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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"You are the prince of the Oval Eye Serpants. Ours was a powerful faction before we waged war with Jezebel. Her demons were even more powerful than the minions of my lair, and so the war didn't last long. Powerful as my minions may have been, they stood no chance against ancient veterans of combat, immortal as they were so that their experience is never lost. I'm only accepting of your current company in the hopes that you'll make them into the future lair's defenders." she stated. "And as far as fixing this mess goes, once I am restored, I expect you to marry a woman who will give birth to the next line of echidna."

Tina shook her hands at Grave's apology. "No worries." she said. "Just... If you ever come back, bring tents..." she informed him, so that if they destroy whatever they're sleeping in, it will be their own tent rather than her barn.

With that, everyone was ready to head off, with Cynder able to share some parting words as everyone seemed to all head to the north. "Luckily Zippangu is much like a gated community. Everyone knows almost everyone, so it shouldn't be too hard to find who we're looking for." Roy announced, and Grave was free to clarify that his mother would know the way, or not. Either way, they'd find their way.

Cynder would find that the lands of Zippangu were quite lush, as it would show the further North they went. It would also become steadily more confusing each day as they went. Plenty of times his mother would indicate that they were heading too much to the east, when it would have seemed like they were going straight the entire time. Tall trees with plentiful leaves did well to hide the sun often enough that using it like a compass disoriented one enough to go slightly off track and lose their way entirely. "There are lots of stories of people getting lost in these lands, and it's not hard to see why..." Valencia commented. Roy seemed to shiver. "What is with this overbearing presence as well?" she asked. Envy was quick to answer. "Zippangu is separated into districts by the gods who own them. What you're feeling is the powerful presence of this area's god." she instructed her, and indirectly Grave as well, who would also feel that he was within god's territory.

"We're inevitably going to run into trouble before we find what we're looking for..." Roy calculated.

"Club is ready for trouble!" the little goblin declared.

"Don't pick a fight with a god, fool goblin." Envy scorned Club. "We're dealing with the very same ancient beings that repelled the attack of half of this entire continent on their own, and even reversed the time on their own half to before the war ever started! They could very easily erase us from existence if the thought pleased them!" Envy preached of the Zippangu gods.

"Club doesn't even know what that means." said Club.

"It means that we should respect their ability to punch things into red mist." Replied Roy.

Club went silent in thought. This amazed Roy and Envy, who thought her incapable of such a common ability.

Grave would be allowed to say his piece, before they'd be found by a red oni sitting against a tree with a large jug of saki in hand. "Ah, drinking partners?" she inquired, holding up her jug with invitation, though her lack of a sober state revealed much, as she looked at Cynder lustfully.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

Having departed from Tina's ranch after saying goodbye, Grave turned his attention to his mother's explanation. It was short, but fairly informative, he had to admit. Though it was obvious to him the two of them did not share the same opinion about one important detail. 'Glad to hear you're so accepting of my companions.' He replied dryly. 'But honestly... Marriage? Putting aside the fact we don't exactly have any place to raise a child, need I remind you there are, as far as I can tell, at least a few people who might be very interested in my life, and not in a good way? Or said life's ending?' He frowned. 'As much of a disappointment I have been to Cynthia back then, I don't think she'll simply leave things at that, not after investing so much into me. Then there's the fact that apparently I've done something to piss off another Cardinal Sin. And gods only know who else out there might be willing to get involved.' He paused. 'Though come to think of it, I've no idea what exactly Cynthia's planning... I assume she told you something?'

Cynder didn't pay too much attention to Roy's announcement, his focus turned inwards rather than directed to the world. He did take note of the change in landscape as the group moved north, and to his dismay began to realize that perhaps he should have paid attention to the directions his mother dropped from time to time. The presence he felt did little to put him at ease, considering it's strenght and range. It felt a bit... Oppresive to him. "I think I'm starting to hate this place already..." He muttered, idly noting that somehow, Roy and Envy managed to end a discussion with Club by actually getting the goblin to think for once. It was a little suprising, though the half-blood was more interesting in memorizing the situation as reference for the future. Specifically, a reference on how to get Club to think. There was a method in Roy's last statement, a method of breaking things down into information she could manage.

