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A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

The demoness, once more at a loss for words, only stares at Enigma as though she were completely insane. For the moment, she seems to have completely forgotten Enigmas promise to feed her, thanks to enigmas insane proclamation that she was going to kill and consume the soul of a Hellfang.

Enigma wasn't exactly sure what a Hellfang might be, but judging by the name and her pets apparent fear of it, it would likely be no easy fight if she were forced to confront it directly. She also wasn't sure how exactly she could get into the demons realm, though she imagined that her pet would know.
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

((Not back to 100% RP condition, but I'll give it a shot.))

Oblivious to her pet's bewilderment, eyes full of glee and excitement, Enigma began pressing the demon for information she thought she might need, information that would help her obtain her present desire.

"Now then, tell me more. More about the Hellfangs. What do they look like? What can they do? How many are there? Where are they? How can I get to them? Do tell me dear, anticipation does overflow me so~!"

One might say the elf was almost as a child at the moment, one that had just discovered a new "toy" to play with, and wanted to know everything about it before trying to obtain it. For such was her nature when topics of true interest came to her, and her distinguishing trait.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

The demon only stutters for a moment, still utterly bewildered by Enigmas behavior. After a second, however, she seems to recover, and says; "Yes mistress. The Hellfangs are the first hellhounds, the progenitors of each of the packs. They are massive, more than three times the size of a normal hellhound, and covered in dark red fur. They are incredibly strong, swift, and intelligent. Only a few remain alive, but those that are still alive have lost none of their power and skill. I don't know where any of them might be, but they are almost certainly beyond the gate."

She sounds dejected and frightened, and she fails to make eye contact throughout her recitation.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Unsatisfied with just this, Enigma naturally pressed onwards with questions, perhaps more than was reasonable to ask of her pet.

"Then where would an individual that knew their locations be? Do you know that at least? What about the location of a gate? Answers pet dear, they do help ever so much. The more you provide, the easier this quest will be~"

Clearly, if the woman had been mad in her pursuits before, she was now utterly insane.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

"The gate stands in the center of this town. It is easy to find, especially in the night, since it glows. I know not who knows where one might be, other than Natalie herself perhaps. They move constantly, forever restless. Their children make up the packs that follow them, numbering in the thousands, and each one is forever seeking females worthy to bare more of their spawn. Sometimes, when they reach a place where many of my kind have gathered, they wait, as many of the women of my kind are honored by the right to be considered for bearing the litter of a Hellfang. Those not worthy are killed and fed to the pack, and many who are deemed worthy don't survive the conception, or the birthing afterward;" Her pet replies, her voice becoming more and more sullen by the minute.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

((Pardon the "dialogue only" post, but I'm suffering from extreme writer's block of late. Dialogue is the best I can do.))

Enigma seems some what snapped out of her fascination with the notion of devouring a Hellfang (at least for now), as her pet's voice becomes more sullen, apparently due to the "idiotic" (at least in Enigma's mind) practice she was being informed about. Showing no restraint in expressing her opinion, nor subtlety, the necromancer made her stance clear on the matter, temporarily forgetting about her future plans for a moment.

"Mmmm, center of town...right will remember that. Constantly moving...to be expected...wait did you just say fatalistic breeding? "Honored?" "Worthy?" How...incomprehensibly strange! Why would anyone voluntarily choose to bear litters of mongrels? In exchange for their life no less. It's nice to have honor and all occasionally, but when it's a one way ticket to the next plane? Rather stupid if you ask me. Then again, cultural traditions never made sense in the first place, so I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised. That said, just in case any fancy notions of following such a tradition pop in your head, let me state that as my pet, you are not to take part in such suicidal activities, comprende? Yes? Good, then that's settled. Anything else you want to mention before I make plans for what to do next?"
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

(No problem. There's nothing wrong with dialogue, after all.)

