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Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I was thinking that too, with making a character that fits the stats. :\ But that's not a fun way to role with things... a game should be made so that characters with different strengths have chances to get out of situations differently; to fight differently or to escape differently or whatever suits the player. Right now if there was some variety in what happens once a character GETS caught, as opposed to the 'paralyzed' ability that Phe talks about, that would improve the experience from a player stand-point. XD I know that the monsters are demons and that takes the brunt of explanation for why a character can't resist pleasure... but at the same time, to make the game enjoyable for the length of time that it needs to be in order for players to meet up (and potentially even win!) There probably needs to be some more variability or flexibility in the stats system, as right now the 'dodge/get grappled, escape grapple/get pleasured, avoid orgasm/orgasm' trio is very transparent. XD A little too rigid and clear a view of all the gears and cogs, where roleplay to me needs to have some spice and story thrown in... I'm not asking for a lot! Maybe more description of how the monsters are grappling, reacting, or maybe different sexual acts than JUST penetration. (If the female characters are going to be gaining so much pleasure per turn, mentioning other erogenous areas is a nice nod to the half of the species with an innie, y'know?)

...None of that is vital for me... but it does make things more fun, for me anyways.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

(First of all, I'm not sure why your quote has me saying 'R'ssentially since my post doesn't say that and isn't edited either.)
:( I just thought you'd like to be a pirate is all
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

As some of you may have noticed, I haven't updated in a few days. Part of this is due to the fact the forum has been very slow for me as of late. Part of it is, I simply haven't been home much as I'm preparing to head out of state next week.

Still another part is, I'm unsure as to if I want to stick with the current system of this rp. It seems there's a lot of trouble regarding the whole rolls and stats based things. I expected SOME flaws, but the appearance of things is that the pre-set stats for enemies are causing more trouble than it's worth to run them that way.

Bosses have a set amount of HP, that's why no Vitality stat, and each boss varies on their HP and skills. Bosses were designed to be slightly stronger than the player characters, and in actuality only have +10 to their stats of what the player has. IE: you have 45 Int, the boss has 55, and moves along with you. Regular enemies in most regards are attempted to be balanced out with their stats, and have presets for their level brackets.

IE: Licker might have say 45 dex, but only has like a 10 vit rating, so if you hit the fucker, he won't last long unless you get a craptastic roll.

Another thing I'm noticing is that some of the rolls have been 30+ for the enemy, and under 20 for the player, in some cases with people rolling 1's. This is not something I can control, and as was suggested by someone a while back, tinkering with the rolls to make it more fair is out of the question. Adjusting BASE STATS for enemies for another version of the game I will do, but I will not be tinkering with the rolls. What you roll is what your getting, simple as that.

Now I originally based this with interpretations from Wraust's Dungeon of Pleasure game, as best as I could, as well as elements I could remember from RUle 34's old Dark Conception (probably before most of your times). Take into account, your enemies are demonic servants, their forte lies in keeping you pleasured and not wanting/able to resist while not causing pain.

So here we have most everything laid out now. Most of you feel that the current enemy stat system is too OP against you, and I'm frankly noticing very few item finds save map pieces, and the map pieces are sporadic. Most feel the orgasm system needs to be set that it's nearly impossible to suffer one, yet keep in mind again, demonic rapists, specifically geared for that, where your completely human. Your supposed to be somewhat at a disadvantage against inhuman opponents.

I have two days left before I am scheduling to turn everything over to Rule 34 while I'm gone. I'm thinking at this point of suspending this until well after I get back now, though I can't guaruntee that the system will ever completely satisfy everyone. My experience with these situations has been once people begin complaining about the setup is that they will continue to do so until their character has an almost 100% success rate. Now I doubt most of you are like that, but you can see where it gets frustrating as hell to take months to hammer out a working concept, only to have it pretty well be shot full of holes before it really starts up. I was hoping to get things to the second half of the game before making any major changes to see how well the team based thing worked out, but truth be told, I am considering canning this for now.

So I'll leave it up to everyone involved here.


Continue onward, try to find the problem areas so they can be adjusted later and noted along the way.

Can the game right now until I get back home the 14th or so, then have me work on what we have now and completely restart everything.

With option number two, there is the possibility I may end up not reviving it since a lot of things will probably be found later on, causing several restarts before we even get out of act 1. I may in the future add other enemies as well, I've had a few ideas thus far, but nothing for stats yet, just names and descriptions.

