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Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Yup. Haven system... I'll be having everyone move to the Forgotten's "hideout" at the end of their scenarios.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Going out to grab some food... be back in 15-30 minutes or so.

@Tass's question: Yes... including reversal of gimmicks.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Lol, okay thanks, have a nice lunch! Or dinner, or what have you. :D
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Need to run for a bit. Be back in 30-45 mins...
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

I see 'nom' as being different than 'eat' nomming something is when you munch on something in a cuter anime-cat fashion (Picture eating with the cat like mouth).
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Hahahaha...I did have that image anyway, but yeah... "Internet slang" makes me automatically rage when I see it in roleplays.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Yeah, well it seemed more in character than using 'eat', so...
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Fine, I'll let it slide. Seeing as the ending of your introduction scenario will be quite fun for me...
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Playing a coward is interesting. It's a lot different then playing as a character with bravery, like Iris. I'm glad at decided to make a character for this role play that's a lot different then the style of characters I usually have.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Bleh, going to pause on updates for tonight. I need to make Rin's scenario and go to sleep... More to come in the morning.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Okay, one question though; when my character encounters something that triggers her Nightmarish Past fear, will I have to tell you or will you decide on it based on her backstory?
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

I'd prefer if you had the courtesy to play it out yourself instead of having to tell me in OOC/ rely on me to decipher it from the backstory. However, if you want, I can do the latter and have you tell me everything in advance...

(Kinda ruins the fun of having the character's memories coming back bit by bit...)
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Okay! I'll RP it out if she ends up terrified, I was just asking in case there were fear checks you had to roll. I have a good idea of what might bring it out, so we'll see if Claire gets into that kind of situation. Also, my combat rolls suxor.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Heh, after your constant rolls of 7-10s for scouting/exploration, I was somewhat amazed when all your combat rolls ended up as 1-3... (while the dogs was 6-9 so far.)
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Ehhh, at least she's getting a taste of what's to cum before she gets attacked by a demon or a tentacle monster.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Har har, I'll update yours first thing in the morning. For now though, I need sleep.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Eh, you don't have to if one of the other players is online, I probably won't be on until mid afternoon at the earliest. Good night Keylo.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Tassadar said:
Okay, one question though; when my character encounters something that triggers her Nightmarish Past fear, will I have to tell you or will you decide on it based on her backstory?

I'd prefer if you had the courtesy to play it out yourself instead of having to tell me in OOC/ rely on me to decipher it from the backstory. However, if you want, I can do the latter and have you tell me everything in advance...

(Kinda ruins the fun of having the character's memories coming back bit by bit...)

Should I RP Ashley giving into situations due to her sexual deviant trait, or will you be making rolls on that?
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Sexual deviant is easier for me to calculate, as it'll mainly be used for willpower rolls against "Charm" skills, seduction attempts, or aphrodisiacs...Although you can feel free to roleplay it out :p. Logic/reason before dice after all.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

glad I didn't take that one, though Claire's probably not going to have a very good day, based on the rolls I've been having so far.