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Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Meh, I keep forgetting I have that.
I don't remember ever getting mad in TF2 though. Probably because I was too busy sappin' sentries.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I really hate it when people judge you because of something you believe,
It's perfectly plausible for somebody to be both religious and intelligent,
With not only logic, and such, but other things as well.

(WARNING: this spoiler tag contains Rage, racist words, and Xenophobic under/over-tones, and MOAR RAGE, proceed with caution.)

I'm tired of fucking inbred morons IRL who assume they've won a debate because they're atheist and I'm religious, no, it wasn't a debate about religion either, it was about other shit 80% of the time, and you know what?
They're fucking retards, and they makes atheists look bad, but I don't assume that all atheists are retarded like them, but for some reason, some inbred fuck-wads look at one over-zealous ass who hasn't even READ most of the bible, and starts speaking from out of his ass because he's a "holy man", and assume that's our role-model, who we all are.

Well guess what, I'm Christian, and I don't believe in fucking "side-hugs" because they're stupid, and I also think that cussing isn't that bad if you use it in moderation , and third of all, I believe that certain parts of the bible are miss-interpreted, by both the original authors, and the HUNDREDS of translations, because the people who had pencils and paper in their hands, where only human.Though I believe certain parts are true, because it's what I was raised with and parts of the bible are beautiful to me.

Honestly, if you're an atheist and you have anything below a college education, don't assume you're fucking smarter than me because I go to a church every now and then, I mean for fucks sakes judge me on my beliefs more.

And don't even get me started on the rednecks I speak to online,
They assume that I was born and raised in Britain, or England or whatever,
And then they DOUBLE-assume, that because I'm "English born" that I'm an arrogant FUCK. Well no, I wasn't born in Britain, I was born in South Africa,
Oh and here's the next part, they call me nigger.
How fucking original, I'm not even black.

The uneducated fuckwits should realise that there are white people in South Africa because THE BIGGEST RACIAL EVENT CONCERNING BLACK PEOPLE HAPPENED THERE, yeah, a little something called the apartheid.

Truth be told, I'm a white South African male with a half-way college education, and with that I just became on average smarter than an entire 50% of the american population, consisting of rednecks, people below the age of 15 who aren't smarter than their compatriots, people who speak Ebonics,
And probably a majority of all the aboves parents, excluding some of the 15 year olds and such.

I mean for fucks sakes, honestly, if I where wrong, then why is it that 6/10
americans I meet are brain-washed patriots, who are also "atheists" because that's the in thing now, rather than actually believing that a higher being is fucking unlikely.
This is why I'm glad places like ULMF rage-kicks retards, or are too complicated for most retards to operate.

Burn in hell, fucking mother-fucking whore-ass cock-mongling DOUBLE NIGGERS. GGGGRGFRAHOOUH-RAAAGE.
Ok, done.
I hope at least one person has something amusing to say about all that xD


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Smarter than 50%?
That put you just above average!
I just straight don't give a fuck. It's probably nicer than the majority of possible responses.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

There's an interesting book you guys should check out called "On Killing" ( ) -- it discusses, among many things, the trauma caused by killing others, especially in a military capacity. There's a rather relevant part about how Vietnam vets had it worse than most, because instead of the support from people back home that most of our soldiers get, they came home to violent protests and accusations by the civilians they served. I found it a particularly fascinating read -- I am appreciative of the fact that in my current job, I'll be launching missiles and therefore I'll most likely never undergo the level of trauma that combat G.I.'s have to endure. I'm also grateful to the badasses that are actually "in the shit."
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman also wrote "On Combat" which is apparently much harder to find. He also came to talk to my battle group before we deployed, and by fuck could that man make someone's blood boil. He just... got to us. I walked out of that room ready to do my damn job, my duty to my nation.

What was also interesting, was that he started the lecture by saying. "As an American, I wish to thank all you Canadians for your service overseas," which blew me away.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Smarter than 50%?
That put you just above average!
I just straight don't give a fuck. It's probably nicer than the majority of possible responses.
The sad thing is, I was only comparing myself to the fuckwits, I didn't even bother with intelligent people because I don't think true intelligence can be measured with IQ,
So concerning all the retards, smarter than them.
Everyone else, don't give half a flying fucknugget :3


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

If I understand:

You're only smarter than the average fuckwit?
And you can't be arsed to compare yourself with anyone not in that category?