On a side note, Tomoe has officially dropped this RP, and I myself will not be in a position to post character updates until at least Monday, if I even am able to before turning it over to Rule 34, assuming I do. I'll monitor this as often as I can however, so keep talking amongst yourselves and I'll catch up on it just like I just did now.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)


Well, if you want to get to the team-based part quicker, reduce the number of map pieces people need to get. Say, from the current five down to two.

Pheonix, the player furthest along, will have somewhere around 8000 KP by the time she gets her fifth piece if she keeps accumulating KP at the same rate. Continuing that trend (if it's even valid once the team-based part begins), she'll hit 16000 KP and corrupt out just as she meets the final boss. Not too shabby.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

The problem I have with the game right now is if you don't have really high "int" and really high "str", then you're screwed, it's like phoenix said.

Currently my character is getting orgasm chained to death... and seriously, at first it was kinda fun, and now it's just "Well, he updated, time to check if... yep, no move again..." and frankly, it's making me want to drop out, or remake a character with the "ideal" build :/

And I don't think we mean "make it harder to get orgasm", I think we mean make it so it's not so OP...
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Bosses have a set amount of HP, that's why no Vitality stat, and each boss varies on their HP and skills. Bosses were designed to be slightly stronger than the player characters, and in actuality only have +10 to their stats of what the player has. IE: you have 45 Int, the boss has 55, and moves along with you. Regular enemies in most regards are attempted to be balanced out with their stats, and have presets for their level brackets.

Okay, doing some quick calculations (And counting ties as a player win) players will win in a roll against a boss geared as you mentioned 32% of the time. If a player orgasms, they will need to beat the boss 3 times to get a chance to attack the boss (1: prevent the next orgasm, 2: escape the grapple, 3: dodge the bosses subsequent attack)

This means the players chance to be able to escape a grapple after a grapple with a boss after orgasming is:

32% * 32% * 32% or 3.2768%

Essentially, a player has a less than 1 in 20 chance to completely escape a grapple with a boss as is including counting ties as wins for the player.

I have two days left before I am scheduling to turn everything over to Rule 34 while I'm gone. I'm thinking at this point of suspending this until well after I get back now, though I can't guaruntee that the system will ever completely satisfy everyone. My experience with these situations has been once people begin complaining about the setup is that they will continue to do so until their character has an almost 100% success rate. Now I doubt most of you are like that, but you can see where it gets frustrating as hell to take months to hammer out a working concept, only to have it pretty well be shot full of holes before it really starts up. I was hoping to get things to the second half of the game before making any major changes to see how well the team based thing worked out, but truth be told, I am considering canning this for now.

Actually, I'd just prefer a decent chance to escape. If the boss had stats equal to the player then the chance to win a roll would be about 50% and to escape the grapple would be as such

50% * 50% * 50% or 12.5%

A 1/8 chance to escape grapple after orgasming.

Now then, the first round of combat with a boss (assuming all ties are wins for the player), the Boss has a:

68% * 68% or 46.24% chance of causing the player to orgasm

This means the boss can cause an ungrappled player to orgasm on the same turn as being caught half the time while a player has less than a 1 in 20 chance to reverse that. Gripping about the bosses being overpowered is incredibly justified when the boss has more than ten times the chance to paralyze you than you have to escape the paralysis.

Also, I though there was supposed to be a roll to check for pleasure damage always. There is not currently on the bosses attack action. Currently the combat system when the boss initiates a grapple is as such.

Player action->Boss hits with grapple->Magical Unresistable Pleasure Damage Out of Nowhere->Boss gets inexplicable orgasm roll despite not having made a pleasure roll.

Now, if the boss actually rolled to deal pleasure damage instead of magically calling it out of nowhere, the chance to cause an orgasm the turn the boss grapples changes to:

68% * 68% * 68% or 31.4432% chance of causing orgasm

Now, if you equalize the bosses stats with the players stats without changing the magical out of nowhere pleasure damage, the boss would have a:

50% * 50% = 25% chance to cause an orgasm in a single attack while the player has a

50% * 50% * 50% = 12.5% chance of escaping the grapple after an orgasm or a 25% chance of escaping if they haven't orgasmed while grappled (A state which the boss can inflict 50% of the time)

TL: DR The boss MUST have his stats set at equal to the player's if you want the player to have any chance at a fight they can win.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Most feel the orgasm system needs to be set that it's nearly impossible to suffer one
No one said anything nearly along those lines. Although I WOULD like not to orgasm 4 times within 5 turns in a single encounter.

