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Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"Well... we're all here to just generally hunt demons, right? So we shouldn't be trying to avoid fights..."

Alisa frowns, thinking. "On the other hand... getting ambushed in a narrow alleyway isn't the best way to go about hunting... I'd say stick to the main roads for now."
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"taking the longer route will also give us a chance to gather an idea on the state of the entire town. i'm well aware its not in the best of condition but we may be able to see places we should investigate as more safe houses or prime hunting ouselves."
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 42, P = 42, EP = 35

"Indeed. Perhaps more of my people and our allies will be on the main road as well." Gab says.
"Right-o. Main road it is!" Geralt replies cheerfully, with a mouthful of carrot. He begins heading down the street, not moving particularly cautiously at the moment.

Nothing moves to attack them at first, and the group can see the town slowly beginning to crumble. It isn't too bad just yet, but they spot more than a few rats moving through the streets and feeding on the corpses of demons, and a few Fey and people as well. The bodies don't litter the street, but they are at least common enough to be distressing, and Geralt stops eating.

He holds up his hand to stop after a few minutes of walking, and holds three fingers up before pointing with his thumb to his right; three enemies around the next right turn.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*ear twitching slightly as she tursns her eyes towards the upcoiming turn she begins to move along slowly towards the right preparing for an upcoming engagement*
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Alisa gives a nod to show that she understands, then pulls an arrow quietly out of her quiver. She follows the other three towards the turn, moving slowly to minimize any noise she makes, planning to swing wide of the corner so there's a little distance between her and the demons when they become visible.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 42, P = 42, EP = 35

Perception: (Total) Failure.

Geralt, figuring he would have to be the one to go first, turns around the corner once everyone else is in position. A sudden bright flash of light appears, however, and Geralt says; "Shit! Ambush!" As her rubs his eyes, apparently having been blinded.

Gab turns around, having been in back, to face a trio of gray skinned humanoid demons coming toward him from seemingly out of nowhere. Four more pour out of a house on the other side of the road, having apparently been waiting for a signal.

(Bad perception checks for all!)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Quick double-check: this is the current arrangement? Loosely speaking?)

"Damn, and we walked right into it..." Alisa glances back and forth between the two groups of demons, then draws a bead on the nearest one of the group of four. Hoping to give Geralt a chance to recover from the flash of light, she lets her arrow fly...

(Attack the group of 4.)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*hissing a bit at the ambush sprung she tunred to eye the group in the rear and moved to step up beside Gab and seeking to test something new as a flick of her wrist summoned a sharp black mass at the lead demon of the three demon group*

(step over to Gab and cast piercer at 5 energy)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 36/46, P = 33, EP = 26/33
Alisas Status: HP = 42, P = 42, EP = 35

(Mostly, the only thing wrong is that the four demons are 90 degrees counterclockwise, IE: coming closer to Alisa. And don't forget whatever's around the corner. Also, Dreana, please update your sheet with the Talent you took.)

To-hit: 2 + 26 + 3 = 31 vs 28 == Hit.
Damage: 3 + 13 = 16 damage.

Alisas arrow hits one of the demons coming from the house in the chest, stopping the monster in its tracks but not killing it.

To-hit: 1 + 10 = 11 vs 28 == Miss.

Shadowcats shard doesn't hit its mark, and the trio of demons close to attack her and Gab.

To-hit: 18 + 24 = 42 vs 33 == Hit.
To-hit: 14 + 24 = 38 vs 33 == Hit.
To-hit: 14 + 24 = 38 vs 36 == Hit.
Damage: 4 + 6 -2 = 8 damage.
Damage: 3 + 6 - 2 = 7 damage.
Damage: 6 + 6 - 2 = 10 damage. Armor takes 12/2 = 6 TP damage, putting it at 19 TP.

The three demons claw at Shadowcat and Gab, two of them inflicting bloody wounds on Gab while one cuts a gash in Shadowcats belly, tearing her clothes slightly in the process. Gab responds with a slash against one of the demons, though he make it short an quick so as to keep up a defense.

To-hit: 3 + 40 - 10 = 32 vs 28 == Hit.
Damage: 9 + 14 = 23 damage.

Gabs swords draws a bloody gash across one of the demons bellies. The rest of the creatures don't quite reach Alisa just yet, though the three that kept moving get within 10 feet. Geralt, meanwhile, slices his hand through the air, as though cutting something.

To-hit: 9 + 30 = 39 vs 28 == Hit.
Damage: 2 + 6 = 8 x 8 = 64 damage.

