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The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

When she was slammed into the wall, Mîrchell gasped, and blood sprayed from her wounds onto Siphon. As he pulled his claws from her hands, she collapsed to her knees, panting. This didn't last long, and she quickly pushed herself back up to standing, attractiveness marred by the terrible rage contorting her face, and the impressive amount of blood streaming off of her. Yelling something incomprehensible, she opened her wings to show off her impressive wingspan, then charged, suddenly leaping into the air, pummelling Siphon with the down draft from her wings as she gained altitude, stopping about 20 feet in the air, blood raining down on Siphon. "Fuck you! I'm stronger than my parents! You couldn't kill me! Never!" she yelled, swirling her hands in an arc around her head, and whipping her tail around in the air, then directing them at the floor.

The ground beneath Siphon erupted as the explosion ripped through the earth, sending him skidding backwards, and temporarily blinding him. When he recovered himself, Mîrchell was kneeling in front of him, supporting herself on her arms, and suddenly Siphon was attacked by an animal of some kind. It's body, legs and tail appeared similar to a crocodile, though the legs were longer, and it was dark red, except for some orange and black patterning, two tendrils came out of its head and trailed along its 6' length, stopping just past its tail. The mouth, which was open in an attempt to attack Siphon, was full of rows of razor sharp fangs, and it was snapping hungrily at him.

Mîrchell pushed herself upright once more, staggering woozily, but still yelling "Akor'Shakarai! Feast, my pet!" at her Felhunter, slowly retreating, while working on another spell.
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Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

A slight flash nearby brings a new figure into the confrontation, though Maria decides to keep her distance.

"Couldn't they have a let a girl sleep a little longer?"

Maria's body begins glowing for a second, then emits a radial pulse of energy. As it spreads over the area, everything caught within it except those involved in the fight seems to stop moving. Siphon would recognise this as the same time freeze effect from the fight with Charles.

Maria lights a cigarette and continues spectating.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

Hissing from the unexpected blinding assault, he wasn't fully ready for the beast that appeared in front of him.

He only managed to bring one of his clawed arms up as a defense before the beast brought it's teeth down, on top of the claws ... a vital mistake on it's part.

He had no idea if the thing could feel pain, but surely the fact six of it's teeth clanged into the claws extending from his hands and snapped teeth clean off had to count for something. Not wasting any time since he likely had a brief advantage, he round house kicked the beast almost into the retreating woman.

Then he paused, eyes almost glowing with demonic essence.

"Your a worthy foe that much is for sure, but nothing is unkillable. As I said, it's a shame your so murderous, otherwise perhaps maybe I'd give you a chance. But, a promise is a promise, and I can't simply let you go on a mass murdering spree. Already had one demoness do that a few years ago, not repeating that again."

His hands plunged into the ground she had torn up nicely for him, and then there was a sizzling noise. When he fully stood but a moment later, he had a massive electrical cable in his hand. Teeth extending even further than normal, he hissed loudly, then plunged one hand into the now exposed wiring. With the other, he pointed at her ... and suddenly a massive charge of electricity, enough to kill a human surely, slammed into both her and the beast she had summoned. There wasn't much way to avoid it, since it encompassed almost the entire area in front of him until it struck her, moving in a conical shape.

After it had hit her, doing what it would to her, he spoke, this time more normally.

"Perhaps ... perhaps now you'll be willing to talk like an adult and tell me why you simply hate everything and everyone here. Your clearly not full succubus or demon, otherwise you'd not have moved from the first blast. Speak, and perhaps I may grant you a reprieve. I do not kill demons or others of my kind unless there is no other option. As of yet, I've not exhausted every option left to me, but I am rapidly losing patience. We both know this fight can't go on forever, and we both know full well retreating will only postpone the inevitable. So what'll it be? A talk and explanation with a chance to live, or a traitors death?"

((Edit: DAMN you Bartnum and your ninja post!))


