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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Kind of like how we have "The Bronze Age," the "Steel Age," etc etc, Thedas has various "Ages" that are so named because they reflect portents that were happening at the time. Hold on. *grabs book* *clears throat* Ahem.

"The Chantry calendar is the most common in Thedas. It's first year honors the appointment of the Chantry's original head, Divine Justina I. Unlike other calendars, the Chantry marks time by ages, each 100 years long. At the end of each age, Chantry scholars name the next. To do this, they look to the current state of Thedas and watch for signs from the Maker to help predict what will come."

The ages, of which there are nine. Everything before the first age is "Ancient Era" and the years are counted backwards (much like our BC.)

Divine - Named to celebrate the reign of the first Divine
Glory - Named for predictions of a grand rebirth after the devastation of the first Blight.
Towers - Named upon the completion in 2:99 Glory of the Grand Cathedral in Val Royeaux, it's towers visible for miles around
Black - Named as the Chantry called for retribution against the "Black Divine," installed by the Tevinter Imperium to rule its Imperial Chantry after the schism.
Exalted - Named during a period of near-constant war with the Tevinter Imperium that included multiple Exalted Marches
Steel - Named after Queen Madrigal of Antiva was assassinated during a hunt. She was found with four steel swords in her chest. (Oh those Antivans!)
Storm - Named as war with the Qunari raged. The leaders of Thedas called for a great storm of violence to expel the invaders.
Blessed - Named by the Chantry as an age of bounty and prosperity.
Dragon - Named after the reappearance of dragons, long thought extinct. (Hence why the game is called "Dragon Age, even though you really only fight one dragon (three technically, but two are optional. And one isn't really a dragon. Or is it?)

Yes, I'm a Dragon Age geek. But y'all knew that already.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Third Person Shooter Plants Vs. Zombies.

I dunno why, but I can see this working really really well.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, I dunno if it's been commented or not, but I recently bought DARK, the vampire stealth based game that I had hopes of being a spiritual successor to VtM: Bloodlines.

It's not.

Don't get it.

Game is clunky and ragequit worthy.

Vampire PC is allergic to bullets, so much so that he is unable to equip the powerful firearms that everyone apparently has, and instead has to try and rush them while they unload on him.

Also, unskippable cutscenes at the start of boss sequences that are long enough to annoy. And the save point is before said cutscene, naturally.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'd heard about it, and commented on it, a while back. Wasn't sure if it was out or not, so that's good to know. I remember looking for a demo a while back, but was uncertain on the platform (It's for the 360 only, yah?)

Sounded like it had promise. Stealth vampire game and all, but sounds a little more like InFamous to me, heh. Which I did enjoy, but still...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Nah, I've got it on steam.

Game had potential, but it's just too clunky and stealth based with a stealth system that isn't good enough.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Bleh. That's disappointing.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I am also disappointed to hear this, but at least I learned before hand so I didn't have to deal with the disappointment. And it had so much potential, too.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Origin offers full refunds, under some pretty strict terms that's basically pretty much the minimum of EU law

But my comment on all this: It's easy to offer full refunds if you're not selling anything
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fighting game... with two buttons.
One hit KO, first to five wins.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think I'll start giving games at least two weeks so I can get reviews from other people about them before I buy them
I bought Animal Crossing New Leaf the minute it was released and am being really disappointed and bored by it
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I am going to try my hand at modding Civilization V. We're going to see how this goes.

EDIT: This is harder than I thought it was going to be. I don't speak code.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

New patch in Firefall. New frame is being let out for a test run, new stuff..... blahblahblahblah...
Mammoth Regulation (PvP) armor now gives 3,000 HP (previously 2,700).
>>>Plasma HMG spread reduced from 2 to 1.5. Plasma HMG projectile speed increased from 80 to 120.<<<

Added activation animation to Tremors."