Still, with a short pause presenting itself, Grave decided to voice his concerns. "You know, mother's been sending messages we're a bit too far to the east. It seems she still remembers the path, at least a bit. Maybe we should correct our course." Still, just as he said that, the group ran into another creature. A bit demon-like in appearance, but thankfully not a succubus or anything like that. Still, from the way she kept staring at him, Cynder quickly realized she really wouldn't mind to get him drunk - or rather, too drunk to protest. It was probably in his best interest to avoid that. "Sorry, just passing through." He replied. Still, maybe he could get some information here? "No offense, we just really need to find someone named Fio. Do you know her, perhaps?"
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"No, she just told me that you'd be safe and when I didn't hand you over, she killed me and took you away. She might be a good start, actually. Take her, and rape her. Let her feel my wrath a little. Make sure to use her butt, she'd only like it in the pussy. Actually, she might like it in her butt too. So just punch her in the stomach until she passes out." his mother advised. "I realize what she did was right, but I'm still pissed off at her." his mother announced. "And stop being such a whiny boy about everything. No matter what I say you always seem to find a petty excuse to refuse me. Quit being a little pansy and make some children. Since your little sister is a demon now, she's a dry well as far as I know, so there's no point in that. Just use the goblin and the purple haired girl... Actually, the purple haired one is completely human, yes? That's good, she'll have the best chances of birthing our kind. Impregnate her, Grave. No excuses." his mother demanded, expecting him to fuck the person in their group who apparently hated him the most.

Then, when he was in front of the oni, the red woman looked a bit disappointed that he didn't want to join. "Fio is one of those people you don't have to meet in order to know. Yeah, I know where she is, but saying where something is in Zippangu isn't much. You'll need a map." The oni replied. "Luckily, a certain oni who wants a drinking partner has such a map. What do you say, boy?" she looked at him with a grin.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

'What.' Grave was honestly shocked by what he had heard from his mother. It was quite possibly the last thing he expected to hear. Not necessarily the last thing he wanted to hear, but definitely the last thing he expected. Still... He had spent quite a few hours pondering his last meeting with Cynthia and felt he had done something he really shouldn't have. He suspected his mother would agree with that statement. Yet here she was, telling him to inflict more violence upon the crow. And not only that. 'My family's insane. My sister's insane, my mother's insane and I think I'm starting to go insane as well.' He groaned. 'And... I'll try to stop looking for excuses.' Cynder had to admit, his mom had a point there. 'But don't expect anything to happen with Valencia too soon, ok? As far as I can tell, she seems to be the only one in this group who is not inclined to sleep with me, so this might take some time.' Though to be honest, he kinda liked having someone on hand who wasn't so... Charmed with him. Occasionally, she helped him keep a perspective on things. 'And while I can see that you're not above suggesting rape, I ask that you don't. I don't relish the thought of being stabbed.'

Back with the only, Grave was only slightly less exasperated. "Boy?" He muttered under his breath. Not exactly what he'd like to be called, but in the end the half-blood decided the matter isn't worth pursuing. More importantly, the oni could probably tell him where he needed to go. However, she was more likely to get him drunk and try to rape him. Cynder wasn't particularly good with alcohol, but he needed the information. And perhaps getting in the oni's good graces would pay off somehow. "Well... I suppose it could be fine. But I can't exactly leave everyone behind, you know." He gestured at the rest of the party. "I hope you don't mind a slightly bigger gathering?" With more people in the mix, there'd be less alcohol per person to go around. And chances were that at least one of them would remain lucid enough to exercise some form of damage control if necessary, or so Grave hoped.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"If being stabbed is the only thing keeping your dick dry, then that can be fixed." His mother replied. "How tough do you honestly think that woman is? You are an Echidna prince. What is she? If you look closely, all you will see is meat. That's all she is. Tanned meat." she said, in regards to Valencia's tan.

The oni chuckled at Grave. "No problem! All are welcome! Come, the elder of my clan should be able to accommodate you, as I'm sure you would enjoy some supplies as well as information." said the oni, who would stand and invite Cynder to follow her to the oni village.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

'... Dear gods why?' Grave groaned mentally. He did not pursue the matter further. Any more and he'd completely lose his composure, which was something he wanted to avoid while talking to another person. One that didn't exist inside his head, that is. "That'd be great." He replied to the oni, smiling in relief a bit. She seemed to be a decent sort, despite his initial misgivings. And hey, extra supplies. That phrase already put him in a better mood. Having spent quite a few years on the road, he began to really appreciate free stuff. "Well... Shall we?" He glanced at the rest of his group, ready to follow the oni guide.