The demon, at this point a little used to Enigmas apparent insanity, doesn't seem too heavily phased by her criticism of the customs of her people. Instead, she replies; "I would never do any such thing, mistress. Once is enough. And the Hellfangs are not mongrels, they are intelligent, and even capable of using magic. That is all that I can think of, mistress."
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigma seems to pay little heed to the details, rather being more pleased at her pet's obedience than the new information provided.

"Intelligent, magical, hardly different from mice capable of calling forth lightning bolts from the sky or winged horses really. They're still burning mutts in the end, albeit more powerful than normal ones. Well either way, kudos on making the right decision on your own, and for all the information of course. Would give you a cookie but...don't have one on hand so..."

Then, without warning, the necromancer suddenly draws the pink-haired demon close to her in a swift motion and into a kiss, one where she would attempt to manipulate bits and portions of her soul into tangible energy so as to transfer it over. After this was done, the elf would break away, as if nothing had happened, continuing to speak once again.

"Thus I suppose this will have to do for now. Although then again, that's probably more appetizing then just a cookie."

((Transfer 10 EP worth of energy to the demon))
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 61/71

The demoness seems about to respond to Enigmas comparison of Hellfangs to lightning-spewing mice and winged horses when the necromancer suddenly presses her into a kiss. Her pets eyes widen in surprise when she feels the bit of the elfs soul slips into her, being immediately absorbed by the demons hungry spirit. As Enigma pulled back, she sat there speechless for a moment, surprised by he necromancers skill in manipulating her own soul.

Then, seemingly recovering, her pet smiles, and purrs out; "Why, yes it was mistress. Certainly more appetizing than a cookie. But.... What's a cookie?"

(Didn't catch it did ya?)
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

((Catch what? *Is missing something here*))

"Small pastry thing you can nibble on now and then when you fancy something sweet. Usually take it with some tea when I'm out of scones. Though those are perfectly fine on their own with a little jam...maybe some sugar or that cacao thing...although I do wonder if cream would work as well, maybe some... "

As is the norm for whenever Enigma stumbled upon a topic of interest, the elven woman proceeded to ramble on for an extended period of time in regards to toppings and seasonings, looping all the way back to pastries before bringing up a question that should have been asked much earlier...

"By the way...I don't believe I ever got around to giving you a name... Have you one already? Or should I find something to call you?"
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 61/71

(Yep. You missed a little fact I hinted at.)

Her pets expression grows more and more perplexed the more Enigma talks, apparently not recognizing many of the names for the foods that Enigma was naming off. Despite her confusion, she obediently listens and remains silent while the necromancer rambles on for several moments.

"A name? Yes..... I am called Lanai." The demoness replies, once Enigma finally reaches that point.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigma seems...slightly disappointed upon hearing her pet's name, as if she had originally planned on amusing herself for a space of time by picking an appropriate (to her) name for her pet.

"Lanai? Hrmm... not too bad I suppose. Not the usual naming scheme, but I suppose that works better than something like Pinkie or Strawberry. Maybe Tessie would be a bit better...mmm...no forget it."

That said, this slight downer of a mood quickly brightens up as the elf suddenly smiles, rising up while dusting herself off, before collecting her belongings and reassuming her usual appearance.

"Righto, either way, let's be off from this dusty place. Before some spiders or flesh eating scorpions come out. This way dear~"

Fingers moving to her lips once again, the necromancer would let off three short, and sharp whistles as a focus for the manifestation of her powers; causing that the stone "wall" blocking sealing off the doorframe leading to the church, should crumble into dust. Once this had been, done the high elf would proceed back into the said building...
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

Lanai remained silent as Enigma critiques her name, the demoness apparently saddened that her mistress disliked her title. When Enigma rises, and suggests that they leave, she brightens up, and replies; "Yes mistress!" She stands up alongside the necromancer, watching as she commands the wall she'd made to block off the church crumble to dust, and then follows her back up into daylight.

