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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Also, Mercenary Kings ',' Metal Slug gameplay meet Monster Hunter crafting system meet Blacklight Retribution weapon customization meet Scott Pilgrim art style. Nice blend, and thus far it's going well on the gameplay front. Only a few minor hiccups (my weapon's magazine slot has a nasty habit of randomly detaching a set magazine, for example), but I guess that's expected from a early access title.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Going to have to look for Dragon's Crown. It does look fun in a Golden Axe kind of way, although from what I've been reading about the developers (maybe it was one of the artists), I don't know how I feel about it from the POV of a gamer chick. Might look into it later on. For now, I've got DW8 to work on. And Neverwinter. And whatever the new D&D game demo was I downloaded *laughs*
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I have a guest pass of Skullgirls, which allows unrestricted access to the beta until Aug 22nd.

So far no one has expressed interest in it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For just 10 dollars, you can get an excellent game right here

I can recommend it, it's surprisingly interesting for a game based on bureaucracy, and deeper than one would expect
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For just 10 dollars, you can get an excellent game right here

I can recommend it, it's surprisingly interesting for a game based on bureaucracy, and deeper than one would expect

This. Ohgawdthis.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It appears to be another solid entry to the Tales series. I have found little to complain about besides the kinda hit and miss voice acting of the English people. The fighting system is still as good as ever, along with most other things. This might have a bit of favoritism in it since I am a fan of the Tales games, but I would recommend it nonetheless if you like more actiony JRPG titles.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Shin Megami Tensei IV's voice acting is fine, but repetitive
personally, I like partial voice acting in games because it reduces the money spent on the game and is usually less repetitive

in Oblivion's case, adding voice acting seemed to make the developers limit how much dialogue they put into the game
Re: Games Discussion Thread

If for some reason you want to play using that train wreck called "Origin", there's a humble bundle here for you

Luckily, most of them include steam keys so you're not forced to use it except for one in the basic pack, and the other two(Sims 3+Battlefield 3) if you somehow think it's worth more than $5
Re: Games Discussion Thread

If for some reason you want to play using that train wreck called "Origin", there's a humble bundle here for you

Luckily, most of them include steam keys so you're not forced to use it except for one in the basic pack, and the other two(Sims 3+Battlefield 3) if you somehow think it's worth more than $5

Of note: The charities that the Bundle has managed to get keep getting better. And it's usually worth it to pay the "full" cost because these things run for two weeks. At the start of week two they always drop more stuff. If EA is shitheels then that will mean Steam keys for the Origin content, or more Origin stuff. If they're more reasonable, it'll likely mean Steam keys for the Origin only content and a new game or two.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Of note: The charities that the Bundle has managed to get keep getting better. And it's usually worth it to pay the "full" cost because these things run for two weeks. At the start of week two they always drop more stuff. If EA is shitheels then that will mean Steam keys for the Origin content, or more Origin stuff. If they're more reasonable, it'll likely mean Steam keys for the Origin only content and a new game or two.

I would like to add to this that you can adjust sliders to where your money goes to.
If you really do not agree with EA and Origin, you can just set their slider to near 0 - Then the money will go to charity and the Humble bundle people instead
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I was perusing the PSN shop last night and I found that had been released.

Apparently there's a box version that comes out later this month. With goodies.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I was perusing the PSN shop last night and I found that had been released.

Apparently there's a box version that comes out later this month. With goodies.

That's cool that they brought that back but I'm annoyed at the releasing of no PS1 games on PSN these days.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Kalypso Strategy Pack available on steam at a discount

Jagged Alliance

And many other great games available in a pack or separately at just a part of the normal price
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dragon Age 3 bringing back choice of character race. Mounts. Full voice acting. Not coming out till Fall 2014.

Despite ME3 and DA2, I do have hope. I may get burned again, but I'm willing to see.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

(Yes, it's an EA rant. Can't be helped.)

Bioware has taken a pretty big reputation hit in recent years. Kind of lost that traditional status they used to enjoy from reviewers as the studio to point to for examples of good writing, and that "It's Bioware, it's got to be good!" attitude. And whilst it's a incredibly clichéd thing to place the blame on, their decline and them being sucked into the all consuming EA Games empire in late 2007, feels like one and the same thing to me.

Then getting merged with Mythic and all that. It's hard to know what actually goes on in a games studio without being part of it, but it's all too easy to imagine that what we have long known as Bioware has probably had the majority of it's staff roles shuffled around, reassigned and replaced, breaking age old studio methods and co-worker teams. Stuff like the example of ME1 and, then ME2 & 3 having different lead writers.

In the 6 years since EA got behind the wheel, Bioware has put out 9 and a half games, plus DLC. In the 6 years before that, they put out 6 games, two of which were expansion packs. It does all feel very familiar. >_>

Somehow, strangely, I feel like the criticism of their last games can only help DA3's chances. Will have to wait and see. Perhaps this time, when Bioware asks for an extension on the deadline to finish the ending since working on the multiplayer has set them back, EA might be more inclined to listen.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

In my humble opinion, Dragon Age: Origins should have been the ONLY game carrying that name. The add-on was too much already. DAO told its story from beginning to end, and there was precisely NO need to expand on it.

EDIT: Concerning the Kalypso pack on Steam - You get no less than 39 items for € 45 or (roughly) $ 60.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

In my humble opinion, Dragon Age: Origins should have been the ONLY game carrying that name. The add-on was too much already. DAO told its story from beginning to end, and there was precisely NO need to expand on it.

EDIT: Concerning the Kalypso pack on Steam - You get no less than 39 items for € 45 or (roughly) $ 60.

A world created from scratch need not hold a single story. Actually, especially in the genre's of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, creating a world with two prequel books for the first game, and stopping at the first game simply because it told its story, seems a bit silly to me.

There is plenty of potential for other stories that have little or nothing to do with Dragon Age: Origins, simply because they have created enough history, geography and politics for them to do almost anything they want.

Look at how much work Tolkien did with Middle Earth, Martin with Westeros (There is more than Song of Ice and Fire), the many collection of authors for Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, and so forth. It is a setting, it is an interesting setting, and I won't be averse to seeing different entries within that setting even if they are separate and complete stories on their own.

So no, while there was no need to expand on it, it can be very enjoyable. Besides, did Origin really tell its story from the start? Cause reading the prequels, there was a fair chunk of stuff there that made the first game's story that much more involving, and explained the reason for the title "Dragon Age". I can't remember if they mentioned that in game or not.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

They did mention the Age system in the game, but it was a pretty barebones explanation. I'll have to get my hands on those books, they sound interesting.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Age system?

Also, man. I am hyped as fuck.