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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Roy smiled. "See? A little rational thought will take you a long way." he lectured Valencia, who rolled her eyes.

"I don't wanna hear that while you have the smell of his cock on your breath." she replied.

Roy put her hand to her head, before giving up. "Eat up, Grave... And then pack your things. Let's hurry up and continue searching for somewhere suitable to stay for a while, and figure out what we're going to do."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave sighed. It didn't look like Valencia was open to reasoning this time. Hopefully she wouldn't turn into a second Envy - that would end up being way too much for anyone to handle. "Right, right." Cynder replied to Roy, opting to eat in silence. As he finished his meal, he briefly wondered just what they could do next. Finding a place to stay was a good goal for the time being, but what later? The half-blood felt that there were many things he knew little about, too many. Altough... If he was ignorant, the proper course of action would be to rectify that, no? Still, that could wait. The group's current situation was a more immediate problem. Once he was done with his meal, Grave stood up and went to gather all his stuff, preparing for the road ahead.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Envy carried nothing, and once everyone else was done packing their things, they set off, with Envy walking in the back. The further they went along the plains, the more aggressive the mamono of wild nature seemed to become. It started with a single harpy, making a dive and trying to capture Grave. A quick warning shot from Roy sent her flying off, knowing that it wasn't worth it. They attracted various slimes, several blue, two that were red, and one odd, green one that Roy suggested they stay very far away from. Centaur ran past as well, but actually ignored the group as they stampeded past. Perhaps of interest to Cynder, a pack of five goblins were seen suddenly rushing for their group, the one in front chanting, "Get-em-Get-em-Get-em!" and leading the others. Club rushed out to meet them, and promptly beat them all down to size with her fists alone, and came back to the group as if nothing happened.

The whole day went like that, fighting, fighting, fighting... It seemed as if everyone had formed a perfect circle around Grave and were fending off other mamono from taking him, except for Envy, who didn't really do anything. By dusk, they saw a farmland coming into view, when Roy stopped the group to address their latest find. "They might have food. Should we go there and see if they will lend us some?" she asked everyone.

"Let's steal their food!" Club announced, raising her arm with a wicked expression. Neither Envy nor Valencia contributed to what they should do, standing silently in the back.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

To say that this was one of the weirdest days in Grave's life wouldn't be an understatement. At the beginning, it wasn't much - just a stray mamono or whatnot would decide she fancied him, only to be promptly discouraged by Roy or someone else before she could get familiar with him. It was a little... Annoying. Sure, being protected was nice, something he should probably thank the group for, but the half-blood also wanted to defend himself instead of having to rely on others. However, Cynder did have to admit that a few cases could have ended badly if he was left on his own. The goblin pack, for example, actually made him wince slightly as he noticed them - and not because Club wrecked them without any help. It was more the thought of potentially dealing with more than one of her kind - one pint-sized menace was enough. Still, this made him wonder - was Club some kind of powerhouse even by her kind's standards? Curious.

Fortunately, despite the best efforts of all kinds of wild monsters, nothing really bad happened all the way. It was more frustrating than anything else - for Grave because he almost felt like a helpless target, and likely for the rest of the group, who decided to play the role of his bodyguards. Fortunately, they've been granted something of a reprieve as dusk neared, with many mamono likely going to seek shelter before night. As for Cynder and company, they've stumbled across a possiblity of stocking up. "It could be worth a shot..." The half-blood mused, trying his best not to facepalm at Club's suggestion. "But no stealing." He added, frowning sternly at Club. "Who's going, though? I... Don't mind, I guess, but I'm not very good with bargaining."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"We shouldn't all go in at once. It will be intimidating." Roy announced. "Grave, I notice you've been wanting a chance to prove yourself. I know this isn't much, but are you alright with going ahead on your own? We'll keep watch in case anything goes wrong. We should try to make friends with them and seek their hospitality."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Yeah, on it." Grave nodded. "Be back soon, I guess." While there probably wasn't much that could happen to him on the way, he approached the farm warily. He had a history of bad relations with locals, and picked up a habit of staying on guard and ready whenever he came across anything that resembled a settlement. Well, he was armed at least, and had magic. Cynder felt a bit more confident, knowing he could probably deal with whatever happened. Then again, assuming worst was probably the wrong attitude here, seeing as he came here to talk. Though that habit was still a little hard to break.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

