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H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate people referring to "infected" (28 days later, L4D, etc) as "zombies"

"Zombies", by definition, are re-animated corpses...(or mindless slaves made by Haitians, which were perceived as reanimated corpses...)
"Infected" are humans gone bat-shit insane mad due to some virus or taint...

Makes me rage as hard as Twilight fans calling their scene kid a "vampire"...
You know, i used to really like George A. Romero, until I read an interview by him and saw how much of an arrogant dipshit that he was. According to him, the only way zombies were zombies was if they followed his rules.

But, in L4D, the characters call them zombies. I don't think they're going to stop and check for a pulse to see if their heart is still beating while the damn thing is trying to rip their throat out. And considering the amount of blood already pouring out of them, they look pretty fuckin dead to me. So I say, zombies can be slapped on them as the game creators allow it.

Now, 28 Days Later. Yeah, infected, but still show zombie symptoms. Again, if these just started popping up, are you actually going to argue whether or not to call them infected or zombies?

Interesting you should also bring up the comparison of the vampire. Anne Rise, Bram Stoker? Their vampries are so very different compared to the ones of old. Nosferatu anyone? Zombies in culture are evolving, just as the vampires did, and some rules change. We don't need to get all raging over whether to call the monster ripping about and tearing people apart Infected or zombies. They look the same, act the same, probly smell the same.

So I conclude with, if it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, smells like a duck, talks like a duck it must be a...
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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

You know, i used to really like George A. Romero, until I read an interview by him and saw how much of an arrogant dipshit that he was. According to him, the only way zombies were zombies was if they followed his rules.

But, in L4D, the characters call them zombies. I don't think they're going to stop and check for a pulse to see if their heart is still beating while the damn thing is trying to rip their throat out. And considering the amount of blood already pouring out of them, they look pretty fuckin dead to me. So I say, zombies can be slapped on them as the game creators allow it.

Now, 28 Days Later. Yeah, infected, but still show zombie symptoms. Again, if these just started popping up, are you actually going to argue whether or not to call them infected or zombies?

Interesting you should also bring up the comparison of the vampire. Anne Rise, Bram Stoker? Their vampries are so very different compared to the ones of old. Nosferatu anyone? Zombies in culture are evolving, just as the vampires did, and some rules change. We don't need to get all raging over whether to call the monster ripping about and tearing people apart Infected or zombies. They look the same, act the same, probly smell the same.

So I conclude with, if it looks like a duke, acts like a duck, smells like a duck, talks like a duck it must be a...
Well, it's probably a Duke if it looks like one. Odd that it would act like a duck and smell like one, though.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I think I got cramps from laughing just now. I was getting into the rant Sinful had, and then it all slammed into a brick wall just because of that one misspelling.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Ouch... well I edited just so my rant looks good (that be my vanity), but Mo has forever captured my shame.

It's a Duck named Duke.


Jan 21, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Well played. The classic Romero zombies were in fact meant to act the way they did because they were a social commentary, especially evident in Dawn of the Dead. The way they were to shamble about, mindlessly and forever consuming others...from a social-economic standpoint sounds pretty amusingly accurate, as far as total generalities are allowed to be...

True that zombies, like vampires, seem to be evolving as the cultural ADD sees fit, yet I will gladly take my slow, mindless zombies of yester-year over the sprinting hunters or thundering tanks. Which brings up another issue I have with L4D being "zombies", despite what the in game dialogue says... Zombification should not make you grow to steroid-Schwarzenegger behemoth, able to literally rend the ground from which you stand. To me this stands more in the realm of "mutants" or "What has science done?"

tl;dr Good effort and good points, but they are as zombie to me as rabid teenage mutant ninja turtles...


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I always saw the larger creatures in L4D as akin to the mutants in Resident Evil. Some folks genetics just took the virus that turned most folks into howling creatures and turned them into something else.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
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Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who use txt speak in the internet.


