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Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 41, P = 47, EP = 36

"We were in the town, in some building closer to the middle of this damned maze. Hey, where ya going?" The kobold says, keeping close to her.

The trapdoor had no lock on it, though the latch looks like it could easily except one if one were to be found. There were ladders and stairs to other buildings scattered around, and Ashley had to wonder what this place had been for.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

"I'm trying to see if I can lock this trapdoor, or if I have to leave a back door open while I sleep."

I wonder what this place was for. Well, whatever purpose it originally held is undoubtedly abandoned at least for the moment.

More then a little annoyed that there wasn't a convenient lock, Ashley turns back toward the stairs and starts walking.

"Come on, lets get out of this basement."
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 41, P = 47, EP = 36

"Happy to." The kobold replies, following on Ashleys heels up the stairs. She could close and lock the door to the basement, but the basement itself would still be dangerous. Still, she might be able to use the tunnels to the other houses if she ever needed to escape. The kobold stands around, glancing around the house and blinking at the light.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley releases her lights - letting them fade as they stop drawing on the ambient magic - as they reach the top of the stairs, and locks the door behind her.

Now, the kobald...

"We're not far outside town. If you somehow didn't know, there's a rift in the town letting demons pour out and twisting the local wildlife in unusual ways. Obviously the rift's influence extends at least this far out, but if you walk away from the town for a few hours you'll be safe from the demons at least."
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 41, P = 47, EP = 36

The kobold laughs, and replies; "Didn't know? That's the entire reason me and my kin came here, to kill some of them demons. Only place I'm likely going is back to my people."
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

"I'd have thought being captured by a little spider might have given you second thoughts about facing larger demons, but as you wish."
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 41, P = 47, EP = 36

The kobold sobers and scowls at Ashley, and replies; "Doesn't matter what if I like it or not, I'm a soldier. What are you doing here anyway?"
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

"You were a soldier. Then you got killed by a spider. Now you're dead, and some other kobald is free to do whatever he wants. Or you're still alive and you're going to run back into that town and keep fighting until the next spider decides to eat you right away instead of keeping you for later. I don't care which, but you do have a choice.

And what am I doing here? Saving some kobald, magically trapping this house, and then going to sleep."
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 41, P = 47, EP = 36

"Right. Because if I just walk away, my superiors won't gut me for desertion once they find me. Still, you at least make a reasonable argument." The kobold replies. "Anyway, mind if I stay in here for the night? I'd rather not wander around in the dark."
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

"I suppose so, but I'm going to assume anything moving around after I go to sleep is a demon, this close to the town."

Ashley indicates one of the unoccupied rooms for the fey to use.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 41, P = 47, EP = 36

The kobold shrugs, and says; "Fair enough." Before heading into the indicated room and closing the door quietly behind him.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley satisfies herself that all the doors that can be locked are, and returns to her room, locking her own door behind her before making herself ready for sleep.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 41, P = 47, EP = 36

The security of her temporary shelter seemingly intact, Ashley heads up to her room to rest. There didn't seem to be anything else to do before she slept, unless she wanted to put a mine in the window, so it seemed that it was time for her to get her rest.

(Nap time, unless you have anything else you want to do.)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley regretted her uncountable lack of anti-personnel mines, but did her best to secure the small window anyway, before finally going to sleep.

(Nothing else, but I did spend XP right at the time we were discussing the requirement to rest for spending, and I haven't checked if you've updated yet. So if you haven't, now's the time?)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 40

The night passes uneventfully, Ashley sleeping perfectly soundly and without noticing anything trying to enter her safe house. She awakens in the early morning, prepared to continue her investigation of the town and none the worse for her earlier battle in the house.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

The demons surrounded her, dozens of ranks. She saw a blank-eyed woman, pregnant and smiling, with a huge erect penis. Half a dozen of the odd clawed demons flanked her on either side, forming a ring around Ashley. Beyond them were ranks with flickering skin, almost invisible. Elsewhere demons of every possible description howled and screamed with near-human voices. Many were shrouded in mist so that she could not see their true form, but she new they would have at least one thing in common with all the rest - the means and desire to rape her. Far off, on a rock in the midst of the hoard a Daemon stood, impassive. All she had to do was say the name, even think it loudly, and he would save her.

