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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Club's reply came out as scolding and threats, but none of either were understandable as she merely mumbled them amongst all her lustful moaning from the pleasure of Grave's cock sliding quickly in and out of her air tight pussy. As if like magic, when Cynder came, thrusting himself inside of her, he felt Club's pussy spasm around his length at the same time, both her juices and his cum suddenly coming out from her pink lips as the insides of her were already air tight, leaving the fluids nowhere else to go.

Once they were in the afterglow of sex, Club's head slowly turned before Grave would see the dark expression on her face, as if she were the reaper. "Gwave... I hope you had fun~!" she said with a sudden, dark smile. "Because Club isn't going to let Gwave go... For a long time~" she giggled with wicked intent.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Club's reply was lost on Grave. He was tooo focus on fucking her to notice anything, especially once he finally reached his peak. Letting himself cum and feeling the girl cum around him as well, he briefly lost his balance, and ended up falling on his ass. Thankfully, he managed to land on a fairly soft patch of ground, and avoided falling on his face, so he was willing to just remain seated for a while and rest as he enjoyed the afterglow.

Cynder's plan was interrupted, however. As he glanced at Club, he noticed she was giving him one of the most baleful looks he had ever seen on the little girl. Cold sweat ran down his back as he felt his spine stiffen. The cold smile, backed up by an ominous threat, didn't help him feel better. Perhaps pulling off his little revenge for the first time wasn't such a good idea? "I, ah... You know we shouldn't take too long, right? Gotta get up early and keep moving... Right?" He replied, trying to hide his nervousness. Whatever Club was planning to do... It probably wouldn't end well.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Club turned around until she was facing Grave directly, before both her hands found his head, and held his skull in a death grip before slowly bringing herself in until they were touching foreheads.

"No sleep..." Club announced. "Not for Gwave... Not tonight..."


When Cynder next awoke, he'd recall last night's events through the tale his possibly broken hips told through the intense pain that greeted him along with the morning sun. As well, his manhood felt so shriveled and used up, that he might question whether Club had drained the very last drop of semen that would ever come out of him. Amidst all the pain, he felt a small pinch from something thin poking him, the source revealing itself to be a stick jabbing his ribs, held by Envy, who was crouching next to him with her knees together and one arm wrapped around them.

"... Good morning, corpse." she greeted Grave with a grim name, possibly describing how he looked, before poking his ribs again.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

As he faced Club, who held his head with enough force to make him seriously worry about the possibility of being crushed, Grave couldn't help but ponder the consequences of his little stunt. He got the feeling that monster girls enjoyed being dominant, and perhaps challenging one like this was a very, very bad idea. As he prepared himself mentally for what awaited him, Cynder couldn't help but hope that Avarice would send her goons after him again. Couldn't be worse than being left at Club's tender mercies.

The next day...

To say that Grave really didn't want to wake up was a major understatement. He was deprived of precious rest and the very moment his consciousness returned he was assailed by immense pain, the likes of which he never wanted to suffer again. Too worn out to even open his eyes or move a single muscle, he could only spare enough brainpower to register each symptom and try to analyze them, building a mental catalogue of sustained injuries (he couldn't find a different word to describe this). 'Hips, non-functional. Probability of extensive internal damage, high. Organ, worn out. Incapable of normal activity for a long period of time. Stabbing pain in chest, possibly... Wait, what?'

Groaning, Cynder slowly opened his eyes, giving himself a small moment to adjust them to the sunlight before looking up at the source of his most recent uncomfortable sensations. 'Ah. That explains it.' He stared at Envy in silence for a while, seemingly oblivious to further poking, before it occured to him that perhaps he should react somehow. "Morning." He replied shortly, his throat feeling hoarse. 'Dehydration due to intense activity. Energy low, critical lack of nourishment. Please rectify.' Gods, he needed a drink. He also needed food, probably a day's rest, and some ice in a bag. The former was probably the only thing he'd get, though. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to stop, would you?" And yeah, getting his sister to quit poking him. It wasn't that funny even the first time.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Since you're not dead, I guess I'll let this be repayment for saving me." she announced. Grave's reply seemingly going ignored as she continued to poke him even as her hair stretched out, and gathered water from the nearby river before bringing it to his lips, and splashing it down upon his face, leaving him to either catch the water in his mouth or not. "Some water will help you. I won't use my magic to heal your pain though. I blacked out at that vampire's mansion, so I'll die if I exhaust my power. But, here. This will work too." Envy announced, before she dropped the stick, and pulled a pink, heart shaped fruit from her belt behind her, before dropping it onto Cynder's chest as if feeding a filthy dog.

