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Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 41/43, P = 36, EP = 43; Pregnant, Grappled

Perception: Failure
Grapple: Auto-hit

Mina chases after her small companion, keeping up with the smaller legged fey fairly easily, though the pace he sets forces her to keep her eyes on him rather than on the ground. Mina jumps over a log only to find her feet sinking into a loose tangle of vines, which to her surprise suddenly fly up to wrap around her legs. She falls to the ground, the vines keeping her legs from kicking out of them. The kobold continues running, unaware of her plight, and calls over his shoulder, "Getting closer! I think my people are fighting demons!" Mina might be faster than the him, but if he keeps running he will soon be out of sight.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Even with her stoic attitude Mina lets out a terrified scream as she falls forward. Her eyes widen in horror when she sees what has her. "N-No! NO! Not again! NOT AGAIN GET OFF ME!!!" She draws both of her swords and starts flailing them at the mass of vines screaming out of rage and frustration in her native tongue unwilling to let the same monster violate her -again-.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 41/43, P = 36, EP = 43; Pregnant, Grappled, Submission Hold

(Mina 1) Grapple: 17 + 30 + 3 = 50 vs 2 + 44 = 46. Hit
Damage: 7 + 10 = 17
(Mina 2) Grapple: 10 + 30 + 3 = 43 vs 16 + 44 = 60. Miss
(Vines) Grapple: 5 + 44 = 49 vs 13 + 30 + 3 = 46. Pass.

As Mina screams and swings her swords, she manages to slice neatly through many of them, though she is unable to keep the vines from wrapping around her arms and bringing them tightly together over her chest. The kobold looks back when he hears the woman scream, then begins running back. "Hold on, I'm coming!" he yells, his axe ready to help her fight off the sudden threat.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina grunts and squirms as she becomes immobilized but is relieved when she hears the kobold coming back. "Hurry! I don't want to be violated by these things.....-AGAIN-!" All she could do is hope that her compainion would be able to free her, if not...she was going to have another round with this thing.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 41/43, P = 36, EP = 43; Pregnant

(Vines) Tear Clothes: 6 + 20 = 26 vs 12 + 30 + 3 = 45. Fail.
(Mina) Escape Submission: 17 + 30 + 3 = 50 vs 5 + 44 = 49. Pass
(Kobold) To-Hit: 1 + 30 = 31 vs 20. HIt.
Damage: 8 + 11 = 19. Killed.

The vines slide themselves over Mina's body, trying to get inside her armor, but her squirming keeps them from finding an opening to use. Mina's anger at the situation, on the other hand, allows her to free her arms from the plant creature's grasp, though it is still wrapped around her legs. That doesn't last long as the kobold viciously swings his axe into the vines, missing Mina by an inch but cleanly slicing through a huge mass of the tentacles. The vines shudder against Mina for a second before going limp.

"Come on!" the kobold says urgently as he helps Mina untangle herself from the dead vines. As soon as the mercenary is free, the fey begins moving back to the west again, apparently very eager to see the battle he had heard.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Oh thank you, I owe you one little warrior...." Mina sighed in relief and threw what vines were left off herself and scrambled to her feet. Keeping her weapons out this time as they rushed towards the sounds of battle nearby. "I hope we get there before it's over, or at least after the fey side wins..."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Consider us even!" the kobold calls over his shoulder as he rushes through the forest again. This time the fey takes a little slower to make sure Mina doesn't fall behind, but it's obvious he is eager to hurry onward. As they continue, the sounds of the battle become audible to the mercenary. She hears monstrous shrieks, feral roars, and the sound of wood thunking against stone.

Before long Mina bursts through the tree line, finding herself charging towards the outskirts of the city, and the battle taking place. She can see several fey standing in a circle, surrounded by many more demons. Two large fey wield clubs the size of trees as they force the demons to keep their distance, while the smaller fey seem to project blasts of freezing air to harm their attackers. The demons are varied, some of them stalkers like she had already fought, but others appearing more monstrous. Although the two large fey manage to keep most of the demons at bay, the smaller ones seem able to quickly strike out and retreat before the fey can react. The fey look completely overwhelmed.

