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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Sorry, Gwave! Club put some cheese off and decided not to eat it for you!" Club announced. "But when Club was done, cheese was gone!"

"I... Had no intention of eating the last of the cheese either." Roy said, seeming baffled.

"I ain't meaning to sound rude or none, but... Even though all of us had the best intentions..." Tina said, sounding apologetic. They all sounded sorry for not saving him some of the good stuff, and Envy as well. None seemed to have an explanation or excuse for their rudeness.

Valencia, casually drinking from a mug of milk, pointed straight at the source of the problem. "Don't give us that look, Grave. It's 'her' fault anyway. Just like all the other misfortunes that struck her during our trip." Valencia said, blaming the issue on Envy herself while revealing something that all seemed to connect together. During their travels, she was always the last to eat, and the one with the smallest portion. Even when deliberate attempt was made to give her more food, somehow, it'd end up on the ground, or that extra portion was burned, no matter how baffled the chef at the time was. Left out of conversations, distanced from the camp, and full of negative emotions, Envy has been by their side the whole time, and despite anything he may have done, Cynder would find himself drawing blanks at certain points of their travels, where he would simply be completely ignoring Envy. On one hand, he might off-handedly recall hearing nothing at all, some days ago, but to think more clearly, he'd remember Envy calling out his name, and him giving her no response. Ignoring her, and by no consistent action of his own, either. It was truly as if some otherworldly force was at work, and it was only out to do something as petty as that.

Adjusting her glasses, Roy seemed to stare intently at Grave, as if to communicate without words that she had quickly come to the conclusion. After a moment, Cynder would realize the angle which Roy was standing, and where she was looking. "Grave, show me your neck." Roy almost demanded. It carried with it some form of hostility which seemed to vaguely point towards Envy herself, who was now seemingly suspect of doing something of evil nature to Cynder.

Meanwhile, the girl of popular note herself simply sat in place, looking at her section of the table, which was flat and without dish, cup, nor food. Her expression was that of indifference despite the chance of aura in the air as Roy's suspicions grew heavy. It was as if the sight of that blond haired sister of his was one of a girl who was completely used to such happenings around her. Being accused of cursing someone seemed to be the least of her worries, and the reason for that became clear as Grave would soon find out from the glance she gave him. It didn't matter what was happening around her, or even that Cynder had been cursed. Her mind was solely focused on Grave, while her eyes glinted with selfishness. The grip of Envy around his throat tightened as she stared at him, a kind of dark embrace that would leave him breathless. As she entertained herself with thoughts of him, she was passing her curse onto him, whether she was aware of it or not.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave rolled his eyes at Valencia's response at first, but his expression turned into a frown as memories came back to him. Comparing them to the current situation, he quickly noticed a pattern. It was as if something conspired to keep Envy away from everyone around her, to alienate her and deprive her of anything she might have wanted. Making people ignore her, foiling deliberate attempts to give her something... Slowly, Cynder began to realize what kind of curse he was dealing with. And now that he gave her what she desired, that curse began to affect him directly. Was it simply a result of a bond forming between them, or an attempt at separating him from her? He wasn't sure. Either way, it would cause all sorts of problems for him. While leaving Envy could result in taking the curse away, it was something he was determined not to do. Figuring out an alternate way of solving this dilemma would have to become a priority.

Unfortunately, it seemed that at least one person around here was smart enough to realize something was off. Grave nearly winced at Roy's tone - the neo-woman reached the right conclusion faster than he would have liked, and her protective tendencies bared their teeth again. The half-blood wasn't sure whether she noticed the stigma or no. The way she spoke, it was pretty obvious that his companion was ready to accuse Envy of cursing him. She wasn't entirely off on that point, Cynder had to admit, but he did not want to cause a scene, or set Roy against his sister. This situation could lead to all kinds of trouble if he didn't defuse it, and it looked like the Cardinal Sin would be of no help in smoothing it over. She seemed to care only about one thing - namely, him - and didn't even notice how the malevolent power shadowing her started to give him difficulty with breathing.