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

Convinced her Felhunter had secured her a few more seconds, Mîrchell had almost finished with her spell when Siphon got round to pulling the cable from her landing tracks. A second too late, she realised what he was doing, and screamed "NO!!!", trying to unleash her spell, but too late. The electricity struck her full force, causing her to jerk, her spell unleashing itself, a beam of swirling arcane and shadow magic streaming within inches of Siphons head, the obliterating energy singing his hair and disintegrating the newly-summoned Felhunter in an instant.

Howling finally in pain, Mîrchell grabbed her remaining strength, and started to walk towards Siphon, painfully slowly as she fought the influence of the power. When it ended as soon as it had begun, Mîrchell stumbled forward, crashing to the ground in a smoking heap, but almost immediately pushed herself to her hands and knees, blood flowing onto the grass beneath her, and suddenly she convulsed, coughing up a good amount of blood. Looking up, she stared straight into Siphon's eyes, tears of blood leaking down her face as she fought to stand upright again.

Finally managing it as Siphon finished speaking, Mîrchell started to laugh. A deep, intimidating laugh that suggested she was pretty far down the path to insanity at the moment. She continued for a good 20 seconds, fading into a giggle, then into silence. "Of course I'm full demon you halfwit. My father is a Dread Lord. My mother is a Succubus, but I am banished. Both sides of my family hate me for choosing to follow neither of their teachings, so I inhabit your world. I hate. I hate you all. You're all inferior! I merely exercise my power over the humans. You. Are. Not. Human. I will respect you, but I cannot go on..." She trailed off, suddenly falling forward, smashing face first into the dirt. She rolled onto her back, chuckling throatily, her laughs punctuated by coughs, each of which threw a little more blood out of her mouth, her wings bent at odd angles where she'd landed on them, but she ignored the pain. Her chest heaved as blood pooled around her, yet she continued to laugh.

"Demon... I am dying... You killing me would be... A mercy... I... I do not deserve... Your mercy... If you wish to help... I need blood... It doesn't have to be human... But it would heal me... Far more effectively than your human medicines... Besides! How would you explain this to a human... Medical practitioner... Hahahahahaha..." She trailed off again, obviously quite delirious. Blood and dirt stained her clothes, and her snowy hair, yet still, Mîrchell continued to laugh, likely enough to seem creepy even to Maria and Siphon.


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

"You needn't worry about human medical practitioners. We have ways."

Maria pauses to breathe out a cloud of smoke.

"Although... I'm pretty sure Corax and Art would want an explanation for a dead student/demon. 'Fraid I can't let you kill her without good reason."

"Of course, if you've got a good reason, here I am."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

Siphon almost was startled enough by Maria to attack her with the current, but at the last moment he recognized her.

"You know miss, you nearly got yourself shot at ..."

He did not move his eyes to her, deeming the dread lord's daughter as the greater threat, despite her injuries. His eyes locked on her for now, measuring each word she spoke. Finally, when she was finished, he spoke.

"By full demon I meant not purely one type. Your a hybrid, like me, therefore not full demon by that definition. Poor choice of wording on my part. However ... I am willing to help you provided you show a bit more ... respect for humanity. I won't pretend to understand what being an outcast is like, however know that you are not alone in having lost your birth home. I myself am not from this dimension, let alone this world. If you are so inclined to ... call a truce and forgo murdering innocent lives, I will be willing to find some way of helping you. I doubt that my own blood would help you, for it is likely you need the blood of something living, not undead. Even if that were not the case ... I know not how my blood will affect you, and as I said before, I don't make a habit of killing unless there is no other choice. If you are willing to call a truce, and stop your murderous intentions, I will help you. You will owe me no debt save for honoring your word. So I ask of you, do you possess such honor?"

He seemed slightly rattled by the insane laugh, but his features did not truly show it, however the posture of his body suggested he was not at all lowering his guard one bit just yet. To Maria, it seemed as though he had not heard her words for what they were by sight, but his body posture again suggested he had registered all she had said, yet was choosing not to acknowledge it yet given the situation.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

Mîrchell shifted slightly on the floor, her maniacal cackling quietening down to a mere giggle, more blood pouring from her mouth and other wounds. "Hah... I see... Although... I would have you know... I have been a good little girl... Conforming with these pathetic societies... I have done no more harm to a human than a few bruises in many years... I hunt animals for my real fun... I got a bird just before I came here... Even the man... The one earlier... I wasn't going to kill him... I was just having some fun... He would have gotten away... With nothing more than a few bruises... And being scared shitless... Surely you can understand... That...?" She panted out, smiling broadly. "You... Why do you wish for me to respect them? They are weak... We are strong... Apparently... I am not strong enough... Aha, aha, aha, ahhhh..." Mîrchell trailed off again, a coughing fit taking her over.

