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Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

The rose flew open and the girl fell backwards arms in front of her face. "AHHHHHHH!" she cowered in her nectar whimpering. "It's too dangerous in there for you! The other monsters will tear you apart and you're too little and sick to live." She keeps her eyes shut the entire time expecting the scythe to fall on her.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)


The girl was silent for a moment after having heard this, appearing to ponder for a bit...then brought the scythe down. Rather than using it to cut the plant girl apart however, she instead opts to use it expertly as a hook of sorts to pull the Une to her... And then after all this...she gave the plant girl a light peck on the lips, before allowing her to fall back into the nectar.

"...A thank you...for the moment's reprieve from pain...and the concern...see you in hell..."

With that, the girl began moving onward again past the plant girl, towards the castle.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

The rose suddenly appears in front of Alicia, "W-wait! Here.....for the pain..." The une quickly hands Alicia a bottle filled with thick golden liquid before completely vanishing into the ground. Leaving Alicia to travel into the keep, one step closer to the end.

(Alicia obtained Une nectar, Heals 20HP but gives a +3 to any erotic damage for that battle)
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Strapping the bottle of Une nectar to her handy dandy weapon holsters, Alicia continues onwards into the keep...

((It pays to be nice doesn't it?...Occasionally anyway.))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(indeed it does, sometimes you get a horny potion out of the deal)

The halls of the castle go in all directions, one hall simply goes left, one goes down, and the other leads across a perilous walkway to the clock tower.

(Ballroom&guest quarters, catacombs, clocktower)
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Oh dear, typical Dracula castle layout... makes me inclined to go to the ballroom first, as that's earlier game 'usually'. Clock tower is always a bitch, and catacombs reek of undead enemies.))

If my curse can fade...by slaying the evil in this castle...then I must begin with the weakest until my body is strong enough..and from experience, that the clock tower and underground are...unpleasant.

This train of thought in mind, Alicia headed down the left hallway, to whatever awaited her.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(Hey why mess with the classics, but agreed, fucking medusa heads messing up my jumps!!!! and no I will not be adding that as a concept to the game)

Alicia entered a grand multi teired ballroom and made short easy work of all the dancing ghosts cluttering the area, the axe armors she faced fared no better and even the manticore that ambushed her was struck down without a fuss, each and every creature destroyed made her feel healthier, younger, stronger. She came to another choice, she could go under the ballroom into a chapel like area or up several flights of stairs which for some reason seemed decorated like a children's living space.

(Some amazing travel rolls, looks like Alicia has her edge back)
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Right in time to be royally fucked over(pun unintended) by the bosses assume? XD))

Once again, newfound power within her, she was true to her name of "Pale Reaper". Slashing ghosts as she walked past them, severing metal as if she were cutting through paper, and even managing to lop off the manticore's head as it tried to pounce upon her from on high...This was easy, easier than it had ever been. The ache in her body fading slightly with each best struck down...it had almost been as if the reason for her illness was a result of leaving her job unfinished...

Leaving a trail of carnage in her wake, she walked towards the chapel. There, she would offer a few prayers, then begin slaying Dracula's key minions one by one all over again...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(Usually how it goes, you crit all the goblins then roll a 1 and the dragon eats you)

The dancing ghosts seem just as easy as they were in the ballroom even as she jumps down several platforms to the chapel and a giant stone monster is the last to be reduced to rubble before Alicia stands before a glowing blue door that opens of it's own accord, on the altar of the chapel sits Alicia, except she looks much more healthy. "Well hello, it's so nice to meet myself."

Chapel Boss: Doppelganger

(good rolls for the minions again and she was 1xp from 4, oh well she'll get it after she commits suicide)
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Hahaha... I see what you did there. Now the real question is if the copycat there also has a scythe...))


Alicia seemed to be a bit unnerved upon confronting her healthier self, the living image of what she 'had been' before succumbing to the curse and falling from grace. Before this madness have engulfed her life, she had been confident, proud, and carefree...now, seeing herself from 'then' in the state she was currently...only reminded her of what she had become.