Taking a deep breath to fight off the oppressive feeling, Grave resolved to act as if nothing happened, hoping to stop Roy from doing something rash. It'd be better to explain things later, without anyone jumping to conclusions and without Tina getting involved in it. The farm girl had other things to worry about, she didn't need to learn too much about his affairs. "What, going to look for a hickey?" Cynder deadpanned in response, hoping to defuse the tension a bit. "Neither of us did anything stupid if that's what you're worried about, not without acting on our own free will at least. I'm fine." He turned his head to Valencia. "And honestly, can you blame someone for something she has no control over?" He asked as if speaking about Envy's troubles on the road. However, he sent a glance to Roy atthe same time, hoping to convey that he meant those words for her. It wasn't his sister's fault she was like this, and he kinda accepted the curse himself, anyway.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"What are you trying to say? She's just a freak demon." Valencia replied, but not even her insult seemed to get through to Envy, who seemed to have developed such tolerance so such things that it didn't phase her at all.

"Valencia, stave off your prejudice for one moment." Roy said with a sigh, though she knew who she wanted to protect from such comments, and it wasn't Envy herself. After a moment, Roy regarded Grave with a cool glance. "Grave... Just be careful," was all Roy had to say on the matter, though it was clear her voice was tinged with concern.

"Ah! Club has some cheese left!" Club announced, before her tongue dug around in her own mouth, and then she extended her tongue outwards, a stray bit of cheese on her tongue that managed to survive her lethal maw, which Grave would now see was full of razor sharp teeth. Each of Club's teeth was like a spike and aligned with the other set of teeth to allow for clean separation of whatever was caught between the deadly things, likely enough to easily sever a finger if she so attempted.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"I'll take care." Grave reassured Roy before Club suddenly got his attention, his hopes rising. Said hopes died the instant he saw where she got the cheese from. He had no idea how he failed to notice all these fangs before - she looked like a goddamn shark. "Oh, that's... Nice." Cynder replied. Was it because he now had that curse? Would he lose a finger if he tried to take the cheese from her? As much as he loved cheese, he was not going to risk dismemberment for the sake of a treat, especially one that's already been chewed on by someone. "I think you can keep it, it's yours already." The half-blood sighed turning back to his plate. This, along with a couple of other things, definitely went to the pile of things that terrified him about Club.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Kay." Club replied simply, rolling the cheese back into her mouth and making an audible swallowing noise of her ingesting the cheese. Then, Grave found himself being hugged by the little goblin. "This is also Club's to swallow~" she announced, before Cynder found his crotch being groped in front of everyone, including Envy, who he felt a sudden sinister aura from. It was so strong in fact that her hair slowly lifted, a dark miasma formed around her, and the strands of her hair slowly took shape into hate sharpened blades. So easily like that, Envy could lunge forth and cut everything in front of her to pieces. No one took any drastic measures to stop her, but they all did look to Grave with full expectancy for him to control his sister's jealousy.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

'Shit.' Grave's reaction to seeing Envy go into what he assumed to be some kind of berserk mode was rather plain and obvious, but it neatly summed up the situation. He did not need a Cardinal Sin on a rampage. He'd also prefer if Club was less public with her attempts at "seduction". He'd have to act fast in order to prevent any bloodshed between the two. "Hold on a sec!" Cynder moved to pry Club off him - tickling would likely get her to relax her grip. He felt his skin crawl a bit as he began to realize he had no idea how to handle the situation. Pushing the small girl away would hurt her. Letting her continue would piss Envy off to no end. "I'm not just your toy!" He protested, trying desperately to figure out how to defuse the situation, glancing at his sister to check up on how close she was to exploding. On one hand, maybe he could point that out to Club and hope she backs off. On the other hand, she'd probably just pick a fight.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Club giggled and didn't pry away at first, clinging to Grave harder, and causing Envy's hair blades to begin making scratching sounds as they graced over areas of the house. Even as Cynder did his best to pry her off, he need not point the enraged Envy to Club, as the little goblin would look over to the blonde demon, and give her a wicked grin of challenge, coupled with a little chuckle, as if daring Envy to do something about how she felt about Grave. "Club loves Gwave a lot more than you, so you stay away when Club wants some time with him." Club said to Envy. "Besides, isn't you his sist-"