"Hang on!" the kobold yells, raising his axe and rushing off to support the other fey. Neither the demons nor the fey seem to acknowledge his presence, or Mina's.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina throws her cloak aside wanting to cut down on possible hinderances during a fight this size and rushes forward into the melee focusing on the stalkers. She knew they were not very durable and relied on ambushing so she could whittle their numbers down much faster and allow the mages to focus on the nastier looking demons. Her heart pounded in excitement and her irises turned red, she was going to relish this fight and release some of her feelings of vengence she had built up over the last two days.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 41/43, P = 36, EP = 43; Pregnant

As she charges forward, Mina gets a better look at the demons attacking the fey. Four stalkers cautiously keep their distance from the clubs of the larger fey, while two demons that resemble giant ants with masses of tentacles protruding from their back lash out while keeping their distance. The smaller fey, which look like balls with thin spindly legs, are busy trying to stay avoid the attacks of the lesser demons, small black skinned creatures with long vicious claws. Finally, a dark armored knight seems to be locking it's weapon with a goatman, though the fey is obviously unable to withstand it's opponents attacks.

Within moments, the mercenary and the kobold have closed on the battle. They both lash out at the nearest demons, the stalkers, who had noticed them approaching, but hadn't reacted in time to counter them.

(Mina1) To-hit: 17 + 30 + 3 + 10 = 60 vs 42. Hit
Damage: 7 + 10 = 17.
(Mina2) To-Hit: 13 + 30 + 3 + 12 = 58 vs 42. Hit
Damage: 11 + 12 = 23.
(Kobold) To-Hit: 3 + 30 = 33 vs 42. Miss.

Mina's blades swing true and leave nasty wounds on the stalker she attacks, the demon shrieking in pain as it stumbles backwards. Her companion is less successful, and the stalker he attacks backs up in time to avoid his swing. The other two stalkers turn to face the newcomers to the battle and hiss angrily at the two. The other demons seem to remain occupied with their current targets.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

The rest of the fey were outmatches or misclassed to face their foes, she had an idea, it was risky, stupid, bold and suicidal at the same time. She thrust both blades forward into her foe and lifted him up before flinging him towards the rest of the melee unleashing a beastial scream, the idea of which was to get all the demons focused on her if just for a minute and give all the fey a moment to attack the distracted demons. She struck her swords abover her head giving off a small flash of sparks and spoke in a demonic tongue she hadn't used since the last time she felt this much fire in her when she decapitated her former husband with a dagger. ["COME AND DIE ON THE BLADES OF THE RED ASP!"] She stared down the nearest demons with eyes that were alight like the embers of coal and didn't seem to even breathe, standing there frozen, awaiting to strike like the namesake her countrymen had given her.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 19/43, P = 36, EP = 43; Pregnant

(Initiative, To-Hit, and Damage epicced XD )

Mina viciously stabs her blades into the stalker she had first attacked, then pushes it forward towards the large melee. The other stalkers merely avoid their fallen comrade, but the fey and the demons all turn to look at the mercenary, surprised at her display. Several of the smaller black skinned demons break away from the fey they are attacking to approach Mina, but a swift command from the armored knight causes the others to focus on the fey.

With the attention of most of the demons now on her, Mina soon finds herself on the defensive with many demons coming to attack her at once.

(Clawed1) To-Hit: 6 + 20 = 26 vs 31. Miss
(Clawed2) To-Hit: 13 + 20 = 33 vs 31. Hit
Damage: 2 + 8 = 10 - 7 = 3 HP. Armor takes 10/3 = 3 Durability Damage. 24/30
(Clawed3) To-Hit: 8 + 20 = 28 vs 31. Miss
(Clawed4) To-Hit: 2 + 20 = 22 vs 31. Miss
(Stalker2) To-Hit: 11 + 34 = 45 vs 20. Hit
Damage: 2 + 10 = 12 - 6 = 6 HP (Kobold)
(Stalker3) To-Hit: 10 + 34 = 44 vs 31. Hit
Damage: 6 + 10 = 16 - 7 = 9 HP. Armor takes 16/3 = 5 Durability Damage. 19/30
(Stalker4) To-Hit: 5 + 34 = 39 vs 31. Hit
Damage: 7 + 10 = 17 - 7 = 10 HP. Armor takes 17/3 = 5 Durability Damage. 14/30.
(Kobold) To-Hit: 6 + 30 = 36 vs 42. Miss

Mina manages to avoid most of the smaller demons, but one manages to rake it's claws across her side, causing her some pain, and opening a gash in her leather suit. The stalkers take advantage of her momentary lapse of concentration and rush in as well, swiping their claws at her and causing her further pain. Her companion is not safe either, as one of the stalkers swipes at the kobold, leaving a wound on his arm, and throwing off his aim enough to cause the fey's axe to swing harmlessly through the air.