Mammoth love! WHOOOOOO!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Humble Paradox Bundle

For the standard anything you pay:
Europa Universalis III Complete
Game box War of the Roses: Kingmaker
Game box Warlock: Master of the Arcane
Game box Leviathan: Warships
Game box Dungeonland
Game box The Showdown Effect

And if you beat the average(Now 5,80 dollar)
Crusader Kings II
Game box Magicka

If there was ever a bundle that was worth getting
This is it

Most of these, I recommend it for Crusader Kings 2, and Europa Universalis 3. Everyone has Magicka by now, but if you don't have it yet, give it a try. The other games are pretty good too
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Leviathan Warships is also a fun afternoon of co-op for a reasonable price, mhmm.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wanted to share some shots of the latest mission to the Mun my brother and I launched in Kerbal Space Program. A combined lunar-lander/monster-truck-rover/mobile-moonbase, capable of carrying 28 Kerbals to the moon, and then safely roaming the surface.


Imgur Gallery of a few more good screenshots.

This is the "Mk3-01 Munar Titan" lander craft. A notable feature including the ability to dock at either end with additional Titans, or other compatible designs, to create a sort of "Epic Moon Train!" configuration.

Stemming from a long history of educational failed previous attempts, involving smaller Titan landers. Naturally the design approach when fixing previous design errors also involved making the craft twice as big with each revision, because... because Kerbal. Scattered across the surface of the Mun are half a dozen previous landing attempts with smaller landers. The mission of the Mk3 Titan is now to travel the surface of the Mun and recover the survivors of each wreckage. A second Titan Mk3-02 with less crew will be deployed to the Mun to link with the 01 provide housing for these lost Kerbonauts.

Plans for the future include landing a Munar refuelling station, and perhaps some vague consideration on how to get these guys home sometime.

Anyone who's anal enough to count those Kerbals, may notice that there are only 27 in the line up. This is due to a tragic accident in which Melvin, the first Kerbal to exit the craft, tripped on a bit of structural reinforcement, and despite the low gravity somehow managed to die from the comical slow motion fall.

A small trip for Melvin, a giant leap for Kerbalkind. ;‿;
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Good news, everyone!

Cataclysm now has a tiles version.

Cataclysm being a sci-fi-ish zambie survival roguelike, not the one World of Warcraft expansion.

Included: Chargen with traits, flaws, and occupation in addition to the usual 'stats' and 'skills'; crafting, building, pain, wound, infection & treatment, scent, and noise mechanics; a plethora of weapons, from broadswords and wooden spears to Glocks, SKSes and coilguns, and even a few types of unarmed martial arts; custom-buildable vehicles; Minecraft-style infinite world generation of a (2d) New England-esque expanse of cities and wilds, populated not only by zambies (with several special types in addition to the slow shambling horde), but graboids (appropriately distractable with radios), triffids, fungal-zombies, manhacks, all manner of other B-movie-tier critters of the giant insect variety - even real-life creatures, like wolves and bears (scary) or deer and squirrels (delicious).

There are even NPC human characters - though, they're fairly buggy and not entirely implemented yet. Development is quite active.

Also, a tutorial! Tutorials are pretty mentionable for roguelikes, which are usually confusing.

Play a bow-wielding survivalist who's abandoned the cities and towns for the woods and build a camp - or play someone that flees to the safety of the outskirts during the day, and raids the town at night, using the cover of darkness to mitigate the danger of the hordes while you search for supplies. The game encourages running rather than fighting - no XP is acquired from murdering critters, and zambies WILL get back up unlest you completely destroy the corpses - either through butchering or setting them on fire. Water must be purified, and food scavenged, hunted, or grown. Guns, while quite effective, are LOUD, and draw the horde's attention - even suppressed, unless you're using subsonic ammunition.

Tl;dr this game is pretty rad and I think y'all should play it.

(You'll probably want to grab the Experimental build, and then do... something, with the second link's mediafire. Uhhh I don't use the tiles myself. <_>)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Steam sale on Focus titles

Includes things such as Blood Bowl and a few others

Blood Bowl chaos edition is just 7,50 now, and you may like some of the others
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Another sale, GoG has an action where you can pick 5 games

And get an 80% discount on on them

Action lasts a week
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Humble Bundle 9 is up, including Trine 2, Brutal Legend, FTL, and Mark of the Ninja, plus more next Wednesday.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For those who are planning to buy Rome 2, and those who need to put their frustrations with Rome 2 into words, and those who feel like being amused at the expense of Rome 2

Rome 2 review, worth watching even if you already have an opinion on it