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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Well, i guess than get something to fuck would be her target if she get all naked and want to be seen in her birthday suit. Then after orgasm she will get out of her freenzy not matter how much resistence damage she has got from her exhibition
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Forgot some, uh, fairly crucial wording there. Went ahead and also changed a few other things while I was at it, which hopefully fixes that problem. Now the roll bonus resets on orgasm and resets on reaching 0 resistance so the character is always limited to a roll bonus of resistance/4.

Technically skyclad is less about a character getting their jollies off by being seen in the nude and more about just disliking being clothed.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

In deference to Tass' wishes, I'll keep this as subdued as I can manage. Not short - acts of god couldn't make my posts short. But, subdued.

There are two things in this world that can immediately and supremely piss me off.
...Well, alright, probably more than two, but two that are relevant right now.
The first is idiots that don't realise they're idiots... and the second is idiots that realise they're idiots, yet subject others to their stupidity despite that.
And I do not often suffer stupidity.
...I suffer from stupidity fairly often, but I do not often suffer it.

Lets get all of the unsaid, complimentary points of view out of the way here:
I have nothing against people making suggestions for DG, or anything else; I realise that people making suggestions for DG is valuable, and got the game where it is today... and I have nothing against posting part of an idea, and then improving and adding to it over time. My only standing issue is with displays of stupidity.

I imagine someone could make the natural mistake of confusing stupidity and silliness, so I'll make that distinction as well. Silliness, which would be things like the orgasm ghosts or Pano, I have nothing against in and of itself. Stupidity is what I take issue with; it is neither funny, nor intentional.

There's no nice way to put it: Flayer's initial race suggestion was stupid. I've already gone into detail about why, and it's easy enough to see in his post without being explained, so I won't repeat myself.

I will have to break niceties here for a moment, because while cruel to state, I feel that the reasons behind my dislike should be noted. Because there are so many different aspects of Flayer's post which I find distasteful, I'm actually not sure how much of my annoyance should be attributed to each part. Still, those parts are: the stupidity itself; the lack of care, in not doing the work needed to make the suggestion a good one in the first place; the slight threat that the idea might actually be accepted as-is and stain the game; and the brazenness of a person believing that their idea 'needed' to be added.

With that said, Flayer has made several excuses for his post, but I don't consider any of them valid, for the reasons below.

Reason 1:
"Other people will find the flaws in my idea, and then I will improve it." ...is not a good reason to have suggested something stupid. I'm bad at explaining things in a direct manner, so instead I'm going to subject you to something roundabout. I promise I'll be back on track in a moment!

Consider the following conversation:

DG player1: "DG is bad, Tass should fix it."

DG player2: "What a pointless comment, don't speak unless you have something constructive to say."

DG player1: "That -is- constructive, now Tass knows that someone dislikes part of the game, and because he knows that I don't like it, he can go look for places where the game can be improved."

DG Player2: "If you found something you didn't like, you could at least say -what- you didn't like, instead of expecting Tass to hunt for it and figure it out himself. You're still a terrible person because your comment wasn't sufficiently constructive."

My point is that 'constructive' has a minimum threshold - a point where, sure, you're providing some useful information, but primarily you're requiring other people to do work for you - especially when you would be able to easily do that work yourself.

My claim is that Flayer's suggestion doesn't meet the necessary threshold for 'constructiveness'. There is maybe one thing of value in the suggestion, which can be summed up as 'dogpeople would be cool'. The lore description, the stats, the fetishes; all of it fails to be useful since the whole of it does not fit with the rest of DG. Yes; I realise that plmnko, Haf and others have found ways to make constructive use of the idea - in the same way that Tass might actually fix part of DG if someone simply commented that "its bad". The fact that something good came out of it does not excuse the fact that the initial suggestion was stupid.

Note: Before anyone mistakes my intentions, I do not generally mind if a post is not constructive... but if you are posting a serious suggestion for a game, then yes, I expect you to make your suggestion a useful one.