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

If I understand:

You're only smarter than the average fuckwit?
And you can't be arsed to compare yourself with anyone not in that category?
Not only smarter than the average fuckwit, it just pisses me off that they assume they're smarter when they're just that. FUCKWITS,
If I was here to rage about how I'm really smart and stuff, then I would probably
seriously dislike myself.

I don't actually care to rant about being smarter than people who are actually intelligent beyond inbred halfwittedness, I just wanted to rage because idiots insult me by trying to insinuate intellectual superiority.

THAT, is why I don't care about the other 50% at the current time, I didn't come to the hate thread to rant about their shit, they're fine as they are for the most part.


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Cappy: Never mistake an education for intelligence. Two of the smartest, most capable and creative people I've ever known dropped out of high school and didn't get their GED's.

By contrast, some of the dumbest and least adaptive people I've known drank their ways through college and have papers on their walls which they think makes them smarter than your average person.

This isn't any sort of statistic or rule. A degree is one of MANY indications of intelligence. But as the great Mark Twain once said, "Never let your schooling get in the way of your education."

Think about it. :)

Also, holding the belief that rednecks are inbreds is very similar to holding the belief that religious types are ignorant.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Cappy: Never mistake an education for intelligence. Two of the smartest, most capable and creative people I've ever known dropped out of high school and didn't get their GED's.

By contrast, some of the dumbest and least adaptive people I've known drank their ways through college and have papers on their walls which they think makes them smarter than your average person.

This isn't any sort of statistic or rule. A degree is one of MANY indications of intelligence. But as the great Mark Twain once said, "Never let your schooling get in the way of your education."

Think about it. :)

Also, holding the belief that rednecks are inbreds is very similar to holding the belief that religious types are ignorant.
I was merely outletting my rage, not actually saying all rednecks are inbred,
But hey, if they act like inbreeds, I'll treat them like em'.

I'll keep what you said in mind though, even well educated idiots, can still be idiots :3


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate when people make sexual innuendo jokes and just have to put ellipses into them. Take this for example.
This game is awesome, i hope they add longer animations or something, maybe a "Practice mode" for...training...of a character against a certain enemy (Hehehe)
Where do I begin? You aren't being clever when you use the ellipses to point out that you made a sex joke. It makes you sounds like a) a rapist and b) an immature dipshit. And just in case you think it's funny to be called choice A, that pretty much proves that you're choice B. Furthermore, this shit's been done to death. You can see it everywhere these days. "You wanna come back to my place? We can... talk... If you know what I mean..." It wasn't clever the first time it was introduced, and it's even worse when others actually think it is.
The only thing you tell me when you say something like that is you think it's funny to point out your own shitty jokes as if it's never been done before. "But Darkfire! If you took away the ellipses, then the sentence would just become too awkward and wouldn't even sound remotely like a joke!" Well then, I guess you shouldn't say it in the first place then. The fact that the main reason what you said was a joke comes from the fact that you used ellipses shows a connection between you and those douchebags that feel the need to blatantly point out their jokes by saying shit like, "You see what I did there?". Ellipses rarely ever make ANYTHING funny. Why would even think that this is one of those times it was funny?
These sexual innuendo jokes with the ellipses basically show how fucktard stupid you are. You actually think that making a stupid blowjob joke that only an eleven year old would laugh at will make others look at you in a better light? Eat shit and die.

In b4 some faggot making a sexual innuendo joke to troll me.

In other news, I also hate people who capitalize part of their sentence to point out their jokes, people who attempt to act smart by starting to go near a subject that requires a good bit of knowledge, but then only touch the basic facts of the issue and never into details because they don't actually know that much more than the common man, people who think the use of words associating with "waffles" "pancakes" "spoons" "forks" "sporks" "cake" "pie" "banana" or some other "random" item that sounds wacky is hilarious, people who start conversations by saying something that forces the other person to have to ask what they mean (ex. "I'm sick of my life. There's too much to handle." This forces the other person to ask "Why? What happened?" because otherwise any other response would sound awkward or dickish), and people who make those awkward jokes that you really can't explain. They just blurt out what they think is funny, and it's so ludicrous that you just kind of ignore them because you really don't know what to say to something that stupid.


Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Hate Thread

Idiots are idiots, and you find them anywhere.