Club was cut off as Envy's blades lashed out in every direction. Thankfully no one was hurt, but now the room was like a web of Envy's hair, making it impossible to simply walk anywhere you pleased. In her rage, the miasma around Envy was burning like a black flame. The sin she was bound by was making her suffer, and she desperately sought the cure as the last bit of hair she had available turned into a hand and lunged out, grabbing Cynder's arm and pulling. "He is mine." Envy announced with a low growl.

"He was Club's first!" the goblin replied, before slamming her club against the strands of hair that gripped Grave's arm, thus breaking her grip. But rather than give up, Envy gripped Cynder's arm again and instead pulled herself towards him, all of the blades from her hair withdrawing from the house, causing minimal worse for wear on the already weak structured house as she suddenly became as attached to Grave as Club was. With the two small girls on either side of him, they both stared at each other with restrained desire for conflict. Meanwhile, Roy simply sighed with relief upon seeing Envy restrain herself.

"Ever popular with the little girls, you are." Roy said to Cynder with slight amusement.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

'SHIT.' This perfectly described Grave's thoughts as he realized that yes, Club was taunting Envy instead of taking the hint. 'SHIT!' His eyes widened as his sister launched her attack... Against the walls and furniture, mostly. That didn't make her any less scary, especially with that dark aura around her. As she grabbed his arm, the half-blood began to fear he'd end up being used in a tug of war between a demon and a pint-sized powerhouse. However, Club opted to just break the grip... Which resulted in Envy attaching herself to Cynder in the same way the goblin did, much to his chagrin. With the two girls hugging him like that, he found himself in a position that severely limited his movement. And apparently amused people. "Really? Thanks for letting me know, I must have missed that somehow." He snarked back at Roy, unamused. His two admirers were ready to tear each other's throats out and the way things were developing, he'd likely end up as the battlefield. He had no idea what kind of injuries he could sustain as a result, but he had little doubt they'd be legendary. With a sigh, he tried to at least finish his meal before things inevitably went south.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave would finish his meal with Envy leering at Club and Club sticking her tongue out at Envy. The two said nothing to each other, but it quickly became clear that the two intended to never become friends. In fact, it seemed that in their silence, both were plotting on how to one-up the other, or perhaps even make the other disappear. Once the food was finished, Roy rose and made a bow to Tina. "Thank you for the food," she announced.

Tina waved a hand at Roy nervously, a slight blush on her face. "I-It's no problem at all, I'm rather thankful you weren't hostile, so this is my thanks for yall being the better type of people, I reckon..."

With that, Roy looked to Cynder with a sigh and an expression of pity. "Looks like Grave will be going to bed with two tonight. You should find a place to sleep in the back of the barn, and should sleep somewhere near the front... So that we don't bother one another," Roy explained, taking into consideration that the two girls at his side would no doubt raise a ruckus with each other and keep the others awake unless Roy took these precautions. Of course, he got no love from Roy, as she was happy to leave him to contend with the two terrible forces at either side.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave sighed as he sent Roy a look that distinctly lacked amusement. "You know, if you have a grudge, you can just tell me." He was not looking forward to this. He still remembered the night he tried to challenge Club. Despite the echidna blood, he was physically just a human. His lovers, on the other hand, had inhuman strength and stamina at their disposal, among other things. Unless he took some steps to tame them a little, he would be crushed. Cynder glanced at Tina, mouthing an apology for the mess as well as thanks for the meal, then turned his attention back to the two girls still firmly attached to him. "You know... I think it's time to retire for the night, so maybe if you two gave me some freedom of movement here, we could go to the barn." He just hoped they wouldn't start pulling murder attempts anytime soon. The way they kept silent, he wasn't so sure about it.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Roy merely waved her hand in dismissal of Grave's idea that she had a grudge. "Both the flaws of a nice person and a mean one, you do not beckon fortune with your behavior." was all Roy had to say.

