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Random Hentai Pictures

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
On the original forum we had a thread where everybody could post pictures that were funny, strange or just balls-out insane. I stumbled over a gem that I'd like to share with you guys, and I took that as an incentive to revive that thread.
(Guro and Loli rules still apply, of course.)
Re: Random Hentai Pictures

I have loads of these. Here's some vehicle girls.

*loli picture*
*loli picture*
sorry kids, - love Nunu

Edit: Sheesh. Nobody told me I was supposed to put them in spoiler tags.
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Re: Random Hentai Pictures

I only like the first one. Not because it's loli either.

.. >_>

Chie and Yukiko raping Yosuke with a dildo. Yep.
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Re: Random Hentai Pictures

Not neccessarily hentai, but I do believe it does come from one:
Re: Random Hentai Pictures

Haha! Thanks.
And now back to your regularly unscheduled hentai:

What. The fuck.

Also, this:
Re: Random Hentai Pictures

Pretty much every image in this post has made me say "what the fuck" out loud. Whatever happened to you know, sex hentai? or even good old all-natural tentacle rape? =(

Except the 'spare your change and spare your life' one. That was epic.
Re: Random Hentai Pictures

The spider-girl one makes a kind of sense. After all, the spinnerets on a spider are generally near the tail-end of the abdomen.

Of Darkfire's three, I only really like the Pomornic. The extra details (in the form of the tanks and the Japanese defender and her prop scenery) really make the scene.

And the Ninja Hobo is indeed LOL-worthy.
Re: Random Hentai Pictures

Ninja hobo was excellent. The second one took me a minute to figure out wtf was going on. Neat, in that twisted sort of way.

And for some strange reason I feel the need to get "geek technical" on DeMatt. That's Spider-Woman, not Spider-Girl. Not flaming mad on the mix-up, just feels like something I need to clarify. Don't ask me why.
Re: Random Hentai Pictures

Pretty much every image in this post has made me say "what the fuck" out loud. Whatever happened to you know, sex hentai? or even good old all-natural tentacle rape? =(

Except the 'spare your change and spare your life' one. That was epic.

The cue is in the title. Also in the first post.
Re: Random Hentai Pictures

Ninja hobo was wonderful. I don't have anything too strange, maybe this counts?

Re: Random Hentai Pictures

The sad thing is, I've seen the Hentai where that Ninja Hobo thing came from. Can't remember the name for the life of me, but it was great.
Re: Random Hentai Pictures

Well, this one's rather freaky. Not for the feint of heart.

Re: Random Hentai Pictures

I love this pic, but mostly the comments XD