"...Can I have you disappear? You are...unpleasant."

Already having assumed a combat stance, the white haired girl held her scythe at the ready...carefully watching what her other self's reaction would be.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"No, my master has instructed me to push you to your limits, I intend to do so." The mimic smiles as she pulls a scythe out from behind the altar and starts floating in the air, several swords appearing apparently trying to one up the real Alicia's knives. "Don't worry you'll feel better one way or another...."
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...I see."

Knives unsheathing themselves and spinning around their master for a but a moment, Alicia spared no time in making them launch themselves towards her clone. All the while holding her scythe in a defensive position to bat away any swords that may be launched at her in a similar manner.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(4 rears it's ugly head)

The swords bat away all the knives just as quickly as they come before her double swoops down and takes a slash with her blackened metal scythe. "Don't you wish you were strong as me?" She grins and laughs as she slices one of Alicia's sleeves off.

Alicia took 4 damage

HP:33 MP:8
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Narrowly managing to avoid having her arm severed at the cost of her sleeve, Alicia puts herself into a spin and swings clockwise at her clone with her scythe.

"...If I was strong before...I wouldn't have failed."
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(16 quick recovery)

Her clone cries out as the scythe cuts deep and she floats away, the wound closes up but she still seems distressed. "Hmph...you don't have a clue do you..."
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...A clue?"

Dashing towards her clone as it floated away, Alicia lept into the air and raised her scythe overhead for a mid-air vertical strike, her knives floating behind her to shield her from any of the floating swords...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)


A sword managed to get through and shear her other sleeve off but did not interrupt Alicia from delivering another nasty blow to her opponent. "You call such a blessing a curse, ignorant girl..."

Alicia took 3 damage

HP:30 MP:8
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...Dying in two years doesn't suit me."

Ignoring the loss of her other sleeve, Alicia brings her scythe blade upward...

"Neither does chest pain..."
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)


"F-Fool....." The copy sneers before being sliced in two and disappearing. On cue an orb containing part of dracula's power appears above the altar and completely restores Alicia, even making her feel stronger than before.

Alicia gained level 4

HP:45 MP:11 STR:35 INT:110

(everyone else will probably have a harder fight with themselves, Alicia has the advantage of forcing her double to have low HP ;P )
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((<3, also... new technique get! *Takes RP liberties*))

As Alicia absorbs the orb into her body, she feel much stronger...the pain in her chest having no longer as sharp and piercing as before, but rather more of a dull ache.

...Truly magnificent...If I keep this up...maybe...well...only one way to find out...

Taking a deep breath, then exhaling it, Alicia closes her eyes, as if trying to remember something...Then, all of a sudden, the blade of her scythe begins to shimmer and radiate a faint blue light, which grew bright with each passing second.

Come...remember...come to your master's beckoning...

A blinding flash of light from the scythe blade...and then!... As if by magic, the scythe had transformed into a massive pendulum blade, the entire weapon covered in a soft blue aura of sorts. Despite its looks however, it appeared that the weapon was still light enough for practical use...the complex practice maneuver Alicia went into following the transformation evidence of that. Concluding by spinning it overhead and bring it down at the altar of the chapel, the girl appearing pleased when it was cleaved cleanly in half. Her joy would be complete... if she was not forced to let go of her weapon soon afterwards, hands having been singed and covered in burns from wielding it.

...But yet the family heirloom still rejects what I've become...not so much anymore but...

Slightly disappointed from this, Alicia lets out a sigh as her knives return to their sheaths, and she goes towards the destroyed altar to offer a prayer...

(( And Alicia has gained...

Demon Hunter: Taps into the power of her family's ancesteral scythe to temporarily "upgrade" her scythe into a pendulum blade, as well as make her attacks more powerful and laced with the holy element. The only true downside of this weapon however, is that, as Alicia is now a darkborne, she takes damage from each swing of the weapon while it is transformed into this form. Costs two HP and MP per swing.))