There was a house, a large field with crops, and a barn that was closest to him. It seemed like a traditional farmland, and even the farmhand he'd hear calling out to him sounded like your typical uneducated farm girl. "W-what do ya want? We ain't got nothin' fer you human folk here, so keep yer fire away!" the country voice announced.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Oi, oi." Grave raised both hands slowly. The girl seemed less than pleased to see him. Scared, even? He'd have to reassure her that he wasn't going to hurt her. Hopefully he wouldn't earn himself a hit in the back in the process. "I'm not going to hurt you, it's not what I'm here for. No fire, no fighting, nothing of the sort, alright?" One thing stood out to him, though. Was she reacting like that because she thought he was a human? "And I'm half-human, you know."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"A-A man is a human man, no matter the mother!" the woman replied. "J-just leave me alone! I ain't lookin' for trouble, b-but I'll shoot if you try somethin'!" she promised.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

'Okay, what's her problem?' Grave was a little perplexed by the reply. Was his gender the main issue? "I'm not going to try anything." The half-blood couldn't help but sigh. He just didn't get this. "Look, my friends and me were just passing by this place on our travel and wondered if we could ask for a little help. We don't have much food and it's been a while since we've slept in something better than a tent. I got sent to see if you could spare us at least some of the former. We didn't want to cause a panic by showing up all at once." Cynder spoke calmly, hoping against all odds that explaining things would work. Meanwhile, he took his time to take a good look at the girl he was talking to. Maybe her appearance could give him some clues as to what was with her? 'Just my freaking luck... Why do I always end up running into crazies?'
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

From the barn, on the second floor with a large glassless window, a single hoof stepped out that looked like it belonged on a cow, before the rest of the figure came out. From the thighs down, she was a cow. She had a white tail with black patches on the fur, same as her legs, and she had a pair of horns on her head. Her breasts were the definition of huge, each the size of her head. She wore basic country clothes, and had human enough hands, which carried a crossbow that she held with a shaky grip, clearly not used to firing it. "Y-Yall got goblins and demons! No trouble! I said I don't want no trouble! I don't trust goblins or demons as far as I can throw em!"
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave's first instinct was to sigh and facepalm - however, the sight of a crossbow quickly stifled that urge. He rarely saw those things, but he knew that this could easily end very badly. Sure, the girl was probably a lousy shot - Hell, maybe she wouldn't even have it in her to pull the trigger. That being said, pushing her was probably not the best idea. The last thing he needed was getting shot by some random farm worker. Still, crossbows were not something you'd see on every farm. She probably had a reason to get one for herself - not that suprising, considering what he saw earlier. There could be another reason, though. "Alright, alright, I get it. No trouble. Sheesh." Cynder stepped back, raising hands in a placating gesture. God damn it, this just kept getting harder and harder. "Look, if I wanted to cause trouble, do you think I'd try to be polite here? And I'd like to point out that I was trying to be polite before I saw that thing you're holding. I was just hoping you could spare us some supplies and we'd be on our way, if we're that much of a problem for you. I'm guessing you have enough troubles as it is?"
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"'Course I got troubles! And I'm the only farmhand when there's humans with fire and goblins about, not to mention harpies pecking at my crops! If you want food, you have to pull your own weight!" she replied. "Ya hear!? G-go on and tend to those crops, tools are in the shed!"
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"O... Kay, that sounds reasonable." Probably not the best example of diplomacy at work, but it was progress none the less. "Can my companions join in as well? I mean, we could get more work done if there's more people involved." Cynder had a feeling he'd have to endure quite a bit of complaining from Club and Valencia about this. Roy seemed like a person who'd be more willing to go with such an arrangement, and Envy... The half-blood just couldn't imagine his sister agreeing. Then again, she needed energy from him more than food, so it kinda evened out.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

The cow girl was silent for a moment, the crossbow rattling in her hands, before she gestured. "F-fine! Don't cause no trouble!" she demanded. Then, when news would reach everyone else, Club didn't look happy, but didn't complain, same with Valencia. Envy showed no reaction at all, and Roy simply nodded. "Working for food sounds reasonable." she announced.

If Grave had nothing else to say or do, then the work would commence. Rather sloppy work. Apparently no one had any idea how to work a farm, and eventually, the nervous cow girl had to come down, despite being fearful, and began to give instructions. After a while, everyone was working in earnest together with the cowgirl, who seemed to get over her nervousness quickly. By the end of the day, the night sky above them, everyone was invited by the cow girl into the house.

