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C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil


Feb 16, 2009
Reputation score
Okay, so I'm writing a CYOAS. This will be my first time writing something for others to see, so I don't expect it to be great or anything. This being said however, I do intend to give it my best, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!

First off, some details about the setting. The story takes place in a fantasy setting, and will mostly play out in the city of Sigil. If you don't know anything about Sigil, don't worry; neither does your character, and besides I'll be taking some liberties with it. Further details will be given in the intro.

And now, onto the voting!

1) Male.
2) Female.
3) Female, with the possibility of Futa with the right magic items.
4) Shapeshifter.

1) Fighter - please include brief description of fighting style.
2) Cleric - please include brief description of belief system.
3) Rogue - please include brief list of favored skills.
4) Wizard - please specify any specialisation.

1) Tall.
2) Short.
3) Average.
4) Extreme - please specify.

Body Type
1) Healthy, Fit.
2) Wiry, Nervous.
3) Plain, Average.
4) Frail, Thin.

1) Hair Color - please specify.
2) Eye Color - please specify.
3) Skin Color - please specify.
4) Other - please specify.

1) Human.
2) Elf.
3) Shapeshifter.
4) Other - please specify.

1) Lawful Introverted.
2) Sexy Neutral.
3) Chaotic Awesome.
4) Other - have fun with it :)

Voting Template

Body Type:

And that's that. Story Updates every three days, at a random time
of day, starting with the intro on Thuesday. See you then!
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

Name: Georgia Bunny
Race: Bunny
Class: Cleric, worships the Goddess of Fertility and Rape.
Gender: Female
Height: 7"06
Body Type: Tall, busty, lithe.
Colors: Yellow
Alignment: Very Good.

Personality: I must rape all the infidels with my pussy and get them to bow and worship my goddess so that they may rape me in return.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

Hmm... wasn't expecting that. Looks like I forgot to mention that I intended this to be a somewhat serious project. However, since it is my fault for not saying this from the start, I can have your character make an appearance somewhere along the story if you like :)
Last edited:
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

Lol @ Dia.

Voting Template

Name: Fiana
Race: Elf (Dark)
Class: Fighter, generic shield and sword type, or maybe two swords.
Gender: Female
Height: Average.
Body Type: Healthy, Fit.
Colors: Hair = Black, Eye = Blue, Skin = Purple
Alignment: Sexy Neutral sounds good.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

Nicole Rissen

3) Shapeshifter.
Will take appearance to fit in with an area by default.

3) Rogue - please include brief list of favored skills.
- Stealth/Hiding.
- Trap setting.
- Poisons.

3) Female, with the possibility of Futa with the right magic items.

Height and Body Type:
Meek and Slender, short, but fit.
Average height, curvy and desirable.

4) Other - please specify.
Varies with shapeshifting.

2) Sexy Neutral.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

Name: (No Preference)

3) Female, with the possibility of Futa with the right magic items.
4) Shapeshifter.

4) Wizard - summoner

2) Short.

Body Type
3) Plain, Average.

1) Hair Color - Blue, long
2) Eye Color - Amethyst
3) Skin Color - Blue w/ green swirls

3) Shapeshifter.

4) Other - Chaotix Sexy
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

Race: Elf
Class: wizard necromancer
Gender: female
Height: average
Body Type:Healthy, Fit.
1) Hair Color - Dark blue
2) Eye Color - green
3) Skin Color - pale
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

One day left before the story gets started. Big thanks to those who took the time to vote :)

Now, so far we have four possible characters, each with only one vote. If the tie persists, I'll have to pick one at random. However, as a thanks to those who have submitted their characters, as well as a motivation for others to submit more, every character here will have a chance to make an appearance in the story at some point.

See you tomorrow!
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

Oh, it's Sigil...so very tempting. So very very tempting. Oh, what the hell. Newbie ST, newbie Player.

Name: Farina (last name optional)

Race: 4. Other - Tiefling

Class: 3. Rogue
Hiding in shadows
Picking pockets
Acrobatics and tumbling

Gender: 2. Female

Height: 1. Tall

Body Type: 1. Healthy fit

Colors: Hair - Violet; Eyes - Blue; Skin - Tanned, maybe some tribal tattoos; Other - the carpet matches the drapes.

Alignment: 4. Chaotic awesome with Neutral sexy tendencies (I see NS as not swinging one extreme or the other for sex. world of possibilities *laughs*)
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

I like either of the rogue characters, it leads to more chances to get in trouble!
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

I say take the most popular elements from across the votes and synthesize someone out of them.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

Ooooh! Sigil! =D

Name: Kane
Race: Human
Class: Wizard, specialized in subtle manipulation and flashy, destructive spells... To wizards, there's no such thing as "contradiction". There is only "power". And kitties. They make good target practice.
Gender: Male
Height: Quite tall
Body Type: Healthy, as fit as a wizard can hope to be.
Hair - Bald, with a nice, round and shiny head
Eyes - Brown
Skin - Lightly tanned
Alignment: Somewhere between True Awesome and Awful Evil.