Reason 2:
"I don't know enough about the game to write good lore, so I wanted others to fix it." ... that seems like an odd thing to hear, from someone who is supposed to be GMing the game. But, given that non-Tass threads are of arguable canonicity, and that I'm playing nice, I won't press on that point.
My actual response: Not only do I not accept that as a good reason for Flayer's post, I actually find it damning toward him. He -knows- that he isn't up to scratch with the lore and the building of races... but he still tried to make lore and stats anyway. Imagine if Flayer had simply posted the following:

"I want to add a wolf race to DG; one that lives all tribal-like, but I don't know enough about the lore to be sure that I have a good place to fit them in. Can someone suggest one?"

I would not have minded the above post! At worst, I would have still been peeved that Flayer was getting other people to do work that, with a little effort, he could do himself, but I'm generally in no position to criticize the laziness of others. If he knew he couldn't make good lore, he could just not make lore.

Hell, he could have even said,
"I was thinking of having the race be Anudorians that turned into dogs instead of cats, and then they ran across the continent into the amazon and lived there, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea for the lore."

There is a world of difference between an ignorant person who states that they are ignorant, and an ignorant person who plunges in head-first. Flayer could have kept every bit of stupidity in his suggestion and then some, without drawing more than mild annoyance from me, had he simply shown some humility and admitted that he was lacking in information.

'But Host, he -did- state that his idea could be improved! You can take it from the part where he says, "Anything is subject to change"!'
Why yes, astute reader, those words are in his post... but they aren't actually an admission of ignorance. 'Anything is subject to change', means, 'if you can think of something better than I have, suggest it and I'll change things'. This is not even close to what he needed to say, which is 'I don't know what I'm doing'... and without that, the post isn't pardonable.

Reason 3:
"I showed it to Tass, and he told me to post it." ...which is not actually relevant to the issue. Yes, Tassadar told Flayer to post it, so I admit I should be directing my ire at the public-ness of the display of stupidity towards Tassadar, rather than Flayer. But the one who made the idea, and failed to put sufficient effort into doing so... wasn't Tassadar. Tass could have saved a few people a bit of time and effort, if he'd made Flayer re-think the lore, or rejected the idea... but Tass is not required to fix bad ideas. If he decided the best course of action was for the rest of the GMs and players to see the suggestion, and weigh in on it, then that's his prerogative.

I find that the creation of the Shadow Demons is a stunningly good parallel, when it comes to highlighting the difference between a suggestion that is insufficient, and a suggestion that, despite not being too good, is workable. Admittedly I am not exactly an unbiased judge in this comparison, but I'd like to think my initial suggestion for the Shadow Demons held worth.

Just like Flayer's dogs, the first suggestion of my bugs was... well, kind of stupid. My only real reason for wanting them in the game was because I wanted to ply them, and because I felt that they fit well with the world. I was giddy on the thought of actually getting to add a race to DG, and I sort of meandered from one weird idea to another, writing run-on sentences... several of them seeming almost totally incoherent, when I look back at them now. To make matters worse, this was back in an era when we knew very, precious little about the situation of the demons, so there were huge parts of my idea where I simply had no idea whether or not they could work with the existing lore. I wrote the whole of the post when I had to rush, and didn't have enough time to actually go over it and think about things afterwards. So: my post was written badly, rushed... and I lacked enough background information, causing a lot of what I wanted to do to potentially clash with the world - on all accounts, exactly like Flayer.

Here's where the differences start:

I spent as long as I needed to figure out the lore of the world, and then, after I had fleshed out the idea, I beggared Tass to consider if my lore could possibly fit into the game. I gave him the base lore that I strongly believed would fit with the game; I believed that because I had done the work to make sure that it would fit and was sensible for the setting, before anyone else ever saw it. I started out by admitting that my ideas seemed silly and I wasn't sure that they'd work in the game even before I sent him the lore, and when I reached a part where I couldn't tell if it would work with the current game, I gave multiple options for it and asked Tass if any of them seemed applicable.

My whole suggestion for the Shadow Demons was... excessively long, as is my style; especially long when considering all the additional PMs after the first. Still, I'll leave part of that first lore-post here for comparison's sake.