"Eat that. It will revitalize you, even though it'll make you horny too. Well, I don't owe you anything now." Envy announced, before standing, and turning away from him, headed away. "You should also wash up. You stink of aftersex."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave opened his mouth as if to speak a mere second before Envy splashed him, drinking down some of the water and having the rest of it wash over his face. Somehow he managed not to choke, but it was obvious he wasn't exactly grateful for the way his sister gave him her help, though he was grateful for the liquid anyway. Feeling refreshed, he focused his attention on the innocently looking piece of fruit. Judging from the description, perhaps it'd be better if he put off consumption for now. Sex was the last thing on his mind, and he wasn't eager to get abused even more. Oh well. It wasn't a bad gift, he thought. Maybe it was the best she had for now. "Thanks, I guess." Cynder said as Envy turned to leave.

With that out of the way, Grave realized that further stalling was pointless. Carefully he tried to collect himself and get up, then wade over to the stream and wash himself. He set the weird fruit aside - he didn't want to risk aftereffects right now, and hoped that he'd be able to put himself together, clean up and get dressed under his own power. Should he fail... Guess the fruit would be his only option.

'Exactly why did I think that pulling that stunt was a good idea? Also, OW THAT FUCKING HURTS!' Cynder hissed as he moved. Any deeper meaning behind Envy's words was currently lost on him as he struggled in his private world of pain.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave felt plenty of pain, enough to make his body feel as if it would break off from the waist as he went to move. Granted, he could move, he wasn't without the ability, but the pain was immense and sore. Only someone used to intense amounts of pain could withstand it, and possibly move normally. Whether he was that kind of person or not, remained to be seen.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave was no stranger to pain. He used to get hurt a lot, both as a kid and after growing up. He was used to shrugging off minor pain, and sometimes even working under a big one. The latter usually only happened when it was necessary, though, and he was not prepared for this kind of prolonged suffering. One didn't get hurt like that on a daily basis, and usually he had an adrenaline rush to count on when he did. He could move, sure. Hell, he could probably function. But acting normally? That was a little too difficult for his tastes. Cynder glanced at the fruit left by Envy. Consuming the whole thing was probably foolish, but so was remaining in his current condition. He was well aware of the stress travels put on a body, and he needed to be able to move without searing pain if he wanted to achieve a respectable distance. With a sigh, he picked the fruit up, then bit off a piece. The half-blood had no intention of eating it whole, only a small piece to to get a boost. A part would probably affect him less than the whole thing, and suffering a little indignity was a fair price for having some of his strenght restored.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Taking off a bite of the fruit, he felt his pain dwindle a bit after a short moment. However, the small bite he took brought a little arousal as well, which caused him extreme agony in his loins, lessened only by the fact that he ate a little of the fruit.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave grit his teeth to avoid whimpering as the full effect of the fruit hit. Deciding that eating it completely was a very bad idea so soon after his abuse, he resigned himself to doing things the hard way. Once he managed to collect himself after the initial hit of suffering, he mustered all the strenght he could and got up, hissing. Thankfully, while his family jewels hurt like a bitch, the pain in his muscles subsided a little. Cursing silently and trying to work up as much anger as he could to distract himself, he walked over to the stream and began to clean himself, taking advantage of the cool water to soothe his aching body a bit. Once he felt comfortably clean, he'd get out and pick up his clothes, dressing himself before shambling over to the camp.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