"... We?" Envy replied to Cynder, the miasma around her growing thick and threatening to swallow him. The idea of Grave wanting to retreat away to bed with both girls clinging to him was enough to cause her hair blades to lift and press against his vital points, neck, ribs and head. "Men like you... Should just..." she trembled with anger, ready to bring the scythe of death upon him.

Then, Club suddenly pulled, and managed to drag both brother and sister along as she headed towards the barn with a simple word of acknowledgement to Cynder's request. "Kay!" she gestured simply. Envy's hair blades broke into simple strands of hair that fell to join the rest of hair on her body as her concentration was broken by the sudden movement of the goblin. Envy was gritting her teeth so hard in anger that Grave could hear it, as if she were trying to destroy metal with her jaw. Even if he complained, Club would continue to drag the two into the barn. Tina was meekly following behind with a large plain blanket of cotton sown inside of weresheep threads. Club took the blanket and threw it into one of the open square spaces for someone to sleep while Cynder would pass by the other stalls, over half of them filled with other assorted mamono. Many timid chicken type mamono were startled and became restless at the sudden appearance of a goblin, demon, and human. Sleepy sheep idly looked at the group as they passed by, some even letting out a cute and sleepy sounding bleat in reaction.

After the blanket seemed to be placed and ready to act as their bed over the hay, Club then threw Grave, who still had Envy attached to him. Envy let out a cry as she was sent flying with Cynder, before he would land on his back, with Envy falling on her front on top of him with Club soon rising up from behind Envy's shoulder with a toothy grin on display. Club giggled, before Envy let out a soundless gesture of surprise, her fingers squeezing their grip on his arms. "Finger...!" Envy cursed, before trying to throw her elbow back and hit Club. The goblin simply caught her arm and pulled her back, making Envy sit up on display while allowing Grave to see the source of Envy's surprise. Three fingers were touching his sister's nethers. Two were holding her petals open and her panties to the side, while Club's middle finger was dipping into her folds. A mixture of pleasure and anger was on Envy's expression as Club teased her, meanwhile the goblin herself was grinning at Cynder, as if trying to make him aroused as well with the display.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave sighed. He was being sarcastic, but it seemed that Roy was above letting that get to him, not that this was something anyone would take seriously. Her response was somewhat puzzling, though. Flaws of a nice and mean person? The Hell did that mean? Cynder couldn't figure it out. He was about to ask for clarification when he suddenly sensed a spike in his sister's power, her aura growing palpable once more as she put him at bladepoint. The half-blood quickly realized his mistake - he did not choose his words carefully enough, and it seemed that his sister would likely skewer him for it in blind rage. "Wait! I didn't mean like that!" He yelped, hoping that he could get through to her before she decided to turn him into ground meat.

Fortunately for him, Club seemed to have a completely opposite opinion on the idea of a threesome. Grave yelped again as he was dragged alongside his sister towards the barn, a bemused expression on his face. "We can walk on our own, Club!" He protested, but not too much. He had a feeling it'd be pointless, considering how simple-minded and tenacious she was. He kinda felt bad for Tina, who was more or less forced to watch their dysfunctional antics unfold on her farm. It wasn't exactly a fate he would wish on a nice girl like her. Cynder was a little suprised to see other mamono in the barn, though. For some reason, they seemed to fill in the role of farm animals - a rather curious idea, he thought.

His musings were interrupted as he found himself flung at the floor, landing on his back as Envy landed on top of him. "Why is it always my goddamn back..." Grave cursed, noting his unfortunate trend to get thrown and land on that particular part of his body. He was beginning to suspect that Fate, if it existed at all, had it in for him. He was quickly distracted, however, by the spectacle in front of him - first confused as to what exactly Club and Envy were doing. Then Cynder got red as he saw what exactly was going on. For a moment, he just stared, opening his mouth and fumbling a bit as he tried to find proper words to describe what he wanted to convey. Finally, he just sighed and facepalmed, pausing when he managed to find what he wanted.

