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Dixie's room

Re: Dixie's room

The now clothed Dixie waved her hand in the air, "Yeah, yeah, I can still feel the lump though." she idily touches the spot Josie had hit, then flinches when she does so.

Dixie put her hands on her hips at the mention of helping someone. "Well, I'm feelin' better, and that girl downstairs gave me a gun and plenty of ammo after I said I was a cop. What say I join ya?" she said with confidence, showing her 9mm handgun proudly.
Re: Dixie's room

Josie's face lit up when Dixie suggested to go with her, and the fact that she was now armed with a weapon she could finally use.


"Great! The more the merrier, I'd really appreciate the help, and it must be a good way to meet more of the survivors. I was just gonna head down now, if you're ready now."
Re: Dixie's room

Dixie shrugged, "Sure, ready when you are!" she confirmed, following Josie.

(Remember, Dixie's presence will fill a player slot, so now you only have room for Lin, or any other single character.)
Re: Dixie's room

(so lin, josie, and dixie is a full mission? I doubt I could kick lin out of the rescue rin mission)
Re: Dixie's room

(feed lin to jesse?)
Re: Dixie's room

Josie: "Guess what I've got for you in this giant thrashing bag?" Josie asks Jesse with a smile.

Jesse jumps for joy, "Is it a present?" she asked, knowing the answer.

Josie nodded, "Yup, just for you," she said, pouring the contents of the bag onto the floor.

A bounded, naked, blond girl, Lin, was now laying on Jesse's floor, struggling in vain against her rope on her arms, legs, and mouth.

Jesse tasted the pussy juice of the naked girl, just as a test, "She's perfect, thanks so much, Josie!" she thanked with glee.

Josie happily nodded, "No problem, Jess! Have fun, now!"
Re: Dixie's room

Hahaha, well that doesn't seem to be a decision that would be up to .. YES, LET'S DO IT
Re: Dixie's room

And that actually is an option, once you claim you want Josie to try and subdue Lin, oh yes, it could happen. ;)
Re: Dixie's room

Josie knocked on the door lightly at first, not wanting to disturb her, but gradually increased with each knock, considering the rush she was in.


"Dixie, it's Jo. I found someone who can get us into that armory.."
She hesitated before finishing her thought, thinking about what happened to Dixie the last time they went out.


"Do you want to come help us?"
Re: Dixie's room

After opening the door, and listening to Josie's hurried tone, Dixie, no longer in a torn police outfit, but in normal clothing, shook her head, "Jo, why on Earth would ya want to go back out there!?!" she exclaimed, "I was raped for days in the police station just to try and get guns... Can't ya just... Let it go? Besides, I lost the key, and there ain't no way in HELL I'm goin' into the sewers!" she exclaimed.
Re: Dixie's room

(aww damnit, I forgot to bring it up in conversation. Can I just pretend I know selena lockpicks?) :(
Re: Dixie's room


Re: Dixie's room

(I'm pretty sure I can talk her out of it even without the lockpick knowledge. I just am always unsure when to bring it up, cuz there's no way avoiding the fact that knowledge is OOC)

Josie looked down to the ground at the mention of Dixie being raped over and over again. The fact that Dixie was raped once right in front of her made her seem to forget the Dixie had been caught for days before Jo found her. When she looked back up to talk to her, Jo's eyes were slightly watering.


"I'm so sorry that happened to you. I can't even imagine what.. Look, the materials are kinda important for us, and now that we actually have someone who can pick locks, we can get those materials and bring them back here. It's not for me, I wouldn't know what to do with a gun. It's just that, now, during this... apocalypse... the more we run out of material things, the more I try to focus on what's important. I know it's a little childish of me, but I believe in someone's word being their bond. That's why I'm gonna go back out there, because I promised a friend I'd get them for her. And if it makes you feel better, I can issue a promise to you too. That if you come with us, I'll do everything I can to make sure that never happens to you again."

Josie rubbed a bit at her eye with her arm. She wanted Dixie to know that she was going out there no matter what, but she cared for their safety first and foremost.
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Re: Dixie's room

Dixie sighed, "... Alright, Jo... I'll come with you." with a nod of her head, and confirmation that she had everything she needed already on her person, her gun, ammo, and a first aid pouch, she went out of the door, and readily followed Josie.
Re: Dixie's room

Jo couldn't think of anything to say, so she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Dixie into a hug. When she slowly let out of it, she walked back downstairs to where the other girl was waiting.
Re: Dixie's room

Dixie embraced the hug, and let out a sigh, "I'm only doin' this cuz I love ya, Jo," she said in a non-suggestive way, and she looked to ask her as they walked down the hallway, reaching the steps, "So, who did you say you were gettin' this stuff for? And can we really count on this girl to know how to pick this lock? It's one of the best locks around, and it has a security pin in it. You really think she could pull this off?"

(Pro-tip, Selena can.)
Re: Dixie's room

(haha, jokes on you, I never mentioned selena's lockpicking! Who's breaking OOC now?

Jo turned her head back a bit while walking to talk to Dixie.

"The stuff is for Jesse, but in the end would probably go to any girl who is good enough to use the stuff. Best person for the job so to speak. Honestly, I could care less about who gets what, I just wanted to help out, specifically Jesse. If you ever need help, she's always there, and I figured we should be there for her too."

(back to shops and missions?)
Re: Dixie's room

(haha, jokes on you. You forget I can edit your posts! >:3)

"Wow... You two must be great friends, huh?" Dixie guessed as the reached the bottom of the flight of stairs, to meet a waiting Selena in the lobby...