As Grave tried to tough it out and suffer, he heard Envy's voice call out from the woods, watching him from the camp. "Eat the whole thing, you halfwit." Envy shouted out as Cynder struggled.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Well, sorry for not immediately chowing down something I've never seen in my life! Especially when it has potentially painful side-effects!" Grave snarked right back at his sister, but he had to admit that she probably knew what she was talking about. Grumbling, he did as he was told, eating the whole fruit this time before moving to carry on with the tasks he had planned for himself. He just hoped this wouldn't bite him in the ass.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"It wouldn't be painful if you just ate the whole thing and didn't nibble at it like a pansy!" Envy shouted back at him angrily. When he did eat the whole thing, he felt his mind slowly begin to swim with lust, before his building lust seemed to rush through him like a wave of goosebumps. As the sensation traveled through him, every part of his body it passed over seemed to cure him of any pain, leaving him quite horny, but no longer suffering. So horny he was, that his now cured body took on a life of it's own, and began rushing for Envy in lust, his thoughts no longer his own. Responding to this as if she had predicted it, Grave was wrapped in her hair and restrained.

"Uh..." Valencia arched an eyebrow at the lust driven Cynder.

"He'll calm down after a while. Let's just go." Envy said off handedly, leading the group towards his intended destination, back into the wilderness.

Roy adjusted her glasses with a sigh. "Club, could I kindly request that you not break Grave's body to the point that he must rely on such things?" she asked the goblin, who walked with a satisfied grin, drinking from a leather water sack.

"Gwave asked for it~!" she chimed, as if she was proud of the broken man she left behind. "Gwave needs to learn, when Club is chieftain, Club is always on top!" she laughed, as the thought of fucking Club as he did before she proceeded to rape him drove him crazy with the desire to do it again, the unnatural force of lust taking control over him.

After what seemed like forever to Cynder, he gradually ran out of energy, struggling in Envy's hair, before he was let down, and everyone decided to take a break for a while, and let him recover. "I'm not gonna carry you anymore, so just sit there until you feel better." Envy instructed him coldly, before leaning against a tree as her hair shrank back to it's original length, no longer long enough to hold him in the air.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave was lucky he actually managed to finish preparing himself before he completely consumed the fruit. Shortly after he did, he felt his thoughts slip away, giving in to the pure, unrestrained instinct to mate. So strong was this instinct that he couldn't help but take off and chase after the nearest female he could find. Thankfully the girl in question was Envy, who was more than capable of taking care of him. It also meant that he'd spent a good part of the day being carried in a really embarassing manner, and even though he was in a lucid state, he didn't exactly have the brainpower to process it, so focused he was on struggling to rape something. Only after this unnatural vigor left him did Cynder begin to calm down and start thinking normally. His first clear thought after being set down was "Never. Again.", and he just sat in silence, mulling over his embarassment and trying to come up with a way to get back at Club. He would show that little twerp who's the boss. He just needed to find a way to keep her from retaliating... Restraints, maybe?

Eventually, Grave began to feel genuinely better, and decided to break his silence. "Sorry about that." He replied, trying not to show how annoyed he felt about the situation. "And thanks for the help." The last sentence was aimed at Envy - he didn't like the method, but she did manage to get him up and running, literally even. He got up, shaking off the bit of dust that dirtied his pants. "I can walk now... We can move on, I guess."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Envy let out a 'hmph' as he thanked her, before she she looked ahead and found a rather high hill, and moving up it to survey the land. "South leads back the way we came. West leads to some open lands it looks like, and East leads to some deeper parts of the forest." she announced.

Roy shrugged. "Until Cynthia contacts us, we're lost. What are we to do, Grave?" the man turned woman inquired.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Hmm..." Grave paused to think carefully. It seemed that for whatever reason, he was becoming the leader of this ragtag bunch of misfits. He briefly wondered why Roy seemed so eager to have him decide. Perhaps he knew who he really was? Valencia probably knew that as well. The half-blood briefly pondered what kind of role Cynthia wanted to give them in all this before leaving the question for later. Now, he had more pressing concerns to deal with, namely choosing the path.