As they moved, Cynder mulled over his mother's last words, his face dropping a bit as he did. Was it common for powerful mamono to act like that? Dear gods. First she advised him to rape Cynthia, then go after Valencia... Suddenly, it occured to him that if the crow girl hadn't killed her, the Echidna woman would have been the one raising him. The prospect made him shiver a bit. What kind of a person would he have turned out to be? Grave privately decided he really needed to apologize to Cynthia and find a way to thank her. He also began to dread the moment when his mother would be able to speak to everyone else around him by herself.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

Roy stepped up to Grave, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Be careful, Grave. Oni are known for luring men in to drink and then violating them once they're too wasted to resist. Just know that she's looking to flirt with you. Mind her breath as well, given what she's been drinking." Roy advised him. "An oni's brew is the most powerful in the world. If you must drink, only wet your lips with it while pretending to drink more. Just wetting your lips will make your mind hazy, while still deeply intoxicating someone with no experience with alcohol whatsoever." Roy instructed him.

So, the group would embark behind the oni, following the giant red creature until they'd eventually reach a cave of sorts, made alit from a fire within, where voices and merriment could be heard. Roy gave a cautious look to Grave, ready to follow him in if he decided going into the Oni's den was a good idea.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

Roy would likely feel a brief shade of a motion under her fingers as she touched Grave's shoulder, as if he prepared to shrug her off, only to instantly stop. The young man had been getting quite used to physical contact lately, but occasionally on an off day he still showed traces of his old habits and discomforts when not expecting to be grabbed. Such things were already getting infrequent, though. Instead of shrugging her off, Cynder glanced at the neo-girl and nodded to show he understood. "I figured as much..." He muttered, his features steadily changing into a weary grimace as his voice got quieter. "And if the thing they're drinking is that strong, how in the bloody Hell are they able to drink it?" He had only a little experience with alcohol and his resistance wasn't too impressive, but he knew a thing or two. Still... "I mean, seriously. A single cup of stuff that potent has to be freaking lethal to anything with a pulse." Sighing over the mess he got himself into, he none the less moved forward, into the cave. No point backing out now.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"Normally, it would be lethal." Roy replied. "In history long before these creatures became mamono, they were the test subjects of shinobi practicing their arts of poison. They wanted to see if subtle increases of their toxins would eventually create immunity, so that other clans couldn't kill their own members so easily. The Oni were subjected to horrible poisons, including alcohol. Eventually their tests were successful, and the oni became extremely resilient against almost all known poisons." Roy revealed. "The testing continued for generations until the Oni fought back and regained their freedom. At which point, their resistance reached the point of being apart of their genetics. So they have powerful antibodies that purge the alcohol from their system, so they must drink far more to actually become even tipsy."

"Plus, the tests from the Shinobi have made the Oni into somewhat magical creatures. So they basically have magically powered organs that aren't so vulnerable to poisons." Valencia followed up, and Roy nodded to her information.

"Don't worry, Gwave!" Club patted Cynder's leg. "If those Oni try to wape you, Club will punch them dead!" she promised. "Because only Club is allowed to wape Gwave!" she added.

In the back, within the corner of his eye, Grave would see Envy develop that murderous demonic glow as some of her hair slowly turned into blades, as if debating the idea of stabbing Club in the back.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"The more you know." Grave commented dryly. Truth be told, he found Roy's story to be a little fascinating and rather horrifying at the same time, though this wasn't the kind of thing one wasn't used to after studying history a bit. And his old man did put quite a bit of effort into educating him in world history... Well, some of it at least. Still, Cynder had to admit that it didn't change the fact it was a grim tale. "I imagine those Shinobi got what they deserved. Though that doesn't answer the question how they manage to avoid killing others if they serve them the same thing. I assume it's diluted?"