Whatever he did, his blindness doesn't seem to affect it much, and a gurgling cry of pain emits from beyond the corner. Whatever else might be there didn't advance just yet, if indeed there was anything besides what Geralt had just killed.

(Note: It's not my fault you all rolled poorly this round while the demons rolled high. Gab gets +20 dodge next round.)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*hissing angrily at the demon she throws her arms wide and claws inwards at the demon crossing her arms over her chest before a small twist of her wrists would have those claws slashing outwards forming two X marks worth of claws across the beast.*

(attacking the one that attacked me of course)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Idle question: can Scorching Mine be cast with the expectation that it'll explode immediately?)

Alisa shrinks back slightly as the trio of demons advance, hissing and leering at her as she mentally flips through her spells. A memory of clearing a field springs to mind, and she holds her hands up, towards the approaching demons, chanting "大火災大"...

(Cast Flame, stream effect.)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 30/46, P = 33, EP = 26/33
Alisas Status: HP = 42, P = 42, EP = 31/35


Casting: 13 + 12 + 3 = 28 vs 22 = Success.
Damage: 2 + 4 = 6 x 2 = 12 damage.

Alisas wave of flames catches the three demons by surprise, though the one she'd hit with her arrow is still out of its range, and a chorus of grunts and screeches come from the burning creatures. The three demons are halted in place, but the injured one moves around her wave of flame, getting within five feet of her but coming close to Gab and Shadowcat as well.

To-hit: 8 + 48 = 56 vs 28 = hit.
Damage: 5 + 2 + 18 = 25 damage.

Shadowcats claws draw gashes in the demons chest, blood erupting from the wounds, but the creature doesn't fall.

To-hit: 13 + 24 = 37 vs 33 + 20 = 53 == Miss.
To-hit: 11 + 24 = 35 vs 33 + 20 = 53 == Miss.
To-hit: 12 + 24 = 36 vs 36 == Hit.
Damage: 2 + 6 - 2 = 6 damage. Armor takes 6/2 = 3 TP damage, putting it at 16 TP.

The demons strike out at Gab and Shadowcat once more, Gab evading both attacks while Shadowcat takes another, shallower wound on her arm from the same demons claws.

To-hit: 15 + 40 - 10 = 45 vs 28 == Hit.
Damage: 6 + 14 = 20 damage.

Gabs retaliation finishes off the demon he'd injured previously. As it falls, however, the pair spot a pair of women in revealing crimson robes approaching, their eyes glowing as bright a red as their flowing garments, along with two more of the gray skinned ones. The women smile wickedly as they approach the melee, apparently amused by the battle, while the other demons rush to aid their comrades in battle.

To-hit: 3 + 52 - 16 = 39 vs 30 == Hit.
To-hit: 14 + 52 - 16 = 50 vs 30 == Hit.
Damage: 2 + 13 + 4 - 4 = 15 damage.
Damage: 2 + 13 + 4 - 4 = 15 damage.

Geralt, meanwhile, draws his twin shortswords and runs around the corner and out of sight. Seconds later, a loud roar of some massive creature in pain can be heard from that direction, which suddenly grows louder, as if it had been immediately been hit again.

(Just so you guys know for sure: You're in very big trouble at the moment. The baddies just keep coming. Even though you only had a 5% chance of a second spawn, you got one.)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(i dont remember a limit on fighting defensively but if there is one lemme know. otherwise i want to 10 points of attack into 20 defense)

*Hissing at the smaller nick this time she takes note of gab doing a bit better and decides to follow suit in tactics though she gives the demon before her another return shot letting claws dart in straight to stab at the monster's throat before trying to rip flesh free*

"Hey! anyone got a plan for this at this rate we will be fighting the whole damn town"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"Um... there's not exactly any place to run to!" Alisa hastily steps backwards towards Gab and Shadowcat, trying to maintain her cone of flames, swinging it to and fro in an attempt to catch all four demons within its effect.

(Hmmm... lemme do my armchair tactician bit... well, given that there's no crit-hit/crit-miss function, I think Geralt has enough spare to-hit bonus to fight defensively enough that the enemies can't hit him, while still being possible to hit the enemies. For that matter, probably Shadowcat and Gab both do as well. From there, it's a matter of waiting for the dice rolls to go in our favour. :cool: Or Alisa could realize her succubus heritage and fuck 'em all to death... since she gains energy with each coupling, instead of getting tired out. :p)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 30/46, P = 33, EP = 26/33
Alisas Status: HP = 26/42, P = 42, EP = 30/35

Casting: 5 + 12 + 3 = 20 vs 22 = Failure.