The way I intended them to appear in Dark Gate is mostly the same, though with important differences. I'll largely allow you to decide just how they came to being; personally I was thinking something like “the result of demon corrupted fey from the second demonic invasion”, but it could be demon fey crossbreeds, or even something like a demonic experiment... or even just another faction of demon that has always been there. Having fey in their background isn't massively important, but parts of their bodies glow with silvery light, a colour you’ve usually associated with the fey. Of course, this could just be passed off something to do with the fact that they're born directly out of souls (which is what I believe it was supposed to represent in the actual game they came from, though it is never really explained).

TLDR: there is no excuse for making a dumb suggestion.

@Tass: heh, "putting Flayer's idea down". I don't know if that was intentional dog-humour, but I laughed.

Not siding for or against what Host was about.

Wh... what?! RJ... d...don't you find me attractive anymore...?! *sob*
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Aaaalrighty, here we go. *Prepares to respond to all of Host's points, trips on the massive wall and brains self to def*

On a serious note, at the bit regarding me saying it should be public, I wasn't shown the okami suggestion before they were posted. Also, my normal response to people asking me about things is to tell them to post it here, firstly because I normally don't like reading PMed suggestions, secondly because I empty my PM box regularly because it is often flooded, and thirdly because I'm more likely to remember a suggestion made here than I am one in my PM box or on my VM wall.

Edit: Also, adding Haf's suggestions to the mutations list.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So I was looking at equipment and I noticed there is no options for Chains. So here is a few ideas for them.

  • Add Weighten End: adds a weight to the end of the chain which allows it to deal more damage to distant foes. +Damage(at Range 10ft-melee) +Attack(In Melee) --Dodge
  • Weighted Chain: Heft is added to chain and links are thicker making escape a wee more difficult at expense of Range. +Grapple(or +Damage if +Grapple is too farfetched) -Range(which is pratically useless so maybe change to --Attack?)
  • Added Links: Chain is lengthened to allow user to strike from father away at cost of accuracy and damage. +Range Xft -Damage -Attack
  • Thin Links: chain is crafted so that it is lighter and easier to control. +attack -damage(-grapple?)
  • Spiked Chain: through advanced forging spikes are attacked to the chain allowing it to deal more damage it is noted to be less Aerodynamic. +Damage Dice (or just +Damage/+Grapple.) --Attack and/or --Range

... at least a few ideas I had for it.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Made Nerve Pinch not utter shit, fiddled with the wording in Disarm and Defensive Grappler a bit.

@Bloodshifter: Interesting suggestions. It's fine to fluff ye whip-styled weapons as spiked chains already, since they aren't specifically listed as chains. I prefer to leave the game as abstract as possible, so yon entries would need to not be all chain-related because that weapon group is supposed to cover whips and such too. I probably wouldn't make any alterations to Grapple with yon weapons either, but some variations on them wouldn't hurt.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Been working on a kind of mini featuring Lani and Fido (currently missing Fido) from the current happenings in Lani and Vanilla's thread.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

@Bloodshifter: Interesting suggestions. It's fine to fluff ye whip-styled weapons as spiked chains already, since they aren't specifically listed as chains. I prefer to leave the game as abstract as possible, so yon entries would need to not be all chain-related because that weapon group is supposed to cover whips and such too. I probably wouldn't make any alterations to Grapple with yon weapons either, but some variations on them wouldn't hurt.
Okay well...
Weighted End->Hooked Tip
A small hook is attached to the end of the weapon that gives it a extra bite the user must be careful on the return swings. Same + and -'s.

Weighted Chain->Added Heft(or Hidden Weights?)
The weapon is made to be thicker with more material being used in its creation giving it more of a punch at the cost of accuracy. +Damage -Attack
(Through a advance crafting method a series on small dense Lead weights are placed in the weapon giving it extra oomph to it. Same + and - as above but yer can keep ye thin stuff.)

Added Links->Added Length
Weapon is made with range in mind added material going to extending the range of the whip/chain/rope. +X Range -2X Attack/-XDamage Penalty after X length is added in melee.