Jan 21, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate the internet.
Being a sentient, computer using cat does not help this matter...
Not all of us speak with improper grammar! To hell with your stereotypes!


May 9, 2009
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Re: Hate Thread

Neil Gaiman, of all people, has drawn well-deserved criticism from segments of the feminist community on the 'net, after being quoted in a New Yorker piece as having said that he is "nobody's bitch" in regards to book release dates.

Unbeknownst to this poster, the word bitch is apparently on par with the word n----r insofar as offensiveness. The word, in all contexts, or so it seems, carries implications of sexual subservience and misogyny. His use of the word, as well as his use of the word when earlier in the year he reprimanded an irate fan questioning why a certain fantasy author did not release novels faster, casts into question his entire body of work as well as his own personal credentials.

This poster, for one, is saddened that Mr. Gaiman has begun to utilize his inherent male privilege, after decades of pretending to be a feminist. Needless to say, despite being one of this poster's most well regarded and admired authors yesterday, today he is lighting his fireplace with his collection of Mr. Gaiman's works.

My thanks go out to the many, many noble blogs covering this hideous occurrence, and especially to the posters and author for teaching me that if a word can be used in any negative context, it should never be used at all.

And now, this poster will take a vow of silence, to ensure that I never use any words that might possibly possess a single negative connotation.

My actual hate is, of course, the segments of the feminist community who pull shit like this. It actually is, regardless of what they say, possible to use a word without meaning EVERY SINGLE ONE of its possible meanings. In summary, intention matters, and I doubt that Gaiman intended his use of the word to be offensive women in general, or insensitive to women who have been through that in particular.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I am "everybody's bitch"

And now, this poster will take a vow of silence, to ensure that I never use any words that might possibly possess a single negative connotation.
As my mothers entire side of the family is deaf, I take offense to your usage of the word "silence," Goldstein.

This woman can't pretend to have some evidential claim to a word by using a slang definition. Slang is just that for a reason, it's not formally recognized.
She states:
Mellisa McEwan said:
But let us be honest: The use of "bitch" here is not merely a misogynist slur. To be someone's "bitch" is to be sexually subservient to hir, and the phrase is typically associated with nonconsensual sexual subservience, i.e. rape. (Specifically, it originates with prison rape.)
Which is a complete falsity, as it's commonly recognized that:
Literally, a bitch is a female dog.
And the word evolved from there with everyday usage. Clinging to a word because of what it's become and refusing to acknowledge not only it's past growth, but its ongoing development only promotes a segregated mind and continues such problems.

Like argument was addressed in the official Twilight thread
That's why I tend to assume anyone who says someone else is racist, sexist, or whatever. They're usually the one who's actually the racist, or sexist.
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Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Doesn't bitch mean a female dog?


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread



Totaly not actualy a Moderator
Jan 8, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate when people argue about religious stuff.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when my flat mate leaves ridiculous amounts of grimy orange bubbles on the washing up and leaves it in the draining rack. For a start it takes wasteful amounts of washing up liquid to make that much pointless bubbles. But more importantly, when I pull a plate to put my food on I don't plan on eating it off of an inch thick layer of soap and last nights grease. When you can draw pictures or write "Not clean!" onto the plate with a clean dry finger, then you know some thing's not right. Half of the load was cleaner before he started.

I also hate puffing up sofa cushions in the corner of the sofa just for appearances. I'm only going to put them back on the floor to sit on while using my laptop anyway.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Made sense to me, and I see where ye be coming from. In many ways what they are doing makes sense, it just irks me that I went through basic training with one of the instructors. While I decided to go overseas, he went on leadership course and taught new guys.
Yeah that can be a little frustrating, trust me I know. My louie in Iraq went to basic with me. When I went to Korea and my other duty stations and learned my job, he went back to college and got promoted. Didn't help that I disliked him before that either. It all ended up working out in the end though, so just try not to get too frustrated by it.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when I do that...