable game over move that Alarune hypnotizes you and your forced to attack her.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Wow Update 165 is now release!
And I thought he'll never posted this week..
I guess the Arachne has now a Game over Rape scene, well not sure if am I right, he just said he a add secret X.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I am very impressed to see how the Arachne is coming along. Though the eluku says that Arachne will take awhile to complete. But now she has both a Game Over Animation and Continue Screen Background, another two should be in development, hopefully resembling something happening to the fairies in the background.

Direct KO(Punches Tiki, etc.) or KO'ed by spiders gives you these, the webbing super doesn't have an ending. But I do like in this version, getting the Arachne's SP meter up is not difficult as a lot of her moves and taking damage brings it up, allows for more gameplay balance.

Bugs I've Noticed:
- The Spiders now have nice side animations, However the one on the left seems to flip every thrust about every other time.
- Getting KO'ed by her Anti-Air Throw still causes Arachne's Defeat Animation to play.
- Her Webbing Super still goes through if Tiki's got to Stage 2 Egging.

What Needs Implementing:
- Stage 3 Egging(Possible Ending. If not, be a heck to get out of)
- Fairybuster Move from concept art
- Hopefully a Webbing Fairybuster, someone mentioned earlier in this thread about having Tiki webbed to the wall, yeah, that would be cool.
- Misc. Gameplay Balancing and Tweaks(of course)

So far this and Rape Quest are the only games I'm following in terms of updates. I apologize for the bullet lists, I did graduate from Game Design and I kinda take my game testing a little seriously.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Interesting game over ... but I don't get the point of the snake thingy tbh.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Interesting game over ... but I don't get the point of the snake thingy tbh.

It's the 'all-the-way-through' snake/Stomach Lancer from the poll way back. I don't know why it's here either...or at least, I think that's supposed to be it, from what the old concept art shows.

Though, I didn't really pay attention to the results, I assume it didn't score that high, because of the Fallen Fairy and Green Amoeba/slime madness at the time.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Yeah, the snake came out of left field for me too when I first saw it.

Thanks Kirshz for the concept art, though it does look like the snake is supposed to have its own stage.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

hey guys I just found out about this wonderful game so I downloaded the 110925 version.

I unzip it, and ran FairyFighting.exe... I just get a blank grey screen, something loads for few seconds and a error appears.

I read along the forum and I found that shortening the directory will make it work, so I copy the Fairy Fighting root folder to C:/, yet it still doesnt work.

I tried running it in compatibility mode, admin mode without success. I am currently using Windows 7 Ultimate (Korean version).

I know I'm a total noob so I may be missing something so basic not even worth talking about, but can you help me out please?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Probably you have to run it in Japanese unicodes... not sure though... I havent had issues with this game... cause I always have mine on japanese unicode....

Hope that you have Japanese unicodes and that is the reason why....


About the new version, the apple or fruit thing, its in her Vagina for those thinking its in the urethra, she sticks the green thing in to widen the vagina then the apple or what it is and then she sucks on the thing... ;)

the snake thing, idk... you get raped by these things and the snake kinda was out of place I guess... but its also before the finishing part that the snake goes through you, so guess it makes sence....

couldnt get any other ending scenes from the arachnid girl, whatever her name was..... and is there a new ending for the alua what her name was girl, she still only does unbirthing in the finishing screnes.... or am I wrong?!?

Love where this game is going, just wished there where more things added already...... cant wait till the game has like a gazillion characters and alot of finishing moves, specials and such.... but that wil take time.... :p
Re: Fairy Fighting

Probably you have to run it in Japanese unicodes... not sure though... I havent had issues with this game... cause I always have mine on japanese unicode....

Hope that you have Japanese unicodes and that is the reason why....

Do you mean changing the windows locale to Japanese? I just did that, still doesn't work. :(
Re: Fairy Fighting

No, it's never the language. People need to stop saying that.

Void, can you post a picture of the error?

Soul: It's in progress. It's ALWAYS in progress. New things are ALWAYS being added. You're talking about why the spider doesn't have two game over screens? The first one was only added YESTERDAY.
Re: Fairy Fighting

o.o its not the language settings, idk what it is then.... sorry, I was just making a suggestion to what it might be.... ;)

and wel yeah, I know its a work in progress and its updated weekly, didnt know the first game over was only added yesterday, didnt download a version for a few weeks or more so there where some new stuff when I started playing, was just wondering if there was only 1 game over or if thre where more...

I was more wondering about the Alua thing if it had another game over then the '' unbirthing'' cause the unbirthing has been in for a long time, but the straw thing was new.... ;)
Re: Fairy Fighting

No, it's never the language. People need to stop saying that.

Void, can you post a picture of the error?

Umm... I can but it won't mean anything to you because it's going to be in korean.

I've been doing some research and it seems that 64bit users are doomed? Can anyone confirm that?