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Epic Quotes

Re: Epic Quotes

Taggart: We'll work up a Number 6 on 'em.
Hedley Lamarr: [frowns] "Number 6"? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that one.
Taggart: Well, that's where we go a-ridin' into town, a-whompin' and a-whumpin' every livin' thing that moves within an inch of its life. Except the women folks, of course.
Hedley Lamarr: You spare the women?
Taggart: Naw, we rape the shit out of them at the Number Six Dance later on.
Hedley Lamarr: Marvelous!

more than a couple of rape jokes in that movie
Re: Epic Quotes

There's more than a couple anything jokes in that movie. And most of his others. Scary thing is, I didn't get the "Naw, Mongo straight" until I was in college. Then it was sort of an "Oh. OH!" moment.
Re: Epic Quotes

"I am a robot. I am here to take American jobs."-Soldier (TF2)
Re: Epic Quotes

"Isn't the heart a great thing? Always leading you in the wrong direction every time."
Re: Epic Quotes

Ricky Gervais: At the Doctor.

Ricky Gervais: Hello Doctor.

Karl Pilkington: Hello.

Ricky Gervais: I have a pain.

Karl Pilkington: Oh ok, whereabout is the pain?

Ricky Gervais: My anus.

Karl Pilkington: Of course it is.
Re: Epic Quotes

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
"Albert Einstein"
Re: Epic Quotes

"A swift, dark glance, and the headstrong runner answered, "Hector, stop. I cannot forgive you; do not speak to me of pacts. There are no binding oaths between men and lions. Wolves and lambs enjoy no meeting of the minds. They are all bent on hating each other to the death. So with you and me: no love between us, no truce til one or the other falls and gluts with blood Ares, who hacks at men from behind his rawhide shield. Muster your courage--in life or death, prove yourself a spearman and a man of war. There is no escape for you. Athena will slay you with my spear in a moment; you will pay at a stroke for the grief of my comrades, for all you killed in the fury of your spear!'"
-Achilles, in Homer's The Iliad
Re: Epic Quotes

"When the power of love surpass the love of power, the world will know peace."
- (forgot)

"Cats... Why are they so cute?"
- NPC on Elona

"I do this to raise my post count."
- Ethernite
Re: Epic Quotes

So the following is a statement I made a while back to my manager on duty at my work and his reply:

"Hey Matt, we're completely out of Newport Cigarettes."

"It's because of the blacks."

He no longer works at our store.
Re: Epic Quotes

"It's cool. I'm taking it back." - Randal, Clerks II

I somehow feel this is relevant to the above post.
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Re: Epic Quotes

Programming quote of some code comments

"//Magic. Do not touch."
Re: Epic Quotes

"Pain or damage don't end the world. Or despair, or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you've got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man... and give some back."
Al Swearengen, as written by David Milch, Deadwood

Heard this one today. Liked it so much, I added an abridged version to my signature.
Re: Epic Quotes

Double-post, but I think the quote's worth it:

"Jose Miguel Xavier Gonzales, in a few months it will be spring, the snow of winter will flee away, the ice will vanish, and the air will become soft and balmy. In short, Jose Miguel Xavier Gonzales, the annual miracle of the year's awakening will come to pass, but you won't be here. The rivulet will run its purling course to the sea, the timid desert flowers will put forth their tender shoots, the glorious valleys of this imperial domain will blossom as the rose, still you won't be here. From every treetop some wildwood songster will carol his mating song, butterflies will sport in the sunshine, the busy bee will hum happily as it pursues its accustomed vocation, the gentle breezes will tease the tassels of the wild grasses, and all nature, Jose Miguel Xavier Gonzales, will be glad, but you won't be here to enjoy it; for I command the sheriff or some other officer or officers of this county to lead you out to some remote spot, swing you up by the neck to the nodding bough of some sturdy oak, and there let you hang till you are dead, dead, dead. And then, Jose Miguel Xavier Gonzales, I command further that such officer or officers retire quietly from your swinging, dangling corpse, that the vultures may descend from the heavens upon your filthy body and pick the putrid flesh therefrom till nothing remain but the bare bleached bones of a cold-blooded, copper-colored, blood-thirsty, chili-eating, guilty, sheep-herding son-of-a-bitch."
Isaac "Hanging Judge" Parker, District Judge, U.S. District Court for the Western District of Arkansas
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Re: Epic Quotes

"If at first you don't succeed, try playing second base." - Unknown.

Found this somewhere, and decided to share.
Re: Epic Quotes

Tom Hagen: It would be like trying to kill the President! There's no way we can get to him.
Michael Corleone: Tom, you know, you surprise me. If anything in this life is certain--if history has taught us anything--it's that you can kill anybody.
Re: Epic Quotes

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ: If anyone ever makes a porn mod for Neverbound, where you can fuck, get pregnant, and have a child.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ: I will make a mod for that mod that lets you dump a novakid baby into the fuel compartment of your ship.

99999999/10 mod of the century all centuries
Re: Epic Quotes

"My name is Yutaka Takenouchi, and I get motion sickness easily..."
Re: Epic Quotes

"So, do you like being in D.C.?"
"I think some idiots must live here."
"For example, the Washington Monument..."
"It looks nothing like the guy. It looks more like a tribute to Bill Clinton."
"What do you think of Bush?"
"Oh, I love bu- Oh! You mean the president, I'm sorry."

- . (End of the video.)
Re: Epic Quotes

"You can't just take a dried cock to a cock merchant and tell him it's a dwarf's cock, you've got to prove it to him!"

"It'll be a dwarf-sized cock."

"Guess again."
-Tyrion Lannister 2015