Just imagine...
Kane : "These are not the droids you're looking for."
Guard 1 : "These are not the droids we're looking for. Move along."
Guard 2 : "WAIT! They ARE the dr--"
Kane : "You didn't see anything. I can move along."
Guard 1 : "I didn't anything, but man... Couldn't you cast that spell on me too?"

It's like Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Emperor and Sauron... In one sexy, bald package! =)
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

I say take the most popular elements from across the votes and synthesize someone out of them.

That seems to be the most logical choice. And who's to say they can't multi-class, since wizards and rogues seem to be equally as popular.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

Well, the results are in. Drum roll please. *drum roll*

Our character shall be...

Race: Shapeshifter
Class: Rogue/Wizard
Gender: Female (shapeshifter)
Height: Average
Body Type: Healthy, Fit
Colors: Hair - Black with violet highlights; Eyes - Blue; Skin - Lightly tanned
Alignment: Sexy Neutral

Name: Karina Rissen
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

Works for me. *waits for story proper*
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

Name: Kane
Class: Wizard, specialized in subtle manipulation and flashy, destructive spells... To wizards, there's no such thing as "contradiction". There is only "power". And kitties. They make good target practice.
Gender: Male
Alignment: Somewhere between True Awesome and Awful Evil.

Just imagine...
Kane : "These are not the droids you're looking for."
Guard 1 : "These are not the droids we're looking for. Move along."
Guard 2 : "WAIT! They ARE the dr--"
Kane : "You didn't see anything. I can move along."
Guard 1 : "I didn't anything, but man... Couldn't you cast that spell on me too?"

It's like Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Emperor and Sauron... In one sexy, bald package! =)

Just imagine...

It's like a twink with a 2 inch penis pretending he's got a third leg he can beat people with, while completely ignoring the rules of character creation, all in one pathetic fail package! =)
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

"Karina Rissen"? I probably shouldn't say anything, since I'm not very good at coming up with names, but..."Karina Rissen"? Seriously?
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

"Karina Rissen"? I probably shouldn't say anything, since I'm not very good at coming up with names, but..."Karina Rissen"? Seriously?

I don't think the name is bad. If you really hate it so much, come up with a better one that everyone can vote on.

You had ample chances to post your own choices. I fully support what our CYOA-writer has chosen.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S. - Sigil

You make your way through the pitch black passages of the cavern. You've shifted your eyes to enable darkvision: even with no light, you can clearly discern shapes and motion, though you are blind to color. Your step is cautious, yet determined; you soudlessly make your way to your destination, avoiding the local predators - no sense wasting any time on them. As you progress, your mind wanders back to the events leading you here...

Two days ago, you were relaxing in an inn. Your adventuring group had just brought down the corrupt Lord Albion and were now enjoying some downtime, each in their own way. Just as you were about to go see what sort of fun was to be had in this city, there was a knock on your door and the sound of a letter slipped underneath it. Written on the letter was a mess of unrelated characters where only the signature was plainly written: Javen.

Javen... He was one of your first adventuring companions. Handsome, sarcastic yet kind, and with an almost supernatural ability of knowing what other were feeling, you quickly took a liking to him. The feeling was mutual. However, during a dungeon delve only a few weeks after meeting him, he just... vanished. You didn't see it happen; simply, at one point he was with you and the rest of the group, and then later, he wasn't. You never saw him since.

Your attention now squarely on the coded massage, you immediately set to decyphering it. The complexity of it would have been overwhelming, but you had an advantage: it was based on a code that you and Javen had designed yourselves. The message began: ''I am alive. I am trapped. Come to me. Come to sigil. Follow this path...''

You gathered a few things. You sent a message to your companions, telling them that you would be gone for a little while (as you have already done a few times before). And you followed. To the caverns. To here: before you stands two large stalagmites. One has been knocked over on the other, and somehow stuck to it, forming an odd triangular archway. This is the location of the portal. You speak the keyword, and the space between the stalagmites begins to change. You shift your eyes back to normal so that you can see better. Your vision blurs, fades away, then comes back to normal. As it does, you see that the portal is now fully opened, and shows a hazy image of what seems like a busy streetway. ''Hmm. Should I just walk in, or...''

1) Walk through, casually. This is the ''City of Doors'', after all.

2) Cast an invisibility spell, then sneak in. You never know.

3) Other - please specify.

Equipment - Worn

Traveler's outfit
Dagger, Enchanted
Coin purse, with 20 copper coins and 20 gold coins
Bag of Holding

Equipment - Inside Bag of Holding

Mage Staff
Javen's Message
A few different outfits
Traveling rations
200 gold coins, 200 platinum coins

Details about the setting, Karina's abilities and maybe other stuff will be posted Wednesday and Thursday. Story update will be posted Friday. Thanks for reading!