"There's lots of corn, bread, cheese, and milk for everyone!" she announced. "Come on in, y'all! I appreciate the help."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave was expecting more problems with breaking the news to people. However, while they were obviously less than happy, both Valencia and Club seemed to accept the agreement without fuss. Roy was, as he predicted, agreeable. Envy... He just couldn't tell what she was thinking. Still, with the entire group helping out, work progressed smoothly... Or at least it would, if any of them had any idea what they were supposed to do. Much to Cynder's chagrin, what he knew about running a household helped little, and others lacked experience as well. Thankfully, the cowgirl managed to get over her fear and came to instruct them, even beginning to warm up to the group as they've finally made some progress. When night came, she seemed to have no reservations about inviting them for a meal, an invitating the half-blood was eager to accept. Stretching after a day of bending down to perform various typical farm tasks, he made his way to the house along with the rest of his companions.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Going inside, he'd find waiting for him and his companions, exactly what was told was waiting for him. Cheese, milk, bread and corn. "Come on in, yall! Enough for everybody!" the cowgirl offered as Grave walked into a shabby wooden room with a plain wooden table with scratches all over it. This house seemed to be in use for generations and hadn't seen a single upgrade for possibly dozens of years. The windows that gave sight to the dusk sky all had at least one crack in them, and there was a slight draft no matter where one stood in the house.

Roy and Envy both declared that they weren't hungry, though this was of course a lie as both gave a glance to Cynder. They were hungry after that labor, and their meal would not be cheese, milk, bread, nor corn. Or so it would seem. After a moment of thought, Envy sat down at the table, leaving the cowgirl confused, even more so as Roy seemed to follow suit and sat down as well. Their meal would after all be cheese, milk, bread, and corn.

Scratching her head, she sat down as well before trying to put on a nervous smile. "B-by the way, my name's Marybell. Nice to... Uh... Meet Yall!" she announced, before everyone gave their own simple greetings, and their names. All except Envy, who didn't say a word as her hair extended, her blond strands turning into a blade, cutting herself a slice of bread and cheese, before turning into hands and taking the two to her plate. Her hands remained on her lap as she used her hair to eat. The whole display left Marybell leaning back in her seat, fear and shock obvious on her expression.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave found the prepared food to be a more than welcome sight. He usually had a pretty big appetite, and farm jobs only worked it up more. What pleased him most, however, was the sight of cheese. He really liked cheese, to the point of adding it to every meal if he could get away with it. The house he was in, on the other hand, had definitely seen better days. Unfortunately, the girl probably wasn't able to fix it by herself, and there probably weren't many people in the area that could help her, if at all. Still, Cynder wasn't going to let that discourage him from eating, and he dined in worse conditions more than once - it was still better than snacking on jerky outdoors. And if he understood the glances he got from the demonic part of the group right, he'd probably need energy quite soon. Even if Envy or Roy were simply laying close to him, that draining effect could take out quite a bit out of him. And even though they changed their minds, he decided to be prudent anyway. Or maybe he was just really hungry.

Like the rest of the group, the half-blood didn't forget to introduce himself to their host, Marybell. "Likewise... Name's Grave." Deeming a short introduction sufficient, he glanced at Envy when she seemingly refused to speak. He knew this would hardly make a good impression on the poor farmhand - who was apparently still struggling to get used to everyone's presence - but it also got him wondering about the reasons behind such behaviour. It didn't take him long to realize that she probably didn't want to use her demon name - an idea he approved. At the same time, however, he also realized another thing: he had no idea what her real name was, and the silence suggested she either didn't know that as well or simply refused to reveal it... Worse, he didn't even think to ASK beforehand despite having more than a few opportunities, something that made Cynder feel a pang of guilt and shame.

Before he could contemplate his blunder any further, however, Grave noticed that Envy decided to take a rather... Unorthodox approach to eating. One that certainly didn't earn her any brownie points with Marybell. Letting the name thing slide, for the time being, was probably for the best. But perhaps it'd be easier for everyone involved if she didn't use her hair to handle food. Problem was, however, that Cynder had no idea what to say. He wasn't sure whether she'd even listen to him, but Hell. He could probably achieve something if he just acted naturally, no? "Most people would use cutlery for that..." He spoke as he procured himself some bread and cheese as well. "Really not sure if that was proper dinner etiquette." He added dryly.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"I don't know how to use my hands properly." Envy said sharply. "Feed me with your own hands if you don't like it." she snapped at him.

"I r-reckon that's a feisty girl ya got there... Partner." Marybell said nervously.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave sighed. It suddenly occured to him that Envy had a reason not to touch the food with her bare hands. Now he felt kinda stupid about not realizing that. "Eh. That's just how we do sibling rivalry. Besides, this is tame. We haven't even tried to stab each other yet." Cynder replied dismissively. Now for part two of his "cunning" plan to blow the situation off - something that would probably get him killed, but oh well. "And if you insist..." The half-blood cut off a small piece of cheese and picked it up with a faint smirk on his face. "Say 'aaah', sis."

Sure, it probably was a bit of a low blow, but to be honest, Envy was kinda pushing it with the insults.