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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Prothean may be simple. there was that planet full of them in stasis back in ME1, what was it called? craaap...

anyways, the VI there was having to shut down the stasis pods, but it would make sense that it would start to revive the most important ones if it knew there was no saving them as-is. I can see a few at the end of the list of shutdowns making it out.

However, I don't see why Bioware want to do such a thing, seems like such a horrible stretch, and I have no idea what they think they're adding to the story by doing so.

I'm fairly certain the VI said that they all ended up dead. I'd check to make sure but that would mean playing through most of ME1 again.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That VI was called Vigil, if I remember. Also, yes, he pretty clearly stated that everyone in that facility had died quite some time ago.

That's an easy write-around. Every one in the facility died some time ago, one (or more) left and thus was no longer in the facility at the time of that statement, and unless you asked the VI that specifically you'd never know. What's more, the VI could have been reprogrammed to lie. Bam, all the protheans you could ever want.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

However, I don't see why Bioware want to do such a thing, seems like such a horrible stretch, and I have no idea what they think they're adding to the story by doing so.

*cough* Anders and Leliana in Dragon Age 2 *coughcough* Sorry, some sort of allergy acting up there....

I'm fairly certain the VI said that they all ended up dead. I'd check to make sure but that would mean playing through most of ME1 again.

Well, I'll be doing a playthrough of ME1 soon enough, but it does look like the answer was confirmed anyway. And, well, there's always the internets for answers, heh.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I can see what they thought they'd be adding by bringing those two in, they were big fan favourites (never really enjoyed either myself), it's an easy way to add sales figures. Nobody knows any protheans though, so that logic doesnt work for ME. *shrugs*

Could have sworn Vigil was talking about how they were still in the process of failing. Course, I haven't done a playthrough in at least a year or two, so if i'm wrong, no surprise. Too lazy to look it up either.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

More about how they utterly screwed up Anders and the fact that you could *kill* Leliana in the first game and she still shows up in the second. Anders, at least, gives a plausible reasoning behind his whole "but you were dead!" thing (if your epilogue says he died. Granted, I guess you only get it if you get the "Saving Nathaniel" quest, but still...Logic fits.) Leli falls into the developers/writers "handwaving" the fact that despite that there can be a point where she attacks you and you have to put her down "you never actually see her die." (Despite her being just as susceptible to the kill/behead animation as any other villain.) Somewhere on the Bioware threads, one of the head writers pretty much says something along the lines of "We don't care what happened in your game, this is what *we* say happens." I can understand if they made her death something like "stab and walk away" cutscene or something, but the fact that you fight and can possibly behead her puts massive holes in his logic. Over and done with now, but still, it's that whole stretching thing coming into play.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

oh, did not know that. Good point then. XD
Re: Games Discussion Thread

LoL, they should have just called it, "Dragon Age II : We decided to change EVERYTHING so fuck you for liking the first".
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Okay so I was going through Another Day in TWEWY when I got to the part where Joshua from the main story comes in. He challenges me to a chain battle and I'm like, "Huh, what does that mean?" and enter. Then, suddenly, it's not Tin Pin Slammers!
Luckily for me, I saved while I was in the fancy room that I forgot the name of.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I believe the reason many of the ME2 cast doesn't return is
that you can get each and every one of them killed in the final mission.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I believe the reason many of the ME2 cast doesn't return is
that you can get each and every one of them killed in the final mission.

Y'know, if they go that route, and use that reasoning..... I just cannot put into words how pissed that would make me. Just..... fucking hell.

..... It's like, 'Fuck you, this is the canon ending we're forcing on you after allowing you to shape your story over these first two games.'
I mean... fuck. At least with ME2, it was something that happened IN THAT GAME that lost you your party from the previous game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, shepard's got to die again or else you wouldn't start at level 1 again!

This time the smoking man uh, I mean the elusive man has a rage-on for shepard and satisfies it by starting the self-destruct sequence on the normandy 2. Killing everyone except Garrus, tali, joker, and the AI. Shepard managed to build them a makeshift space-raft and jettison them just before the explosion. No, of course he couldn't get on the space-raft in time.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Y'know, if they go that route, and use that reasoning..... I just cannot put into words how pissed that would make me. Just..... fucking hell.

Not saying that Bioware assumes that is the default ending. My point was that there are way too many variables relating to the end of ME2. They have to provide a full set of party members even to those that got some of them killed. This would either lead to some "zombie" crew members, which are there even though they died in the last game, or that crew member being dead in the game, robbing the player (probably) of several missions, character development etc etc.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think my main concern is just that: that there are a lot of variables in the end of ME2. They have a lot to play with, but also a lot to juggle.

But, as has been said, a lot of this is hear-say. I think I'll wait until more solid info comes out before talking about this more.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, in DA2, if you import the saves, it does give you missions based on whether or not certain characters are alive or dead at various points (If you have Zevran, you get Murder of Crows. If Nate was killed, you get X quest.) So it's feasible that they could use information from a ME2 import to tailor things. The only thing is, like the "handwaving" that I mentioned above. "But this character was dead." "No, they're not, because we say so. Republic credits will be fine."

Not really sure why I'm jumping in on this *laughs* I haven't invested time into the MEs yet. Want to finish my latest DA2 playthrough and then I should be able to marathon all three MEs by then.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Been playing phantasy star 0 and I'm... on the fence, for what it is (a faux mmo) it's rather good. Grind all you like, and hope for those fucking rare drops.

But I'd rather play a phantasy star that goes back to the format of the orignals. They were rather enjoyable games with decent story-lines and likeable characters. Also the first RPGs I had played that featured boomerangs and guns as weapons.

God I miss cyber-punk :(
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Been playing phantasy star 0 and I'm... on the fence, for what it is (a faux mmo) it's rather good. Grind all you like, and hope for those fucking rare drops.

But I'd rather play a phantasy star that goes back to the format of the orignals. They were rather enjoyable games with decent story-lines and likeable characters. Also the first RPGs I had played that featured boomerangs and guns as weapons.

God I miss cyber-punk :(

Hardcore original Phantasy star eh? I miss the original Phantasy Star online Episodes. In episode 3 they went to card battling, which fucked the shit out of it badly. I remember the days of my online dreamcast, playing through ep1 and ep2. Those were kickass mmo days.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

God I miss cyber-punk :(

but the original phantasy stars weren't cyber punk... for cyber punk go watch blade runner. they're more kinda sci fi fantasy.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Syndicate? That's cyber punk no?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

yes, yes it was. Man that game was fun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Music was definately cyber-punk on the space stations. And so were the cyborgs/androids. I'm not saying the games were pure cyberpunk but they were definately influenced by it.