Unfortunately, potential poisoning was not the only one of Grave's worried. Club, always eager to please and (more importantly, to her at least) show off her "right of ownership" whenever he was concerned was actually likely to really start a brawl if he failed to keep the situation in check. And Envy, as usual, seemed eager to murder the goblin out of jealousy. Though in all likelyhood, she would not hesitate the skewer the oni - and perhaps him as well - if given the slightest provocation. Cynder sighed. Perhaps he should have reconsidered his choices in lovers after all. Then again, he was already commited to those relationships, out of his own will no less. He settled for wishing for a miracle to happen - as he was firmly convinced fixing Club's attitude and Envy's temper was beyond the best attempts of gods and men.

"Thanks, but I think I can handle this." He replied dryly, eyeing his sister with a bit of worry. Well, if she hadn't stabbed Club yet, he probably had nothing to worry about. Still, he gave her a half pleading, half exasperated look, trying to wordlessly convince her that stabbing was not an acceptable form of resolving love problems.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"Actually, it was all the oni could do to escape. Shinobi are extremely powerful and dangerous. As exhausted and abused as they were, they were wise not to challenge the shinobi who possessed elite talent." Roy replied to Grave's assumption that the shinobi had been punished. "Attacking the shinobi would be quite unwise, given they are trained in many art forms of combat, not limited just to the part where they kill you, but so that you stand with the least chance of success. So you can expect them not to fight fair if they're given choice to do so or not." Roy advised.

Then Roy addressed the topic of the alcohol. "All I know is that the brew they prepare for humans is slightly different. Perhaps you're right in your presumptions, but pure oni sake is indeed lethal to humans, and extremely dangerous to most mamono."

Then, one little word their way and Club and Envy were both staring at Cynder. Envy stared with her usual cold glare (one that she seemed to inherit from her mother), and Club stared at him with a wide, toothy, ferocious grin, like a wild animal with enough intelligence to understand its desire to fight and kill. Grave's promise simply made the goblin chuckle. She said little more after that, and Envy took to staring off into the trees, the magical properties in the air seeming to catch her eye as much as it did Roy's. Though it seemed natural in the lands of Zippangu. Magic flowed everywhere. He would even notice the magical beings in his company seemingly absorbing the energy in the air ever so slightly. Roy and Envy seemed to be taking in the ambient power looming in the air, though not as much as they seemed to be losing it, which was an equally slow process. It seemed that in magical lands, their needs would be less demanding due to their ability to absorb energy.

Eventually they seemed to reach a village of sorts. A clearing of the trees where the grass made way to dirt paths that were often traveled. The footprints in the dirt were deep from the pressing of heavy weight, while footprints of Grave's own left no such mark, hinting at the sheer difference in weight between him and then oni. "Welcome, welcome! What do you think of my village, boy?" the oni inquired, looking straight forward and taking a deep breath with a smile. What she was taking in was the scent of sake in the air. It would make Cynder's head spin just from breathing it in. Every oni in the village had red skin, and each seemed to carry around a jug of her own which seemed to exist for the sole purpose of drinking sake. As various oni spoke to each other, making small chat or speaking of personal matters that would make no sense to Grave, he'd note that they were very loud. Their voices together boomed and created a slight vibration, as if they could make a man's eardrums burst should they decide to scream.

"We're here to drink!" The oni declared. "My hut is right here! I invite you, boy!" he declared to Cynder, though his friends seemed invited too. "I'll go get my friends. We don't drink without each other." The oni said, before making sure Grave was in her hut and possibly getting comfy before leaving. Meanwhile, Roy looked around nervously, before cautiously fishing about for something, carefully moving things about inside, straw containers, vases, looking under the knee-high table.

"I was hoping she had a map we could snatch before quickly making our leave. Of course the oni wouldn't be so damn sophisticated." Roy sighed. "I suspect they might not even know of where to find Fio at all. Beware of their trickery." Roy said with prejudice.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

Grave sighed. "So they're a bunch of backstabbing bastards on top of being dangerous. Lovely." He didn't pursue the topic of Shinobi or Oni brew any further, content to just walk silently and observe as the group made it's way into the village. He noted how easily he got both Club's and Envy's attention, even if they reactions were completely different. Cynder hoped the two of them would refrain from causing excessive damage.

Another thing he made note of was the raw magic around, floating and even refueling the reserves of some of the members of his party. Grave could tell it wasn't enough to sustain them in the long run, but it definitely would reduce the burden put on him. He couldn't help but wonder what was the source of this ambient aura. Was it because of the so called gods, or was it something else? He had no idea, and to his suprise he found this lack of knowledge frustrating. "Someday I'll have to figure out how the damn thing works..." He muttered under his breath, thinking of magic in general.