When she had finished, she rolled to her front, growling from the pain and effort, and pushed herself up slowly. When she was standing, Mîrchell cracked her neck from side to side, looking at Siphon with an insane grin on her face, despite the blood. "If you say you will help me, I will consider your offer... But I do wish to know... What exactly you require of me... When you say I should respect them... I am afraid I will not be able to stop... Certain... Sessions of entertainment... But I can swear not to to inflict... Serious harm... To any of them... Demon... My name is Mîrchell... Though... You may know me as... Michelle, when I am... Not in my proper form... I must say... You insult me... Of course I have honour... Besides... It would give me away to far too many... If I were to actually kill someone... The man... He isn't a student... It is unlikely that many will know of what transpired here..." She said, painfully slowly, looking completely ready to collapse to the floor again, despite her mad grin.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

He regarded her for a moment before replying to all her questions.

"We may be strong, but we must share this world with others less ... gifted than we are. Think of it as this. Say you had your own little space in hell that you ruled over and a more powerful demon came to town, and simply because you couldn't stop him alone, ran rampant through your lands, taking what he wanted. Would you not be angered? The same applies to humans, although ... I do know that the medieval humans of this world actually managed to hunt vampires to the brink of extinction quite well. They may not be as ... inferior as you think. I must say, I have not seen you before until today, so your name means nothing to me but for something to call you by appropriately. As for what I require of you ..."

He trailed off for a moment, considering options likely.

"I believe you have covered it there. You say you will not kill or inflict dangerous injury upon others, that should suffice. Blend in as much as you can with humans, and believe me I know how difficult that can be. Your a demon, I am now too but once ... at one time, I was a dual life form alien who's mind simply ... rivaled anything I've seen on this world yet. Blending in isn't always easy, and sometimes certain people won't make it a cakewalk either. Showing them you won't be intimidated or controlled by them is fine, if you must do so. However, anything else that isn't self-defense is ... distasteful."

Another pause as he regarded her near exhausted form.

"Very well, I believe you have answered what I needed to hear from you. I will help restore you, and then if you will permit, I will join you in the woods to ... replenish that which we lost in our fight. I can regenerate your wounds if you will allow me to, though I must warn you, physical contact with some part of your body is required for that to work, and before you ask, any part, an arm, a leg, even the forehead will suffice. You may call me Siphon, for the second part to my name no longer is accurate. I await your answer Mirchelle."


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

"Bah. None but... Pure Dread Lords... Or their masters... Could stand to my power... And these humans win... Their wars against our kind... By strength of numbers..." Mîrchell grumbled, looking down at her destroyed palms, gaping holes where each claw had gone through.

"I do hope... Siphon... That what you consider... Distasteful... Is still allowed within our agreement... Even if only... On occasion...?" She continued, flashing a broader grin in his direction. "Fine. I may need your... Aid in the forest anyway... Here... Make it quick..." she trailed off, reaching out with a hand, before her eyes suddenly went blank, and she collapsed to the floor, wings twitching spasmodically, her left leg kicking once or twice, the tattered trouser leg falling mostly apart, revealing her grey-ish leg nearly to the top of her thigh, where the seriousness of the wounds Siphon had inflicted to her legs became apparent, the wounds gaping wide open, and blood pouring freely out of them. She certainly seemed to have a lot of blood stored inside her, for someone only a few inches taller than a big human. Maria, if she was still watching, and Siphon would notice that on her face was still the same maniacal grin, her lips curling back to further reveal her sharp fangs, even though she was quite clearly unconscious.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

"Only as a last resort. Ah ... I wonder if you even heard me."