"That was pretty impressive," the kobold hisses to Mina, "Now how do you plan on killing all of these?" After the attacks, Mina soon feels weakened, and her armor has several large tears in it.

While the kobold speaks, Mina sees the other clawed demons move in to attack their targets, the strange ball shaped fey barely managing to avoid the claws. The others are not so lucky. The dark armored knight's mace hit's the goatman with a resounding thud, causing the fey to fall to the ground in a heap, moaning in pain. The demonic ant creature's lash out at the large fey with their tentacles, causing them to grunt in pain, though they still seem to shrug off the attack.

With the stalkers no longer present to distract them, the large fey find the ant-creatures to be slow moving enough to present easy targets. One of the brute's clubs comes smashing down into the demon, it's innards splattering out onto the ground as it is killed. The other is knocked away, badly injured, but still able to fight. The large fey that had killed it's target turns to face the evil knight, though the two simply stare each other down for now. With some breathing room thanks to Mina drawing their attackers away, the ball shaped fey are able to work a bit of magic, freezing the air around them and causing the small demons to shiver and cry out.

With most of the demons focused on Mina now, the other fey seem to be capable of holding their own. But how long can she last?
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"The tides are already slowly slipping in our favor, even if I fall here I pray I make enough of an impact to save your friends." She crosses her swords and prepares to parry the stalkers' attacks. Her demeanor seemed to change as easily as the winds shift, her deadly fiery glare replaced by an almost unsettling calm, despite the blood pouring out of her. "I have made my peace...if my last act spares others from death I will rest easily with that...If we do not fight together again it has been an honor my friend. You were the first companion I've trusted in many many years..." She awaits the first stalker to approach her ready to avoid then attack it and treating each attack after that the same.

(-10 to-hit for +20 dodge bonus *crosses fingers*)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 19/43, P = 36, EP = 43; Pregnant

(Clawed1) To-hit: 4 + 20 = 24 vs 51. Miss
(Clawed2) To-hit: 18 + 20 = 38 vs 51. Miss
(Clawed3) To-hit: 14 + 20 = 34 vs 51. Miss
(Clawed4) To-hit: 7 + 20 = 27 vs 51. Miss
(Stalker2) To-hit: 16 + 34 = 50 vs 20. Hit
Damage: 8 + 10 = 18 - 6 = 12 Hp (Kobold)
(Stalker3) To-hit: 4 + 34 = 38 vs 52. Miss
(Stalker4) To-hit: 10 + 34 = 44 vs 52. Miss
(Mina) To-hit: 2 + 30 + 3 - 10 = 25 vs 42. Miss
(Mina) To-Hit: 18 + 30 + 3 - 10 = 41 vs 42. Miss
(Kobold) To-hit: 5 + 30 = 35 vs 42. Miss

With Mina now focusing on defense, she finds it easy to avoid the swinging claws of the demons. Her quick movements leave little time for her to make attacks of her own though, and both of her blades miss their target, one by inches. Her fey companion is similarly unsuccessful, though one of the stalkers manages to leave yet another wound upon him.

"Gah!" the kobold yells as the stalker's claws leave him. The fey, breathing heavily and in obvious pain, doesn't respond to Mina, though he does edge slightly closer to her. The stalkers and clawed demons might be attacking them en masse, but they don't seem to be working together.

The other nearby battle may seem like it is slipping in the fey's favor, but only just barely. The small clawed demons, shaking off the frost from the ball-shaped fey's earlier magical attack, manage to swarm in and stab their talons into one of their targets. The round fey screeches and shudders as it falls to the ground, dead, it's spell dissipating, while the other waves it's spindly arms, continuing to keep it's own spell going. The dark skinned demons shiver and cry out, one of them falling over into dead, but the others moving to continue their assault.

The larger fey seem to fare slightly better. The tentacled ant beast lashes it's tentacles out and open more wounds in it's large attacker, but it does little to prevent the fey from slamming it's club into the demon, ending it's unholy life for good. The other fey grunts loudly as the knight's mace slams into it's side, causing the creature to stumble off balance. It coughs up a spurt of blood, but doesn't hesitate to hurl itself at the knight, slamming the back of it's hand into the figure's head. The knight falls to the ground but pushes itself back up, obviously not a push over.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina glances back to the kobold, "Get on my head, stay out of reach, I won't let you die before me...." She decided to ignore the stalkers and clawed and go after the small ones harrassing the little fuzzy.....thing. "Tell the other big fellow to focus on the knight, if we kill their commander the rest might retreat. They seem easily cowed without leadership." Mina also figured that with two large opponents smacking him around the commander might also turn tail to save himself.