Thin Links->Hollow Core(or Thin Length)
Weapon during forging undergoes a spell that strengthens the material slightly while leaving the inside hollow making the weapon much more responsive yet less damaging. Same as before new name no -Grapple. (Detailed craftmanship is used during the forging process and the weapon is built thinner while retaining the same durability sadly damage is lost in the process. Same + and - as above.)

Spiked Chain->Top Heavy
Through the used of dense metals the weapon becomes more deadly cutting deeper or hitting harder but is very hard to control. +Damage Dice -Attack and/or -Dodge.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Had a little inspiration flowing, so I thought up an idea for a creature for DG. Also including another that I had written before but never got around to posting.

Shorn Vines
Monster Name: Shorn Vine(basic)
Monster Type: Plant
Monster Class: None

Body: 25
Mind: 0
Spirit: 0

Hit Points (HP): 25
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 12
Spirit Energy (EP): 12
Speed: 0
Dodge: 0
Armor: 0
Resistance: 12
Perception: 15
Stealth: 15
Grapple: 25


Succubus Powers:
Energetic Foreplay

A mass of deceptively innocent vines drawn out a low lying flower in the shape of a Mandrake, Shorn Vines lay in wait for unsuspecting victims to come within range before whipping out to ensnare them. Once bound, the vines will contineously molest it's victim with it's tendrils, excreting the equivilent of shorn nectar onto them through harmless 'thorns' touting their various vine tentacles. While they are capable of penetrating their victims and filling them, they derive no pleasure from the act, nor does it cause their victims to become pregnant. A lower level of pollination, they seek only to messyly cover their catch with as much 'seed fluid' as possible, in the hopes that their victim's release will result in it being spread around. Either to take root as new Shorn Vines, or potential cross pollination with existing Shorn Vines.

(Seed covered victims are not attacked further by any other vines they encounter, though they may reach out to scoop up a little love off dem victims).
Mantis creature
Name: Mantis
Class: Warrior
Race: Beast

Body: 40
Mind: 6
Spirit: 8

Hit Points: 47
Pleasure to Orgasm: 30
Spirit Energy: 31
Speed: 20 (28)
Dodge: 27
Armor: 8
Resistance: 20

Battle Hardened: +8 AV //Hard Exoshell
Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8.


Egg Layer
Naturally Warped
//Vampire //Note: Potential Variant for encounters; Dat biting and stuffs

Claws (Razor Claws) unarmed damage increases to +10.
Fangs (Fearsome Maw/Venomous Attack Bite)
Glowy Fluids
Keen Eyes
Natural Attack
Odd Skin //Note: Mainly for descriptors and variance
Reverse Jointed Legs
Vestigial Wings (Greater Wings) //Note: Females normally can't fly, so just Wings for them in normal circumstances

Attacks 2d12 + 13 (+10 from claws, +6 if biting)

An insect beast in the form of a monstrous Mantis. They are thought to be the progenitors of the Mantoids, though exactly how they came to be remains in speculation. They are fearsome opponents, who seldom end their pursuits after they have begun and have been known to track unfortunates over much distance, even taking to the air if necessary to do so. If damaged significantly, they are much more likely to end their pursuit early however. Though they are fearsome, they tend to hunt lesser creatures such as wolves and spiders for actual sustenance. In the capturing of more sentient prey, they are shown to be much more amorous, and have a penchant for nibbling and injecting venom through their bites. Most victims tend to end up with a number of 'love bites' circling their heads by the end of their encounters.
Mantoid (Mantis Men)
Name: Mantoid
Class: Warrior
Race: Demon or Fey

Body: 50
Mind: 10
Spirit: 20

Hit Points: 65
Pleasure to Orgasm: 45
Spirit Energy: 50
Speed: 22 (30)
Dodge: 40 (50 with Hard to hit, 60 without a weapon)
Armor: 8
Resistance: 25

Battle Hardened: +8 AV //Hard Exoshell
Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8.
Hard to Hit: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10.
Unarmed Fighter: +10 bonus to Dodge without weapons


