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Re: Suggestions

I'm actually thinking on that one as well. She can shape the stone herself, blast a hole in it, or just shadow through it, but which one is a bit of a coin toss. That, and she'd be torn between playing with Shadowcat for a while before going after you or making sure that Alisa and Gab don't get away.
...she's got Shape Stone (and therefore Elemental Focus: Nature) too? Dang.

Out of those choices, I think I'd go with "blast a hole in it". Accompanied by evil cackling as she steps over the rubble. "You can't run, you can't hide... stone walls are no barrier to me, your powers are utterly insignificant in the face of my own..." :eek:
Re: Suggestions

Natalie is what basically amounts to my final boss, as it's unlikely that I'll be sadistic enough to pit any of you against the daemon that's behind the invasion. So, she can basically do just about anything that any of the PCs can do. She still has her weaknesses though, which I'm not telling you but you might discover on your own, and she only has 250 HP total.
Re: Suggestions

So if we get a spirit mage up to a high enough spirit level to hit her, we can have the mage sacrifice her whole energy pool to kill her?
Re: Suggestions

Potentially, yes. Though, having to drag the martyrs unconscious body back across hell to the gate might be a bit annoying. Unless you were thinking suicide bomber.

There are other ways though, you'll just have to pick up on them for yourself.
Re: Suggestions

Heh my character may end up serving her instead. It all depends on my mood, and where I feel like taking the story. :p
Re: Suggestions

Proposing a new element just to dry my clothes? Of course not! >.>

1.) Humidity, conjuration. You conjure a small amount of water. You may choose to concentrate it in a cup, vessel, depression, or similar, in which case you get a bit of water. Alternatively, you can raise the local humidity level, giving a +2 cast to water spells to nearby mages.
2.) Drought, transmutation. You pull some water directly from target creature's cells, dealing d4 + M/4 damage. Can also be used on inanimate objects (for example to dehydrate food, or dry clothes).
2.) Water Walk, transmutation. You can walk on water. Costs an additional 1 MP/round, 2 mp/round if you carry more then 50 pounds of gear.
3.) Overhydration, conjuration. You swell the cells of creatures in a 10 foot radius of the target with excess water, dealing (d6 + M/4)*2 damage.
4.) Mass Drought, transmutation. You pull water out of all objects in a 15 foot radius, dealing (d12+2 + M/4) x 3 damage.
5.) Drown, conjuration. You fill target creature's lungs with water, dealing (d20 + 4 + Mind) x 3 damage. Target creature additionally takes (d20 + 4 + Mind) damage each round (including the first) until it passes a M+10 vs Body check.

Alternatively (or additionally), it might be nice to have general permission to attempt minor (level 1 equivalent) non-game-altering magic without it being a specific spell. For example, instead of proposing this I could have said "level one 'water' transmutation spell to wring my clothes dry", assuming there was no penalty for wet clothes.

(I mean, I'm generally assuming that Ashley was educated in general magic at some point. Hence, she would know that if you really want to kill a troll you set it on fire (or use acid, at least traditionally). She'd also probably be able to improvise first level magic in a non-threatened situation, even out of her area of expertise.)
Re: Suggestions

Element looks okay on cursory examination, and yes, doing minor utilitarian things is quite fine without having a spell for them. So long as it's not over the top or something like that, doing minor things like cleaning clothes or drying off is quite alright.
Re: Suggestions

Just going to put this here as there is no OOC.

I used this for the names of the armor parts. So feel free to use it to.
Re: Suggestions

I'm getting both a 404 not found error, and a strange 403 no permission error on both of those links. Got another way to share it?
Re: Suggestions

would someone in the same timeframe as me care to join up in game?
Re: Suggestions

Tempting, if I'm in the same time frame as you I would love to set up another stat sheet and try make another character to join up with you.

Though this may be abit early seeing as I just started my first one xD
Re: Suggestions

It's dangerous to go alone. Here, take this!

Basically, people that come up with suggestions for stuff for DG3, put them here. But please, keep the debates in the OOC thread. This is just for me to keep track of ideas.
Re: Suggestions

Two-Handed Blunt Skill Tree

Whirlwind (Activated) – The character attacks all enemies within range of them, but take a -10 penalty to attack rolls, damage, and Dodge until their next turn. They attack with both weapons, if they have two. Requires Two Weapon Fighter OR Heavy Weapon Specialist.

Supreme Might (Activated) – The character can trade points from their attack roll for additional damage. These points are traded at a 1 to 1 rate, and the character cannot trade more than 20 points per round. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.

Golf Swing (Activated) - The character attacks with an upwards swing at a single opponent, suffering a penalty to his/her attack roll and dodge until their next turn. If successful, the target is knocked back and makes a resistance check against the damage dealt. If failed, they are knocked prone. (I'm thinking damage dealt for the chance to be knocked prone, since tougher, heavier enemies shouldn't be pushed around so easily, while a squishy enemy is lightweight and can easily have this happen to them.)