He had instinctively reached out to prevent her from face-planting to the floor, and had a full view of the injuries.

"Hmm, you wouldn't have survived another round that's clear. How you even stayed standing that long is beyond me. However, a promise is a promise. Maria, you may wish to stay back."

Allowing the palm of his hands to rest upon one shoulder, keeping her propped up, and the other on her wrist, he began to restore her body to what it had been before his encounter with him. Because she was out cold, she wouldn't feel the skin and bone knitting as the injuries reversed themselves, and by the time she woke up roughly ten minutes had passed, and she was in a semi-laying position, with Siphon sitting several yards away from her. A quick check of her body revealed every single nick, every cut had been healed, right down to the bleeding marks made by her own wings and horns. Her skin was once again flawless, although she had no memory likely of how it had been repaired so quickly.


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

"Well, it looks like we're done here. Play nice, kids."

Maria glows again for a second, and the time freeze is dispelled.

"Hmm. I did NOT know I could do that. Not until now, at least. Just sorta... instinct. Must have had something to do with that guy who lived inside me all this time."

Maria stamps out her cigarette and teleports away. Barely a second later, she flashes back again.

"Oh yeah. What happened to Art? And while I'm at it, what happened to YOU?"


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

Siphon would find that when he first touched her, Mîrchell's skin was icy cold, but as he fixed her up, a slight amount of warmth spread through her, though still, if a human were that cold, they'd be dead.

The second she regained conciousness, her hand shot up and grabbed Siphons torso, her other hand balled into a fist. Then the glow returned to her eyes, and she stared at him, then, let go, to turn her hands over before herself, then looking down at her legs, noticing how they were as good as new as well. The world was still swimming, but her body was healed. Now, for the grisly, and far more entertaining task of returning her internal supply of energy. Mîrchell stood up shakily, staggering to the side as she got to her feet, and then turned to Siphon, give a low bow. "My thanks, Siphon. Now, I must feed. Accompany me if you will." she said in her normal voice.

Interlacing her fingers, she cracked off a few rounds, follow by her neck and shoulders, and then flexed her wings, before refolding them. "If you could give me a moments privacy, I believe the time for my true colours to disappear, if I am to go nearer the infestation." she said, gesturing for Siphon and Maria to turn away. When their backs were turned, she grinned madly at them, thinking them fools for letting down their guard, but stopped herself there, and suddenly doubled over and groaned as she shifted into Michelle, her clothes pulling themselves back together, and her red boots appearing on her human feet. "Very well. Siphon, I go now." she said, tapping him gently on the shoulder, and walking in the direction of the forest without waiting for him, tottering slightly drunkenly, totally ignoring Maria.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

Siphon turned to give her privacy, though unknown to her he could still sense if she made a bad move towards them. He shrugged as he answered Maria.

"Well last I knew Art was taken to the medical lab by his mother and a few others. So he should be fine. As for me ... Well, I became an ancient vampire thanks to Charles."

When Mirchelle was finished, he nodded.

"Alright, let's get going then. Have a lot of time to catch up on."


Demon Girl
Oct 23, 2010
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Re: Main Fields

A lone sedan bumps along the main road after the hassle of the guards at the front gate. The windows are tinted deep, and the car speeds in a hurried fashion to get to it's destination. It suddenly stops with a lurch between the Main Fields and the E Building. The now-purring engine allows the heated argument inside to be head in a muffled fashion, until a door opens.

Heavy smoke slides out along the top of the back door, and the bickering amplifies while a small girl steps out of the back with a solemn look. Her slippers shift the dirt beneath her foot as she stands up to adjust her eyes to the light of the day. She holds in her hands a rolling suitcase and a backpack. Both look quite used by now.

Pulling her reddish brown hair back is a faded lavender ribbon, tying the rest of her hair into a neat pony tail. However, the hair is immediately white after the ribbon ties it off. She gazes around the grounds in a bewildered and curious fashion with her hazel eyes. There's a pause in the argument, and the car spins out behind her, almost catching her side with the door as they speed down, and swiftly turn and rush back, leaving her in a dirt cloud. She coughs, holding the white sleeve of her blouse to her mouth to keep from inhaling all the dust.