South was out of the question. Going back meant returning towards Luna's stomping grounds and he wanted to avoid a confrontation with the vampire - or any other demon, to be honest. This left either east or west - forest or plains. Both had their share of dangers and good points, the question was which route would be the better one. Open terrain would make them easier to spot, but even if they chose the forest tracking the group down wouldn't be that hard - not with the trail of corrupt vegetation Envy was leaving behind. Going through the forest would likely put them at risk of being attacked by wild animals or feral mamono, while open ground would leave them vulnerable to aggression from sentient, civilized beings, demon and anti-demon alike. There was also the problem of procuring supplies - open ground meant there could be a settlement nearby... But again, Envy dashed any hopes of communication. In the forests, foraging or hunting were the only options, but at least there'd be always something to look for.

After a moment or two of internal debate, Cynder realized with a sigh that he could keep this up for a long time if he tried, coming up with points and counters for each option. With that in mind, he reached the conclusion that the whole decision simply boiled down to what would be easier to handle. And he felt far more comfortable in the wilderness than among people. "I'd say we take our chances and stick to the forest. It'll probably make the journey harder, but I think we're less at a risk of being attacked by some kind of demon hunters or goons sent by Avarice that might spot us out in the open."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"East, and into the forest, you say..." Roy hummed.

"We're gonna have a lot of fun with the elves, to be sure..." Valencia whined, though she didn't seem to have any better ideas, as each direction they could go had it's own troubles.

"Hopefully we won't wonder too close to Elven territory, and end up in some kind of trap." Roy said, hopeful. "If Cynthia doesn't come to us soon... I'm afraid that an encounter with the elves will be unavoidable, and their sight won't be a pleasant one."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Elves?" Grave asked, curious. Inwardly, he couldn't help but sigh and wish people told him about any potential suprises before he made a decision. "Aside of them not liking humans and/or demons, as I suspect, is there any other particular reason why they're bad news?" Cynder also couldn't help but wonder whether Cynthia would show up at all. He did try to murder her, after all.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"They're smart, ruthless, and could land an arrow to a man's skull through even the most complicated forest obstructions. Their archers, their main defenders, were trained to land very difficult shots until they could land their shot anywhere, no matter what." Roy answered.

"Elves are usually pretty easy to take down individually. It's when they're in groups that they're an issue." Valencia added.

"And if you're wondering, what we're likely to encounter in the open plains are likely individual, powerful monsters. It's not strange to be attacked by a minotaur in such places. Powerful juggernauts they are, able to smash through anything." Roy informed Grave.

Club seemed ready to object that she wasn't a minotaur. However, she somehow realized how silly that objection was, and so remained quiet.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave sighed. "You know... Next time you have good news like that to share, care to tell me before I try to make a decision?" Truth was, after this little revelation he was starting to have doubts again. Not knowing all the dangers beforehand did that to him. "Hell, I'm suprised you're actually making me decide." The half-blood muttered. It's not like he knew what he was doing, or where he wanted to go. Much as he hated to admit it, he needed some kind of guide here. Aside of Cynthia - whom he didn't really expect to see anytime soon, if at all - there was only one person he could think of. And despite having constant access to said person, he found himself hesitant to ask.

Cynder glanced at his entire group. If they were spotted by elven archers, would they get any warning shots (assuming the tree huggers fired such)? He did a quick count. Two demons (including a Cardinal Sin and walking wasteland), an irritable woman, pint sized dumb muscle, and quite probably the worst leader ever to tell them what to do. Yep, they were screwed. "On second thought, I would rather not risk becoming a pincushion just because we've made a couple of steps in the wrong direction. I'd rather take my chances in open ground. I assume those minotaurs are easier to spot and avoid than an elf hiding in woods." For all the dangers that it presented, a minotaur at least seemed to be a SIMPLE concern. Not easy to overcome if the description was anything to go by, but definitely less complicated than a bunch of stealthy, xenophobic sharpshooters.