Ground Slam (Activated) - Forsaking damage, the character strikes the ground with all their might, sending a shockwave that knocks anyone close by prone unless they pass a resistance check. (I'm thinking the range on this one to be 5-10 Feet, so targets need to be fairly much in melee range. Mainly for situations when a large cluster of enemies are around you.)

Stunning Blow (Activated) - (Akin to the unarmed fighter's ability, which forsakes damage and to-hit in order to inflict the stunned status to an enemy. Perhaps it's penalties will vary due to using two-handed blunt instead of unarmed.)
Re: Suggestions

Hawk Eye(Activate) Increases the range of your range weapons by X yards.
Wing Clip(Activated) Maims the enemy, reducing the target's movement speed by 50% for 1 or 2 rounds.
Improved Wing Clip(Activated) Gives your Wing Clip ability a X% chance to immobilize the target for 5 sec.
Wyvern Sting(Activated) A stinging shot that stuns the target for 2 rounds. Any damage will cancel the effect. When the target wakes up, the Sting causes 3d12 damage over 3 rounds .
Viper Sting (Activated) Stings the target, draining 15 EP over 3 rounds, and energizing the character equal to 300% of the amount drained. Only one Sting per character can be active on any one target.
Chimera Shot (activated) You deal 125% weapon damage, refreshing the current Sting on your target and triggering an effect:
Serpent Sting - Instantly deals 8 EP of the damage done by your Serpent Sting.
Viper Sting - Instantly restores EP to you equal to 60% of the total amount drained by your Viper Sting.
Scorpid Sting - Attempts to Disarm the target for 3 rounds. This effect cannot occur more than once per 6 rounds.

(May require a fair amount of tweaking.)
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Re: Suggestions

Warrior skill ideas! Rough ones but they've been floating around my head for a while and if I waited until I was entirely happy with them then I'd never post. >.>

Uneven Trade (Activated) - The character lets an attack hit them in order to get a better striking position on their opponent. Character chooses a single target. If the target attacks the character that round then it's an automatic success and ignores armor. The character makes a resistance check vs target after being attacked. If successful, the character's attack automatically succeeds, ignores armor, and deals double damage to that target. On failure, it acts as a normal attack.

Terrify (Activated) - The character frightens nearby enemies enough to make them rethink attacking. The character gives up their attack on the current round in order to intimidate the enemies within 30 feet of them. After being terrified, enemies must pass a resistance check vs character or be unable to attack the character. There is no penalty for them attacking others, however. +10 to check if the character has foul aura.

Challenge (Activated) - The character taunts and moves to intervene with an opponent's attempts to attack others. Character makes a resistance check vs target/s. On success, the target/s attacks the character instead of an ally that round. The character takes -10 dodge until your next round for every target challenged.

Unrelenting Fury (Activated) - When in a rage and hit by a blow that would knock the character unconscious or kill them, they may make a resistance check against the creature that struck the blow. On a success, the character may remain conscious and gain their body score as temporary hitpoints. If the character's temporary hitpoints are depleted to 0 then they are killed. The character may deactivate Unrelenting Fury prematurely and fall unconscious immediately instead of dying. Requires Rage.

A bit more grapple-centric stuff below. Damage might do with some tinkering.

Powerful Embrace (Passive) - The character is well versed in the art of the bear-hug. The character automatically deals 1d10 damage per round when in grapples when they're the dominant grappler (i.e. they've won the grapple check that round). Requires Grapple Expert.

Fling (Activated) - The character throws a grappled opponent, or perhaps ally, a short distance at another target. When the character has something in a submission hold where they're the dominant grappler (i.e. it's the character that put the opponent into the submission hold), they may throw them at another enemy for 1d6+Body/3 damage to both targets and knocks the thrown one prone. 10 foot range. Requires Grapple Expert.

Stranglehold (Activated) - The character chokes a bitch. When the character has something in a submission hold where they're the dominant grappler, they may make a resistance check vs the target. If the character succeeds (and they have lungs), they deal the difference of the check in damage to the target's resistance. When their resistance hits 0, they are knocked unconscious. Requires Grapple Expert.

Slam (Activated) - The character SUPLEXES THEIR TARGET'S FACE IN. Or some other type of slam. When the character has something in a submission hold where they're the dominant grappler, they may make another grapple check against their opponent. On success, deals 1d12 + Body/3 damage, drops the submission hold, but knocks the enemy prone. Requires Grapple Expert.
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Re: Suggestions

There are skills to resist Mages and Spirit users, but there are no skills to resist Succubus powers. For characters who so choose to resist temptation, perhaps a skill that resists succubus powers is proper?
Re: Suggestions

Summon Demon (Spirit Power) Suggestions:

To balance the ability fairly, I feel that the EP cost for summoning the chosen creature(s) should be determined by the rank of the creature in question, and by the number of the creature(s) being summoned. You would then pay the “additional” payment required by the summoned creature before it departs, as already outlined by the iteration of this power already implemented.