"For fuck's sake, Club..." Grave began wearily, trying not to look or show arousal. It was a little difficult, considering he wanted to maintain eye contact during the conversation. She would not get him that easily, damn it! "Look. I get it that you like it rough and all, but not every person is like that. Just stop abusing my sis before you really piss her off!" He did not need them antagonizing each other any more. "You're both precious to me and I don't mind doing this, but sometimes you're pushing it. And I'd like it if the two of you didn't end up tearing each other apart." That being said, there was no denying that the expression on Envy's face wasn't pure rage. It seemed that she enjoyed the treatment a little, something that Cynder found... Enticing. "Just... Let her go, and let's take this nice and easy, ok? We can work things out at our own pace, no need to rush."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave would get what he asked for. Club and Envy heard him out and decided equally that it was best that they each went at their own pace. But as far as what that meant, he likely didn't know, as their pace was rather fast and ferocious.

To begin, Envy expressed both emotions she was feeling, lust and rage. She would get free of Club as her hair would go into a sudden flurry. The tendrils would wrap around each limb of Club and held her with seemingly just as much strength as Cynder saw her hold Club before in that nightmare she forced him to endure. This was no nightmare however, and Club looked able to break free, before suddenly, Envy's hair tendrils took on a phallic shape as Club's arms were held over her head, and her legs spread out, allowing two blond tentacles to dive into Club's ass and pussy, while a third slammed itself into her mouth.

Envy didn't seem to give too much of a damn about what Grave was doing at that point, only seeking revenge on the pervy goblin by raping her with her hair.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

As much as Grave didn't want to get caught in the crossfire, he felt that those two were taking their antics a step too far. There was no point in counting on them to restrain themselves. If he wanted some moderation, he'd have to enforce it himself. With a sigh on his lips and grim determination in his heart, he stood up and approached his sister. Cynder took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he was about to do. Then, he grasped his sister in a tight embrace and gave her a long, long kiss, caressing her along the way. Whether that'd help her cool down, he had no idea. But perhaps between the shock and oxygen deprivation, she'd stop her assault. Of course, he'd likely have to repeat the process on Club in case she tried to go for revenge on Envy. But seeing as things were going this far, anything was fine as far as he was concerned when dealing with those two. Much as he loved them, he also felt they might drive him to an early grave.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Rather than cool down, the moment Grave embraced her, and forced a rather sudden and prolonged kiss on Envy, the blond devil seemed to overheat. Her face went completely red, and Cynder could feel her wetness against his pants, her lewd nature soaking into them and granting him a wet sensation against his crotch. Due to Envy being a body of magical nature, Grave would feel some of her emotions flow into him through the contact of their lips. A rush of arousal would add to what he saw before, making him quite lustful. So much in fact that the kiss was prolonged longer than perhaps he intended, as Envy was already melting in his hands. His own soul seemed to be flowing into her, in some form of supernatural exchange of presence. Just as she had an effect upon him, it seemed his soul suddenly inside her own had an effect as well. Envy's hair was unraveling around Club, and returning to hand around her head. The strands stuck to her flesh as she was sweating. Envy's hands were flat against his chest, though it wasn't clear if she was trying to push him away as there was hardly any force.

Perhaps it was a good thing that Club wasn't looking for direct vengeance, as she made her presence known from behind Cynder as her hands went around his waist, and began undressing his lower half enough to unleash his member, which was slightly damp with Envy's juices. It came out, and flopped up as Club pulled his pants down, tapping Envy's pussy, causing her to flinch in response. "S-stop..." Envy complained, a mixture of quickly failing anger and growing lust on her face. "Stop... Kissing me... So I can kill you..." Envy demanded weakly through the oral contact they shared. Her body didn't seem like it wanted him to stop at all. Just from his cock being between her legs for a moment, it was already dripping wet with her fluids. Even Club when she was at her height of arousal wasn't as wet as Envy was at that moment. To demonstrate further, though she was trying to be sneaky about it, Envy's hand had stealthily reached down and began teasing her clit, trying to relieve some of that sexual stress that was building up to perhaps make good on her promise to do awful things to Grave. But based on her reddening face, it was only making her want more.