By the time she reaches the top of the stairs, Enigma can already feel reinvigorated, her energies naturally returning to her swiftly. The light of early morning floods into the church through the stained glass windows, illuminating the small room that had contained the stairs leading down fully.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

((Lack of writing inspiration and time recently...I hate my life.))

"Daylight already? Must have slept longer than I thought. Ho-hum, guess I'll be catching the worm today then~"

Humming slightly as she ascended the stairs, the elf appeared to be in a good mood as she briefly scanned the church to see if there had been any changes in things. The "routine" look around was hardly a pressing matter on her mind however, as she was already in the middle of planning out the rest of her day...
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

The church was seemingly empty, with everything just the way she'd left it. Her pet glanced around as well, seemingly finding nothing of interest to her, and stood, waiting for Engima to decide where to go. If she wanted to find herself a Hellfang, she'd have to work her way up, at least according to the information that her pet had given her, so she'd best start searching for other demons to kill.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Mmmm...doesn't seem like there's anything here. Well, asides from the dust problem, but that's been here for a while. As far as I can tell anyway. Don't think I've heard of dust demons yet, devils maybe, but certainly not dust demons. Hmmm, would there be a dust devil here?...

Pausing for a moment as if to test the plausibility of such a being inhabiting the church, the elf waited only briefly...before speaking the rest of her thoughts aloud.

"Mmmm...nope. Doesn't seem like it. Not that a dingy place like this would have one normally anyway. Oh well."

Then, a smile crossing her face as she briefly turned to her pet, the elf seemed to be in high spirits before and as she headed for the door and back towards adventure.

"Well then Lanai pet dear, shall we be off? Bright day and all to begin the hunt, would be a waste to let it slip by...Come along now dear, or I'll have you wrestling killer jungle squirrels for nuts one of these days."
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

Her pet follows after Enigma obediently, not making a sound as the necromancer pauses to work through her very strange train of thought. Even when she concludes it aloud, her pet remains silent, apparently beginning to get used to her mistresses eccentricities. When she turned toward her pet, she replied; "Yes mistress!" Even though she seemed slightly confused, likely not sure what a 'killer jungle squirrel' might be.

Stepping outside, she found the area around the entrance of the church barren, just as before, leaving her with many options in direction. She could try to go back the way she'd come the day before to her left, go the opposite direction to her right, or simply proceed straight. A paved road ran in each of those directions, the ways being main alleys through the town.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

((Two hectic weeks later... lets get this going again.))

Normally, when a person encounters a crossroads, they determine the direction they go based on their circumstances. If the person knows full well what his purpose is, he will go in the direction most likely to speed him to his goal. If a person is merely wandering aimlessly, they will go wherever suits them the most.

Now as Enigma fell under both categories, she naturally opted to use a means of deciding which incorporated elements from both of the aforementioned methods. The age old method of using a chant or rhyme to decide where to go.

“Hrm….Warts, Blisters, Tumors and Pus….Toads, Frogs, Snakes, and Lizards...The path which I seek is…This way!”

And this is how the high elf necromancer, with her demon pet in tow, ended up following the path that was straight ahead.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

Enigma didn't have far to go before she and her pet once more found themselves obstructed by something. This time, however, the obstruction before her was less likely to be reasoned, as it happened to be a mobile, catlike plant. The plant creature appeared from out of an alley twenty feet ahead of Enigma, and promptly charged right toward her, not putting up even the slightest pretense of negotiation.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

There was little need for once for Enigma to think as the cat-like plant bounded towards her, nor really any time to. Immediately making a rising motion with her free hand, power quickly began to seep out from the high-elf's body so as to create a sizable wall between herself and the plant. Should the plant crash into the wall and be stunned even momentarily, she would cause more walls to rise up so as to box the plant in, before ultimately encasing and crushing it into a sticky pulp. If not...she would likely be forced to make an attempt to drain the being into dust.

((Animate: Wall/Coffin of Stone depending on how it works out.))