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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Sweet Jesus, Nu, that's the first time I've ever thought "Don't make me hurt you" toward you. Don't scare me like that.

I'm sorry copper, but you just left that so open for me, i had to make the joke.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

New George A. Romero movie comes out tomorrow here in Canada: "Survival of the Dead".

I'm assuming this is the same time as in the States. Releases generally tend to be the same in North America.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

New George A. Romero movie comes out tomorrow here in Canada: "Survival of the Dead".

I'm assuming this is the same time as in the States. Releases generally tend to be the same in North America.

Thats been out in Britain on DVD since about April I believe. At least thats when I bought it. Haven't gotten round to watching it yet though, but it involves zombie's so it has to be good.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Well, I got my DVD for Harry Brown today and watched it just now. All I can say is HOLY FUCK WHY DIDN'T THEY RELEASE THAT IN THEATERS OVER HERE ALKSDJFGLJSFDGHGAARRRRRR!

Okay, breathe.

This movie is awesome. It's intense, it's emotional, it's bloody. It makes you go "HOLY SHIT!" several times over, and of course it has Michael Caine.
The only thing I can complain about is the ending, and I'm not going to spoil it to anybody. Harry Brown deserves to be seen by as many people as possible.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So can I assume that at least most of you have seen Pulp Fiction? I haven't and I keep getting shit for it from my friends. Apparently it's fucking fantastic? X)
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Well I know I've seen it, it's a good movie though I wouldn't necessarily say it's the most amazing movie I've ever seen. Still if you haven't seen it I would say to give a shot, as it is worth seeing.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So can I assume that at least most of you have seen Pulp Fiction? I haven't and I keep getting shit for it from my friends. Apparently it's fucking fantastic? X)

It's pretty damn good. It could probably be called a classic by most objective metrics. You really should make a point to see it, unless of course you don't want to.

Also on the top of my list, and in no particular order:
Thank You for Smoking
Death to Smoochy
Fight Club
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

These are all films I feel you need to see, but you shouldn't really see a film you don't want to. Watching in a bad mood can really hamper your enjoyment of a movie.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Pulp Fiction is one hell of an amazing film, and if you knew some of my friends some of them would most definitely smack you for saying you haven't seen it yet.

Fight Club and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas are equally amazing films.

My list at the moment has about 30-40 films on it, all I've bought but haven't gotten round to watching yet.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I saw what I think was a version of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with Bill Murray? But it was a long time ago.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I saw what I think was a version of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with Bill Murray? But it was a long time ago.


Seriously though, I'm pretty sure that's not a thing. Unless it is. But I doubt it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I saw what I think was a version of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with Bill Murray? But it was a long time ago.

Google brings up . Is that it?

Also, Bill Murray is an awesome actor.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Oh yeah! I didn't even watch all of it, but I remember it it as being extremely entertaining. X)
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

For those interested in Medieval epics (which are my weakness) I recommend Arn: The Knight Templar.

Tis a Scandinavian movie (takes place mostly in Sweden and the Holy Lands, but it was made by Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and even a German group) about a boy raised to be a warrior who is betrayed by his love's sister and sent to fight in the Holy Lands as a Knight Templar. Really well done.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

While we're on the subject of historical epics (god, I need to go to bed, I can't f'ing type any more...), have I blathered about Red Cliff yet? I'll keep it short, if I have.

Fucking. Epic.

Think Dynasty Warriors. Think live-action Dynasty Warriors. With intelligent A.I. Because that's what this movie is. If you're a fan of the series or RoTK, you will know who the characters are. You will recognize Red Cliff as Chi Bi. The battles are massive and intense, showcasing not only fighting prowess but strategy, too. The not-battle scenes let you see the various sides of the characters and there's even bits of humor thrown in that really get you. There are some bits that are predictable, but in a good way. Only one cliche that I had a rough spot with, but it comes at the end of the movie, so there's not much time to have issue with it for very long.

Also, see the international release, which is, kid you not, five hours long, but when you're watching it, you don't realize that it's five hours long. The American release is only three hours, because apparently we don't have the attention span, apparently.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

While we're on the subject of historical epics (god, I need to go to bed, I can't f'ing type any more...), have I blathered about Red Cliff yet? I'll keep it short, if I have.

Fucking. Epic.

Think Dynasty Warriors. Think live-action Dynasty Warriors. With intelligent A.I. Because that's what this movie is. If you're a fan of the series or RoTK, you will know who the characters are. You will recognize Red Cliff as Chi Bi. The battles are massive and intense, showcasing not only fighting prowess but strategy, too. The not-battle scenes let you see the various sides of the characters and there's even bits of humor thrown in that really get you. There are some bits that are predictable, but in a good way. Only one cliche that I had a rough spot with, but it comes at the end of the movie, so there's not much time to have issue with it for very long.

Also, see the international release, which is, kid you not, five hours long, but when you're watching it, you don't realize that it's five hours long. The American release is only three hours, because apparently we don't have the attention span, apparently.

You forgot the part where if you know the story really well, you keep complaining in a non-serious way about how it's wrong. Or, in some cases, complaining entirely seriously about how it's wrong. I can, in almost all cases see why the changes were made, but the reasons range from "giving a conclusive end to story that didn't end here" to "giving female actresses more airtime in a male dominated story" to "giving Guan Yu a chance to show off, becuase Guan Yu is awesome badass and people need to know this early in the story, and Zhang Fei doesn't need that one moment of awesome he gets anyways".

;-; Why did you take away his bridge and give Guan Yu the rearguard instead?! WHYYYYY?!

But yeah, I regret not copying it when I borrowed it from a friend.

But serious, what's the deal with Shu leaving? As if they would. By the painted Liu Bei is painted in the original story, the holy light that proves he is pure and just shines from his backside, and at this time in the three kingdoms story, he hasn't done anything questionable.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Also, see the international release, which is, kid you not, five hours long, but when you're watching it, you don't realize that it's five hours long. The American release is only three hours, because apparently we don't have the attention span, apparently.

Attention span? What's thaOHLOOKASQUIRREL!


So, yeah, if there are people out there who haven't seen the Wallace and Gromit films, you should feel bad because you are a bad person for not seeing them. You should see them, to make yourself feel better.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

@Ku; I'd imagine all us Brit's on here know who Wallace and Gromit is :p

@Copper; I've been meaning to see Red Cliff for ages now, but I haven't seen anywhere that sells it. I may just have to resort to ordering the DVD online.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

My issue with Chinese history though is that I can never get the names. They never stick in my head and it bothers me when I'm reading.

Plus the Chinese films I've looked at always seem to go a bit too far over the top. 'Gladiator' over the top is nice for me.