I just don't think there should be orgasm damage on the initial grapple. It makes sense that it takes us 2 turns to escape, 1 for the rape and 1 for the grapple, because they can't penetrate us first turn. But considering almost everytime you walk into a room with an enemy, it's an auto-grapple and orgasms prevent resisting, orgasm damage shouldn't really occur, especially since they havent had any chance to pleasure you yet. I don't know how many times you'll be able to say "Oh look, when this thing was grabbing you, this flesh conveniently grazed against your sex and oh my god you came." Just doesn't make sense in any department
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I think I touched on that earlier with my thing about boss combat: what happened to having to roll to deal pleasure damage? It seems to have been dropped for the first turn of combat.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

In effect the initial roll was supposed to be pleasure/grapple. If they missed, obviously no pleasure sustained. If they hit, they got their margin of victory in pleasure dealt.

Pheonix, I won't even fucking TRY to understand the math behind all of what your just wrote, I am just going to take your word for it.

Hmm... I suppose I could drop the whole orgasm thing UNLESS your penetrated? It's a bit difficult with that since some enemies, IE: the Licker could graze their tongue over you without penetrating you and cause you to orgasm, but I suppose I could counter that problem with making that an ability unique to that enemy only?

Alright, as for the bosses, I can't adjust the stats of the ones already in mid combat, or can I without making it unfair? I dislike making a major change like that but I suppose I can. Moving them to be equal with the player's stats makes them similar to the doppelganger, though the higher than normal HP and no vit stat would counter that problem.

As for you Toxic, as I said before the main problem you have is your low intelligence. I didn't take into account some characters might have low ass Int while others would stack that stat. In essence, your 15 is lower than almost EVERYTHING in the game, including other players. This puts you at a huge disadvantage for orgasm, trap evasion and enemy escape rolls (from the room, not grapples/penetration.)

Alright, if I make that small change to the pleasure system and the boss stats effective immediately, it's a short quick alteration to everything that won't take long to do. If you folks want that implemented I think I can manage that easily, and it isn't too major of a change to totally mess things up for the transfer, I can just include a brief updated rules to send to Rule 34.

I'll need to be sure none of my other normal enemies or bosses would have the "flicker" ability, though I can think that the Licker can use it's tongue to cause an orgasm without actually penetrating you with it, as could anything with tentacles.

Ok so we have altering the stats of the bosses to match the player, and removal of orgasm rolls unless you are penetrated. I suppose we can further state that unless it's a special ability the enemy also can't pleasure you until they penetrate you, since that would make sense? That would also cut down the corruption gain by a significant margin. Do these sound like fair quick adjustments to be implemented for now, that way the game can proceed and any other bugs can be found and fixed?
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I think the main thing isn't that the enemies are dealing pleasure damage when they don't penetrate. I think the thing is this:
Pheonix's Stats: 550/1000 XP, 2336/4000 KP. KL 3/6. Level 2.

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 40
Vitality: 20
Energy: 25
Intelligence 45

HP: 60/60
Stamina: 70/70

Items: Aluminum Baseball Bat, 2 Map Pieces.

Attack Roll:

Pheonix: 40+43=83 Vs. Terror: 51

Damage Calculations:


Pheonix whacks the creature again, getting the same response...

Grapple Attempt:

Terror: 98 Vs. Pheonix: 40+5=45

... only this time Pheonix can't dodge the enemy as it moves with a sudden insane burst of speed, grabbing her in it's gigantic arms and holding her in mid air, it's dick suddenly moving across her opening, trying to seek entry!

Orgasm Roll:

Terror: 88 Vs. Pheonix: 45+20=65

Pheonix shudders as the dragging triggers a powerful orgasm within her, and her limbs go limp even as the creature bellows in victory, lining up to slam it's dick deeply into her waiting pussy.

Pheonix suffers 53 pleasure, gains 103 KP and loses 11 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

550/1000 XP, 2439/4000 KP. KL 3/6.

HP: 60/60
Stamina: 59/70


Pheonix can't move due to her orgasm.

(I'm using this post because it was the easiest to find)

The enemy in this example never rolled to deal pleasure damage. The boss did this:

Roll to hit with grapple: Success

Roll To orgasm without dealing pleasure damage: success

I mean: your description didn't even have it pleasure her. That's like picking someone up and having them randomly orgasm for no reason.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Grapple Attempt:

Terror: 98 Vs. Pheonix: 40+5=45

... only this time Pheonix can't dodge the enemy as it moves with a sudden insane burst of speed, grabbing her in it's gigantic arms and holding her in mid air, it's dick suddenly moving across her opening, trying to seek entry!