Trying to egg him along, Club got down between his legs and reached up. One hand took to fondling his ballsack, while the other began petting the underside of his dick and smoothing the top along Envy's folds, making a slick, wet noise that resonated through Cynder's ears. Envy was silent now, though her mouth was curving at an odd angle, as if she wanted to say something or express herself, but was struggling to do so. She seemed to lose the ability to threaten him in favor of the arousal dominating her. After a moment though, she spoke. "You bastard..." She cursed him, before her hips began to move. In perhaps a pathetic way, she was moving her hips so as to slide her pussy along the upper half of his cock. Her vaginal lips wrapped around as much as they could, giving him a pleasurable sensation as she grinded herself along his cock, unable to help but do so. Her legs steadied and her arms hesitantly took his sides. "Do you enjoy... Seing me like this?" she asked, making a mixture of an angry and aroused expression.

"Demons get dizzy when they eat up another mamono's energies!" Club announced, before resting her cheek against his ribs, smiling up at his face. "She's all your's, Gwave~" Club winked. Though, something was off about her. A problem with Club that Envy would bring to light though an announcement.

"I drained her energy... So she's weak too!" Envy announced, revealing that Cynder was keeping company with two mamono who weakened each other down, perhaps enough for a certain human to take advantage of.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave took a deep breath. Between the unnatural feeling born form contact with Envy and Club's stimulation, he felt that he was ready to fuck the two of them. Rather, he wanted to fuck the two of them now. His body felt really hot, and the two in front of him were a very inviting sight - his sister in particular. Even thought she tried to look angry, it was really obvious that she wanted him - perhaps she just had no idea how to act otherwise. He smiled. "Sorry about that, sis... As an apology, I'll make you feel good." He briefly adjusted himself, pulling his dick away from her slit, before pressing the tip against her folds. "And... Here we go!" With one quick move, Cynder pushed his penis in, relishing how tight her pussy felt. After giving Envy a moment to adjust, he started to move, pushing in as far as he could, then nearly pulling out before repeating the process. He wasn't in a rush about this - rather, he wanted to stay slow and methodical for now.

"And we can't forget Club now, can we?" Grave turned his attention towards the second 'victim'. Pushing her down on the ground, he decided to put his hands to good use and see what kind of reactions he could get out her. His left hand went straight for the girl's pussy, middle and ring finger dipping in to play with her insides while index finger and thumb worked on teasing her clit. He probed around, trying to find another weak spot like he managed to last time. Meanwhile, Cynder's right hand worked on removing the clothes off the girls, as much as it was possible in his current position. After all, this was going to be a long night - it'd be better if their garments didn't get ruined, no?
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Envy's expression tensed when she seemed to realize that Grave was getting into the mood. "No! Idiot, sto-!" Envy demanded, before he slid inside of her. Envy's eyes widened open, before her arms clung to him tight. She let out a loud, lewd moan while Cynder would feel her pussy tighten and squeeze his length, drawing him in deeper even when he was hilted. Her body simply wanted more than even what he could bring. Her fluids were leaking down along his length, and tickling his balls from the sensation of sweat and vaginal juices leaking down them. Envy let out a cry of complaint as he began his slow thrusts. "Mnnnnng...!" she whined, as he would feel his sister cling to him tight, her face against his shoulder. "Faster..." She'd mumble at first. "Go... Go faster, you bastard!" she demanded, her body weak to make good on what she desired. "I can't move... I... I can't take it..." Envy cried once more, before her hips managed to get enough strength to move in tune with his motions, her hips meeting his hilt as he slowly moved in and out. "Are you going to make me beg!? I-I want it! You bastard! I..." Envy bit her lower lip, clearly wanting to curse at him more, before some other part of her became in control. "Please... This teasing is killing me...! The hunger..." Envy moaned, before going quiet for a moment, moving her face to nuzzle against his neck. "I hate you..." she murmured, before Grave would feel Envy's tongue lick his neck. "I hate how good you taste..." Envy said with a deep blush, smitten apparently with the taste of her brother's soul.