Her proclamation spoils her concentration on her spell, and her stream of flame stops, leaving Alisa vulnerable to their attacks.

To-hit: 19 + 48 - 10 = 57 vs 28 == Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 18 = 21 damage.

Shadowcats claws cut out the wounded demons throat, causing a massive gout of blood to erupt from the demon. It falls, never to rise again as its lifes blood quickly flows from it.

To-hit: 20 + 10 = 30 vs 58 + 32 = 90 == Miss.

A massive smash, accompanied by a loud roar, can be heard from around the corner.

To-hit: 1 + 52 - 16 = 37 vs 30 == Hit.
To-hit: 2 + 52 - 16 = 38 vs 30 == Hit.
Damage: 2 + 13 + 4 - 4 = 15 damage.
Damage: 2 + 13 + 4 - 4 = 15 damage.

Another loud roar accompanies it seconds later, suggesting that whatever Geralt was fighting hadn't managed to strike him yet.

To-hit: 2 + 40 - 10 = 28 vs 28 == Hit.
Damage: 1 + 14 = 15 damage.

Gab wounds another demon with a quick jab with his sword, but the other two creatures immediately come up to replace the two that fell. More dangerous, however, are the trio of approaching succubi. At the same time, the four demons around Alisa move to attack her.

Perception: Success.
To-hit: 14 + 24 = 38 vs 33 + 20 = 53 == Miss.
To-hit: 5 + 24 = 29 vs 33 + 20 = 53 == Miss.
To-hit: 7 + 24 = 31 vs 36 + 20 = 56 == Miss.
To-hit: 17 + 24 = 41 vs 36 + 20 = 56 == Miss.
To-hit: 16 + 24 = 40 vs 30 == Hit.
To-hit: 18 + 24 = 42 vs 30 == Hit.
To-hit: 1 + 24 = 25 vs 30 == Miss.
To-hit: 12 + 24 = 36 vs 30 == Hit.
Damage: 2 + 6 - 5 = 3 Damage. 8/3 = 3 Armor Damage, putting Alisas armor at 27/30 TP.
Damage: 5 + 6 - 5 = 6 Damage. 11/3 = 4 Armor Damage, putting Alisas armor at 23/30 TP.
Damage: 6 + 6 - 5 = 7 Damage. 12/3 = 4 Armor Damage, putting Alisas armor at 19/30 TP.
Mind vs Mind: 10 + 30 = 40 vs 20 + 10 = 30 == Enemy wins.
Mind vs Mind: 20 + 30 = 50 vs 12 + 12 = 24 == Enemy wins.

Gab and Shadowcat evade the claws of the demons, blocking or dodging all attacks. Alisa is not so lucky, however, as she only evades a single of the demons, their claws tearing into her armor and the soft flesh beneath. None of the wounds are severe, but each hit bleeds, which will surely eventually wear her down. Worse, however, are the three succubi, as two of them descend on an unsuspecting Gab and Shadowcat while the third watches. Both feel a sudden pressure in their minds, as the succubi try to quell their prey. Shadowcat in particularly resists with all of her willpower, but both lower their defenses completely as the succubi make them placid and unresistant.
Suddenly, Alisa turns to find another of the gray skinned demons creeping up behind her, a savage grin on its face as it prepares to attack the seemingly vulnerable sorceress.

(Gab and Shadowcat lose their actions next round, as well as their ability to defend themselves. That's why you're in trouble. And you're lucky you spotted the sneaky one. Literally, since that +3 is the only thing that let you beat its stealth.)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(... so Alisa's got FIVE demons trying to pounce on her? And there are THREE succubi, not two as in the preceding post? Uh-oh... at least Geralt seems to be doing all right against whatever's over there...)

Realizing that she's well and truly surrounded, as well as in pain from the cuts, Alisa lets out a whimper, before re-chanting her fiery spell...

(Cast Flame - sphere effect. Hopefully Gab and Shadowcat ain't in range.)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(well seeing as even with a max roll shadowcat cant win the mind checks i doubt i'll be getting any actions anytime soon.)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Doh, I forgot it was two. The original roll had three, but I didn't want to throw too much at you at once. And the succubi can only use that power once every three rounds, so Shadowcat and Gab will get actions after the next round. Will allow edits/new-posts if you want to change anything. And where is Alisa sending her spell?)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(cant think of anything to post for stanidng there as is so i'll continue with a simple pass)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Um, I thought "sphere" form HAD to be centered on the caster - that is, the caster let out a blast of fire in all directions. If casting it like that means Alisa would burn herself along with the demons, then cast Extreme Cold instead, avoiding herself and allies.)