The EP cost for summoning a demon would be based on this formula ((T * 3) * N), where T is the rank or tier the demon belongs to (listed below) and N is the number of that demon being summoned (if multiples are allowed).

Demon Tiers:
Tier 1 = Goblin, Solder, Stalker:
Multiples allowed. Can be male or female. Requires some form of sexual release as additional payment.

Tier 2 = Sorcerer/Sorceress, Incubus/Succubus:
Multiples allowed. Can be male or female. Requires that the user allow them to feed on their energy, via sex, as additional payment.

Tier 3(a) = Knight:
Multiples allowed. Can be male or female. Requires <insert additional payment here> as additional payment.

Tier 3(b) = Hellhound, Nightmare, Great Darkwalker, Greater Tentacle Horror:
Multiples not allowed. Male only. Requires that the user bare them a litter of their spawn as additional payment.

Tier 4(a) = Demon Lord:
Multiples allowed. Can be male or female. Requires that the user grant a favor of the Demon Lord’s choosing as additional payment.

Tier 4(b) = Nightmare Lord:
Multiples not allowed. Male only. Requires <insert additional payment here> as additional payment.

For example, say I want to summon 4 Goblins to assist me in combat. The Tier of a Goblin is 1, so plugging “1” and “4” into the formula ((1 * 3) * 4) would result in an EP cost of 12 to perform the summoning. Or, let’s say I wanted to summon 2 Knights, their Tier is 3, so plugging that into the formula ((3 * 3) * 2) would result in an EP cost of 18 to perform the summoning.

This method I believe balances out the cost/reward of the creature(s) being summoned, allowing for multiples of lesser Tiered creatures to be summoned at a fair cost without breaking or encouraging abuse of the ability for higher Tiered creatures. This could also work or be slightly modified to work with Fey creature summonings as well, nerfing the current iterations of the Summon Fey/Demon Spirit Powers without robbing them of their usefulness with a blanket cost increase and/or summoning cap.
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Re: Suggestions

How about making the Badarian firearms SCIENCE! based, while Su-Ku-Ta gunpowder is a more magical production? Since they have a more significant wealth of mages, I mean.

Or do those originate from across the sea?
Re: Suggestions

A potential change to Terrify to put it more in line with what was suggested in the OOC thread.

Terrify (Passive) - Whenever the character kills something, enemies around must make a resistance check vs the character or be unable to attack that round. The character gains a bonus to the resistance check equal to the damage done on the killing blow /10, rounded down, and multiplied by the tier of the monster. Once an enemy succeeds at their resistance check they can not be terrified again during that combat. +5 bonus to the resistance check if the character has foul aura.

So, killing a goblin with a blow that did 63 damage would give +6 to the check. Killing, say, a nightmare lord with a hit that did 68 damage would give +24 to the check. I think it's fairly sensible since a goblin probably wouldn't be overly concerned if they watched somebody slice through one of their kin (maybe if they sliced through half of their kin or something), but would probably be pretty demoralized if they watched a demon lord get cut down. I was considering suggesting that it be the amount of overkill damage/10 but that seemed like a pain to track. In the event of multiple kills, whether in one round or more than one round, I would imagine the resistance bonus should be whichever kill gives the largest, rather than having them cumulative.

Also, mutation suggestion:

- Clawed Feet: The character's feet have claws of some sort. +2 to resistance checks against being knocked prone, -1 to speed.
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Re: Suggestions

I propose a new "Aroused" Status.


The character is aroused, becoming distracted from their surroundings and more accepting of sexual acts being performed on them. While in this state, the character takes a -10 penalty to all rolls. In addition, each time the character takes Resistance damage while in this state (not inflicted by this state), they must win a Resistance vs 1d20 Check or take an additional 1d4 damage to their Resistance. If the character's Resistance becomes 0 while in this state, they become Horny. This state wears off after 3 consecutive turns without suffering PP or Resistance damage, if the character passes out, or if the character orgasms.


The idea is that it would be something of a precursor to the "Horny" Status, where the character is aroused and more susceptible to sexual acts and other vulnerabilities, but not yet actually needing sex to the point of jumping anything nearby.

The way things are now, when a character's Resistance reaches 0, they become Horny. The way I envision it, the character would become Aroused when their Resistance reaches 0 instead, and suffer all the penalties from that state. The Resistance points would then reset to full, and then if the character's Resistance hits 0 again, they become Horny. This would allow for mutations such as Pheromones (for example) to be altered slightly to have quantifiable effects on other characters' level of arousal.

For example, instead of:

Pheromones: -4 to Stealth. Non-hostile characters are more interested in sex.

It would be something like:

Pheromones: -4 to Stealth. All non-hostile characters within 20 feet of the character take 1d4 Resistance damage per turn, unless they win a Resistance Check against the character.

Special abilities such as the Shorn Weed/Alruane's pollen shot would still cause the Horny State as usual (bypassing Aroused), it would just add another, more realistic step to the more normal processes of eroding a characters Resistance.

Anyway, just an idea I had.