She swallows, looking painfully at the car, then to her new environment. A torrent of emotion fills her eyes as she slowly spins around to get a look at the school grounds, standing by the main fields and the E building.

"Ah... So where do I go now?"


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

Perhaps the girl would not wait for her answer for too long. Jonathan, after carrying Athanasia to a safer place and leaving Harrel to his own devices found out that he had nothing to do again. After changing from his uniform into his favorite black clothes, he set out for a stroll around the school, and now was not far away from the girl's position. He was not far away from the new student's position, but seemed unaware of her plight. He was listening to music from an MP3 player - today, he decided to celebrate the end of classes by listening to Motorhead. As he moved around, taking in the scenery, he finally noticed the girl, standing not far away from him and looking really lost. Jonathan quickly assumed that there was something unusual about her and being the curious bastard that he was, he decided to observe.


Demon Girl
Oct 23, 2010
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Re: Main Fields

Vewla peered around the grounds, tensing her face to reflect slight aggravation, turning her head this way and that as though to avoid someone's gaze. She finally opens her mouth to respond, lifting her hazel eyes, only to see someone else perusing the grounds. Paused with mouth agape, she quickly regains her composure and briskly walks toward him too eagerly. A flickering hand motions toward the first person she's seen within the compound, calling out with her voice, hoping he'll pop the headphones from his ears so she can fill his ears with her words, and maybe even get an answer.

As she approaches though, the world around her gets sharper, and seems to stretch out ever so slightly. It might be a trick of the light, but it can be quite unsettling.

"Hey! hey! Ah... Hi." She says while trying to catch her breath, her cargo is very heavy after all!


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

Jonathan noticed the odd distortion as the girl approached him. She seemed lost, but there was something unsettling about her... Did she have an ability as well? It seemed rather unlikely, but after witnessing a battle between men and demons, Jonathan just couldn't shake off the feeling of slight paranoia. Perhaps the young man should exercise some caution from now on. He removed the earphones a few seconds before turning the MP3 off, allowing Vewla to hear a small part of a guitar solo - not that she couldn't hear the music when Jonathan was still listening to it. Perhaps she would have recognized the song as "Ace of Spades". "Hey. You're new here, right?" The boy gestured towards the stuff she was carrying. Time to do some investigating. "Need help with those?"


Demon Girl
Oct 23, 2010
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Re: Main Fields

Vewla blinked at the loud earbuds as they pop free from the ears. She watched curiously as the boy as he switched off the mp3 player. She gives a nod with a small smile. "Right on both accounts. Vewla." She offers a hand that was clinging to the arm strap of her backpack. "I was pre-registered and accepted... just never been here before. Where... do I start?" She asks, gazing around again. "It's a lot bigger than I imagined."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

"Jonathan." After introducing himself, Bird paused for a moment to consider what to do. Perhaps he ought to guide her around this place and use the chance to ask some questions. "Well... I suppose you should go to A building first and pick up your ID, dorm key, timetable and such. Then you should go to the dorm. I suppose I can help you find your way around here, but I can't enter the girl's dorm for obvious reasons." Jonathan shrugged. "If you need help, just let me carry some of your stuff. I'll show you the places you need to visit, and anything else you'd like to see later."


Demon Girl
Oct 23, 2010
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Re: Main Fields

(Im so sorry for not posting, It's been a hectic few days for me x.x)

Vewla's hazel eyes appraised John for a few moments, then nodded, shifting her feet lightly to straighten up with the gesture of affirmation.

"Definitely! I'm glad you caught me out here, who knows where I might have wandered into then..." She snickers with a playful grin. "I might have stumbled into the boys dorms by mistake..."

She then immediately launches into a barrage of questions, "What are the teachers like here?" "Hows the food?" "Is there a mall nearby?" "Are there curfews?" "What do the rooms look like?" "Is everyone as friendly as you?" "Does it get very cold here?"

She's quite the chatty one, trying to follow John to her next stop in getting settled into her new home.