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Re: Hate Thread

I've had that problem before with my beer sometimes, where I'd be sitting on the porch and the dumb little bastards dive right into my mug. I'm convinced that moths are the retards of the insect world, because they constantly seem to be killing themselves in hilarious ways.
Re: Hate Thread

Meh, that's enough of that joke, I'm changing back. Perhaps in time, there will be a day where we can all wear swastika's without issue. I of course mean because the taboo might have been put behind us or something, not because of a second Nazi rise to power or anything like that.

If such a time comes, it will be a long time from now. And rightfully so. I don't even know why the other guy does it, but I look down upon him for thinking it amusing.

It has a little to do with my grandparents living in Nazi occupied Holland, and a little to do with that they were just... bad people.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that the Nazis made the Swastika a symbol to be hated. Damned Nazis, always fucking up everything for the rest of us.
Re: Hate Thread

On the one hand, Nazis carved a bloody swath across Europe, plunging the world into war and decimating entire cultures. On the other hand, Tyrannosaurus Reich:
Re: Hate Thread

I actually hate the the nazi's ruined Germany's reputation.Its actually a beautiful country with a large and distincted culture.But now almost every German is seen as a nazi (i do realize wer'e not all thinking this but some people have some difficulties to let the past go)
Re: Hate Thread

I don't assume Germans are Nazis. I just assume they're all porn stars.

EDIT: Yes, even you, Rule. Especially you.
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate that the Nazis made the Swastika a symbol to be hated. Damned Nazis, always fucking up everything for the rest of us.

Well actually, they took the religious symbol and just changed its position a little bit. The original sign was Hindu I believe. I could be wrong. So the swastika used by the Nazis is only for the Nazis.
Re: Hate Thread

You know what i do hate? Ants. Motherfucking ANTS

Same. When I was still a wee teen I lived in a house that was practically surrounded by ant hills. We'd find a trail of them marching through the house at random, and no matter what we did we couldn't get rid of the damn things.

But the reason I REALLY hate them is because they went into my room when I was asleep. The bastards crawled into my bed and tried to eat my legs. Thankfully I'm a light sleeper, so they only got a couple nibbles.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how people entirely skip the hentai finder thread, go into a incorrect section (this part being the rarest but still happens) and then post a question thread on a game that we have onsight that's only a few pages away. all it does is clutter that section and makes casual perusement a tad tedious.
Re: Hate Thread

Well actually, they took the religious symbol and just changed its position a little bit. The original sign was Hindu I believe. I could be wrong. So the swastika used by the Nazis is only for the Nazis.

Hinduism and Buddhism use it as an important symbol, and I think Shinto and some others might as well on a lesser note. It probably did start either with Hinduism or as a nonreligious thing though, since it's older than most of the religions it appears in. There are all kinds of variations of it and it is very old, so I'm not sure that only the Nazis used it in that configuration.

Related, I hate that the backlash against the symbol is frequently not sensitive to religions who want to use it. Buddhists shouldn't have to change long standing traditions because the Nazis were assholes.
Re: Hate Thread

from memory the nazi one its backwards.
Re: Hate Thread

True, but people aren't going to go 'oh, hey, that's the Hindu one, not the Nazi one,' they're going to go 'OMG, SWASTIKA! NAZI NAZI NAZI!!!!'
Because people are un-informed like that.
Not that you can really blame them. It just sucks is all.

Also: .
Re: Hate Thread

One moth just went plop and forced me to scoop it out, the other splashed hot oil around and fried a crispy strange smelling death.

It's been used in both orientations by plenty. I'm not sure whether it's possible to know the original orientation for it. The common hindu use of it still uses the same right facing form as the Nazis adopted. Displaying it in the Nazi colours or themes will probably never be forgiven, but I'd like to think at least the symbol itself could be partially redeemed eventually. It's amusing but sad when sharp eyed parents kick up a storm after spotting the swastika used as a sword guard in Bleach for example.

It's hard to decide for certain where to stand on casual/fun/mocking use of the Nazi form of it. Like Darkboy and myself just did/is. I don't at all look down on him for using it as an avatar (otherwise I wouldn't have joked about it myself), but it's always a touchy subject regardless. Is it actually harming anyone, and does it reinforce or weaken the symbols negative image? I've actually demolished a good few 200ft tall swastikas that are frequently erected by hackers and their bots in the public minecraft servers. I'm not entirely certain why I feel the need to, but I do. '_'

(Aside from the times the damned bots build the things straight through my own structures. That's just annoying and a plain obvious reason to destroy the things.)
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Re: Hate Thread

One moth just went plop and forced me to scoop it out, the other splashed hot oil around and fried a crispy strange smelling death.

Mmm, crispy chocolate-covered Moth.
Not really.

It's amusing but sad when sharp eyed parents kick up a storm after spotting the swastika used as a sword guard in Bleach for example.

It's even funnier when you realize that it's not even facing the correct way to be the Nazi Swastika.
Re: Hate Thread

The average Joe can't tell the Nazi version from the others, hell, some people think the Iron Cross and other such things are swastikas...
Re: Hate Thread

The average Joe can't tell the Nazi version from the others, hell, some people think the Iron Cross and other such things are swastikas...

Yeah, it's a shame when people start thinking that one. The Iron Cross was in use long before the Nazi party, and used as a symbol of the Wehrmacht. Whom were a different breed than the Nazis. These guys were just soldiers fighting for their country.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, it's a shame when people start thinking that one. The Iron Cross was in use long before the Nazi party, and used as a symbol of the Wehrmacht. Whom were a different breed than the Nazis. These guys were just soldiers fighting for their country.

Well, technically it wasn't until after the Nazi party was in power that the name of the armed forces was changed to the Wehrmacht...

But that's just semantics and ultimately they're still just the German armed forces.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate food poisoning and being sick.

Consequently, I don't hate my ability to hold my hair back while vomiting.