The Oni village was a... Curious sight. Cynder wasn't entirely sure what to think of it. On one hand, the place was far louder than he was generally used to, being a drifter and all. The overpowering smell of alcohol wasn't helping either, and the dirt roads only served to make him realize just how dense an Oni's musculature had to be.

On the other hand... Grave was not used to being invited to someone's home or village, enthusiastically or no. Still, he decided, it was better than the alternative. And as he surveyed the inside of his host's hut, he decided the place was actually fairly nice. Sure, the low table was unusual, and there was hardly anything fancy or sophisticated, but it was fairly comfy and functional. It had a sort of "home sweet home" feel to it, making him relax slightly.

"Really? I'm not suprised." Cynder commented on Roy's attempt at petty theft. Still, he couldn't help but start to think the neo-girl was acting a bit weird. "And what's eating you? I mean, sure, they might pull something on us if everyone gets smashed, but they seem rather straightforward. Not the kind for sophisticated treachery."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"Oni are natural tricksters." Roy replied with a sharp tongue, still unused to being a woman it seemed, as her butt was waving back and forth in front of Grave for him to appreciate as Roy searched about the tent. "They enjoy causing chaos like any other citizen of zippangu. You should learn well that Zippangu is regarded as a land of whims for a very good reason. It's creatures do as they like." she announced.

Eventually Roy's search would come up with nothing, before the oni would enter her own tent, followed by an entourage of other onis, each bringing plenty of sake, some of which seemed intended for their less alcohol immune guests. The onis all sat down and welcomed their guests to join them. Club was the first to take a seat, seeming excited to partake in the joy of the drink, while Envy, Roy, and Valencia were each very skeptical about the whole thing. Though Envy was the second to sit down, her demonic form no doubt very resistant. "Come! Drink! First one's to you, my friend!" The oni he met declared, pouring the first shot of sake, and handing the bowl to Cynder to drink.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

Grave raised en eyebrow as he watched Roy wave her ass around. He briefly wondered whether he should comment on that or no, then decided against it. The topic looked like something better discussed without anyone's potential interference. When the oni came, Cynder took a place along with Club and Envy, starting to feel a little bit nervous about how things were about to progress from there. Still, he took the offered bowl with a nod, taking note of the difference compared to usual cups. Mindful of Roy's earlier warning, he cautiously glanced at the contents before just wetting his lips to test it's strenght.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

It was cool. When the liquid touched his lips, there was little indication of the alcohol content. Twas almost like tasting water. While he tested that, Club grabbed at the whole bottle. "This is water!" She announced, before the oni let Club have it as she began to indulge herself, tipping the bottom upwards into the air to let it flow into her mouth. After several gulps, Club put the jug back down and let out a loud burp that made Grave's ears shiver from the vibrations. The oni began cheering and shouting with joy at what she had just done, celebrating Club like a comrade.

"What?" Club inquired curiously, looking around at the oni around her.

And then she collapsed.

The oni began laughing hysterically, though still took it seriously, one announcing for the others to get the medicine so Club doesn't die while still praising her for her obliviousness. "Doubt you can best that!" The oni announced to Roy, as if she was next. "Your opinion is shared." was Roy's reply. To that, the oni began to laugh further, grinning wide and looking to one another as if about to die from their hysteria. They repeated Roy's words and even attempted to mimic her accent, though it was unclear if they were fascinated, amused, or insulting towards her. Roy gave a neutral response to their raving, though she did look a little insulted. Then, Roy took a single dose of the sake. Then she waited. She cleared her throat. Then she looked about for a moment, as if expecting it to hit her any moment. But, nothing. She was fine. "It's okay in small doses." Roy announced to Valencia, who looked a bit more confident as she took a dose next.

Valencia collapsed after setting the cup down, "Perhaps not." Roy noted upon her collapse, drawing more hysterical laughter from the crowd. "Never seen a real party!" they commented on Valencia's total drop.

Then came Envy's turn. She was given a cup, and she spent a lot of time investigating it before actually accepting it. She drank her share, before setting the cup back down. She went pale for a moment, as it became more and more clear over time that she was not feeling ill from the alcohol. Rather, she just didn't seem to like the taste of it. As a result she was quick to pass to the next person. Grave.