I hate the generalization a lot of people do. Especially those who are smart, but still idiots. For example, a guy at school, he was born in the US, and therefore takes anything negative said about The U.S. of A. as a personal insult. Complaining about predjudice against the American people and Bla bla bla... He also goes around saying that: "According to the Qur'an all muslim people should kill all that don't believe." I have read the part that he is referring to, and what he leaves out is the fact that it's stated in the same sura that all who haven't aided in harming those of the muslim faith should be given a chance to live peacefully. And that you are to wait one month before pursuing non-believers that have done shit against you so as to give them a chance to either convert or get the fuck out of the way.

Damn this is turning into a rant.

Now personally, I'm not attached to any religion in particular. I can see religion as a good thing, 'cause it holds people together, but it's a bad thing when being misused. I am not an atheist, I believe in facts and the scientific method. And since I have yet so find proof that there isn't a higher being sitting somewhere and shaking his head at the idioty of mankind, I will not refuse the posibillity that such a creature exists.

However, religion is in essence made by humans, maybe with inspiration from a higher power. The point is, humans made it, and that makes it inherit whatever flaws the humans had.

Is believing in a God a sign of lower intellect? No.
Is believing in a God that is allpowerful, wants the best for everyone, and all knowing a sign of lower intellect? Nope, although it is naive. Just take a look at the world.

Is believing there is no God a sign of lower intellect? No.

Is being unintelligent a sing of lower intellect?... Yes.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Idiots are idiots, and you find them anywhere.

I hate the generalization a lot of people do. Especially those who are smart, but still idiots. For example, a guy at school, he was born in the US, and therefore takes anything negative said about The U.S. of A. as a personal insult. Complaining about predjudice against the American people and Bla bla bla... He also goes around saying that: "According to the Qur'an all muslim people should kill all that don't believe." I have read the part that he is referring to, and what he leaves out is the fact that it's stated in the same sura that all who haven't aided in harming those of the muslim faith should be given a chance to live peacefully. And that you are to wait one month before pursuing non-believers that have done shit against you so as to give them a chance to either convert or get the fuck out of the way.

Damn this is turning into a rant.

Now personally, I'm not attached to any religion in particular. I can see religion as a good thing, 'cause it holds people together, but it's a bad thing when being misused. I am not an atheist, I believe in facts and the scientific method. And since I have yet so find proof that there isn't a higher being sitting somewhere and shaking his head at the idioty of mankind, I will not refuse the posibillity that such a creature exists.

However, religion is in essence made by humans, maybe with inspiration from a higher power. The point is, humans made it, and that makes it inherit whatever flaws the humans had.

Is believing in a God a sign of lower intellect? No.
Is believing in a God that is allpowerful, wants the best for everyone, and all knowing a sign of lower intellect? Nope, although it is naive. Just take a look at the world.

Is believing there is no God a sign of lower intellect? No.

Is being unintelligent a sing of lower intellect?... Yes.
I think worded aspects of my rant better than I did, I said earlier that I hate it when people assume I'm some sort of dick because I'm in Britain and that I'm also mentally inadequate because I'm religious.
But you put it to a less personal degree that anyone can relate to, well done.
Last edited:


Oct 17, 2009
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Re: Hate Thread

Speaking of idiots, I hate it when people mess up my orders as fast food places. It's really irritating when you get home only to notice they messed up. Stupid McDonalds and Subway workers.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Speaking of idiots, I hate it when people mess up my orders as fast food places. It's really irritating when you get home only to notice they messed up. Stupid McDonalds and Subway workers.
It happens a lot with McDonalds to my friends. That's why I generally avoid drive through and go inside.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I especially love how they get the price balance wrong and overcharge you.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Sound quality is crap, but...relevant.

And I can agree there. I've stopped going through the drive through at the one Wendy's near my house because they *always* fuck up my order. If I'm inside, I can check right away if they got it right or not.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

This is why I order pizza, they get the order wrong, you don't have to pay.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Fast food places also depend on the location. I've never had a Wendy's around my area fuck my order up, even at the drive through. I have, however, had to complain at a Burger King once, when they gave me a chicken sandwich instead of a burger. I got a free large onion ring out of it, though, so I'd call that a win. The only place I really hate is McDonalds. Now, the one I can get to the quickest, I have NEVER had a problem with. The ones further out... even when I went inside, they fucked up my order. And the managers didn't do SHIT. (S)He just sat there, grunted what I assumed was a 'sorry', and then went back into the back. It was kind of funny at one of them, though, because apparently there was a representative from one of these companies that checks up on food places there, and she just about had a fit. I could hear her screaming at the manager from the other side of the restaurant. Apparently that wasn't the first time something like that had happened.