In that case, I do believe that was the initial grapple for her, or one where she wasn't already grappled. In that case I have ALWAYS been running that roll as grapple+pleasure, margin of victory, in this case 53, as pleasure dealt. It felt rather redundant in that case when it had already overpowered you to make another roll for if it pleasured you there. I'm still thinking it's just easier to remove the pleasure gain unless penetrated, with exceptions for specific enemies who have a special ability or appendage that can pleasure you without penetration.

I suppose I can add the extra roll in there, it just felt kind of redundant to do that from the start, is up to how you folks want it.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I'm really enjoying the different monsters/demonic servants. XD They're quite interesting and I'm definitely a fan of not just using random animals, even if some of them (like the Licker) are borrowed from other games. That part is quite fun!

It would be nice if the demonic servants had more than one route to making a character orgasm, rather than the standard 'penetrate->orgasm->impregnate'. I don't mind the staple of your standard 'penetrate for great justice!' route, but the monsters are so varied that they seem like they should have a little more varied of 'attacks'. Like, the only place I've really seen this done is with dopplegangers vs futa-spelled girls, and that's really only with the dopplegangers blowing the futas. >_> The Lickers too, to a lesser extent, but from what I've seen they all have about the same attack patterns.

TL;DR: The monsters are so well trained at being sexy demon pleasure-minions, so is it too game-breaking to write them as being more intuitive with getting a character to orgasm?

(Also, I'd be happy if this kept going. XD Please don't shut 'er down!)
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I agree with what Wallpaper said about keeping it open and I understand what Phoenix said...a monster tackling you to the ground isn't -really- gonna get you off. Pleasure shouldn't start till it gets inside you. For Example, my battle against the brain sucker. Me not resisting didn't matter -one- bit. Because I orgasmed every single round until I passed out, lol. I have a high intelligence, buuuut...I failed the initial grapple, and came every single turn.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I'm very tired, so this post may not be very brain smart, buuut! What if each of us GM's were to collaborate on making a single, super awesome play by post game? We could mix and mash our ideas together, and make something beautiful! :D
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

On the note of the brain sucker. I know it's your theme for the creature, but a -10 is extremely powerful for what the ability does. If the ability is that strong it needs to have a side affect on the creature, such as it lose 25% of its maximum hp and release the player.

One use of the ability drops the players chance to not orgasm against a boss who has an intelligence of 10 points higher than the player from 32% to 18% and the second use drops the players chance to not orgasm to 8%.

Going back to what I said earlier, the player then has either a:

(Single success of ability)
18%*32%*32%=1.8432% chance to escape grapple after orgasm
(Two successes)
8%*32%*32%=.8192% chance to escape after orgasm.

Even if you qualized the starting stats of the Brain sucker and the player, The chance for escape will move like this with each use:


The player has a hard enough time escaping from a boss as is. I would suggest that if you give a boss and ability like that, it either needs a massive drawback or the boss needs to have their related stats be lower by at least the same amount as half the number of times the ability can affect a player.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Or even just half the ability from -10 to -5 per use, for a max of -10 instead of -20?

What if each of us GM's were to collaborate on making a single, super awesome play by post game? We could mix and mash our ideas together, and make something beautiful!

In the same vein as DoP and CoC, with random rooms and monsters? XD Sounds like a lot of work to start up and keep clear between GM's and players, but it could be fun.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I was leaning more towards Jumpers, and the possible style of combat it was going to use, tile based, and strategic.

And, the greatest magic to having multiple GM's working on the same game, we can all apply our best pros to the game, while having the other GM's cover for our cons, which I think we all have, in some form or another.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Changes will be made to the brain sucker for a v 2 IF it's used again (probably will). Pretty good ideas Pheonix I'll see what I can whip up. I will however be implementing the orgasm/pleasure changes to reflect none until your penetrated. However I think that for a character if they are grappled five consecutive turns and not penetrated that the enemy may get a little frustrated and hit them for actual damage. That would be opposing Dex rolls + D50 = margin of victory = damage dealt, same as a normal player minus the addition of strength to the mix. Being punched I think would also weaken a player's stamina some too, probably by 1/5th of the damage taken, same as it would be with pleasure. Damn why the hell didn't I think of this to start off with?

As for the GM collaboration RJ, I'd toss my knowledge in there when I get back for sure, sounds like it could turn out to be super epic.

POSSIBLE updates today after I finish packing, but don't hold your breath just yet lol. And with that, back to packing!
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I have returned to NY but will be MIA from this RP until the weekend. I have some new ideas and changes in store for the RP and I want to hash them out before making them and introducing everyone to the new changes.