But for some reason she couldn't remember. Why couldn't she remember? The half-woman put a hand on Ashley's shoulder and showed her teeth, and Ashley realized she was naked. A shove and she was on her hands and knees, the woman behind her pressing something warm against Ashley's ass...


The scream seemed to be supernaturally loud, and for a moment all other noises ceased, and everything was still. The moment stretched on for a second... two, then the demons started laughing, and Ashley felt the thing at her ass slide downward....

And then magic took hold, stronger then ever before. A furious wind poured down out of the deep black of the sky all around Ashley, knocking the first rank of demons flat. Ashley rose to her feet and gestured, and the wind howled outward from her, pushing the demons back. With a twist of her wrist, she spun the winds around her, and they took on a life of their own. A deep fog seemed to pour out of her skin for a moment and then suddenly Ashley was clothed in a gown of deep green, and the wind didn't seem to touch her, even as it picked up speed in its spin around her. She strode through the crowd of demons, the winds around her by this time lifting demons and throwing them beyond her sight. As she approached the rock with the daemon, she gestured again, this time towards the unseen clouds above. Lightning began falling around her, great spears of pure light that left smoking holes in the ground, and everywhere hailstone rained like bullets.

None of this seemed to touch the daemon, hailstones and lightning both passing through his body like mist, the wind not even stirring his cloak. He seemed to see the question in her mind before she spoke it, and his whisper cut through the wind and thunder and death as if it weren't there.

She wakes with a start, and for a moment wishes she might have slept another minute or two, just to see what happened. I wonder why I couldn't remember his name? What would even happen if I said his name in a dream? I don't think it'd be beyond his power to appear even there. No matter.

Ashley dresses and heads down to the kitchen for breakfast and to prepare for the day - cleaning her pistol, arranging her pack, and finding something to take along for several meals that might be needed before she returns.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 40

(2 exp for you. Because I said so. :p )

Ashley finds the kobold from earlier already downstairs, cooking a spit of meat and a few eggs over a fire he'd lit on the stove. It was almost done by the time she got down there, so she figured if anything was going to attack them because of the smoke it would have already. As she enters the room, he nods to her, and once the food is finished he wordlessly passes her a plate with some of the meat, a piece of dried fruit, some scrambled eggs, and a piece of bread toasted over the flame. Much better fair than she'd been expecting, under the circumstances.

After eating and preparing her equipment, Ashley picks some supplies from the pantry, and she is ready to head out.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley isn't very talkative while eating her breakfast, but thanks the kobald before leaving. Outside, she takes a brief walk around the house, stretching her mind as well as her body by stirring slight breezes around herself in interesting patters. It's nothing compared to the power she summoned in her dreams, but it helps her wake all the way up and acquire a civil mood.

Her survey done, she returns inside to see the kobald off before she locks the place up for the day.

"Hey, thanks for cooking breakfast. Have you decided what you're going to do?"
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 40

"Not really, I was just going to head down the main road, as my people intended to assault the gate as soon as we had sufficient numbers. If we could hold that, and wipe out all of the demons that had already entered the area along with their corrupted pets, we could free the region of the creatures. I don't know where any of them are, or where specifically they might gather, so I just have to look unless I see a sign or am sent a Gathering." The kobold replies.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

"As good a plan as any, I suppose. Good luck... I suspect you're going to need it."

Sounds suicidal. But who knows, maybe not. When he's gone... well I'll at least go watch, and maybe even help if they look like winning - as unlikely as that seems. But if I'm probably not going to help, better if the kobalds don't know I'm there at all.