With the bowl in front of him, and the oni laughing and talking together merrily, he was expected to have his dose as well.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

Grave had to admit, he was worried about Club's state. However, it seemed that the oni were prepared for emergencies and took things seriously. The reactions of his comrades haven't filled him with confidence either. Roy managed to hold her own, though it seemed she really didn't like her current position. Envy also stood her ground, even though she didn't like the taste. Valencia, on the other hand... She, the only human here besides him, was out cold from just a little sip. That did not bode well for his chances.

'This is gonna suck...' Cynder winced a little, then brought the bowl up, eyed the liquid one last time, then drank. Or rather, sipped. He decided that the only way to avoid an instant knockdown would be extreme caution - having only a small dose, ingested slowly with small sips, a few drops at a time at most. Perhaps he was overdoing it, but a quick trip to unconsciousness was something Grave was not looking forward to.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"Relax, fool child of mine. With my influence here you won't be so easily intoxicated. Just let mommy's magic flow." She advised, and if Grave did so, he'd find the powerful alcohol losing it's punch dramatically with the sips he took, until it became about as intoxicating as high quality alcohol. Certainly worth enough to get tipsy just from a sip, but nowhere near powerful enough to take him out.

The oni looked colored impressed, looking to one another and patting Cynder on his back roughly, causing him to spit up a little of what he had in his mouth. "Ya must be a solid drinker! Well done!" an oni celebrated, before Grave found himself being crowded by appreciative oni, who were more than happy to fill his glass with a second shot. They all began to call out for him to drink another, unable to settle with him just drinking one.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

'Thanks.' Grave replied to his mom, deciding not to comment on her attitude. He was feeling genuinely thankful for her assistance - that way, he stood some chance of getting through the ordeal. 'You've got to teach me how to do that sometime, though.' He thought as he finished his first portion, despite the back-pat he was given. Sure, it made him spit out a little, but it wasn't something beyond what he experienced from Club on the occassion she decided to get rough with him. He still coughed a little, though.

"And you've got pretty strong arms." Cynder replied dryly to the oni that praised him, once again briefly wondering why he was getting hit in the back again. Though as he watched his hosts refill his cup, he slowly began to wonder that maybe it was a good thing he kept getting hit there. After all, that was a sturdy place as far as body parts went. Then he realized he was getting quite tipsy indeed (and would rather not get hit at all, thank you very much). Still, he could probably manage one more without falling down. "Though I don't think I'm as solid as you believe. Still..." He brought the cup to his lips once more to drink the contents.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

Taking another sip, his mother began to chide him. "Don't drink too much of that, fool! Even I can only do so much when you willingly ingest such poison!" she scolded him, helping to purge the saki yet again, though now Grave took a step from tipsy to woozy. He couldn't keep himself up straight anymore, causing him to sway back and forth while sitting in place. Finally, another round went around the oni, each taking their drinks, before it went back to Roy, who apparently had a plan. She took her drink, before suddenly acting sick. The Oni moved in to help, but she began shaking her head. "I need water... Grave!" She looked at him, gesturing for him to come over and help her. "Help me to the river!" She demanded while choking and wheezing, though with many glances of emergency that wanted less of his help, and more of his compliance from the looks of things.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

'Whoa...' Grave began to sway as the buzz hit, trying his best to maintain a sitting position. The buzz was beginning to hit fairly hard and he had to fight an urge to just lay down and let things happen around him. 'What the Hell are they using to make this stuff, I wonder?' There was something incredibly relaxing about the state he was in, he felt more at ease and his mood was better than usual. He contemplated drinking more, but as much as he hated to admit it, his mother had a point. Still, he had no idea how to get out of taking another turn.

The solution to Cynder's problem came when Roy began to act sick. When she began to cough, he was genuinely alarmed, then puzzled at the signals she was sending him. After a short moment, he finally figured out she was planning something and decided to roll with it. "Right, coming!" He stood up after a struggle and went to help Roy up, moving much slower than usual on account of having to expend some serious effort not to accidentally trip. "Sorry about this." He apologized reflexively to his hosts as he helped the neo-girl out of the hut, letting her use him as a crutch.