(-10 to-hit again for 20 dodge)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 12/43, P = 36, EP = 43; Pregnant

"Again?" the kobold asks at Mina's suggestion, though he wastes no time jumping up to grab onto her shoulder and seat himself on her shoulders. From here, the fey could assist Mina in her attacks, while keeping away from the demonic attackers, though his weight would prove to be a distraction to the mercenary. Even so, she begins to make her way past her attackers to attempt to help out the troubled fey.

(Clawed1) To-Hit: 11 + 20 = 31 vs 52 - 5 = 47. Miss
(Clawed2) To-Hit: 15 + 20 = 35 vs 52 - 5 = 47. Miss
(Clawed3) To-Hit: 12 + 20 = 32 vs 52 - 5 = 47. Miss
(Clawed4) To-Hit: 6 + 20 = 26 vs 52 - 5 = 47. Miss
(Stalker2) To-Hit: 4 + 34 = 38 vs 52 - 5 = 47. Miss
(Stalker3) To-Hit: 12 + 34 = 46 vs 52 - 5 = 47. Miss
(Stalker4) To-Hit: 15 + 34 = 49 vs 52 - 5 = 47. Hit
Damage: 4 + 10 = 14 - 7 = 7 HP. Armor takes 14/3 = 4 Durability Damage. 10/30
(Mina1) To-Hit: 17 + 30 + 3 - 10 - 5 = 35 vs 32. Hit
Damage: 7 + 10 + 3 = 20 (Clawed5). Killed
(Mina2) To-Hit: 4 + 30 + 3 + 2 - 10 - 5 = 24 vs 32. Miss
(Kobold) To-Hit: 18 + 30 = 48 vs 32. Hit
Damage: 7 + 11 = 18 (Clawed6). Killed.
(Clawed7) To-Hit: 15 + 20 = 35 vs 52 - 5 = 47. Miss.

The pair make their way past their attackers almost unscathed. Despite her skilled movements, one of the stalkers manages to rake his claws against the mercenary's armor, opening yet another gash, a chunk of the leather covering falling to stone ground underfoot. Still, moving quickly, Mina and the kobold make their way over to assist the strange ball shaped fey, each of their weapons slicing into the flesh of one of the black skinned demons attacking it. The demons each yelp in pain as the weapons bite into them, then fall over dead. The last small demon spins to confront them, slashing it's claws towards Mina ineffectually.

With the small demons no longer pressing the ball shaped fey, the creature has a chance to back away and prepare for a new attack, making strange chittering sounds towards Mina. The large fey that had been squaring off against the knight is not so lucky however, as the armored demon slams it's mace into the creature's side, sending it stumbling off to the side before it collapses in a heap away from the battle. The second large fey roars at the sight, dropping it's club and bringing both of it's hands over it's head to slam them down in a vicious overhead strike against his opponent. The fey's fists slam into the knight's helmet with an audible clunk, the impact stunning the warrior as he stumbles backwards then falls over on his back.

"Looks like he already had the same idea," The kobold says to Mina. By this time, the ball shaped fey had finished preparing another spell, and it sends another blast of freezing air out at the demons attacking Mina. The small demon that had been attacking it cries out and falls over dead, but the rest remain standing, even after showing signs of extreme pain and cold. Oddly, Mina notices that the freezing air whips around her, leaving her completely unharmed despite it having such a strong effect on the demons.

Though their leader is dead and their chances slimming, the demons attacking Mina don't seem ready to retreat, apparently intent on bringing down the prey they had put so much effort into already.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina pants obviously on her last legs, "If my father could see me now.....he'd call me a goddamn fool." She smirked and grinned as the knight fell, now she just had to make it, she kept up the act that she was fighting but focused more on letting the small ball cast spells and hopefully the large troll would be able to just sweep the distracted demons away with it's club. After compensating for the new weight on her head she resumed weaving about occasionally lashing out at a demon while spouting a multitude of profane insults she had learned in demonic at them. ["I just...just have to stay alive...just a few more minutes..."]