Meanwhile, Club was taken by surprise when she was pushed onto her back. "H-hey! Gwave! Cut it..." The goblin trailed off when Cynder suddenly was taking off her baggy pants to reveal her bare underhalf of her body, and then her shabby vest, showing off her flat chest, a common trait among goblin women it seemed. Rather than fight or complain, Club simply smiled at Grave, and grabbed her own legs from behind her knees, spreading her legs apart in an inviting display. When his hand came forth, two fingers entering her pussy, Cynder could feel her tight folds trying to trap his fingers. Her supernatural strength even in her pussy as his fingers were given quite a squeeze. When his index and thumb began playing with her clit, Club let out a coo of pleasure. "Ahh~! I didn't know you liked my pussy so much, Gwave~" Club said with a wink to the man in question. "You want to lick it too?" she giggled, seeming to enjoy what he was doing.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave considered Club's effort for a moment before smiling back at her. "Naah... I think I'll have some more fun with it like this." With a smirk, he began to work on teasing her as much as he could. Now that he had her more or less at his mercy - or so he thought - he figured he might get back at her for what happened last time and have a bit of fun at her expense. His fingers worked her pussy and clit as he did his best to keep her stimulated as much as possible - but stopping before she got to the peak. No, she'd finish her off once he was done with his sister, who was about to recieve some extra attention as well.

Cynder embraced Envy with his free hand, adjusting his position a little bit. "Come on... You say that, but you seem to like it." He smirked as he pulled back out for a moment. "You could be a bit more honest with yourself, you know." He suddenly plunged inside of her, going as deep as before. This time, however, he was picking up the pace quite rapidly. If she wanted to be screwed fast and hard, who was he to deny her? He was enjoying himself a lot as well, partially because of the unnatural lust affecting him, but also because both of his partners were pretty damn good fucks and hey, he might as well get into this sex thing considering he'd likely end up doing it often.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Club let out a small whine as Grave showed no interest in going further than that, before he'd suddenly find the goblin climbing onto his face, though she and Cynder would have a bit of a struggle if he tried to keep her down. Regardless, she seemed far too eager to have him lick her. "C'mooon! Just the finger isn't enough! Licky!" Club demanded.

Meanwhile, Envy began shaking her head, her body writhing with supposed refusal, but all she truly did was move her hips around in a grinding motion. "Shut up!" Envy snapped. "I don't...!" Then, his quicker motions set her off, a loud moan sang out from her, though she wasn't paralyzed by the pleasure by any means. Instead, her hips were moving down onto his own just as fast. "I don't like this at all! B-but don't stop moving!" she demanded, matching his thrusts and quickly pushing him towards a climax.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"What the-! Hey! Club!" Grave stopped stimulating the goblin for a moment to focus on prying her off his face. That being said, if she wanted to play like that, he'd answer her with everything he got - and he did knew a couple of her spots that were rather ticklish. Tickling her last time gave him a momentary advantage, and this time he really needed that. If he didn't manage to deal with her quickly, he'd go down due to Envy's efforts, so he had to act fast. He wanted to loosen her grip, shake the girl off, then use her clothes to form some makeshift bonds and tie her arms and legs up. Then, he could continue with his revenge without any interruptions.

Before he got to doing anything to Club, however, Cynder would finish Envy first. It was almost endearing, how she denied liking it and asked for more with the same breath. Just as she matched her movements to his, he began to pound her harder and harder with wild abandon. He tried to last as long as he could, focusing his mind on anything but sex. However, the finish was inevitable, and eventually he came, ramming all the way in as he released his sperm inside of her.