Egg Layer
Naturally Warped
//Vampire //Note: Potential Variant for encounters; Dat biting and stuffs

Claws (Greater Claws)
Glowy Fluids
Keen Eyes
Natural Attack
Odd Skin //Note: Mainly for descriptors
Reverse Jointed Legs
Vestigial Wings (Greater Wings) //Note: Females normally can't fly, so just Wings for them in normal circumstances

Flurry of Blows
Skirmisher (Passive)
Terrify (Passive)

Attacks 2d12 + 25

A humanoid comprised of insect parts resembling a Mantis, Mantoids were originally a caste (/Adopted caste?) of the ancient Fae charged with the ruthless protection of nature against corruption. Because of their innate ability to resist corruption, they proved apt at preserving the natural tranquility of forests and glades under their protection. Their numbers have been reduced to near extinction over the ages, so much so that they are seldom seen by many now, even when in the deepest Fae Sanctuaries where they are rumored to be most prominent at. There are those that would claim however, that many of the Warped Mantis creatures encountered in the wild are in fact Feralized Mantoids who have returned to their kind's long forgotten roots.

Although seldom seen in general, there have been accounts by some of Mantoids in the service of Demons, spreading corruption as freely and willingly as they do. The accuracy of such stories can not be completely verified however.

//Note: Basically a corrupted fae variant, for the cases of using them among the demons.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I approve of such Shorn Vines >.>

Also, the mantis people and critters sound like a particularly spine chilling kind of scary and personally... I'd expect to see them around supershorns and black oaks >.>

Something unique as a creature set for certain areas where "Nature" has gotten way out of hand. Maybe around the Cordyrune as well? for some reason these bugs and their peopley variants keep making me think of the overgrown vault in new vegas XD. Sorry, it was a hard favorite.

Also, for some reason I'd almost like to see something like an abandoned fey court, or an ancient unpopulated one. Something way out in the middle of nowhere or some such populated by such things as Mother Nature's bastard red headed step children >.>
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Aw, did the DG Wiki die?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I think the site hosting it did.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Put ye mage feats in alphabetical, buffed Enchant Weapon and Bolster Power by giving them an attack bonus. Gave Enchanter a small boost and reworded it a little bit as well.

Edit: Also, added weapon modifications for whip-style weapons.

Edit 2: Also, added the Prideful Flaw and the Dragonblooded Special Mutation. Dragonkin and Ember Draconians now have it, and Dragonkin also gain an additional Flaw for it that they get to choose.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

If anyone lost a thread in the bot purge, please let me know right away. If you can, check ye archive for ye old threads from back in DG2 and DG1.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

My thoughts on other giant arachnid type things.

Template: Scorpion

Body: 34
Mind: 6
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 42
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 28
Spirit Energy (EP): 30
Speed: 26
Dodge: 25
Armor: 0
Resistance: 17
Perception: 18
Stealth: 18
Grapple: 34

Monster Name: Giant Scorpion
Monster Type: Beast
Monster Class: None
Differences from Base Creature: +10 Dodge (35,)

Hard to Hit


Armored Skin
Natural Attack
Dangerous Tail
Venomous Attack: Paralyzed

Unarmed (+34) [2d12 + 11]
Tail (+32) 2d12 +15 (Resitance check or gain paralized)


Monster Name: Greater giant Scorpion
Monster Type: Beast
Monster Class: None
Body: 50
Mind: 6
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 58
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 36
Spirit Energy (EP): 38
Speed: 20
Dodge: 33
Armor: 12
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22
Stealth: 22
Grapple: 50
Hard Hitter
Battle Hardened


Natural Attack
Dangerous Tail
2x Armored Skin
Venomous Attack: Paralyzed

Tail: (+48) 2d12 + 29 ( Resistance check or gain Paralyzed)
Unarmed attack: (+50) 2d12 + 25
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Interesting. I hope that first one isn't supposed to be a regular scorpion though, as something that small wouldn't have a Body score in the mid 30s.