(-20 to-hit for 40 dodge if I can go that high, getting desperate ^_^')
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 12/43, P = 36, EP = 43; Pregnant

(Clawed1) To-Hit: 16 + 20 = 36 vs 71. Miss
(Clawed2) To-Hit: 7 + 20 = 27 vs 71. Miss
(Clawed3) To-Hit: 17 + 20 = 37 vs 71. Miss
(Clawed4) To-Hit: 3 + 20 = 23 vs 71. Miss
(Clawed7) To-Hit: 5 + 20 = 25 vs 71. Miss
(Stalker2) To-Hit: 20 + 34 = 54 vs 71. Miss
(Stalker3) To-Hit: 7 + 34 = 41 vs 71. Miss
(Stalker4) To-Hit: 3 + 34 = 37 vs 71. Miss
(Mina1) To-Hit: 19 + 33 - 25 = 27 vs 42. Miss
(Mina2) To-Hit: 11 + 33 - 25 = 19 vs 42. Miss
(Kobold) To-Hit: 14 + 30 = 44 vs 42. Hit
Damage: 3 + 11 = 14 (Clawed7). Killed

Mina brings her swords close to defend herself, preventing the demons from swiping at her, for fear of losing their natural weapons. The kobold and the troll take advantage of Mina being the main target, each hitting their respective targets. The kobold's axe slices the head off the weakened clawed demon, while the troll smashes one of the stalkers in the ground, nearly killing it.

It is the ball shaped fey, however, that finishes the fight. The small magical creature summons a freezing wind so powerful that the nearby demons are frozen solid where they stand, their faces locked in intimidating snarls. The large fey pauses as he stares at the figures for second, then with a laugh, swings his club in a wide arc, the frozen demons shattering to pieces.

"Thanks for the assist," the troll says, his incredibly deep voice causing a rumble to pass through her body from standing so close to him. Without waiting for a response, he turns back to look at his fallen comrades. "He's still alive," he says to the ball shaped fey, pointing to the goatman, "Let's get him back to the camp."

(gain 10xp)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"No...no problem." Mina gives a weak laugh before falling to her knees and coughing, she take a deep breath and stands again grabbing her cloak on the ground nearby and sheathing her weapons. "That was.....challenging..." She held her side with a cough. "I'm sorry you lost two of your friends, if those damn vines hadn't gotten me I could have done more..." She salvaged what she could from the dead non frozen enemies and limped slightly behind the troll letting it lead the way. "I really need to try to learn healing magic one day. It would make life so much easier.....and longer." She gave a quiet laugh before holding her side with a groan. "Damn those claws hurt."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

The kobold immediately drops off Mina's shoulders as the after-effects of her courageous, or suicidal, diversion finally catch up to her. He holds out a hand to help support her, then calls over to the troll, "Hey wait up a moment! This human really helped us out!"

The troll, now holding the goatman in his arms looks back over at Mina and grunts, "Nearly got herself killed too, but she's still alive. This one won't be if we don't hurry." Even after saying that, the large fey and the smaller ball shaped one pause and watch as Mina recovers her strength and takes a moment to sift through the demon corpses.

Even with the large number of dead demons nearby, Mina only finds a few items she thinks may hold some value to the collectors of such things. She grabs several patches of skin from the dead stalkers, and scoops up a sample of the strangely dark blood of the armored knight. The other demons don't seem to have anything obviously valuable on them, but perhaps further searching would reveal more.

After Mina has spent a few moments searching the demon corpses, the small ball shaped fey chitters towards the larger fey. The troll nods at him, then looks at the two companions, "It's time to go, if you're coming." He turns and begins heading down the street deeper into the town, his large fleshy feet slapping on the cobblestone road.

"W-wait up!" the kobold yells, his small feet moving quickly as he rushes to catch up to the other fey. He turns back to Mina then motions with his hand for her to follow, the look in his eyes clearly one of apology for forcing her on after her recent injuries. The kobold is now safely with his kin now, so Mina had no other obligation to the fey that she had promised to protect, and she might see fit to search through the demon corpses further, at the risk of losing sight of the fey. On the other hand, if she follows them now, she might find more allies, as well as a safe place to rest.

(gain 3x Stalker Skin, 1 Dark Knight's Blood)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

She was a mercenary, she was here for money and the hunt....but.....for some reason gold seemed less important now. She was wounded, carrying others in her, and for the first time in a long time of wandering the bandit and slaver filled dunes she trusted someone. "I'm coming!" She smiled and jogged over to follow the fey, hiding her pain like a true professional. She had been shot, stabbed, poisoned, set on fire and even partially frozen once. "I hope I don't panic anyone, fey aren't known to keep company with humans much, especially ones that have a hint of succubi in all the blood soaked into their clothes." She took a deep breath as they walked along. "That unnatural healing would be very nice right now though."